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Mapúa University
March 2022
The primary goal of this study is to look at Mapua University Senior High School students'
academic performance during online classes. Using the purposive sampling strategy, the
researchers chose (8) Grade 11 individuals based on their assessment. The researchers then
gathered data from related literature and created a questionnaire based on the research goal.
Thematic statements were created from the following narratives after they were analyzed using
thematic analysis. According to the research findings, many participants had issues with internet
connectivity, motivation, mental issues such as stress and anxiety, distractions, lack of
concentration, and lack of sleep, which affected their productivity and time management.
However, the participants had developed their own coping methods to overcome their difficulties.
Consequently, this data analysis can help build countermeasures to avoid such scenarios in the
Keywords: Mapúa University, Senior High School, Academic performance, Online classes
The COVID-19 epidemic, which affected over 1.6 billion pupils in over 190 nations,
resulted in an abrupt closure in 2020. (UNESCO 2020). Depending on government policy,
teachers, children, and parents had to quickly adjust to a new homeschooling environment, which
may last anywhere from a few weeks to many months. While the full impact of this outage will
take years, if not decades, preliminary data show that it has already affected students' academic
performance and wellbeing: the COVID-19 pandemic forced students to attend school from
home, which has been linked to lower performance on national tests (note that the reference is
pending peer review), higher stress and anxiety, poor sleep quality, and a general decline in
student wellbeing. However, little is known regarding the pandemic's influence on senior high
school students' performance in online learning settings, which have been popular as a
supplement to regular classroom work in recent years. This study aims to see if senior high
school students' grades were affected by the school closures caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.
The students of Mapua University would benefit from this study because they are the key
respondents. Students may be able to enhance their performance in online classrooms due to the
findings of this study. The outcome of this study will provide them with an idea and impression
of students' performance throughout online learning. Teachers and parents will benefit from this
research as well. The findings may advise students to understand better and enhance their online
learning performance.
Efficiency of E-Learning
Rahayu (2020) the three primary components of activities – communication, instructional
content, and study process – all three variables were favorable and present within the
synchronous style of discussion, proving its efficacy. Furthermore, the outcomes show that the
students could interact effectively and ask and answer questions during the study process.
Duncan et al. (2012), the frequency with which students engaged directly influenced their final
score when the final test was offered later in both Synchronous and Asynchronous classes.
Engaging with learners and responding to their questions, comments, and feedback is a never-
ending yet vital undertaking for effective learning, according to the ISpring blog "Synchronous
Learning Simply Put:" (2020).
In late 2019, The world began a quick descent into biological Darkness. The world was
not ready to start the covid-19 virus from Wuhan, China. Many people's lives were affected,
from people losing their jobs to schools being closed. Many of the people were wondering and
worried about their children's education because of the reason for Schools being closed. Thus,
the Government used online learning/Modular learning methods to continue teaching young
people. Like Allan Bloom said, "Education Is the movement from darkness to light." Hence we
present our Study on The performance of senior high school students in Mapua during online
During This Time Of Pandemic, it is essential to have a study about The performance of
senior high school students in Mapua during online classes to know the situation of the students
both physically and mentally. In this time of the pandemic, it was hard for all of us since we
were new to this kind of setup. But as time progress, we can see an improvement in online
learning. According to Taylor and Francis Online, when it comes to their research on satisfaction,
satisfaction with online learning is the new normal: the perspective of students and faculty at
medical and health sciences colleges(24, November 2020) stated that The response rate was
97.8% for students and 86.4% for faculty. Overall satisfaction among students was 41.3%
compared to 74.3% for faculty. Students' highest areas of satisfaction were communication and
flexibility, whereas 92.9% of faculty were satisfied with students' enthusiasm for online learning.
Thus we can see that both students and faculty staff both agree on their satisfaction with online
Online Classes are also better because students from distant places who want to study at
prominent universities like Mapua can now. With online help, they can still learn using their
phones or gadgets. With technological advancement, learners now want quality programs they
can access from anywhere and at any time. Because of these demands, online education has
become a viable, alluring option to business professionals, stay-at-home-parents, and other
similar populations. With technological advancement, learners now want quality programs they
can access from anywhere and at any time. Because of these demands, online education has
become a viable, alluring option to business professionals, stay-at-home-parents, and other
similar populations. With technological advancement, learners now want quality programs they
can access from anywhere and at any time. Because of these demands, online education has
become a viable, alluring option to business professionals, stay-at-home-parents, and other
similar populations (Xiaoxun Sun). For these reasons, we can see why most students and faculty
members agree when it comes to online learning.
