Joshua Whitehead Garrity Statement
Joshua Whitehead Garrity Statement
Joshua Whitehead Garrity Statement
August 9, 2018
Drew Sanders
Professional Standards and Training Bureau
8040 S. Redwood Rd
West Jordan, UT 84088
Enclosed please find the original sealed transcript from the Interview of Joshua
Whitehead, taken May 30, 2018. Please note that no changes were made to this transcript
on the witness correction page.
If we may provide additional assistance, please contact our office at (801) 691-1000.
Pennie Nielson
Advanced Reporting Solutions
May 30, 2018
AOVANCL Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018
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Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Page 2
3 -O0O-
14 go over some ground rules on and what you can expect and
24 devices with us, and you have this room for as long as
25 you need.
10 Audio Transcription
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10 as a fact.
22 activated?
A OVA Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Page 4
1 devices?
4 emergency lights --
11 assigned to you?
17 activated?
23 access to any of that stuff, but let me ask you, did you
I ADVA.CE,) Audio Transcription
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4 dash cam?
19 read anything?
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6 sure.
8 before, was --
13 not question, but the next step is I've got to read you a
14 Garrity Warning.
20 talk to us.
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May 30, 2018 Page 7
2 deadly force.
8 office.
20 requests.
24 you.
kt) VANCE',
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May 30, 2018 Page 8
2 of this interview.
7 You should all know that. This is really for the record.
20 you can see here, I've got this really nice thing I'm
Atovn NC ED
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May 30, 2018 Page 9
6 it.
10 assuming?
15 frozen solid --
23 of employment is?
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Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Page 11
6 juvenile unit.
8 spot, into the motor unit, and I've been there for I want
10 but I want to say that it's been three years that I've
14 about it.
23 Training.
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9 apologize.
25 you were on duty, when did you last work that shift?
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6 regular.
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18 got reports from the previous day or, you know, week or
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16 that area and had been making traffic stops, and that's
21 called out at, but when I got to 90th and 56, I actually
22 saw the two -- those two units running code at that point
25 you know, develop and unfold over the radio with Hutch,
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2 difficulty.
5 that I wanted to leave the air open for Hutch. But I did
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9 that vicinity.
12 someone got on the air and said, you know -- pretty much,
19 number one, that he was 1088, that he had a gun, and that
21 40th-ish.
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May 30, 2018 Page 19
6 Andres's second.
12 I personally, in my mind,
14 11111111111111111111111111111111
15 And I know that's irrelevant to you guys, but
20 you know, asking where his units are, that -- that had
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May 30, 2018 Page 20
10 you know, how far east, you know, that -- that distance
14 you know, that's where they were stopping and having more
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May 30, 2018 Page 21
4 that, but I --
14 hands are down by his side, but then I look over at him,
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May 30, 2018 Page 22
4 because of the K-9 stuff and the K-9 decals on his truck.
17 with her. And so I'd -- you know, I don't know her name,
22 siren was coming from her car, so I yelled -- and she was
23 stopped and she was out of her car, and I yelled to her,
! l;
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Page 23
1 make sure that the suspect can hear us. So I yelled back
2 to her, Turn off your siren. And I knew that she was, at
6 was at. And I turned to Troy and I said, Troy turn off
6 .11Nr,i)
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May 30, 2018 Page 24
1 side window --
3 don't remember how the cars were set up, but he veers to
25 thinking I -- I --
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19 was my main --
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May 30, 2018 Page 26
A I< P
7 that point.
15 suspect is, the West Jordan police car and that's exactly
17 police car.
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5 that Tracy and a UPD officer were over to our left, our
19 sort just the case we had to take it out with the less
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3 I don't know how many there were, but I know that there
21 to move up.
23 was -- was Hutch making sure that he -- that his dog was
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19 his dog back, and then another K-9 officer brought his
24 truck.
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7 out of the seat and that I could see, just on the left
13 up. I apologize.
21 no -- still no movement.
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6 off, and he had -- and the blood had gone through his
21 my body camera.
