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Joshua Whitehead Garrity Statement

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801-746-5080 office@advancedrep.com advancedrep.com A REPOR I • •

SALT LAKE 159 West Broadway, Broadway Lofts, Suite 100 Salt lake City, Utah 84101
PROVO 3507 North University Avenue, Suite 350-D Provo, Utah 84604 PCDVANCED
ST. GEORGE 20 North Main Street, Suite 301 St. George, Utah 84770

August 9, 2018

Drew Sanders
Professional Standards and Training Bureau
8040 S. Redwood Rd
West Jordan, UT 84088

Dear Mr. Sanders,

Enclosed please find the original sealed transcript from the Interview of Joshua
Whitehead, taken May 30, 2018. Please note that no changes were made to this transcript
on the witness correction page.

If we may provide additional assistance, please contact our office at (801) 691-1000.


Pennie Nielson
Advanced Reporting Solutions

Advanced Reporting SolutionsI I Salt Lake City Office I I

Provo Office
(801) 691-1000 I I (801) 746-5080


May 30, 2018


801.746.5080 I office@advancedrep tom advancedrep.com I , NA::
SALT LAKE 1159 West Broadway, Broadway Lofts, Suite 100 I Sad Lake City, Utah 84101
PROVO 3507 North University Avenue, Suite 350-D Provo, Utah 84604
ST. GEORGE , 20 North Main Street, Suite 301 St. George, Utah 84170

AOVANCL Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018



GIVEN ON MAY 30, 2018



Present during recording:

Lt. Drew Sanders
Tyrell Shepherd
Brett Rawson
Sgt. Danny Benzon
David Quealy

Reported by Amber Fraass RPR, CSR

Amber Fraass, RPR, CSR

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3 -O0O-

5 LT. SANDERS: All right. We are here on IA

6 number 2018-005. We are here with Josh Whitehead --

7 Officer Josh Whitehead, his attorney, Brett Rawson,

8 Sergeant Danny Benzon, Dave Quealy of the city attorney's

9 office, and I'm Lieutenant Drew Sanders. The date today

10 is May 30, 2018, the time is just after 10:15 a.m. We

11 are at the West Jordan Police Department, in the

12 administration conference room.

13 Now, before we go any further, I just want to

14 go over some ground rules on and what you can expect and

15 what we can expect, okay? Understand, Josh, that this is

16 an internal affairs interview, and that your statement is

17 going to be compelled as part of your condition of

18 employment. That's what -- what we have to do.

19 The contents of this interview, however, will

20 not be shared in any form with the criminal

21 investigators. You can talk to your attorney alone at

22 any time. If you feel like you need to do that, the

23 three of us will get up and we will take our recording

24 devices with us, and you have this room for as long as

25 you need.

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You can ask questions. And there's going to

2 be a space at the end for any questions you have.


4 LT. SANDERS: Now, this is a key, here, I

5 can't remember and I don't know are very legitimate

6 answers, okay? If -- there's no shame there. What we

7 don't want is what you -- probably have already been told

8 by your attorney is please do not try to guess or just

9 fill in any memory gaps with information you don't know

10 as a fact.


12 LT. SANDERS: Now, understand that as part of

13 an IA investigation we have to audio record it, which is

14 being done. You'll note that Sergeant Benzon also has a

15 recording device, that's only because believe it or not,

16 failures occur with equipment.

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Backup plan.

18 LT. SANDERS: So. Now, before we go into the

19 actual interview itself, I just need to ascertain some

20 foundational information. Now, can you describe any of

21 the recording devices in your vehicle? And were they

22 activated?


24 LT. SANDERS: What -- what have you got?

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Meaning, like, what

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1 devices?

2 LT. SANDERS: Yeah. What equipment?

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So when I activate my

4 emergency lights --

5 LT. SANDERS: Like an arbitrator. Is that

6 what you have?

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. It automatically

8 activates the dash cam.

9 LT. SANDERS: Right. But I'm just asking,

10 you do have an arbitrator, and you do have a body cam

11 assigned to you?


13 LT. SANDERS: Both?


15 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

16 And then, do you know if those were

17 activated?

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yes, they were.

19 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And so you had -- you

20 were wearing the body cam?


22 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And then, we don't have

23 access to any of that stuff, but let me ask you, did you

24 review any video or photographic footage of the incident

25 once you left?

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1 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: From the body --

2 LT. SANDERS: This incident.

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: From the body cam and the

4 dash cam?

5 LT. SANDERS: Yeah. From body cam, dash cam,

6 somebody's cell phone?

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: We -- I did have -- II

8 located something on KSL, and I -- I did watch a

9 video from that.

10 LT. SANDERS: Okay.


12 LT. SANDERS: And that leads into my last

13 question here before we move into this: Have you read

14 any articles, comment sections, or viewed or posted any

15 information to social media regarding this incident?


17 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Thank you.

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: You said just have I

19 read anything?

20 LT. SANDERS: Right.

21 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yes. I -- so I have

22 read. I have not posted anything about it.

23 LT. SANDERS: Okay. What did you read?

24 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Pretty much just the

25 headline of the -- that the suspect was named.

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1 LT. SANDERS: Okay.


3 LT. SANDERS: All right. And that was

4 what -- what source?

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- I don't remember for

6 sure.

7 LT. SANDERS: And you had mentioned KSL

8 before, was --

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. That's what I

10 would -- that's what I'm thinking is it was KSL.

11 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Good.

12 All right, well, the next question well,

13 not question, but the next step is I've got to read you a

14 Garrity Warning.

15 Now, understand that this is actually us

16 formally compelling your statement, okay? So don't read

17 too much into -- what it is is the basic thing just

18 protecting you from criminal prosecution from any of your

19 statements, and then we're -- basically forcing you to

20 talk to us.


22 LT. SANDERS: So I'll just read it out loud.

23 IA2018-005 West Jordan Police Department Administrative

24 Investigation. You are being questioned as part of an

25 official administrative investigation of the West Jordan

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Police Department. This inquiry pertains to the use of

2 deadly force.

3 The purpose of this interview is to obtain

4 information which will assist in determining whether

5 administrative action is warranted. You'll be asked

6 questions specifically directly and narrowly related to

7 the performance of your official duties or fitness for

8 office.

9 Garrity Statement: You have a duty to reply

lo to these questions. Department disciplinary action,

11 including dismissal, may be undertaken if you refuse to

12 answer or fail to reply fully and truthfully. Any

13 information or evidence gained in this interview shall

14 not be used against you in a criminal proceeding.

15 However, the information may be used in a subsequent

16 internal department discipline.

17 It asks for an acknowledgment here. I've

18 already written my name and signed it. I need you to

19 print your name and give your signature where it

20 requests.

21 Now, Josh, I'm going to be asking you some

22 questions here regarding your employment and so on, and

23 I'll just give you -- just so there's no surprises for

24 you.


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1 LT. SANDERS: What -- what you can expect out

2 of this interview.


4 LT. SANDERS: I'm going to be asking you

5 about your basic employment information. You're going to

6 kind of feel like, Whoa, geez, you know, I work here.

7 You should all know that. This is really for the record.


9 LT. SANDERS: Okay? Then I'm going to ask

10 you to give us your free recall, is what it's called.


12 LT. SANDERS: It's just basically your story

13 without interruptions. Just to start to finish, your

14 story and what you remember.


16 LT. SANDERS: Again, if you don't recall

17 something, just -- just say so.


19 LT. SANDERS: After that, I'm going to -- as

20 you can see here, I've got this really nice thing I'm

21 going to have you mark up, and just give me a diagram,

22 and kind of talk through what we're seeing --


24 LT. SANDERS: -- and just get some

25 clarification. After that I've got some followup

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1 questions that I suspect an awful lot of that is going to

2 be answered just with your statement, but some of it,

3 again, is going to seem a little bit redundant.

4 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Some clarification.

5 LT. SANDERS: Just so can make sure we get

6 it.

8 LT. SANDERS: So any questions?

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: This is mine, I'm I

10 assuming?

11 LT. SANDERS: Yes.



14 LT. SANDERS: And hopefully it's not solid --

15 frozen solid --

16 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: No, we're good.

17 LT. SANDERS: -- like the other one we had.

18 And also as you're answering these,

19 understand that there's no hurry.


21 LT. SANDERS: Just take your time.

22 Okay. Josh, can you tell me what your date

23 of employment is?

24 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: It was November of 2007.

25 LT. SANDERS: Okay. What's your current

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1 officer. I was assigned to West Hills Middle School for

2 approximately two and a half years. And then from --

3 from West Hills Middle School I went to Copper Hills High

4 School for approximately another two and a half years.

5 So a total of five years, approximately, in the -- in the

6 juvenile unit.

7 I went from the juvenile unit to my current

8 spot, into the motor unit, and I've been there for I want

9 to say it's -- and I -- I -- I could be wrong on my math,

10 but I want to say that it's been three years that I've

11 been on the motor unit as of June. So the end of the

12 school year is when I left the -- the -- Copper Hills.

13 Motor unit for my current time, and that's

14 about it.

15 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Can you talk to us a

16 little bit about your training history and any

17 significant certification you have?

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So through being in the

19 schools, I did the FIT training and -- with interviewing

20 children for child abuse and --

21 LT. SANDERS: What does FIT stand for?

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Forensic Interview

23 Training.

24 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: And that's the -- that's

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1 the basis that we use in the -- when we're interviewing

2 victims of child abuse.

3 And then we -- that was really one of the

4 main ones there. I did child death investigation

5 training. I did an SRO training as, you know, going into

6 the school resource program. And then being a -- in the

7 motor unit, I did the motor training. I -- you know,

8 LASER, LiDAR, doing -- man, I'm trying to remember. I

9 apologize.

10 That's really all I can really think of right

11 now for my -- for training wise. Doing, obviously, the

12 police academy and -- I'm actually -- some of my part

13 time stuff I go and teach at the Salt Lake Community

14 College training academy and also the POST academy for --

15 as for education, I have an associates degree through

16 Dixie State College, and I'm in my last semester for Utah

17 Valley University for my criminal justice degree. So I

18 think all those are, you know -- never stop learning.

19 I -- I think that's -- that's all I can

20 really think of as of right now.

21 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Thank you.

22 Were you on or off duty during this incident?

23 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I was on duty.

24 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And when did you -- if

25 you were on duty, when did you last work that shift?

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1 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Tell -- tell me what you

2 mean by that. Sorry.

3 LT. SANDERS: Basically, were you working a

4 regular on-duty shift?

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Oh, yeah. Yes. My

6 regular.

7 LT. SANDERS: Okay. When did you work a

regular on-duty shift prior to that day?

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So that would have been

10 the last -- last Thursday before that. So -- and I -- I

11 actually went home a little early just to start the

12 Memorial Day weekend a little early.

13 LT. SANDERS: Okay.


15 LT. SANDERS: Then how long have you worked

16 that particular shift? Your regular shift?

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I began the -- it's my

18 motor shift. I started the Monday through Thursday ones,

19 I believe it was when Denice Vincent left the motor unit

20 that that opened that slot for the 6:00 to 4:00. So

21 6:00 a.m. to 1600 is my regular shift, so...

22 LT. SANDERS: Then can you just explain your

23 general shift routine? Do you dress? Do you come to

24 work? Talk to us about what your routine is.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. So my -- I've got

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1 a couple different uniforms, and I was wearing my full --

2 my patrol Class B uniform that day, the dark tops and

3 dark bottoms, and actual, you know, breast badge. And my

4 name plate. My body camera up on my left shoulder, and

5 my -- just my regular leather duty belt.

6 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And what's your routine?

7 You came to work. Did you --

8 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: It was -- for the most

9 part it was actually a relatively quiet day traffic wise.

10 I tried to keep myself available for -- available for any

11 accidents that might come out. And it was actually a

12 pretty mellow day in that manner, so...

13 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

14 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Typically just come in,

15 come grab my -- I think I actually had my body camera

16 that day already, but that would be my routine is coming

17 in, getting my body camera, suiting that up, and if I've

18 got reports from the previous day or, you know, week or

19 whatever it may be, I get caught up on those. So...

20 Then, as a motor unit, my first

21 responsibility is to enforce the traffic laws, and then

22 the -- and traffic accidents as my secondary when there's

23 not a traffic unit available. So as for -- it was kind

24 of limited that day with -- and I know Sergeant Nunley

25 was off that day, you know -- things like that. So

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1 that's why I just tried to keep myself available.

2 LT. SANDERS: Thank you. So fast forward a

3 little bit to Monday, and this incident occurs.

4 Just tell us your recollection of that --


6 LT. SANDERS: -- and what occurred.

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I was at Station 54.

8 I heard the call come out over the radio. I actually --

9 my mind went directly to Steve Hutchings because I knew

10 who -- he was doing a seatbelt shift, or, you know, I --

11 I -- I'm pretty confident it was a seatbelt shift. It

12 was either that or a traffic shift.

13 But he -- he was in the area of Dixie Valley,

14 and so I -- my mind went to him thinking Hutch is going

15 to be there quick. Because he's kind of already down in

16 that area and had been making traffic stops, and that's

17 how -- you know, down in that Dixie area that day.