Research Objectives
This paper aims to identify the different problems that affect students' performance
during online learning. The following objectives of the study:
1. What are students' struggles that affect their academic performance during online
2. How do these struggles affect the students and their academic performance?
3. How do students cope with their problems like stress, anxiety, or even their
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Table 1:
Independent and Dependent Variables of the Performance of Senior High School students in
Mapua University during Online classes
The variables in the research are depicted in the diagram above. The types of variables
are the independent and dependent variables. The independent variables are the variables that
might influence the dependent variable, which is the Academic performance of Mapua
University senior high school students. Students' involvement in class, submission of
requirements, and mastery of teachings through tests are all criteria.
This section comprises the research design, research setting, sampling techniques, data
gathering tool, data collecting procedure, and data analysis, all employed in how the researcher
would perform this qualitative study.
Research Design
The correlational survey employed in this study was conducted using a qualitative
technique. According to Michael and Thomas (1998), qualitative research is an inquiry that
examines information given through language and behavior in natural settings. It captures
expressive information about beliefs, values, feelings, and motivations that underpin behaviors
not shown in quantitative data. The phenomenology research design is suited for this study
because it determines the relationship between Mapua Senior High School's performance
The researchers will conduct the study at Mapua University Intramuros, where the
respondents will receive the same level of education and workloads. The researchers will
conduct data collection via online meetings or interviews due to the continuing pandemic. The
information from the responders will only be collected on one campus.
Due to the rise of technology and online learning among the Mapua University Senior
High School population due to the pandemic, the researchers chose to arrange data using graphs
for data organizations. On the other hand, the researchers decided to apply the Convenience
Sampling Technique to get the required data size. Researchers that undertake qualitative research
also employ this method. The population will be sampled by selecting 8 participants per grade
level at Senior High School to respond to the researchers' given and produced questionnaires.
The researchers will utilize questionnaires and conduct interviews with each individual
who has been chosen. Because the researchers would not be able to conduct face-to-face
interviews due to the pandemic, they have opted to employ other programs such as Google
Forms, Microsoft, and numerous social media sites. During the interview, the researchers will
meticulously document the responses to the questionnaire. The questionnaires will be open-
ended, making them ideal for non-directive discussions.
Research Procedures
Researchers will create questions based on the study's goals, which are to determine the
performance of Mapua University Senior High School pupils. This will assist the researcher in
extracting valuable and pertinent information from the respondents for their study's examination.
Because this study will use a qualitative approach, an online survey will be required as a research
tool. Several questions will be asked of the respondents. This survey will be carried out using
Google Forms or Microsoft Forms. A question will be included in the survey to determine the
students' performance in online learning. Unless permitted to share the material publicly, the
researchers will keep the information provided by the participants private.
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis will be the appropriate strategy for this study since it will adopt a
qualitative approach. The researchers will undertake data analysis following the data collection
from the chosen interviews. Thematic Analysis will be used to compare the identified themes
and their foregrounding and treatment. Because the analysis employed is a flexible technique, the
researchers might get new and unexpected information and insights, and the study topics can
change. The researchers get captivated with the acquired data during the first phase since the
researchers constantly repeat the data. In the second step of data analysis, the researchers will
narrow down the list of possible codes to the initial codes used to find the patterns needed to
identify the themes and sub-themes. The researchers will start organizing their data logically and
understandably. The third step paves the way for the researchers to determine the key topics and
codes. During this step, researchers will examine the principles and group some of them into a
single subject. In the fourth phase, the researchers will have to connect the decided themes and
codes to correspond to the gathered data. The researchers finalize their marked pieces by
reviewing and revising. During the previous phase, the researcher analyzes, modifies, and
prospers the classified themes. The researchers examined the data connected with each article to
see if it supported the theme. Finally, the researchers explain the finalized and specified pieces in
the last stage. In the fourth step, the researchers will have to relate the determined themes and
codes to the acquired data. The researchers evaluate and revise their noted topics to bring them to
a conclusion. The researcher examines, changes, and expands on the identified concepts during
the previous step. The researchers looked at the data associated with each theme to determine if
it supported the theme. Finally, the researchers fully describe the completed and stated topics in
the final step.