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8 left, and that I fired two shots onto the left side. My
14 initial debrief.
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May 30, 2018 Page 33
1 the idea of everybody piling into that car and going down
2 to the hospital.
7 there, too.
A 00A1, 0 Audio Transcription
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6 there.
20 it.
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1 a --
8 right in there.
19 here?
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May 30, 2018 Page 36
22 to.
24 turn it this way, just for the fact that that's the
fhb• NCik0
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8 upwards side.
12 side.
17 on --
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23 out of my truck and sirens are going off around us, and
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12 me if I'm
18 Anyway.
24 there.
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10 And then as Tracy and that UPD officer are over here,
11 we're, you know, making sure that we're all on the same
12 page.
17 actually asked for Tracy to -- you know, what can you see
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May 30, 2018 Page 43
6 you can, just note which one is your car and which one is
7 you.
23 whatever.
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20 going?
22 good.
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17 basis, so...
25 threat level?
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16 vehicle"?
21 cage, also.
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1 in park and got out and pushed the button in the middle
5 say is the suspect very well can -- and it's usually even
A6V,4CEO Audio Transcription
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12 for my Glock.
21 identification?
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2 didn't know what was coming next after the crash, I gave
8 was being said, but I know that Hutch was yelling out to
20 you?
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May 30, 2018 Page 50
13 verbal contact?
20 by me?
.25 his own weapon. He now has access to whatever Hutch may
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9 So...
13 in the truck?
A:, cu
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May 30, 2018 Page 52
2 police commands?
8 remember what was being said back and forth between him
13 to him.
18 saying.
21 drugs or alcohol?
25 standpoint.
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7 make or model --
16 in?
24 parked my truck.
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15 practice at.
22 AR-15 to be deployed.
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1 fired?
4 timing of it?
10 he did.
24 Shepherd did.
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3 here.
11 firearm --
18 the car.
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1 beyond that.
20 the -- the threat was over. Somebody called for the fire
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2 sunny. And I don't -- you know, the sun was out. It was