18 So I started towards that way. There were

19 two officers already running code in that direction, but

20 they were actually -- I don't remember exactly where they

21 called out at, but when I got to 90th and 56, I actually

22 saw the two -- those two units running code at that point

23 on the Mountain View Corridor, and they went northbound.

24 So as I'm listening to it, start to kind of,

25 you know, develop and unfold over the radio with Hutch,

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1 Hutch -- so I think I kind of skipped some.

2 So I'm -- my -- my suspicion was right.

3 heard Hutch call out that he was either in the area or

4 arriving at the 7/11, and then he came on the radio a

5 short time later and said that the description was -- is

6 that the suspect, according to the dispatch, was, the

7 suspect brandished a weapon during a robbery at the 7/11

8 at Dixie and 6200 South.

9 So when Hutch got there, he -- and the -- the

10 description was is that he -- that the suspect left on

11 foot, westbound on 6200 South. So when Hutch got in the

12 area, he said -- I remember him saying I'm going to go

13 ahead and check westbound from here.

14 So I don't remember anything after he said

15 that for a second. And then I remember him saying that

16 he -- he would be out with the suspect, which raised my

17 alertness or, you know, knowing that the -- the

18 description was that the suspect was armed.

19 I don't remember the verbiage that Hutch was

20 using as soon as he started making sure the other units

21 were coming, but I -- I continued north on 5600 West.

22 Once he -- I -- and again, I -- like I said, I don't

23 remember what verbiage he was using right away indicating

24 that things -- I could hear his voice was elevated and

25 things like that. I could tell that it wasn't a

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1 compliant situation at that point. That Hutch was having

2 difficulty.

3 So at that point, I stayed off the radio. I

4 didn't -- I did not call out my location for the fact

5 that I wanted to leave the air open for Hutch. But I did

6 start running lights and sirens at that point. Knowing

7 that the other two units that hadn't -- that I initially

8 saw an Mountain View going northbound, I started

9 wondering what -- what route would they take and which

10 route would be the fastest to get to Hutch?

11 At -- I don't remember where I was at when I

12 started hearing Hutch asking, Where are my units? And

13 I -- I did get on the radio and I assured Hutch that we

14 were coming. I wanted him to make sure that I -- that he

15 knew. That's what I would want in a situation like that.

16 That I know that we're trying to leave the radio alone,

17 but at the same time I went wanted him to make sure he

18 knew that me were coming.

19 So I did -- I said -- I got on the radio and

20 said -- I don't remember if I called him by name, but I

21 want to say I did, Hutch, we're on our way. Everybody

22 stay off the radio.

23 So I -- I noticed -- so as I'm coming up to

24 56 and 7800 South, I noticed that those two units that I

25 mentioned, I'm assuming it's them, are coming east on

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1 78th now, and I'm coming north towards 78th. And I -- I

2 had a little bit of distance ahead of them, meaning I

3 reached the intersection before they did.

4 And so I'm thinking in my mind, if I go east

5 on 7800 South, and then I'm going to make a north turn to

6 go left on Airport, that would be a faster route instead

7 of going all the way to 62 and then east to get to Hutch,

8 which the location was 6200 South and 40th West-ish in

9 that vicinity.

10 So I make the right-hand turn, and I'm

11 like I said, I'm going lights and sirens. At some point

12 someone got on the air and said, you know -- pretty much,

13 like, asking -- I don't remember the verbiage, but it

14 was, Hey, give us an update. I want to say it was Reese,

15 lieutenant Reese. So he -- you know, where's he at?

16 Kind of give us an updated location.

17 And as -- I remember -- I don't remember at

18 what point he told over the air that he was wearing -- or

19 number one, that he was 1088, that he had a gun, and that

20 he was standing by a red car right there an 62 and

21 40th-ish.

22 So at -- at -- a short time later, and I may

23 have my -- those -- that radio verbiage backwards,

24 meaning from Reese to Morgan Andres coming over the radio

25 and saying where -- or Morgan came on the radio and

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1 said -- he called it a 1033 for Hutch. And -- do you

2 understand what I mean? So between Morgan and -- and

3 getting that update of the suspect's location is what I

4 was trying to get at. So I don't know which one of those

5 came first. I want to say it was Reese. First, and then

6 Andres's second.

7 So 1033. I remember as I'm going, and I'm

8 hearing Hutch's voice, I could tell there's something

9 wrong, obviously. I am familiar with Hutch. I know he's

10 a well trained officer, who I respect. And knowing --

11 and hearing that fear and excitement in his voice, I

12 I personally, in my mind,


14 11111111111111111111111111111111
15 And I know that's irrelevant to you guys, but

16 to me, I did not want to see something happen to Hutch at

17 that point, obviously. Or at any point.

18 So I -- you know, I can tell somebody as

19 experienced as Hutch is, and hearing his voice on the --

20 you know, asking where his units are, that -- that had

21 had me very concerned about the situation. So...

22 So I get to 6200 South and Airport Road, and

23 I make the right-hand turn to go east on 6200 South, and

24 I -- I saw that there's -- there is traffic -- you know,

25 it's pretty -- definitely more the busier time of the day

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1 compared to what we had seen with it being the holiday.

2 I'm saying a lot more people on the road, and

3 some are yielding and some are just -- you know, I

4 don't -- I don't remember specifics on how many cars

5 there were or anything like that, but I know that, you

6 know, it's -- 6200 South is a pretty busy road as it is.

7 So I'm coming east, and I see the vehicle,

8 you know -- other officers stacking up just east of the

9 Center Park Drive intersection. And I don't remember,

10 you know, how far east, you know, that -- that distance

11 between 40th and -- and Center Park, I'm not going to

12 guesstimate on distances or anything like that, but

13 somewhere in there is where I saw the officers start

14 you know, that's where they were stopping and having more

15 distance between them and the -- and the suspect.

16 So as I'm pulling up, I pulled my side arm.

17 And I'm left-handed, so I -- as I'm stopping the car,

18 putting it in park, I pulled my side arm thinking I need

19 to be ready because the suspect's armed. Not -- not

20 knowing what his demeanor is at that point, but knowing

21 that he's not compliant with Hutch.

22 So as soon as I realized, though, how far

23 away from my truck to the suspect I am, I put my handgun

24 back in my holster, and go for my AR-15, my rifle and

25 the -- and it's locked. So I -- I get my AR-15 out, and

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1 I'm, you know -- I -- I don't remember the sequence of --

2 of how I -- you know, putting the sling on and things

3 like that, or getting my rear sights up and things like

4 that, but I --

5 So I started approaching east and now I can

6 see the suspect off to the -- so as I'm coming east, I'm

7 looking to the right, which would be on the south side of

8 6200 South. And, like I'd mentioned before, a red car

9 was mentioned, and that's where the -- you know, the

10 suspect was in the vicinity of that red car.

11 So I look over there and I see a -- you know,

12 who I'd identify based off the description is the suspect

13 wearing black clothing, and I'm seeing initially his

14 hands are down by his side, but then I look over at him,

15 and he's pointing his gun to the north of where other

16 officers are at.

17 And so in my mind, I'm going down a

18 compliance test, thinking, Okay, Hutch has gotten from

19 this point to this point, and whatever -- I don't know

20 what happened, obviously, 100 percent, but I know he's

21 noncompliant, and Hutch was away from his truck.

22 So if his truck was over here by the

23 sidewalk, Hutch is over here. I don't remember if he was

24 behind cover or not, but I just --- I remember looking

25 over and seeing Hutch to the north of -- like northeast

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1 of his truck. Or excuse me, northwest of his truck. So

2 in his -- and the suspect is standing, now, at the front

3 of Hutch's truck. And I know that it's Hutch's truck

4 because of the K-9 stuff and the K-9 decals on his truck.

5 So as he -- the suspect is -- like I told

6 you, he's pointing his gun over at -- at the officers to

7 my -- further to the east, and I -- I anticipated

8 waiting -- thinking that someone was going to shoot him

9 at that point. And I was not in a position at that

10 point, as I knew there were officers up ahead of me, and

11 my distance was pretty, you know, long, like I explained.

12 So I remember there were sirens still --

13 there were still sirens in the background. And I

14 remember I turned to my left, kind of diagonal behind me

15 and that was a female -- I -- I know her. I actually

16 handled a really minor officer-involved traffic accident

17 with her. And so I'd -- you know, I don't know her name,

18 but I made that -- that relation, or whatever you want to

19 call that between me and her knowing, Oh, hey, that's --

20 she's with UPD, and I took an accident for her.

21 I turned around, and it sounded like the

22 siren was coming from her car, so I yelled -- and she was

23 stopped and she was out of her car, and I yelled to her,

24 Turn off your siren. I wanted to -- in my mind I wanted

25 to -- if we're giving commands to the suspect, I want to

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1 make sure that the suspect can hear us. So I yelled back

2 to her, Turn off your siren. And I knew that she was, at

3 that point behind me and to my -- off to the left-ish.

4 I -- I -- it sounded like there were sirens

5 coming from my right also, and that's where Troy Leery

6 was at. And I turned to Troy and I said, Troy turn off

7 your siren. Still with that anticipation we need -- if

8 we're giving out commands we want to make sure that we

9 can -- that he can hear us.

10 As we -- at -- I don't remember at that point

11 if -- who turned off their siren or, you know -- anyway.

12 At -- at that point, I remember seeing the suspect go

13 from that front left corner of Hutch's truck more toward

14 the driver's side of the truck. And I saw the -- the

15 suspect get into the truck.

16 So again, like I said, I'm -- I'm thinking

17 compliance test. He is not compliant, he's pointed the

18 gun at officers. And at that point, he got in. And then

19 a short time later, he started driving in my direction.

20 I'm thinking -- I mean, he -- he -- the truck is moving

21 fast. He's -- he's coming west swiftly.

22 And I'm thinking in my mind, he's either

23 going to hit me, another officer, or, as I am still

24 considering the fact that he has a gun, and that he very

25 well could shoot me through the windshield or from the

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1 side window --

2 And so as he's coming west, there's car -- I

3 don't remember how the cars were set up, but he veers to

4 his right. And I'm still thinking -- at that point

5 I'm -- I'm thinking someone's going to get hurt,

6 somebody's going to get seriously hurt or someone's going

7 to die. He's going to do something based off of his

8 noncompliance at that point that's not going to end well.

9 And so as he's coming, he veers to the right,

10 and I'm thinking -- I don't remember the distance between

11 he and I at that point, or me and the truck, but I'm

12 thinking at that point, shoot. I don't remember if it

13 was my safety, or if I had not charged my gun. I'm going

14 to leave it at that just because of that unknown. But my

15 determination and my fear at that point was, as he's in

16 front of me, I'm thinking, again, I need to stop him

17 before he hurts someone.

18 And so as he starts to come to my left, I --

19 I -- I don't want to guess whether it was the charge or

20 the safety, but as he came to my left, I fired twice into

21 the side. And I'm -- in addition to the thinking about

22 the fact that he could either shoot me through the

23 windshield or through that side window because he did

24 start to veer to the -- to his right or to the north, I'm

25 thinking I -- I --

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1 That female UPD officer back diagonal to my

2 left, you know, I -- I realized that this was still --

3 he -- he didn't -- he ended up not coming at me, like

4 directly at me to hit me with his truck, but I'm still

5 thinking -- I remember thinking, how many civilians did I

6 just pass as I'm coming in on the west -- from the west

7 to the east on 6200 South, and I'm thinking of the --

8 I heard -- faced the female UPD officer's

9 face was in my mind also, that she was in danger also.

10 And so as he comes to my left, I -- like I said, it was

11 either the safety or the charge -- charging my my

12 AR-15, I shot twice into the -- the cab of the truck.

13 The truck continued at a high rate of speed

14 going west, and it -- and it seemed like at that point I

15 couldn't -- I don't want to speculate on if the truck was

16 corrected at all, or what his alignment was, but I know

17 that -- I know that he -- that -- the suspect in Hutch's

18 truck actually hit another West Jordan truck, and that

19 was my main --

20 I thought it was actually my truck because of

21 my recent accidents. Thinking that that was my truck

22 that he had just hit. And so -- and then a short time

23 later, after hitting that West Jordan truck, the -- the

24 truck then crashed with -- I -- I -- a white passenger

25 car, head on, to our west.

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1 So I -- the -- everything transitioned from

2 that -- from looking east on 6200 South to now looking

3 west. And as I came up, I am now focused on the cab of

4 the truck, and I'm -- I don't see any movement. Officers

5 are also shifting with us. And as we -- as we're kind of

6 out there standing, we -- our cover is kind of gone at

7 that point.

8 And so I don't know whose -- whose West

9 Jordan police car it was -- it was a car. But I said,

10 bring -- somebody grab -- get in that car and bring it

11 up, and -- and position it. I don't remember how I told

12 them to position it, but I wanted it on an angle so that

13 we could take cover behind the car so that we had some

14 kind of a barrier behind Hutch's truck, now, where the

15 suspect is, the West Jordan police car and that's exactly

16 what we did. We stacked up behind that West Jordan

17 police car.