Ethical Considerations
The information and data acquired from the research respondents will be kept secret to
ensure their safety. The safety and protection of the respondents' information and data obtained
for the study will be a top priority for the researchers. Following Republic Act 10173 of the Data
Privacy Act of 2012, all information and data submitted by respondents will be utilized only for
this study. To ensure that the results are credible, the researchers must ensure that the
respondents are at ease when filling out the study's questionnaire. Respondents will not be forced
to participate in the study during the data collection period. The respondent's participation will be
entirely voluntary. Additionally, they will have the ability to refuse at any time and for any
reason. The participants were also told they had been appropriately informed about the study's
aim for accountability purposes.
The research focuses on the academic performance of Mapua senior high school students in
online classrooms. The research demonstrates a relationship between the effect of the students'
struggles on their academic performance, mental and physical health and how the students cope
with such difficulties by processing the responses of (8) participants. The participants' narratives
were processed by categorizing them, removing extraneous comments, structuring their
responses, and laboriously reviewing each participant's responses to ensure that all answers were
focused on the study's objectives.
This section addresses students' various issues and obstacles in virtual classrooms, which
impact their academic success. These categories assist researchers in arranging their thoughts
and data sets. Table 1 shows the pupils' difficulties that impact their academic achievement.
Students’ Challenges. Students have gotten lazier in online class settings than in face-to-
face situations, making it more difficult to focus due to distractions and temptations. The
respondents all had similar problems, such as having trouble concentrating. According to Meşe
and Sevilen (2021), the study discovered that participants' extrinsic and intrinsic motivation was
lower in online education than face-to-face education. The researchers attributed this to a loss of
connection with peers and professors. According to Sanchez (2021), most students are stressed
and demotivated due to the many tasks they receive each day. According to Agbejule et al.
(2021), the biggest impediments to online learning were instructional problems followed by a
lack of social connection.
Impact on students’ academic performance. The difficulties that many students have
faced have impacted their academic achievement. According to Ezekiel (n.d.), stress affects
pupils' work rate and capacity to learn in class and produces a lack of attention. As a result, low-
quality work is produced, and academic performance suffers. As a result, academic stress has a
detrimental impact on student performance. According to Duru and Bakis (2014), passive
attitudes such as laziness or procrastination influence the self-regulation of academic
performance. If they postpone academic duties, students will lose control, resulting in tension,
poor academic achievement, and worry.
Mental and physical health. Because the difficulties and obstacles that students
encountered had a significant impact on their mental and physical health, according to Aristovnik
et al. (n.d.), online learning students were more inclined to interrupt their studies and felt more
socially isolated than traditional education students (34). Depression and anxiety are increased
by social isolation and loneliness (42). According to our findings, the growing use of computers
or devices for online learning has resulted in physical impacts such as back pain, eye strain, dry
eyes, and computer-related physical stress, which is likely to be aggravated by extended screen
time (Idris et al. 2021). Increased anxiety and absenteeism are two of the adverse mental health
outcomes of online learning (Alibudbud, 2021). According to the Kentucky Counseling Center
(2021), online programs are harmful to students' mental health and the mental health of their
parents and teachers. It may aggravate pre-existing mental health disorders. Due to increased
workloads, teachers and academics are under growing pressure to provide excellent learning
without face-to-face meetings. It is also believed that "Zoom Fatigue" was coined during COVID.
Zoom Fatigue refers to weariness symptoms experienced after engaging in long Zoom classes or
video conference calls. Zoom fatigue does occur, even though it is not a formal diagnosis,
particularly in virtual learning. In an online class, there is information overload, and gazing at a
screen for extended periods is mentally exhausting. Children have a more difficult time learning
new things, and even if they are merely sitting in front of a computer, they are physically weary.