5 time of day?
19 apologize.
21 it's so big, I --
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10 on that.
14 training.
24 date. It was the last -- and you have multiple ones when
i; •IA e: IF I)
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exact date or --
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17 incident?
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20 rulings made.
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16 time soon.
22 that --
24 access.
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9 Anything --
14 (End of recording.)
15 * * * * *
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) ss
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: 1..answers
56 15:21 17:24 acknowledgment 7:17
5600 16:21 acquired 59:1
1 57:11 5th 31:13 action 7:5,10 34:7
10 10:15 activate 4:3
100 21:20 activated 3:22 4:17
1033 19:1,7 62 18:7,20 45:13 activates 4:8
1088 18:19 46:7 6200 16:8,11 18:8 19:22, actual 3:19 14:3 31:7
23 20:6 21:8 25:7 26:2 45:7
11 10:15
32:4 36:25 37:11 addition 24:21 49:13
11:37 65:13
6:00 13:20,21 administrative 6:23,25
12 10:16
13 10:14,16 7 admission 31:14
1600 13:21
7-eleven 45:11 46:4 affairs 63:10
7111 16:4,7 aftermath 42:23
7800 17:24 18:5 ahead 16:13 18:2 22:10
2005 10:8 43:16 59:8
78th 18:1
2007 9:24 10:8,10 aid 57:13
2017 61:7,8 9 air 17:5 18:12,18
25-yard 54:14 Airport 18:6 19:22
90th 15:21
2:00 58:8,12,14 alcohol 52:21
alertness 16:17
alignment 25:16
a.m. 13:21
30 61:23 alter 57:2
absolutely 34:11 44:21
3957 35:6 55:13,16 57:12 alternative 47:11
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index:
anticipated 22:7 attire 47:18 48:2 36:14 38:11 57:24
anticipation 23:7 attorney 3:8 black 21:13 48:2 53:4,5
anymore 59:23 audio 3:13 54:3
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: cage..continued
cage 46:21 check 16:13 31:10,11 comment 5:14
call 15:8 16:3 17:4 22:19 32:12 57:22
committed 34:1
29:12,21 checked 30:18 57:16
communication 50:12
called 8:10 15:21 17:20 checking 30:19 Community 12:13
19:1 30:25 46:4 57:20 child 11:20 12:2,4
compared 20:1
cam 4:8,10,20 5:3,4,5 children 11:20
64:21 compelling 6:16
choice 33:18
camera 14:4,15,17 27:21 completely 36:10
31:20,21 48:6 64:21 Chrysler 40:21
compliance 21:18 23:17
cameras 27:2 citizens 51:7 29:13 33:19 34:2 39:18
civilian 44:1 51:17,19
campers 41:4
civilians 25:5 26:23 27:3 compliant 17:1 20:21
canted 38:11
34:5 42:7 23:17
capacity 61:14 62:3 complying 51:20
clarification 8:25 9:4
capture 27:18
clarify 45:23 50:17 concern 26:23 27:3
car 18:20 20:17 21:8,10 28:22 41:9 44:4 52:4
22:22,23 24:2 25:25 clarifying 44:17 58:24 57:10
26:9,10,13,15,17,21 Clark 32:20,21 33:12 concerned 19:21 29:9
32:25 33:1,6,14 38:21
Class 14:2 47:19 34:12 46:23
39:1 40:22 41:22 43:6,25
44:4,7 56:6,18 clear 42:8 59:15 conclude 65:12
care 35:18 cleared 54:5 concludes 63:7
cars 20:4 24:3 click 47:13 condition 30:16 57:3
case 27:19 60:21 clock 58:8 conference 61:18
caught 14:19 close 49:19,22 50:9 56:8, confidence 33:18
cell 5:6 10 confident 15:11 41:2
Center 20:9,11 37:16,20 closer 31:18 54:13 confirm 31:25