18 We got behind cover, and at that point I

19 remember Shepherd being right there in front of me,

20 kneeling down at the hood of the truck, or excuse me of

21 the hood of the car, and everybody's focus is now on

22 that -- on the truck. I remember seeing -- we had -- my

23 concern continued for the civilians that were up here to

24 the west of us -- even further west of Hutch's truck in

25 the intersection there.

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1 And I'm seeing, you know, they had their

2 video cameras out or phones or whatever they were, and

3 I -- my concern now is crossfire for the civilians. So

4 I'm yelling for them to -- to move and get away. I know

5 that Tracy and a UPD officer were over to our left, our

6 immediate left but off into the field.

7 And at that point, we had another team --

8 another group of officers stacking up to my right side.

9 Behind cover. And they -- I -- we made sure to convey

10 that Hey, we've got officers over in this field, watch

11 your crossfire. You know, everybody's making sure that

12 everybody's on the same page.

13 And then as we're standing behind cover, they

14 start talking less lethal to get into the passenger's

15 side of the truck. And I remember Troy Leery saying, you

16 know I don't remember if he asked me specifically or

17 just in general, but he said, Try and get -- try and

18 capture that driver's side window with a video of some

19 sort just the case we had to take it out with the less

20 lethal, take out that window.

21 And so I actually took my body camera and

22 held it up in the direction -- I took it from my shoulder

23 here just to make sure that we got some kind of video

24 coverage -- you know, video footage of -- of that -- of

25 the -- of Hutch's truck. And I -- at that point, I

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1 could -- you know, or even before that I could see that

2 there was a bullet hole in the -- in the driver's side.

3 I don't know how many there were, but I know that there

4 was one for sure.

5 So I don't know the -- I couldn't tell from

6 my standpoint of how they were doing what the less

7 lethal. If they were actually -- it took multiple shots

8 on the less lethal to -- to penetrate to window. And

9 again, I don't know if he actually -- I -- I don't know

10 if we actually shattered the window ever.

11 But I can -- you know, they would -- they

12 would kind of give a warning before, less lethal. Less

13 lethal would go, and I would see that rubber -- or

14 whatever that's made out of bullet bounce on the ground

15 from that point.

16 Still no movement in the truck. And we

17 had -- I don't remember -- I don't remember who -- if we

18 kept a shield over on the right side, but I remember

19 Morgan Andres came over to our left side. So now we had

20 two shields on the left side before we made any attempt

21 to move up.

22 I know -- you know, and our concern, too,

23 was -- was Hutch making sure that he -- that his dog was

24 still in the truck. And so as we moved forward with the

25 shields, I stayed on the left side of the -- the shield

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1 on the right because I'm left-handed and that felt

2 comfortable. And I remember just keeping my focus on

3 that, and also watching my muzzle to make sure I didn't

4 cover somebody as he moved up.

5 As we moved up to that left side, Hutch came

6 up and retrieved his dog. He went back, and then Hutch

7 came back forward again. And we didn't know if the

8 suspect was -- again, no movement. So we're still

9 concerned for our officers' safety at that point, knowing

10 that he has a gun.

11 And so he actually brought his dog back up

12 and attempted to -- I don't know what you would call it.

13 Maybe a compliance test to see if we can continue to move

14 up. So the dog actually went up. I didn't see if he bit

15 him or anything like that, but there was still no

16 movement from the -- the only movement that we had at

17 that point was the dog.

18 Steve brought his dog back -- Hutch brought

19 his dog back, and then another K-9 officer brought his

20 dog up, and again, attempted, you know -- again, I don't

21 know what to call that. Just to see if -- if it was safe

22 for the human officers to move forward. And again,

23 still, there was no -- there was no movement in the

24 truck.

25 So that officer brought his dog back, and

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1 then we moved forward. And I remember seeing -- I'm

2 behind Shepherd still at that point, and I remember

3 Shepherd reached forward into the truck, and I could see

4 a decent amount of blood on the suspect. The suspect

5 looked like he was up out of the seat, meaning -- and

6 I -- you know, probably from the impact. That he was up

7 out of the seat and that I could see, just on the left

8 side, I don't know what I was even looking at on his

9 body, but there's a decent amount of blood right there on

10 his left side.

11 And then, again, still no movement. No -- I

12 remember I gave commands -- and I'm going to kind of back

13 up. I apologize.

14 So when we first stacked up and were focused

15 on that truck, I gave a command, Police. Don't move.

16 Not knowing the outcome of -- you know, or the condition

17 of the suspect. So then back -- moving forward, I

18 remember Shepherd checked to see if there was any kind of

19 a pulse. There was a question if we were checking the

20 right location, if we had a good spot, but, again, still

21 no -- still no movement.

22 There was -- and then I remember Shepherd

23 bringing his hand back and he had blood on his hand. He

24 had a glove on, but it was on his -- on his glove. And

25 as soon as we called for fire to come up to our location,

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1 I remember hearing someone ask that there only be one

2 fire -- one firefighter come up to the -- to the area.

3 And -- just to make sure if there was any chance at

4 saving -- doing any life-saving procedures at that point.

5 So I remember seeing Shepherd take his glove

6 off, and he had -- and the blood had gone through his

7 hand, so he did have some blood on his actual thumb.

8 We kind of came back away from the truck, and

9 I remember Lieutenant Reese -- I dont remember -- you

10 know -- I remember kind of doing a -- a check -- doing a

11 public safety check of -- he wanted to know who fired.

12 was timid at that point to -- not the fact that I fired,

13 but for the fact that I didn't want to make a 5th

14 Amendment admission in front of anybody not having been

15 in this type of a scenario before, personally.

16 I raised my hand when he asked who fired, and

17 he didn't see me at that point. That I -- that I had

18 fired. We kind of gathered in a little bit closer and

19 I -- I think, actually I asked Lieutenant Reese, Hey, can

20 I turn off my body camera? He said, Yes. I deactivated

21 my body camera.

22 And again, so we -- we kind of grouped up

23 again. He asked who fired. I remember that Shepherd

24 said that he fired, and then and I kind of had to

25 double confirm that he saw me raise my hand, and I made

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1 it known to him that I had fired also.

2 Talking to Lieutenant Reese a little bit more

3 on the public safety portion of it, I explained that I

4 was standing, you know, more to the south side of 6200

5 South, more in the -- not more to the south. I'll say

6 more to the -- in the eastbound traffic lanes. Somewhere

7 in that vicinity. And that the suspect passed me on my

8 left, and that I fired two shots onto the left side. My

9 left side and the driver's side -- left side.

10 So on the public safety side of that, that's

11 where we -- we made sure that, you know, any kind of

12 welfare check that needed to be done over on that side,

13 and that's -- that's what I remember about, kind of that

14 initial debrief.

15 We then -- I remember -- Officer Shaff came

16 up and did a great job on making sure that we're kind of

17 secluded and -- and not -- you know, he -- he -- he's

18 asking who do you want to get paired up with? Things

19 like that. I -- I think -- I wanted -- it sounds bad.

20 I'm pretty sure his name is Officer Clark. I got paired

21 up with Clark to ensure that, you know, that we're

22 together and not standing there by ourselves.

23 And we start talking about leaving the scene

24 and going to the hospital. Marisha Mansano was there

25 with her unmarked car, and we initially had come up to

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1 the idea of everybody piling into that car and going down

2 to the hospital.

3 I left my AR-15 as it was. I didn't -- the

4 only thing -- I just made sure that it was on safe at

5 that point, and I put it in the trunk of Marisha's

6 unmarked car. And also Shepherd put his rifle back

7 there, too.

8 We kind of stood around and waited. Marisha

9 kind of got busy doing something else, and I asked Reese

10 if we could get going to the hospital. And then I ended

11 up going from there -- from -- from the scene with Tracy

12 Williams and Officer Clark -- Officer Clark sat in the

13 back seat and I sat in the front seat of Officer

14 Williams's car, and we drove to Jordan Valley Hospital,

15 where I was evaluated.

16 I think that's -- I think that's about it.

17 I -- I've been replaying the whole scenario in my mind.

18 I have confidence in my choice to fire those two shots.

19 Like I said before, I -- that compliance test that I

20 thought of as I -- as I got there, and as it -- the fact

21 that he got into the truck and stole it -- he had

22 already -- I knew that he had already pulled a weapon

23 during the robbery.

24 I'd seen him point that gun over to those

25 officers on my left side. And so I -- you know, I'm

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1 thinking -- I'm thinking he's committed a felony. I'm

2 thinking he -- the compliance is not there. The speeds

3 were -- you know, he -- he took off very quickly, which

4 intimidated me and scared me, knowing that those officers

5 were to my rear and also to the civilians that were back

6 there.

7 And I -- I -- I truly believe that if action

8 had not been taken, that he would have seriously injured

9 someone or killed somebody with his speeds, or with the

10 fact that he had a handgun. He's a fleeing felon. He --

11 he had absolutely no regard for whatever commands Hutch

12 had already given him, and that concerned me.

13 I was -- you know, like I told you, he's

14 either going to ram me with his truck, or with Hutch's

15 truck, or he's going to shoot me through the windshield

16 or as soon as he gets to the side of me, and that's why I

17 did what I did. So.

18 I think that's it. I -- sorry. That's a

19 loft of information. You know? Yeah. I think that's

20 it.

21 LT. SANDERS: Thanks, Josh.

22 I know you just gave us all of that there.

23 I've got a Google map printed out here.


25 LT. SANDERS: Is that -- in your estimation,

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1 a --


3 LT. SANDERS: Accurate representation --

4 yeah, you can take it. An accurate representation of the

5 location? You'll note on, right here, I've got a

6 separate -- this is an exact copy, that's 3957, which is

7 where I understand the truck was located. Somewhere

8 right in there.


10 LT. SANDERS: Hutch's truck. That's all I

11 know from that. So just giving you that as a reference.

12 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Okay. So I'm going to

13 put it like this.

14 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

15 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Right? This is -- this

16 is north. Am I looking at that correctly?

17 LT. SANDERS: Correct.

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Do you care if I write on

19 here?

20 LT. SANDERS: Yeah. I was going to have you

21 do that. Use this marker. Let's slide this paper

22 underneath so it doesn't bleed through onto the table.


24 LT. SANDERS: But if you can kind of diagram

25 what what you saw. What happened.

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2 UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want to have him,

3 before we forget, just put his name and --

4 LT. SANDERS: Oh, yeah. Thank you.

5 Have your -- put your name up here.


7 LT. SANDERS: And then I, also, at the

8 bottom, need you to write in there that this is -- just

9 write, "Not to scale." And understand, we are not

10 exactly expecting this to be, you know, completely

11 accurate. I mean, be as accurate as you can.


13 LT. SANDERS: But was realize that you're

14 going to be off a little bit --


16 LT. SANDERS: -- on exact measurements and so

17 on, but do your best.

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Okay. So with this

19 being -- okay. I just want to make sure I'm looking at

20 this right. So...

21 LT. SANDERS: So orient it the way you need

22 to.

23 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Okay. And I'm going to

24 turn it this way, just for the fact that that's the

25 direction that I came in from on 6200 South. So this

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1 being on the west side, and, like I said, I -- I came

2 from Station 54.

3 LT. SANDERS: And for the recording,

4 you're -- you've got east up.

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Right. East is --

6 LT. SANDERS: In the up position.

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: -- is pointing on the

8 upwards side.

9 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

10 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I've rotated it so it is

11 not I'm looking at numbers sideways on the 6200 South

12 side.

13 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

14 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I've got -- so as I

15 come in here, I come from the west. I get through --

16 this is Center Park. This all right that I'm writing

17 on --

18 LT. SANDERS: Yes.

19 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: -- and that's no -- okay.

20 Center Park Drive.

21 LT. SANDERS: And then what I'm looking for

22 specifically is more where you were in relative -

23 relatively to the threat and people and so on --


25 LT. SANDERS: -- etc.

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1 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So as I come through

2 here, I come through the intersection. I get to the east

3 side of the intersection, and I park my truck in these

4 eastbound lanes. I don't think I was that -- it's not

5 that deep. I apologize. I'm going to cross that out.

6 Put my name -- or I'm just going to initial that.

7 So I got -- again, I don't -- distances are

8 kind of getting to me right here. Especially with it not

9 being to scale. So -- but I do -- I'm in the east -- I'm

10 in the eastbound lanes. And I kind of park my truck

11 canted a little bit, and like I explained before, Troy

12 Leery's over here.

13 I don't remember I don't remember -- I

14 want -- I'm actually going to cross that out, too. I

15 don't remember where -- if Troy was behind me or in front

16 of me. And then -- so I exit my truck, get my rifle, and

17 I'm -- so I'm standing right there to my -- and then I

18 remember, I was back behind cover of another vehicle

19 somewhere to this vicinity.

20 The female officer that I mentioned, the UPD

21 officer, her car was back, like I told you, kind of

22 diagonal, left of mine. Is and that's when I -- so I got

23 out of my truck and sirens are going off around us, and

24 it seemed like it was coming from her vehicle. So I

25 turned around and told her -- so she was standing at --

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1 over in the vicinity of her car.

2 So from -- and then the suspect -- and I

3 don't remember exactly -- you -- you kind of identified

4 that house, but I'm not positive on exactly where the --

5 where Hutch's truck was at. Excuse me. And -- but

6 his -- I remember it was on an angle, also. Kind of like

7 that. And then the suspect was standing to the front

8 corner of Hutch's truck.