Virtual learning fatigue exists and may induce anxiety and stress in students and teachers.
Coping methods. Because of the obstacles and challenges that the students endure, they
have developed their tactics and coping methods to overcome the problems they confront.
Coping mechanisms are the tactics that humans frequently employ in response to stress and
trauma. Coping mechanisms are the tactics that people frequently employ amid stress or trauma
to help them cope with painful or challenging emotions. Coping techniques can assist people in
adjusting to difficult experiences while maintaining their emotional well-being: GoodTherapy,
n.d. Learning good coping skills is critical because it teaches us how to deal with adversity and
makes us more resilient. So, whatever problems arise in the future, we have the strength and will
to persevere (Kentucky counseling center, 2021).
Benefits of coping. Coping helps the student to reduce the stress, anxiety, and problems
they are feeling or facing. Coping skills help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful
situations in life. Managing your stress well can help you feel better physically and
psychologically and it can impact your ability to perform your best (Baton Rouge Behavioral
Hospital, n.d.).Coping skills help you process and deal with life stressors, struggles and emotions.
They help balance your overall mental health. (Sunny sky counseling. According to the
University of Tolido (n.d.) Coping skills will help an individual to address and be proactive in
handling the situation. Coping skills can be different from person to person. They can help you
identify ways to minimize your stress and develop nutrition and exercise plans to maintain your
health as you handle your other obligations. Through coping strategies and good self-care, you
can manage your stress healthfully and avoid long-term problems (Scott, 2021).
Research Discussion
The study seeks to identify the many obstacles and challenges that impact Mapua
University students' academic performance during online classes. The researchers established
objectives based on other comparable works of literature to act as a reference in creating
numerous inquiries. This research also tries to provide more explanations and data to supplement
other previous articles discovered by the researchers.
Several ways can affect students' academic performance, such as their struggles and
challenges. A study by (Chang et al., 2021) discovered that students' daily online learning time
was related to sadness, anxiety, and stress. Another issue that students confront is a weak
connection. There are several ways that a student's academic performance might suffer due to a
lack of internet connection. Students who do not have access to the internet are unable to
communicate with professors or classmates, do independent research, or receive online
homework assistance (Lynch, 2017).
This study revealed that the participants' similar challenges and experiences, such as
stress and poor connection, affected the student's academic performances. A related study by
(Lin et al., 2020) stated that stress produces stimulation that, to some extent, can be called an
academic incentive. Prolonged stress can impair performance and cause health issues.
Further investigation revealed that students received many negative comments regarding
their academic achievement during online sessions. However, there is also good feedback from
participants, such as their approach to overcoming difficulties. According to (Smith et al., 2015),
specific coping techniques reduce stress and promote positive psychological outcomes, while
others increase stress and promote negative consequences.
Research on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students at Mapua
University is also influenced by various variables. These characteristics include the difficulties
individuals frequently encounter in online classes, how they influence their academic
performance and the coping strategies that helped them overcome these difficulties. The
researchers discovered that the participants had ways to help them feel motivated and productive,
enhance their mental health, and increase their academic achievement due to these aspects.
The study's premises demonstrate how the participants' numerous challenges impact their
performance and how they employ various tactics and approaches to solve these. This study
demonstrates that several factors influence academic success, particularly in the senior high
school Mapuan community.
The significance of this study is demonstrated by its timeliness and localized context,
which serves as a relevant database of knowledge and opinion—however, the absence of mixed
data is due to the questionnaire's instrumentation. On the other hand, the eight participants were
all matched and qualified to make significant contributions. Furthermore, the study's solid base, a
localized sample, was one of its most significant flaws. Because such generalizations can only
apply to the local community, they are untrustworthy when used in external contexts. Such flaws
might be mitigated by a more dynamic data gathering instrument and a wide range of questions
and samples to generate more general interpretations.
Finally, the report recommends more research better to understand the overall learning
outcomes of Mapua University students. Even though the data was examined and interpreted, the
research was too broad and limited to reflect the academic accomplishment of all Mapua
University students. To further the research, interviews and follow-up questions are encouraged.
Furthermore, for the study to yield precise and trustworthy data, the population from whom the
data will be gathered must be expanded.
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