certification 11:17 clothing 21:13 conflicting 51:25
chain 56:2 code 15:19,22 consideration 53:22
chance 31:3 College 12:14,16 console 47:2
chances 54:19 comfortable 29:2 contact 50:12,13
charge 24:19 25:11 command 30:15 49:3 contacts 59:22
39:22 commands 22:25 23:8 continue 29:13
charged 24:13 30:12 34:11 49:11 51:11
52:2,11 continued 16:21 25:13
charging 25:11 26:23 40:12 46:7 49:10
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: continues..drove
continues 40:18 18,24,25 15:17 19:25 diagonal 22:14 25:1
convey 27:9 48:18 57:25 58:3,5 38:22
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: drugs..forcing
drugs 52:21 evidence 7:13 52:24 feet 50:4
dust 56:13,16 exact 35:6 36:16 61:1 felon 34:10 39:19 50:24
duties 7:7 excitement 19:11 felony 34:1
duty 7:9 12:22,23,25 excuse 22:1 26:20 39:5 felt 29:1 49:22 57:19
14:5 48:3,8 62:12 41:7 50:1
female 22:15 25:1,8
exit 38:16 38:20 51:4
expect 8:1 field 27:6,10 41:5
early 13:11,12 expecting 36:10 figure 47:9
east 17:25 18:4,7 19:23 experienced 19:19 fill 3:9 62:2
20:7,8,10 21:5,6 22:7 explain 13:22 find 57:17
25:7 26:2 37:4,5 38:2,9
39:21 46:11,12 explained 22:11 32:3 finish 8:13
38:11 41:21 45:3,23
eastbound 32:6 38:4,10 fire 30:25 31:2 33:18
extra 48:11 39:21 55:18 57:20
edge 49:23
eye 50:12 59:17 firearm 48:9 56:11
education 12:15
firearm's 60:8
effective 54:13
fired 24:20 31:11,12,16,
efforts 57:7 18,23,24 32:1,8 40:7
face 25:9
elevated 16:24 49:19 50:21 55:1,8,12,20
faced 25:8 61:10
emergency 4:4
fact 3:10 17:4 23:24 firefighter 31:2
employment 7:22 8:5
24:22 31:12,13 33:20
9:23 FIT 11:19,21
34:10 36:24 39:18 41:3
end 3:2 11:11 24:8 58:10 46:20 50:24 fitness 7:7
65:14 fail 7:12 fled 51:12
ended 25:3 33:10 43:21 failures 3:16 fleeing 34:10 50:24
enforce 14:21 focus 26:21 29:2
fair 64:9
ensure 32:21 fairly 63:17 focused 26:3 30:14
environment 57:24 familiar 19:9 45:15 Foliage 58:16
equipment 3:16 4:2 fast 15:2 23:21 followup 8:25
faster 18:6 foot 16:11
estimation 34:25 52:20
fastest 17:10 footage 4:24 27:24 64:21
evaluated 33:15
fear 19:11 24:15 force 7:2 60:6,13,16,17
everybody's 26:21
27:11,12 feel 8:6 65:6 forcing 6:19
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Forensic,.hurts
Forensic 11:22 Google 34:23 headline 5:25
forget 36:3 grab 14:15 26:10 hear 16:24 23:1,9 49:4
formally 6:16 great 32:16
heard 15:8 16:3 25:8
forward 15:2 28:24 29:7, greater 54:12
22 30:1,3,17 ground 28:14 hearing 17:12 19:8,11,19
found 57:14 31:1
group 27:8
held 27:22 48:7
foundational 3:20 grouped 31:22
free 8:10 hey 18:14 22:19 27:10
guess 3:8 24:19 31:19 42:16
front 22:2 23:13 24:16 guesstimate 20:12 high 11:3 25:13 50:23
26:19 31:14 33:13 38:15
gun 18:19 21:15 22:6 51:2
39:7 44:4 48:10 51:22
63:1 23:18,24 24:13 29:10 Hills 11:1,3,12
33:24 39:12 46:7,9 51:19
frozen 9:15 53:1,13 hired 10:24
full 14:1 history 10:22 11:16
guys 19:15
fully 7:12 hit 23:23 25:4,18,22 40:3,
H 5,12,14,16,22 51:5
hitting 25:23
habit 56:9
holding 53:15
gained 7:13 half 11:2,4
hole 28:2
gaps 3:9 hall 61:18
holiday 20:1
Garrity 6:14 7:9 hand 30:23 31:7,16,25
holster 20:24 54:5