9 And as I had mentioned before, he was

10 pointing his -- and as I can tell you right now, the

11 distances are screwed up. So he's pointing his weapon -

12 his -- his gun over into that direction of the officers

13 to his to the north.

14 He got in his -- got in -- he went over to

15 the driver's side of the truck, and started coming in our

16 direction -- towards us. And that's where I'm starting

17 to think -- you know, I started thinking the

18 compliance -- a while ago, weighing the fact that he's a

19 felon, as he's pulled a weapon during a robbery.

20 He's coming at me here. I'd actually decided

21 to fire my weapon when he was east of me. I don't -- I

22 don't -- again, it was either my -- I didn't charge it or

23 it was on safety. So as he's passing by here, he did not

24 keep coming straight. He did -- he came to my left. And

25 so I'm standing over in -- in this vicinity.

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1 And as he -- as soon as I got my weapon

2 ready, I'm still thinking, he's either going to shoot me

3 through the wind -- he's either going to hit me, he's

4 going to shoot me through the windshield, or he's going

5 to hit -- he's going to shoot me through that driver's

6 side window as he's passing me. And so as he got to

7 that -- just left of me is when I fired my two shots into

8 the cab of the truck.

9 I don't -- he kept coming -- at that -- you

10 know, we had -- and I don't remember where the police

11 truck was at for the other -- the one that I mentioned

12 that he hit as he continued west, but the -- there was a

13 police truck somewhere in this vicinity.

14 And then he hit that truck, and he hit it

15 he was to the right of the police truck -- of that one,

16 and he hit that -- hit that right side of the -- of the

17 other police truck.

18 So he -- he continues to go this way. At

19 that point I've kind of lost vision of him because of all

20 the vehicles that are up here. And we are -- there was

21 a -- it was a white -- it reminded me of like a Chrysler

22 Labaron, like a white passenger car, that he hit head on.

23 And so that's where he crashed.

24 And I -- I don't remember if it was on -- on

25 this side of the intersection or on that side of the

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1 intersection. I do believe it was over -- I -- I'm

2 pretty confident that it was over here on the west side

3 of the intersection. For the fact that there were other

4 vehicles, there's other random, you know, parked campers

5 and things like that over into this field.

6 And I -- that's where I saw Tracy

7 VanRosendahl -- or excuse me, Tracy Williams and that

8 other UPD officer standing here. Then we -- and that's

9 where our concern was with the one team stacked up on

10 this side. And we were stacked up -- and it was further

11 back. So we we had a vision -- we had a -- I stop

12 me if I'm

13 LT. SANDERS: Well --

14 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: This is bad.

15 LT. SANDERS: Yeah.

16 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I mean, my description on

17 the on the map is not proving any -- you know.

18 Anyway.

19 So the one team's stacked up on the

20 passenger's side of Hutch's truck, after he'd crashed,

21 and we -- that's where I -- I explained that we

22 told the officer to bring his -- his patrol car over to

23 that side, and we stacked up right here. In a stack

24 there.

25 And then that's where we -- we had a -- we

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1 had a vision of the -- I had a view of the driver's side,

2 but I -- I could not -- like I told you, I couldn't see

3 the passenger's side. I couldn't tell if they were

4 making any progress on that -- on that -- on that

5 passenger's side window as they were shooting the -- the

6 less lethal at it.

7 Again, we had civilians up this way that were

8 yelling at them to clear out the way -- to get out of the

9 way so we're not -- we're keeping their safety in mind.

10 And then as Tracy and that UPD officer are over here,

11 we're, you know, making sure that we're all on the same

12 page.

13 I remember Lieutenant Reese at this point,

14 as -- as we know that Tracy's over here and we relayed

15 that information to him -- or to -- yeah -- to Lieutenant

16 Reese, Hey, we've got officers over on that side, he

17 actually asked for Tracy to -- you know, what can you see

18 from that point of view? Can you see any movement? I

19 do -- I think Tracy had a -- this is -- this needs to be

20 further this way.

21 LT. SANDERS: Well, I think we have a pretty

22 good understanding of all that. We're -- we're kind of

23 moving onto the aftermath.


25 LT. SANDERS: We don't need to know

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2 LT. SANDERS: -- (inaudible) at this point


4 LT. SANDERS: So. But I think we have a

5 pretty good understanding. Would you mind just, as best

6 you can, just note which one is your car and which one is

7 you.


9 LT. SANDERS: And then maybe write -- just

10 note which one is Hutch's. Just so that when we look at

11 it later, we understand what we're looking at.

12 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Okay. So this is Hutch's

13 truck. This is -- this is me. This is UPD. And then

14 Troy Leery was to my right. And that's where I don't

15 remember -- he -- he had to have been -- he had to have

16 been ahead of my truck.

17 That -- any other --

18 LT. SANDERS: No. I think that -- maybe -- I

19 see something down at the bottom -- maybe you can just

20 note where the suspect truck


22 LT. SANDERS: -- stopped, ultimately or

23 whatever.

24 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Okay. I do remember

25 after the truck crashed into that white passenger car, I

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1 saw a civilian run to the north of that.

2 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Because I think there was

4 a concern for public safety there at the front of the car

5 after the accident had happened.

6 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: White passenger car. Any

8 other -- I'm going to put Tracy --

9 LT. SANDERS: Okay.


11 LT. SANDERS: I think that's it.


13 LT. SANDERS: I think we've got it. So I'll

14 just take that back from you here.


16 LT. SANDERS: Thank you. All right.

17 I have a few clarifying questions, okay?


19 LT. SANDERS: When you -- you okay to keep

20 going?

21 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Oh, absolutely. No. I'm

22 good.

23 LT. SANDERS: Okay. So we're about an hour

24 into this. Is everybody still okay?


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2 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

3 All right. So you've already explained how

4 you got -- the units -- or information you learned about

5 the initial incident. I just need to know how you

6 learned about this. Was it by a police radio? Or --

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Of the actual incident?

8 LT. SANDERS: Yeah.

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. So it came over --

10 came over the dispatch radio of -- of the armed robbery

11 at the 7-Eleven, and that's where I drew that line of --

12 I knew Hutch was over in Dixie Valley, and they said it

13 was at 62 and Dixie there.

14 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

15 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Which I'm familiar with

16 that area, and -- and patrol through there on a regular

17 basis, so...

18 LT. SANDERS: Did you personally know the

19 suspect? Or had you dealt with him in the past?

20 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- not of my knowledge.

21 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

22 Now, based upon your responding, and I think

23 you already explained this, but just to clarify, when you

24 responded and -- what was your understanding of the

25 threat level?

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1 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: It was -- so the initial

2 description was that he had a handgun, and that it was

3 brought out during the -- during the robbery of the

4 7-Eleven. When -- when Hutch called out that he was out

5 with the suspect, and -- over the -- over the course of

6 his radio transmissions of him saying, Where's my units,

7 he's he continued -- he said, "1088, man with a gun."

8 So I -- I still -- and then, like I mentioned

9 before, when I arrived, I could see him pointing the gun

10 over in the direction of the -- of the officers to my --

11 further east, and to his -- to the right of Hutch's

12 truck. And so east of my location.

13 LT. SANDERS: Okay. What is your knowledge

14 of the equipment and weapons available to the suspect

15 once he took "possession of a West Jordan police

16 vehicle"?

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- I don't know Hutch's

18 specific setup, but just like my truck, where we have

19 either access to an AR-15 or to a shotgun. And also the

20 fact that Hutch's dog was also in the back of -- in his

21 cage, also.

22 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

23 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: That concerned me also

24 of -- you know, once the truck is on, you're able to

25 just like I did, you know, once I -- once I put my truck

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1 in park and got out and pushed the button in the middle

2 console, that releases it.

3 There's nothing other -- anything special at

4 that point of -- what can -- you know, what I'm trying to

5 say is the suspect very well can -- and it's usually even

6 labeled. You know, something that -- mine has a

7 picture -- or a diagram of a -- an outline of a pistol.

8 So it -- it doesn't take, you know, much

9 knowledge to figure out, you know, he may give a tug on

10 that -- on that rifle or shotgun, and -- and realize that

11 it is locked and start looking for an alternative way to

12 get that out.

13 But it -- yeah. It's -- it's a click of a

14 button and it unlocks it. So, I mean, he -- he

15 definitely upgraded that -- that handgun to whatever else

16 Hutch had in that -- in the -- in the truck. So...

17 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Now, describe your

18 attire detail. You already said that you were wearing

19 your regular Class B patrol uniform.


21 LT. SANDERS: For the record, will you just

22 describe what that looks like --


24 LT. SANDERS: -- briefly.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I had just my -- my

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1 regular patrol boots, not my motor boots. I was not in

2 my motor attire. It was just slacks, my black patrol

3 boots, my leather duty belt, my dark patrol uniform with

4 my brass badge, and also my name plate on my right side.

5 And also my motor wings just above my name plate.

6 My body camera up on my left shoulder, and

7 that's held in place by a -- a magnet up in that left

8 position -- or left shoulder. On my duty belt I have my

9 firearm on my left side. I have my -- my OC spray just

10 behind my handgun on that left side. On my front right

11 is my two mag pouchs and two extra magazines for my --

12 for my Glock.

13 And then to the -- to the right of that is my

14 Taser. And then to my -- or just to the right of that or

15 behind that is my radio. So --

16 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: -- that's my -- that's

18 what I was wearing that day.

19 LT. SANDERS: Thank you.

20 Did you give any sort of verbal

21 identification?

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I only -- when I arrived

23 on scene, I -- my distance was -- I very well -- I have a

24 very loud voice. I could have shouted, but I did not. I

25 was more worried about getting those sirens off. And

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1 then after the -- the truck had crashed, and we -- we

2 didn't know what was coming next after the crash, I gave

3 a verbal command of, Police, don't move, at that point.

4 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Did you hear any other

5 officer give verbal identification?

6 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- I know that they

7 were -- so when we -- I don't -- I don't remember what

8 was being said, but I know that Hutch was yelling out to

9 the suspect during his noncompliance. And then once the

10 truck had crashed, I know that somebody had continued to

11 give commands at that point --

12 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

13 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: -- in addition to my,

14 Police don't move.

15 LT. SANDERS: Now, I understand the vehicle's

16 moving, so this is going to be a relative question. So

17 just as best you can, okay?


19 LT. SANDERS: When you fired, how close were

20 you?

21 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- from my standpoint

22 it felt very close. We're -- we're talking from from

23 out here to the edge of the table to the wall is

24 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: -- is what I remember.

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1 The left side of that being -- or excuse. The wall being

2 the driver's side of Hutch's truck as it's passing by me.

3 LT. SANDERS: So for the recording, I'm

4 looking at roughly six feet?

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. Roughly. I mean,

6 I'm not yeah.

7 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

8 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Possibly less, to be --

9 it seemed very close.

10 LT. SANDERS: Now, this will seem strange

11 just because of what's happening, but was there any

12 communication between you and him? Any eye contact or

13 verbal contact?

14 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I just remember -- no.

15 There was not.

16 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And then just to

17 clarify, what -- at that moment, what was the threat

18 level right then?

19 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Of -- when he's passing

20 by me?

21 LT. SANDERS: Uh-huh. And you fired.

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: To me it's very -- still

23 high. I mean, we're -- we're still dealing with a

24 fleeing felon. We're dealing with the fact that he has

.25 his own weapon. He now has access to whatever Hutch may

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1 have in that truck, either an AR-15 or an -- or a

2 shotgun. The threat is still very high.

3 My -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm thinking of that

4 female UPD officer behind me. That even though he still

5 did not -- he didn't hit me with the truck, I'm still

6 thinking, she's very likely in danger also. And then

7 we've got the threat of all of the citizens that were to

8 the west of our location, which I passed on my way in.

9 So...

10 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Now, how did the suspect

11 respond to commands from the other officers?

12 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Before or after he fled

13 in the truck?

14 LT. SANDERS: Before.


16 LT. SANDERS: We're talking before

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: He -- the compliance was

18 not there. And that's when I remember going through that

19 mental compliance test of, he's pointing the gun at -- at

20 the officers. He's not complying.

21 And then to the point of him going from the

22 front of the truck over to the -- to the driver's side

23 and actually getting into the driver's side of the truck

24 and -- and taking off, quick.

25 LT. SANDERS: Were there conflicting noises

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1 that would have made it difficult for the suspect to hear

2 police commands?

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Well, that's where --

4 that's where my concern was with the sirens. I wanted to

5 try to shut those down as best as we could. So in the

6 long run, yes.

7 But there seemed -- I, again, I don't

8 remember what was being said back and forth between him

9 and Hutch, but I know there was -- there -- I don't know

10 how to phrase that. I -- I know that there was -- that

11 the -- the commands were being given. I just don't know

12 what was being said. I know Hutch was saying something

13 to him.

14 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Did -- did you hear the

15 suspect say anything during the incident?

16 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I could hear him saying

17 something back, but I couldn't make out what he was

18 saying.

19 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Did -- in your

20 estimation, did the suspect appear impaired? Like with

21 drugs or alcohol?

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- I think my distance

23 was too far away to have -- to have any kind of -- to

24 build any evidence against him on that, from my

25 standpoint.

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1 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Then he had a gun. Will

2 you describe that to the best of your recollection?

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Well, he was wearing all

4 black, and I -- it -- it -- from my standpoint, it

5 appeared to be a black handgun.

6 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Did you recognize the

7 make or model --


9 LT. SANDERS: -- or anything?


11 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

12 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I was too far away to

13 recognize the -- I could tell it was a gun, but I

14 couldn't tell anything specific about it.

15 LT. SANDERS: Which hand was he holding it

16 in?

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I don't remember.

18 LT. SANDERS: Okay. Then -- and -- what

19 weapon or devices did you deploy?

20 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So, like I mentioned

21 before, as I was arriving there on scene, I took into

22 consideration as I'm coming in where all the other police

23 vehicles are kind of stacking up, and so that's where I

24 parked my truck.

25 And I'm thinking and knowing that the

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1 immediate threat was there, I started to pull out my

2 handgun. I looked up and saw how far away Hutch's truck

3 was, and the suspect in -- wearing his all black. And

4 then I put my hand -- I don't even -- I don't even know

5 if I cleared my holster all the way, but I do know that I

6 went to bring it out and then I -- I realized my distance

7 between me and the truck and the suspect, and so I put my

8 handgun away and deployed my AR-15 at that point.

9 LT. SANDERS: And why your rifle?


11 LT. SANDERS: Why use -- why did you

12 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Just a greater distance.

13 You know, the handgun is more effective closer to a

14 suspect or within, kind of, that 2S-yard range that we

15 practice at.

16 And then bringing -- bringing that rifle out,

17 we've we've done scenarios and things like that, you

18 know, a couple hundred yards of shooting targets and

19 things like that. So I know my chances were, if I did

20 have to shoot him from further back or to stop the threat

21 at that point, that it would be better for the AR -- the

22 AR-15 to be deployed.

23 Braces and saliva. I apologize.

24 LT. SANDERS: Do you recall -- you know, this

25 is your perception, but do you recall how many rounds you

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1 fired?


3 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And what was the general

4 timing of it?

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Very quick. What we

6 would consider a double tap.

7 LT. SANDERS: Okay. And do you know if the

8 suspect fired his weapon?

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I do not. I don't think

10 he did.

11 LT. SANDERS: And then did you perceive that

12 your life was in danger when you fired your weapon?


14 LT. SANDERS: Did you perceive the lives of

15 others were in danger?


17 LT. SANDERS: Now, based upon your

18 perception, did anyone else fire their weapon?

19 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I did not know that

20 anybody else had fired their weapon until our public

21 safety -- our public safety debrief immediately after.

22 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

23 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: That's where I learned

24 Shepherd did.

25 LT. SANDERS: Then -- and I think you already

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1 described this, but after that debrief, what happened to

2 your weapon? I'm really looking for a chain of custody

3 here.

4 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I -- it stayed with me

5 up until that point that I put it in the trunk of Marisha

6 Mansano's car. And then shortly after I put my -- mine

7 in the in the trunk, I even left the -- the port -- I

8 didn't even -- I didn't close that port then, you know,

9 out of -- out of habit at the shooting range, I would

10 typically close that port. I wanted to leave my

11 firearm --

12 LT. SANDERS: When you're saying the port,

13 are you talking the dust cover on the rifle -- rifle


15 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

16 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: The dust the dust

17 cover. So I left that open, placed it in the trunk of

18 the car.

19 Shepherd came shortly after, put his in, and

20 then after that, I don't know who had it beyond that

21 point -- from that point to the hospital, and then to the

22 point when the UPD officer here at the station brought my

23 rifle in along with Shepherd's.

24 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I don't know who had it

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1 beyond that.

2 LT. SANDERS: Did you alter your weapon or

3 magazines in any way from the condition immediately

4 following the incident?


6 LT. SANDERS: You already -- well, let's see

7 Describe any life-saving efforts you or

8 others took on behalf of the suspect.

9 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Once we -- once we got up

10 to the truck -- like I said, the -- the concern at that

11 point was number 1, is there any officer safety issues at

12 that point? There absolutely was, and that's why we

13 didn't run up to the truck to -- to start the first aid.

14 As soon as we found it to be, you know, safer

15 to move up to the truck with the shields, that's when

16 Shepherd checked for a pull pulse. No pulse was -- we --

17 he couldn't find a pulse, and there -- like I said there

18 was a large amount of blood.

19 That's when, at that point when we felt that

20 the -- the threat was over. Somebody called for the fire

21 department to come up -- and requested just one to -- to

22 check for any life saving that would happen.

23 LT. SANDERS: Thank you.

24 Now, talk a little bit about the environment.

25 What was the weather like that day?

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1 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I remember it being

2 sunny. And I don't -- you know, the sun was out. It was

3 during the day. It was daylight.

4 LT. SANDERS: Do you remember the approximate

5 time of day?

6 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Approximate would be -- I

7 remember before the incident happened, remember looking

8 at my clock, seeing that it was right around 2:00, you

9 know, and thinking, Okay, a couple more hours until the

10 end of my shift. I remember thinking that. So as for

11 what time it actually came out, it was definitely between

12 that 2:00 and 4:00 --

13 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

14 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.

15 LT. SANDERS: Were there any obstructions

16 that might have impaired your vision? Foliage?

17 Vehicles? Anything like that?

18 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: At what point? I

19 apologize.

20 LT. SANDERS: Well, and this is -- because

21 it's so big, I --


23 LT. SANDERS: Thank you for asking the

24 clarifying question there.

25 When you arrived on the scene, you -- you

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1 acquired visually acquired the suspect?


3 LT. SANDERS: Anything in between you and him

4 that would have impaired your vision?

5 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- I wouldn't say

6 impaired. It, to me, was either I could see him or I

7 couldn't with all the other police vehicles that were

8 ahead of me. And like I said, that's why I stacked up

9 where I did, not wanting to rush my truck right into

10 harm's way and put myself there.

11 So yes, from where I parked my truck to the

12 suspect, there -- there was some opportunities for line

13 of sight to be obstructed. But at the points that I have

14 talked about, there was no -- you know, I could see him

15 pretty -- pretty clear.

16 LT. SANDERS: Okay.




20 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

21 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So outside of that, I



24 LT. SANDERS: How much sleep did you get

25 prior to the incident? And obviously before your shift?

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1 You're mid to late shift, so

2 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Yeah. Just a regular

3 night's sleep. I don't remember what time I went to bed

4 the night before.

5 LT. SANDERS: Okay. When was the last time

6 you were trained on the use of deadly force?

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: We actually just had a --

8 well, we just did a firearm's qualification with the

9 with the handgun down in Murray. I just did in-service

10 on that.

11 As for the -- I don't remember the last -- I

12 know -- you know, we're not talking years, but I don't

13 remember exactly when the last use of force was -- of

14 training.

15 LT. SANDERS: Okay. When is your -- or what

16 is your understanding of when deadly force is permitted?

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Deadly force is permitted

18 when myself or others are in the -- in the line of

19 serious bodily injury or death.

20 LT. SANDERS: When was the last time you

21 qualified with, in this case, your rifle?

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Oh. I can picture

23 every -- everybody that was there, but I don't remember a

24 date. It was the last -- and you have multiple ones when

25 it comes to training, so I don't -- I can't tell you an

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exact date or --

2 LT. SANDERS: A time of year that you -

3 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I want -- I want to say

4 it was before -- just before winter of this last year.

5 LT. SANDERS: Okay.


7 LT. SANDERS: 2017?


9 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

10 And was the weapon you fired a personal

11 weapon or department owned?


13 LT. SANDERS: And do you remember what the

14 round capacity of your magazine was?

15 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: You know, I -- I know the

16 answer to that for sure because I remember in the -- in

17 the -- as they're -- UPD when I'm in the brief -- in the

18 conference room down the hall there, they asked me that

19 same question, and I don't -- I didn't remember.

20 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

21 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I do now know, you know.

22 I just wanted to make sure I distinguish that. There I

23 learned it was 30.

24 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

25 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Before that, I didn't

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2 LT. SANDERS: All right. Do you always fill

3 your magazines to capacity?

4 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: My -- my handguns I do.

5 I I don't on my -- on the rifle.

6 LT. SANDERS: How many rounds do you put in?

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Well, and that's -- I

8 learned that -- again, I want to make sure I distinguish

9 that. That I did not know how many I had in there.

10 It -- to me it's more of a -- once I'm done with

11 in-service to make sure that I put bullets back into my

12 magazine, you know? My duty rounds.

13 So I -- I don't -- I didn't know exactly how

14 many I put in there or anything like that.

15 LT. SANDERS: Okay. No problem.

16 Did you reload at any time during the

17 incident?


19 LT. SANDERS: And then what attachments does

20 your weapons have -- or weapon have? Does it have any --

21 what attachment are on there?

22 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: So I only have the -- I

23 only had the one magazine seated patrol-ready in my

24 truck. I did not have another magazine attached to it.

25 The only other attachment would be -- is the tac light at

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1 the front right side of my rifle.

2 LT. SANDERS: Are there any personal

3 modifications made to the rifle?

4 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: No. Not -- not of

5 anything that I've done or was aware of. So.

6 LT. SANDERS: Okay. All right.

7 That concludes my portion of it. As you can

8 understand, the investigation's ongoing.


10 LT. SANDERS: Our internal affairs

11 investigation is somewhat dependent on the outcome of the

12 criminal side. So after we get this information, we kind

13 of stop. You know, there's not going to be an ongoing

14 investigation until that criminal side gets screened.


16 LT. SANDERS: At that point we'll -- we'll be

17 able to move through fairly quick, once that's --


19 LT. SANDERS: -- done, and we'll start --

20 rulings made.


22 LT. SANDERS: So at this point do you -- or

23 Brett do you have any questions?

24 UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't have any.

25 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

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2 LT. SANDERS: Anything? No questions?


4 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: I -- my only, you know

5 well, it it -- my only question, you know, at what

6 point do I get to see the whole report? You know what I

7 mean? Like, at what point do I get to know where

8 everybody else was standing and what -- you know what I

9 mean? Is that a fair question?

10 UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Much, much later.



13 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Much later, okay. So

14 leave it alone is what we're --

15 LT. SANDERS: Yeah. It's not going to be any

16 time soon.

17 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Any time soon. Okay.

18 LT. SANDERS: But you will, at some point

19 if I have to do a personal, you'll get that.

20 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Right. And like body

21 camera footage and dash cam footage and things like

22 that --

23 LT. SANDERS: At some point, yes, you'll have

24 access.


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1 LT. SANDERS: So anything else?


3 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

4 I have to ask you, at this point -- not

5 asking for anything else, but is there any amendments

6 that you feel like you need to make?

7 OFFICER WHITEHEAD: Amendments? Like?

8 LT. SANDERS: Changes to your statement.

9 Anything --


11 LT. SANDERS: Okay.

12 With that being said, we will conclude the

13 interview. It is 11:37 hours.

14 (End of recording.)

15 * * * * *











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) ss

I, Amber R. Fraass, a Utah Certified Court Reporter

and Registered Professional Reporter, do hereby certify:

That I listened to the recorded interview and took

down in shorthand the foregoing on July 25th, 2018.

That I thereafter transcribed my said shorthand

notes into typewriting and that the typewritten
transcript of said conversation is a complete, true and
accurate transcription of my said shorthand notes taken
down at said time, to the best of my ability to hear and
understand the audio file.

I further certify that I am not a relative or

employee of an attorney or counsel involved in said
action, nor a person financially interested in said

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby certify this

transcript in the County of Utah, State of Utah, this 1st
day of August, 2018.