gathered 31:18 53:15 54:4
home 13:11
gave 30:12,15 34:22 49:2 handgun 20:23 34:10
46:2 47:15 48:10 53:5 hood 26:20,21
geez 8:6
54:2,8,13 60:9 hospital 32:24 33:2,10,
general 13:23 27:17 55:3
handguns 62:4 14 56:21
give 7:19,23 8:10,21
handled 22:16 hour 44:23
18:14,16 28:12 47:9
48:20 49:5,11 hands 21:14 hours 58:9 65:13
giving 22:25 23:8 35:11 happen 19:16 57:22 house 39:4
glasses 59:22 happened 21:20 35:25 human 29:22
44:5 56:1 58:7 hundred 54:18
Glock 48:12
happening 50:11 hurry 9:19
glove 30:24 31:5
harm's 59:10 hurt 24:5,6
good 6:11 9:16 30:20
42:22 43:5 44:22,25 head 25:25 40:22 hurts 24:17
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Hutch.,learned
Hutch 15:14,25 16:1,3,9, initial 32:14 38:6 45:5 keeping 29:2 42:9
11,19 17:1,5,10,12,13,21 46:1
key 3:4
18:7 19:1,9,13,16,19
initially 17:7 21:13 32:25
20:21 21:18,21,23,25 killed 34:9
28:23 29:5,6,18 34:11 injured 34:8
kind 8:6,22 14:23 15:15,
45:12 46:4 47:16 49:8 injury 60:19 24 16:1 18:16 22:14
50:25 52:9,12 26:5,6,14 27:23 28:12
inquiry 7:1
Hutch's 19:8 22:3 23:13 30:12,18 31:8,10,18,22,
25:17 26:14,24 27:25 internal 7:16 63:10 24 32:11,13,16 33:8,9
34:14 35:10 39:5,8 41:20 interruptions 8:13 35:24 38:8,10,21 39:3,6
43:10,12 46:11,17,20 40:19 42:22 52:23 53:23
intersection 18:3 20:9 54:14 63:12
50:2 54:2
26:25 38:2,3 40:25 41:1,
Hutchings 15:9 3 kneeling 26:20
interview 3:19 7:3,13 8:2 knew 15:9 17:15,18
11:22 65:13 22:10 23:2 33:22 45:12
interviewing 11:19 12:1 knowing 16:17 17:6
IA 3:13 19:10,13 20:20 22:19
IA2018-005 6:23 intimidated 34:4 29:9 30:16 34:4 53:25
investigation 3:13 6:24, knowledge 45:20 46:13
idea 33:1
25 12:4 63:11,14 47:9
identification 48:21 49:5
investigation's 63:8 KSL 5:86:7,10
identified 39:3
irrelevant 19:15
identify 21:12
issues 57:11 L
immediately 55:21 57:3
impact 30:6 Labaron 40:22
impaired 52:20 58:16 labeled 47:6
59:4,6 job 32:16 Lake 12:13
in-service 60:9 62:11 Jordan 6:23,25 10:7,11 lanes 32:6 38:4,10
25:18,23 26:9,15,16
inaudible 43:2 33:14 46:15 large 57:18
incident 4:24 5:2,15 Josh 7:21 9:22 34:21 LASER 12:8
12:22 15:3 45:5,7 52:15
June 11:11 LASIK 59:18
57:4 58:7 59:25 62:17
justice 12:17 late 60:1
including 7:11 10:22
juvenile 11:6,7 laws 14:2.1
indicating 16:23
leads 5:12
information 3:9,20 5:15
K learned 45:4,6 55:23
7:4,13,15 8:5 34:19
42:15 45:4 63:12 61:23 62:8
K-9 22:4 29:19
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: learning,.mentioned
learning 12:18 locked 20:25 47:11 magazine 61:14 62:12,
leather 14:5 48:3 loft 34:19 23,24
leave 17:5,16 24:14 long 13:15 22:11 52:6 magazines 48:11 57:3
56:10 64:14 62:3
looked 30:5 54:2
leaving 32:23 magnet 48:7
lost 40:19
Leery 23:5 27:15 43:14 main 12:4 25:19
lot 9:1 20:2
Leery's 38:12 make 9:5 17:14,17 18:5,
loud 6:22 48:24 10 19:23 2.3:1,8 27:23
left 4:25 11:12 13:19 14:4 LT 3:4,12,18,24 4:2,5,9, 29:3 31:3,13 36:19 52:17
16:10 18:6 22:14 23:13 13,15,19,22 5:2,5,10,12, 53:7 61:22 62:8,11 65:6
24:18,20 25:2,10 27:5,6
17,20,23 6:1,3,7,11,22 making 15:16 16:20
28:19,20,25 29:5 30:7,10
8:1,4,9,12,16,19,24 9:5, 27:11 28:23 32:16 42:4,
32:8,9 33:3,25 38:22 8,11,14,17,21,25 10:4,9,