Amber R. Fraass, RPR, CSR

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Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: 1..answers
56 15:21 17:24 acknowledgment 7:17
5600 16:21 acquired 59:1
1 57:11 5th 31:13 action 7:5,10 34:7
10 10:15 activate 4:3
100 21:20 activated 3:22 4:17
1033 19:1,7 62 18:7,20 45:13 activates 4:8
1088 18:19 46:7 6200 16:8,11 18:8 19:22, actual 3:19 14:3 31:7
23 20:6 21:8 25:7 26:2 45:7
11 10:15
32:4 36:25 37:11 addition 24:21 49:13
11:37 65:13
6:00 13:20,21 administrative 6:23,25
12 10:16
13 10:14,16 7 admission 31:14
1600 13:21
7-eleven 45:11 46:4 affairs 63:10
7111 16:4,7 aftermath 42:23
7800 17:24 18:5 ahead 16:13 18:2 22:10
2005 10:8 43:16 59:8
78th 18:1
2007 9:24 10:8,10 aid 57:13
2017 61:7,8 9 air 17:5 18:12,18
25-yard 54:14 Airport 18:6 19:22
90th 15:21
2:00 58:8,12,14 alcohol 52:21
alertness 16:17
alignment 25:16
a.m. 13:21
30 61:23 alter 57:2
absolutely 34:11 44:21
3957 35:6 55:13,16 57:12 alternative 47:11

abuse 11:20 12:2 Amendment 31:14

4 amendments 65:5,7
academy 12:12,14
40th 18:8 20:11 access 4:23 46:19 50:25 amount 30:4,9 57:18
40th-ish 18:21 64:24 Andres 18:24 28:19
4:00 13:20 58:12,14 accident 22:16,20 44:5 Andres's 19:6
accidents 14:11,22 angle 26:12 39:6
5 25:21
answering 9:18
accurate 35:3,4 36:11
54 15:7 37:2 answers 3:6

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: anticipated..cab
anticipated 22:7 attire 47:18 48:2 36:14 38:11 57:24
anticipation 23:7 attorney 3:8 black 21:13 48:2 53:4,5
anymore 59:23 audio 3:13 54:3

apologize 12:9 30:13 automatically 4:7 bleed 35:22

38:5 54:23 58:19 aware 63:5 blood 30:4,9,23 31:6,7
appeared 53:5 57:18
awful 9:1
approaching 21:5 bodily 60:19

approximate 58:4,6 body 4:10,20 5:1,3,5

14:4,15,17 27:21 30:9
approximately 11:2,4,5 31:20,21 48:6 64:20
back 20:24 23:1 25:1
AR 54:21 29:6,7,11,18,19,25 boots 48:1,3
AR-15 20:24,25 25:12 30:12,17,23 31:8 33:6,13
bottom 36:8 43:19
33:3 46:19 51:1 54:8,22 34:5 38:18,21 41:11
44:14 46:20 52:8,17 bottoms 14:3
arbitrator 4:5,10 54:20 62:11 bounce 28:14
area 15:13,16,17 16:3,12 background 22:13 Braces 54:23
31:2 45:16
Backup 3:17 brandished 16:7
arm 20:16,18
backwards 18:23 brass 48:4
armed 16:18 20:19 45:10
bad 32:19 41:14 breast 14:3
arrived 46:9 48:22 58:25
badge 14:3 48:4 Brett 63:23
arriving 16:4 53:21
barrier 26:14 briefly 47:24
articles 5:14
based 21:12 24:7 45:22 bring 26:10 41:22 54:6
ascertain 3:19 55:17
bringing 30:23 54:16
asks 7:17 basic 6:17 8:5
brought 29:11,18,19,25
assigned 4:11 11:1 basically 6:19 8:12 13:3 46:3 56:22
assist 7:4 basis 12:1 45:17 build 52:24
associates 12:15 bed 60:3 bullet 28:2,14
assuming 9:10 17:25 began 13:17 bullets 62:11
assured 17:13 behalf 57:8 busier 19:25
attached 62:24 belt 14:5 48:3,8 busy 20:6 33:9
attachment 62:21,25 Benzon 3:14 button 47:1,14
attachments 62:19 big 58:21
attempt 28:20 bit 9:3 10:21 11:16 15:3 C
attempted 29:12,20 18:2 29:14 31:18 32:2
cab 25:12 26:3 40:8

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: cage..continued
cage 46:21 check 16:13 31:10,11 comment 5:14
call 15:8 16:3 17:4 22:19 32:12 57:22
committed 34:1
29:12,21 checked 30:18 57:16
communication 50:12
called 8:10 15:21 17:20 checking 30:19 Community 12:13
19:1 30:25 46:4 57:20 child 11:20 12:2,4
compared 20:1
cam 4:8,10,20 5:3,4,5 children 11:20
64:21 compelling 6:16
choice 33:18
camera 14:4,15,17 27:21 completely 36:10
31:20,21 48:6 64:21 Chrysler 40:21
compliance 21:18 23:17
cameras 27:2 citizens 51:7 29:13 33:19 34:2 39:18
civilian 44:1 51:17,19
campers 41:4
civilians 25:5 26:23 27:3 compliant 17:1 20:21
canted 38:11
34:5 42:7 23:17
capacity 61:14 62:3 complying 51:20
clarification 8:25 9:4
capture 27:18
clarify 45:23 50:17 concern 26:23 27:3
car 18:20 20:17 21:8,10 28:22 41:9 44:4 52:4
22:22,23 24:2 25:25 clarifying 44:17 58:24 57:10
26:9,10,13,15,17,21 Clark 32:20,21 33:12 concerned 19:21 29:9
32:25 33:1,6,14 38:21
Class 14:2 47:19 34:12 46:23
39:1 40:22 41:22 43:6,25
44:4,7 56:6,18 clear 42:8 59:15 conclude 65:12
care 35:18 cleared 54:5 concludes 63:7
cars 20:4 24:3 click 47:13 condition 30:16 57:3
case 27:19 60:21 clock 58:8 conference 61:18
caught 14:19 close 49:19,22 50:9 56:8, confidence 33:18
cell 5:6 10 confident 15:11 41:2
Center 20:9,11 37:16,20 closer 31:18 54:13 confirm 31:25
certification 11:17 clothing 21:13 conflicting 51:25
chain 56:2 code 15:19,22 consideration 53:22
chance 31:3 College 12:14,16 console 47:2
chances 54:19 comfortable 29:2 contact 50:12,13
charge 24:19 25:11 command 30:15 49:3 contacts 59:22
39:22 commands 22:25 23:8 continue 29:13
charged 24:13 30:12 34:11 49:11 51:11
52:2,11 continued 16:21 25:13
charging 25:11 26:23 40:12 46:7 49:10

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: continues..drove
continues 40:18 18,24,25 15:17 19:25 diagonal 22:14 25:1
convey 27:9 48:18 57:25 58:3,5 38:22

Copper 11:3,12 daylight 58:3 diagram 8:21 35:24 47:7

copy 35:6 deactivated 31:20 die 24:7

corner 23:13 39:8 deadly 7:2 60:6,16,17 difficult 52:1

Correct 35:17 dealing 50:23,24 difficulty 17:2

corrected 25:16 dealt 45:19 direction 15:19 23:19

death 12:4 60:19 27:22 36:25 39:12,16
corrective 59:17 46:10
correctly 35:16 debrief 32:14 55:21 56:1
directly 7:6 15:9 25:4
Corridor 15:23 decals 22:4
disciplinary 7:10
couple 14:1 54:18 58:9 decent 30:4,9
discipline 7:16
cover 21:24 26:6,13,18 decided 39:20
dismissal 7:11
27:9,13 29:4 38:18 deep 38:5
56:13,17 dispatch 16:6 45:10
degree 12:15,17
coverage 27:24 distance 18:2 20:10,15
demeanor 20:20 22:11 24:10 48:23 52:22
crash 49:2 Denlce 13:19 54:6,12
crashed 25:24 40:23 department 6:23 7:1,10, distances 20:12 38:7
41:20 43:25 49:1,10 16 10:22 57:21 61:11,12 39:11
criminal 6:18 7:14 12:17 dependent 63:11 distinguish 61:22 62:8
Depending 10:14 Dixie 12:16 15:13,17
cross 38:5,14 16:8 45:12,13
deploy 53:19
crossfire 27:3,11 dog 28:23 29:6,11,14,17,
deployed 54:8,22 18,19,20,25 46:20
current 9:25 10:11 11:7,
13 describe 3:20 47:17,22 dont 31:9
53:2 57:7
custody 56:2 double 31:25 55:6
description 16:5,10,18
21:12 41:16 46:2 dress 13:23
detail 47:18 drew 45:11
danger 25:9 51:6 55:12, determination 24:15 Drive 20:9 37:20
determining 7:4 driver's 23:14 27:18 28:2
dark 14:2,3 48:3 32:9 39:15 40:5 42:1
develop 15:25 50:2 51:22,23
dash 4:8 5:4,5 64:21
device 3:15 driving 23:19
date 9:22 60:24 61:1
devices 3:21 4:1 53:19 drove 33:14
day 13:8,12 14:2,9,12,16,

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: drugs..forcing
drugs 52:21 evidence 7:13 52:24 feet 50:4
dust 56:13,16 exact 35:6 36:16 61:1 felon 34:10 39:19 50:24
duties 7:7 excitement 19:11 felony 34:1
duty 7:9 12:22,23,25 excuse 22:1 26:20 39:5 felt 29:1 49:22 57:19
14:5 48:3,8 62:12 41:7 50:1
female 22:15 25:1,8
exit 38:16 38:20 51:4
expect 8:1 field 27:6,10 41:5
early 13:11,12 expecting 36:10 figure 47:9
east 17:25 18:4,7 19:23 experienced 19:19 fill 3:9 62:2
20:7,8,10 21:5,6 22:7 explain 13:22 find 57:17
25:7 26:2 37:4,5 38:2,9
39:21 46:11,12 explained 22:11 32:3 finish 8:13
38:11 41:21 45:3,23
eastbound 32:6 38:4,10 fire 30:25 31:2 33:18
extra 48:11 39:21 55:18 57:20
edge 49:23
eye 50:12 59:17 firearm 48:9 56:11
education 12:15
firearm's 60:8
effective 54:13
fired 24:20 31:11,12,16,
efforts 57:7 18,23,24 32:1,8 40:7
face 25:9
elevated 16:24 49:19 50:21 55:1,8,12,20
faced 25:8 61:10
emergency 4:4
fact 3:10 17:4 23:24 firefighter 31:2
employment 7:22 8:5
24:22 31:12,13 33:20
9:23 FIT 11:19,21
34:10 36:24 39:18 41:3
end 3:2 11:11 24:8 58:10 46:20 50:24 fitness 7:7
65:14 fail 7:12 fled 51:12
ended 25:3 33:10 43:21 failures 3:16 fleeing 34:10 50:24
enforce 14:21 focus 26:21 29:2
fair 64:9
ensure 32:21 fairly 63:17 focused 26:3 30:14
environment 57:24 familiar 19:9 45:15 Foliage 58:16
equipment 3:16 4:2 fast 15:2 23:21 followup 8:25
faster 18:6 foot 16:11
estimation 34:25 52:20
fastest 17:10 footage 4:24 27:24 64:21
evaluated 33:15
fear 19:11 24:15 force 7:2 60:6,13,16,17
everybody's 26:21
27:11,12 feel 8:6 65:6 forcing 6:19

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Forensic,.hurts
Forensic 11:22 Google 34:23 headline 5:25
forget 36:3 grab 14:15 26:10 hear 16:24 23:1,9 49:4
formally 6:16 great 32:16
heard 15:8 16:3 25:8
forward 15:2 28:24 29:7, greater 54:12
22 30:1,3,17 ground 28:14 hearing 17:12 19:8,11,19
found 57:14 31:1
group 27:8
held 27:22 48:7
foundational 3:20 grouped 31:22
free 8:10 hey 18:14 22:19 27:10
guess 3:8 24:19 31:19 42:16
front 22:2 23:13 24:16 guesstimate 20:12 high 11:3 25:13 50:23
26:19 31:14 33:13 38:15
gun 18:19 21:15 22:6 51:2
39:7 44:4 48:10 51:22
63:1 23:18,24 24:13 29:10 Hills 11:1,3,12
33:24 39:12 46:7,9 51:19
frozen 9:15 53:1,13 hired 10:24
full 14:1 history 10:22 11:16
guys 19:15
fully 7:12 hit 23:23 25:4,18,22 40:3,
H 5,12,14,16,22 51:5
hitting 25:23
habit 56:9
holding 53:15
gained 7:13 half 11:2,4
hole 28:2
gaps 3:9 hall 61:18
holiday 20:1
Garrity 6:14 7:9 hand 30:23 31:7,16,25
holster 20:24 54:5
gathered 31:18 53:15 54:4
home 13:11
gave 30:12,15 34:22 49:2 handgun 20:23 34:10
46:2 47:15 48:10 53:5 hood 26:20,21
geez 8:6
54:2,8,13 60:9 hospital 32:24 33:2,10,
general 13:23 27:17 55:3
handguns 62:4 14 56:21
give 7:19,23 8:10,21
handled 22:16 hour 44:23
18:14,16 28:12 47:9
48:20 49:5,11 hands 21:14 hours 58:9 65:13
giving 22:25 23:8 35:11 happen 19:16 57:22 house 39:4
glasses 59:22 happened 21:20 35:25 human 29:22
44:5 56:1 58:7 hundred 54:18
Glock 48:12
happening 50:11 hurry 9:19
glove 30:24 31:5
harm's 59:10 hurt 24:5,6
good 6:11 9:16 30:20
42:22 43:5 44:22,25 head 25:25 40:22 hurts 24:17

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Hutch.,learned
Hutch 15:14,25 16:1,3,9, initial 32:14 38:6 45:5 keeping 29:2 42:9
11,19 17:1,5,10,12,13,21 46:1
key 3:4
18:7 19:1,9,13,16,19
initially 17:7 21:13 32:25
20:21 21:18,21,23,25 killed 34:9
28:23 29:5,6,18 34:11 injured 34:8
kind 8:6,22 14:23 15:15,
45:12 46:4 47:16 49:8 injury 60:19 24 16:1 18:16 22:14
50:25 52:9,12 26:5,6,14 27:23 28:12
inquiry 7:1
Hutch's 19:8 22:3 23:13 30:12,18 31:8,10,18,22,
25:17 26:14,24 27:25 internal 7:16 63:10 24 32:11,13,16 33:8,9
34:14 35:10 39:5,8 41:20 interruptions 8:13 35:24 38:8,10,21 39:3,6
43:10,12 46:11,17,20 40:19 42:22 52:23 53:23
intersection 18:3 20:9 54:14 63:12
50:2 54:2
26:25 38:2,3 40:25 41:1,
Hutchings 15:9 3 kneeling 26:20
interview 3:19 7:3,13 8:2 knew 15:9 17:15,18
11:22 65:13 22:10 23:2 33:22 45:12
interviewing 11:19 12:1 knowing 16:17 17:6
IA 3:13 19:10,13 20:20 22:19
IA2018-005 6:23 intimidated 34:4 29:9 30:16 34:4 53:25
investigation 3:13 6:24, knowledge 45:20 46:13
idea 33:1
25 12:4 63:11,14 47:9
identification 48:21 49:5
investigation's 63:8 KSL 5:86:7,10
identified 39:3
irrelevant 19:15
identify 21:12
issues 57:11 L
immediately 55:21 57:3
impact 30:6 Labaron 40:22
impaired 52:20 58:16 labeled 47:6
59:4,6 job 32:16 Lake 12:13
in-service 60:9 62:11 Jordan 6:23,25 10:7,11 lanes 32:6 38:4,10
25:18,23 26:9,15,16
inaudible 43:2 33:14 46:15 large 57:18
incident 4:24 5:2,15 Josh 7:21 9:22 34:21 LASER 12:8
12:22 15:3 45:5,7 52:15
June 11:11 LASIK 59:18
57:4 58:7 59:25 62:17
justice 12:17 late 60:1
including 7:11 10:22
juvenile 11:6,7 laws 14:2.1
indicating 16:23
leads 5:12
information 3:9,20 5:15
K learned 45:4,6 55:23
7:4,13,15 8:5 34:19
42:15 45:4 63:12 61:23 62:8
K-9 22:4 29:19

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: learning,.mentioned
learning 12:18 locked 20:25 47:11 magazine 61:14 62:12,
leather 14:5 48:3 loft 34:19 23,24

leave 17:5,16 24:14 long 13:15 22:11 52:6 magazines 48:11 57:3
56:10 64:14 62:3
looked 30:5 54:2
leaving 32:23 magnet 48:7
lost 40:19
Leery 23:5 27:15 43:14 main 12:4 25:19
lot 9:1 20:2
Leery's 38:12 make 9:5 17:14,17 18:5,
loud 6:22 48:24 10 19:23 2.3:1,8 27:23
left 4:25 11:12 13:19 14:4 LT 3:4,12,18,24 4:2,5,9, 29:3 31:3,13 36:19 52:17
16:10 18:6 22:14 23:13 13,15,19,22 5:2,5,10,12, 53:7 61:22 62:8,11 65:6
24:18,20 25:2,10 27:5,6
17,20,23 6:1,3,7,11,22 making 15:16 16:20
28:19,20,25 29:5 30:7,10
8:1,4,9,12,16,19,24 9:5, 27:11 28:23 32:16 42:4,
32:8,9 33:3,25 38:22 8,11,14,17,21,25 10:4,9,
39:24 40:7 48:6,7,8,9,10 11
12,14,17,21 11:15,21,24
50:1 56:7,17 12:21,24 13:3,7,13,15,22 MALE 9:12 36:2 44:25
left-handed 20:17 29:1 14:6,13 15:2,6 34:21,25 45:1 63:24 64:3,10,11,12

left-ish 23:3 35:3,10,14,17,20,24 man 12:8 46:7

36:4,7,13,16,21 37:3,6,9, manner 14:12
legitimate 3:5 13,18,21,25 41:13,15
lethal 27:14,20 28:7,8,12, 42:21,25 43:2,4,9,18,22 Mansano 32:24
13 42:6 44:2,6,9,11,13,16,19,23 Mansano's 56:6
45:2,8,14,18,21 46:13,22
level 45:25 50:18 47:17,21,24 48:16,19 map 34:23 41:17
Lidar 12:8 49:4,12,15,19,24 50:3,7, Marisha 32:24 33:8 56:5
10,16,21 51:10,14,16,25
lieutenant 18:15 31:9,19 Marisha's 33:5
52:14,19 53:1,6,9,11,15,
32:2 42:13,15 mark 8:21
18 54:9,11,24 55:3,7,11,
life 55:12 57:22 14,17,22,25 56:12,15,24 marker 35:21
life-saving 31:4 57:7 57:2,6,23 58:4,13,15,20,
23 59:3,16,20,24 60:5, math 11:9
light 62:25 15,20 61:2,5,7,9,13,20, meaning 3:25 18:2,24
lights 4:4 17:6 18:11 24 62:2,6,15,19 63:2,6, 30:5
10,16,19,22,25 64:2,15,
limited 14:24 measurements 36:16
18,23 65:1,3,8,11
listening 15:24 media 5:15
lives 55:14 M mellow 14:12
located 5:8 35:7 Memorial 13:12
made 22:18 27:9 28:14,
location 17:4 18:8,16 20 31:25 32:11 33:4 52:1 memory 3:9
19:3 30:20,25 35:5 46:12 63:3,20 mental 51:19
mag 48:11 mentioned 6:7 17:25

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: mid..ofticers
21:8,9 38:20 39:9 40:11 occurred 15:6
46:8 53:20 N
occurs 15:3
mid 60:1
named 5:25 office 7:8
middle 11:1,3 47:1
narrowly 7:6 officer 3:3,11,17,23,25
mind 15:9,14 18:4 19:12 4:3,7,12,14,18,21 5:1,3,
needed 32:12
21:17 22:24 23:22 25:9 7,11,16,18,21,24 6:2,5,9,
33:17 42:9 43:5 nice 8:20 21 7:25 8:3,8,11,15,18,
mine 9:9 38:22 47:6 56:6 night 60:4 23 9:4,7,9,13,16,20,24
minor 22:16 night's 60:3 11:1,18,22,25 12:23
19:13,15 noises 51:25 13:1,5,9,14,17,25 14:8,
14 15:5,7 19:10 23:23
model 53:7 noncompliance 24:8
25:1 27:5 29:19,25
modifications 63:3 32:15,20 33:12,13 34:24
noncompliant 21:21 35:2,9,12,15,18,23 36:1,
moment 50:17
north 16:21 18:1,5 21:15, 6,12,15,18,23 37:5,7,10,
Monday 13:18 15:3 14,19,24 38:1,20,21
25 24:24 35:16 39:13
month 10:14 44:1 41:8,14,16,22 42:10,24
43:1,3,8,12,21,24 44:3,7,
Morgan 18:24,25 19:2 northbound 15:23 17:8 10,12,15,18,21 45:7,9,
28:19 15,20 46:1,17,23 47:20,
northeast 21:25
motor 10:2,3,18,23 11:8, 23,25 48:17,22 49:5,6,
northwest 22:1 13,18,21,25 50:5,8,14,
11,13 12:7 13:18,19
14:20 48:1,2,5 note 3:14 35:5 43:6,10, 19,22 51:4,12,15,17
20 52:3,16,22 53:3,8,10,12,
Mountain 15:23 17:8
17,20 54:10,12 55:2,5,9,
noticed 17:23,24
move 5:13 27:4 28:21 13,16,19,23 56:4,14,16,
29:13,22 30:15 49:3,14 November 9:24 10:16 22,25 57:5,9,11 58:1,6,
57:15 63:17 number 18:19 57:11 14,18,22 59:2,5,18,21
moved 28:24 29:4,5 30:1 60:2,7,17,22 61:3,6,8,12,
numbers 37:11 15,21,25 62:4,7,18,22
movement 26:4 28:16 Nunley 14:24 63:4,9,15,18,21 64:1,4,
29:8,16,23 30:11,21 13,17,20,25 65:2,7,10
0 officer's 25:8
moving 23:20 30:17
42:23 49:16 officer-involved 22:16
obstructed 59:13
multiple 28:7 60:24 officers 15:19 20:8,13
obstructions 58:15
21:16 22:6,10 23:18 26:4
Murray 60:9 obtain 7:3 27:8,10 29:22 33:25 34:4
muzzle 29:3 OC 48:9 39:12 42:16 46:10 51:11,
occur 3:16

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: officers'..proceeding
officers' 29:9 penetrate 28:8 65:4
official 6:25 7:7 people 20:2 37:23 pointed 23:17
on-duty 13:4,8 perceive 55:11,14 pointing 21:15 22:6 37:7
percent 21:20 39:10,11 46:9 51:19
ongoing 63:8,13
perception 54:25 55:18 points 59:13
open 17:5 56:17
Perfect 10:17 police 6:23 7:1 10:3
opened 13:20
12:12 26:9,15,17 30:15
opportunities 59:12 performance 7:7 40:10,13,15,17 45:6
orient 36:21 permitted 60:16,17 46:15 49:3,14 52:2 53:22
outcome 30:16 63:11 personal 61:10 63:2
64:19 port 56:7,8,10,12
outline 47:7
personally 19:12 31:15 portion 32:3 63:7
owned 61:11
45:18 position 22:9 26:11,12
pertains 7:1 37:6 48:8
phone 5:6 positive 39:4
p.m. 58:14 possession 46:15
phones 27:2
paired 32:18,20 Possibly 50:8
photographic 4:24
paper 35:21 POST 12:14
phrase 52:10
park 20:9,11,18 37:16,20 posted 5:14,22
picture 47:7 60:22
38:3,10 47:1
piling 33:1 pouchs 48:11
parked 41:4 53:24 59:11
pistol 47:7 practice 54:15
part 3:12 6:24 12:12 14:9
19:14 19:13
pass 25:6
place 19:14 48:7 pretty 5:24 14:12 15:11
passed 32:7 51:8 18:12 19:25 20:6 22:11
plan 3:17 32:20 41:2 42:21 43:5
passenger 25:24 40:22
43:25 44:7 plate 14:4 48:4,5 59:15
passenger's 27:14 41:20 point 15:22 17:1,3,6 previous 14:18
42:3,5 18:11,18 19:17 20:20 print 7:19
21:19 22:9,10 23:3,10,
passing 39:23 40:6 50:2, printed 34:2 3
12,18 24:4,8,11,12,15
25:14 26:7,18 27:7,25 prior 13:8 59:25
past 45:19 28:15 29:9,17 30:2 31:4,
Prison 10:7
patrol 10:25 14:2 41:22 12,17 33:5,24 40:19
45:16 47:19 48:1,2,3 42:13,18 43:2 47:4 49:3, problem 62:15
11 51:21 54:8,21 56:5, procedures 31:4
patrol-ready 62:23 21,22 57:11,12,19 58:18
63:16,22 64:6,7,18,23 proceeding 7:14

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: program..respond
program 12:6 regard 34:11
progress 42:4 regular 13:4,6,8,16,21
14:5 45:16 47:19 48:1
prosecution 6:18 radio 15:8,25 16:4 17:3,
protecting 6:18 13,16,19,22 18:23,24,25
45:6,10 46:6 48:15 related 7:6
proving 41:17
raise 31:25 relation 22:18
public 31:11 32:3,10
44:4 55:20,21 raised 16:16 31:16 relative 37:22 49:16

pull 54:1 57:16 ram 34:14 relayed 42:14

random 41:4 releases 47:2
pulled 20:16,18 33:22
39:19 range 54:14 56:9 reload 62:16
pulling 20:16 rank 10:1 remember 3:5 6:5 8:14
12:8 15:20 16:12,14,15,
pulse 30:19 57:16,17 rate 25:13
19,23 17:11,20 18:13,17
purpose 7:3 reached 18:3 30:3 19:7 20:4,9 21:1,23,24
pushed 47:1 read 5:13,19,22,23 6:13, 22:12,14 23:10,12 24:3,
16,22 10,12 25:5 26:11,19,22
put 20:23 33:5,6 35:13 27:15,16 28:17,18 29:2
36:3,5 38:6 44:8 46:25 ready 20:19 40:2 30:1,2,12,18,22 31:1,5,9,
54:4,7 56:5,6,19 59:10 10,23 32:13,15 38:13,15,
realize 36:13 47:10
62:6,11,14 18 39:3,6 40:10,24 42:13
realized 20:22 25:2 54:6
putting 20:18 21:2 43:15,24 49:7,25 50:14
rear 21:3 34:5 51:18 52:8 53:17 58:1,4,
recall 8:10,16 54:24,25 7,10 60:3,11,13,23
recent 25:21
qualification 60:8 reminded 40:21
recognize 53:6,13
qualified 60:21 replaying 33:17
recollection 15:4 53:2
question 5:13 6:12,13 reply 7:9,12
30:19 49:16 58:24 61:19 record 3:13 8:7 47:21
report 64:6
64:5,9 recording 3:15,21 37:3
50:3 65:14 reports 14:18
questioned 6:24
red 18:20 21:8,10 representation 35:3,4
questions 3:1,2 7:6,10,
22 9:1,8 44:17 63:23 redundant 9:3 requested 57:21
64:2 requests 7:20
Reese 18:14,15,24 19:5
quick 15:15 51:24 55:5 31:9,19 32:2 33:9 42:13, resource 10:25 12:6
63:17 16
respect 19:10
quickly 34:3 reference 35:11
respond 51:11
quiet 14:9 refuse 7:11

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: responded..shooting
responded 45:24 Salt 12:13 screened 63:14
responding 45:22 SANDERS 3:4,12,18,24 screwed 39:11
responsibility 14:21 4:2,5,9,13,15,19,22 5:2, seat 30:5,7 33:13
5,10,12,17,20,23 6:1,3,7,
retrieved 29:6 11,22 8:1,4,9,12,16,19, seatbelt 15:10,11
review 4:24 24 9:5,8,11,14,17,21,25 seated 62:23
rifle 20:24 33:6 38:16 11:15,21,24 12:21,24 secluded 32:17
47:10 54:9,16 56:13,23 13:3,7,13,15,22 14:6,13 secondary 14:22
60:21 62:5 63:1,3 15:2,6 34:21,25 35:3,10,
sections 5:14
right-hand 18:10 19:23 14,17,20,24 36:4,7,13,
16,21 37:3,6,9,13,18,21, semester 12:16
road 19:22 20:2,6
25 41:13,15 42:21,25 separate 35:6
robbery 16:7 33:23 39:19 43:2,4,9,18,22 44:2,6,9,
45:10 46:3 11,13,16,19,23 45:2,8, sequence 21:1
room 61:18 14,18,21 46:13,22 47:17, Sergeant 3:14 14:24
21,24 48:16,19 49:4,12,
rotated 37:10 19:14
15,19,24 50:3,7,10,16,21
roughly 50:4,5 51:10,14,16,25 52:14,19 service 10:4,5
53:1,6,9,11,15,18 54:9, set 24:3
round 61:14
11,24 55:3,7,11,14,17,
rounds 54:25 62:6,12 22,25 56:12,15,24 57:2, setup 46:18
route 17:9,10 18:6 6,23 58:4,13,15,20,23 Shall 32:15
59:3,16,20,24 60:5,15,20
routine 13:23,24 14:6,16 61:2,5,7,9,13,20,24 62:2, shame 3:6
rubber 28:13 6,15,19 63:2,6,10,16,19, shattered 28:10
22,25 64:2,15,18,23 Shepherd 26:19 30:2,3,
rulings 63:20 65:1,3,8,11 18,22 31:5,23 33:6 55:24
run 44:1 52:6 57:13 56:19 57:16
sat 33:12,13
running 15:19,22 17:6 saving 31:4 57:22 Shepherd's 56:23
rush 59:9 scale 36:9 38:9 shield 28:18,25
scared 34:4 shields 28:20,25 57:15
scenario 31:15 33:17 shift 12:25 13:4,8,16,18,
safe 29:21 33:4 21,23 15:10,11,12 58:10
scenarios 54:17
59:25 60:1
safer 57:14 scene 32:23 33:11 48:23
53:21 58:25 shifting 26:5
safety 24:13,20 25:11
29:9 31:11 32:3,10 39:23 shoot 22:8 23:25 24:12,
school 10:25 11:1,3,4,12
42:9 44:4 55:21 57:11 22 34:15 40:2,4,5 54:20
saliva 54:23 schools 11:19 shooting 42:5 54:18 56:9

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: short..strange
short 16:5 18:22 23:19 slide 35:21 stacking 20:8 27:8 53:23
sling 21:2 stand 11:21
shortly 56:6,19
slot 13:20 standing 18:20 22:2 26:6
shot 25:12 27:13 32:4,22 38:17,25
social 5:15
shotgun 46:19 47:10 39:7,25 41:8 64:8
solid 9:14,15
51:2 standpoint 28:6 49:21
somebody's 5:6 24:6 52:25 53:4
shots 28:7 32:8 33:18
40:7 someone's 24:5,6 start 8:13 13:11 15:24
shoulder 14:4 27:22 IMI 19:13 17:6 20:13 24:24 27:14
48:6,8 32:23 47:11 57:13 63:19
sort 27:19 48:20
shouted 48:24 started 13:18 15:18
sounded 22:21 23:4 16:20 17:8,12 21:5 23:19
shut 52:5 sounds 32:19 39:15,17 54:1
side 20:16,18 21:7,14 source 6:4 starting 39:16
23:14 24:1,21,23 27:8,
15,18 28:2,18,19,20,25 south 16:8,11 17:24 starts 24:18
29:5 30:8,10 32:4,8,9,10, 18:5,8 19:22,23 20:6 State 10:7 12:16
12 33:25 34:16 37:1,8,12 21:7,8 25:7 26:2 32:4,5
36:25 37:11 statement 6:16 7:9 9:2
38:3 39:15 40:6,16,25
41:2,10,20,23 42:1,3,5, space 3:2
16 48:4,9,10 50:1,2 statements 6:19
special 47:3
51:22,23 63:1,12,14 station 15:7 37:2 56:22
specialties 10:23
sidewalk 21:23 stay 17:22
specific 46:18 53:14
sideways 37:11 stayed 17:3 28:25 56:4
specifically 7:6 2.7:16
sight 59:13 step 6:13
sights 21:3 Steve 15:9 29:18
specifics 20:4
signature 7:19 stole 33:21
speculate 25:15
signed 7:18 stood 33:8
speed 25:13
significant 11:17 stop 12:18 24:16 41:11
speeds 34:2,9
siren 22:22,24 23:2,7,11 54:20 63:13
spot 11:8 30:20
sirens 17:6 18:11 22:12, stopped 22:23 43:22
spray 48:9
13 23:4 38:23 48:25 52:4 stopping 20:14,17
squad 10:19,23
situation 17:1,15 19:21 stops 15:16
SRO 12:5
skipped 16:1 story 8:12,14
stack 41:23
slacks 48:2 straight 39:24
stacked 26:16 30:14
sleep 59:24 60:3 strange 50:10
41:9,10,19,23 59:8

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: stuff..understand
stuff 4:23 12:13 22:4 team's 41:19 trained 19:10 60:6
subsequent 7:15 test 21:18 23:17 29:13 training 11:16,19,23
suiting 14:17 33:19 51:19 12:5,7,11,14 60:14,25

sun 58:2 thing 6:17 8:20 33:4 transitioned 26:1

sunny 58:2 things 14:25 16:24,25 transmissions 46:6

21:2,3 32:18 41:5 54:17,
surgery 59:19 Troy 23:5,6 27:15 38:11,
19 64;21
15 43:14
surprises 7:23 thinking 6:10 15:14 18:4
truck 20:23 21:21,22
suspect 5:25 9:1 16:6,7, 20:18 21:18 22:8 23:16,
22:1,3,4 23:13,14,15,20
10,16,18 20:15,23 21:6, 20,22 24:4,5,10,12,16,
24:11 25:4,12,13,15,18,
10,12 22:2,5,25 23:1,12, 21,25 25:5,7,21 34:1,2
20,21,23,24 26:4,14,20,
15 25:17 26:15 29:8 39:17 40:2 51:3,6 53:25
22,24 27:15,25 28:16,24
30:4,17 32:7 39:2,7 58:9,10
29:24 30:3,15 31:8 33:21
43:20 45:19 46:5,14 47:5 thought 25:20 33:20 34:14,15 35:7,10 38:3,
49:9 51:10 52:1,15,20 10,16,23 39:5,8,15 40:8,
54:3,7,14 55:8 57:8 59:1, threat 37:23 45:25 50:17
51:2,7 54:1,20 57:20 11,13,14,15,17 41:20
12 43:13,16,20,25 46:12,18,
suspect's 19:3 20:19 thumb 31:7 24,25 47:16 49:1,10 50:2
Thursday 13:10,18 51:1,5,13,22,23 53:2.4
suspicion 16:2
54:2,7 57:10,13,15 59:9,
swiftly 23:21 time 9:21 11:13 12:13 11 62:24
16:5 17:17 18:22 19;25
23:19 25:22 58:5,11 trunk 33:5 56:5,7,17
T 60:3,5,20 61:2 62:16 truthfully 7:12
table 35:22 49:23 tug 47:9
timid 31:12
tac 62:25 turn 18:5,10 19:23 22:24
timing 55:4 23:2,6 31:20 36:24
taking 51:24
told 3:7 18:18 22:5 26:11 turned 22:14,21 23:6,11
talk 6:20 8:22 11:15 34:13 38:21,25 41:22 38:25
13:24 57:24 42:2
type 31:15
talked 59:14 tops 14:2
typically 14:14 56:10
talking 27:14 32:2,23 total 10:4,12 11:5
49:22 51:16 56:13 60:12
Tracy 27:5 33:11 41:6,7 U
tap 55:6 42:10,17,19 44:8
targets 54:18 Tracy's 42:14 Uh-huh 50:21
Taser 48:14 traffic 14:9,21,22,23 ultimately 43:22
teach 12:13 15:12,16 19:24 22:16 underneath 35:22
team 27:7 41:9 understand 3:12 6:15

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 index: understanding..WHITEHEAD
9:19 19:2 35:7 36:9 veers 24:3,9 watch 5:8 27:10
43:11 49:15 63:8 vehicle 3:21 20:7 38:18, watching 29:3
understanding 42:22 24 46:16
weapon 16:7 33:22
43:5 45:24 60:16
vehicle's 49:15 39:11,19,21 40:1 50:25
undertaken 7:11 vehicles 40:20 41:4 53:19 55:8,12,18,20 56:2
unfold 15:25 53:23 58:17 59:7 57:2 61:10,11 62:20

UNIDENTIFIED 9:12 36:2 verbal 48:20 49:3,5 weapons 46:14 62:20

44:25 45:1 63:24 64:3, 50:13 wear 59:17
verbiage 16:19,23 18:13, wearing 4:20 14:1 18:18
uniform 14:2 47:19 48:3 23 21:13 47:18 48:18 53:3
uniforms 14:1 vicinity 18:9 21:10 32:7 54:3

unit 11:6,7,8,11,13 12:7 38:19 39:1,25 40:13 weather 57:25

13:19 14:20,23 victims 12:2 week 14:18
units 15:22 16:20 17:7, video 4:24 5:9 27:2,18, weekend 13:12
12,24 19:20 45:4 46:6 23,24 weighing 39:18
University 12:17 view 15:23 17:8 42:1,18
welfare 32:12
unknown 24:14 viewed 5:14 west 6:23,25 10:7,11
unlocks 47:14 Vincent 13:19 11:1,3 16:21 23:21 24:2
25:6,14,18,23,25 26:3,8,
unmarked 32:25 33:6 vision 40:19 41:11 42:1
58:16 59:4 15,16,24 37:1,15 40:12
UPD 22:20 25:1,8 27:5 41:2 46:15 51:8
38:20 41:8 42:10 43:13 visually 59:1
51:4 56:22 61:17 West-ish 18:8
voice 16:24 19:8,11,19
update 18:14 19:3 48:24 westbound 16:11,13
white 25:24 40:21,22
updated 18:16
43:25 44:7
upgraded 47:15
WHITEHEAD 3:3,11,17,
upwards 37:8 waited 33:8 23,25 4:3,7,12,14,18,21
Utah 10:6 12:16 waiting 22:8 5:1,3,7,11,16,18,21,24
6:2,5,9,21 7:25 8:3,8,11,
wall 49:23 50:1 15,18,23 9:4,7,9,13,16,
wanted 17:5,14,17 22:24 20,24 10:2,6,10,13,15,
26:12 31:11 32:19 52:4 20,24 11:18,22,25 12:23
Valley 12:17 15:13 33:14 13:1,5,9,14,17,25 14:8,
56:10 61:22
45:12 14 15:5,7 34:24 35:2,9,
wanting 59:9
Vanrosendahl 41:7 12,15,18,23 36:1,6,12,
warning 6:14 28:12 15,18,23 37:5,7,10,14,
veer 24:24
warranted 7:5 19,24 38:1 41:14,16
42:24 43:1,3,8,12,21,24

Advanced Reporting Solutions


Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Whoa..yielding
45:7,9,15,20 46:1,17,23 Y
47:20,23,25 48:17,22
49:6,13,18,21,25 50:5,8, yards 54:18
14,19,22 51:12,15,17 year 11:12 61:2,4
52:3,16,22 53:3,8,10,12,
17,20 54:10,12 55:2,5,9, years 10:4,7,12 11:2,4,5,
13,16,19,23 56:4,14,16, 10 60:12
25 57:5,9 58:1,6,14,18, yelled 22:22,23 23:1
22 59:2,5,18,21 60:2,7,
yelling 27:4 42:8 49:8
17,22 61:3,6,8,12,15,21,
25 62:4,7,18,22 63:4,9, yielding 20:3
15,18,21 64:1,4,13,17,
20,25 65:2,7,10
Whoa 8:6
wife 5:8
Williams 33:12 41:7
Williams's 33:14
wind 40:3
window 24:1,23 27:18,20
28:8,10 40:6 42:5
windshield 23:25 24:23
34:15 40:4
wings 48:5
winter 61:4
wise 12:11 14:9
wondering 17:9
work 8:6 10:18,22 12:25
13:7,24 14:7
worked 10:5,6 13:15
working 13:3
worried 48:25
write 35:18 36:8,9 43:9
writing 37:16
written 7:18
wrong 11:9 19:9

Advanced Reporting Solutions



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