39:24 40:7 48:6,7,8,9,10 11
12,14,17,21 11:15,21,24
50:1 56:7,17 12:21,24 13:3,7,13,15,22 MALE 9:12 36:2 44:25
left-handed 20:17 29:1 14:6,13 15:2,6 34:21,25 45:1 63:24 64:3,10,11,12
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: mid..ofticers
21:8,9 38:20 39:9 40:11 occurred 15:6
46:8 53:20 N
occurs 15:3
mid 60:1
named 5:25 office 7:8
middle 11:1,3 47:1
narrowly 7:6 officer 3:3,11,17,23,25
mind 15:9,14 18:4 19:12 4:3,7,12,14,18,21 5:1,3,
needed 32:12
21:17 22:24 23:22 25:9 7,11,16,18,21,24 6:2,5,9,
33:17 42:9 43:5 nice 8:20 21 7:25 8:3,8,11,15,18,
mine 9:9 38:22 47:6 56:6 night 60:4 23 9:4,7,9,13,16,20,24
minor 22:16 night's 60:3 11:1,18,22,25 12:23
19:13,15 noises 51:25 13:1,5,9,14,17,25 14:8,
14 15:5,7 19:10 23:23
model 53:7 noncompliance 24:8
25:1 27:5 29:19,25
modifications 63:3 32:15,20 33:12,13 34:24
noncompliant 21:21 35:2,9,12,15,18,23 36:1,
moment 50:17
north 16:21 18:1,5 21:15, 6,12,15,18,23 37:5,7,10,
Monday 13:18 15:3 14,19,24 38:1,20,21
25 24:24 35:16 39:13
month 10:14 44:1 41:8,14,16,22 42:10,24
43:1,3,8,12,21,24 44:3,7,
Morgan 18:24,25 19:2 northbound 15:23 17:8 10,12,15,18,21 45:7,9,
28:19 15,20 46:1,17,23 47:20,
northeast 21:25
motor 10:2,3,18,23 11:8, 23,25 48:17,22 49:5,6,
northwest 22:1 13,18,21,25 50:5,8,14,
11,13 12:7 13:18,19
14:20 48:1,2,5 note 3:14 35:5 43:6,10, 19,22 51:4,12,15,17
20 52:3,16,22 53:3,8,10,12,
Mountain 15:23 17:8
17,20 54:10,12 55:2,5,9,
noticed 17:23,24
move 5:13 27:4 28:21 13,16,19,23 56:4,14,16,
29:13,22 30:15 49:3,14 November 9:24 10:16 22,25 57:5,9,11 58:1,6,
57:15 63:17 number 18:19 57:11 14,18,22 59:2,5,18,21
moved 28:24 29:4,5 30:1 60:2,7,17,22 61:3,6,8,12,
numbers 37:11 15,21,25 62:4,7,18,22
movement 26:4 28:16 Nunley 14:24 63:4,9,15,18,21 64:1,4,
29:8,16,23 30:11,21 13,17,20,25 65:2,7,10
0 officer's 25:8
moving 23:20 30:17
42:23 49:16 officer-involved 22:16
obstructed 59:13
multiple 28:7 60:24 officers 15:19 20:8,13
obstructions 58:15
21:16 22:6,10 23:18 26:4
Murray 60:9 obtain 7:3 27:8,10 29:22 33:25 34:4
muzzle 29:3 OC 48:9 39:12 42:16 46:10 51:11,
occur 3:16
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: officers'..proceeding
officers' 29:9 penetrate 28:8 65:4
official 6:25 7:7 people 20:2 37:23 pointed 23:17
on-duty 13:4,8 perceive 55:11,14 pointing 21:15 22:6 37:7
percent 21:20 39:10,11 46:9 51:19
ongoing 63:8,13
perception 54:25 55:18 points 59:13
open 17:5 56:17
Perfect 10:17 police 6:23 7:1 10:3
opened 13:20
12:12 26:9,15,17 30:15
opportunities 59:12 performance 7:7 40:10,13,15,17 45:6
orient 36:21 permitted 60:16,17 46:15 49:3,14 52:2 53:22
outcome 30:16 63:11 personal 61:10 63:2
64:19 port 56:7,8,10,12
outline 47:7
personally 19:12 31:15 portion 32:3 63:7
owned 61:11
45:18 position 22:9 26:11,12
pertains 7:1 37:6 48:8
phone 5:6 positive 39:4
p.m. 58:14 possession 46:15
phones 27:2
paired 32:18,20 Possibly 50:8
photographic 4:24
paper 35:21 POST 12:14
phrase 52:10
park 20:9,11,18 37:16,20 posted 5:14,22
picture 47:7 60:22
38:3,10 47:1
piling 33:1 pouchs 48:11
parked 41:4 53:24 59:11
pistol 47:7 practice 54:15
part 3:12 6:24 12:12 14:9
19:14 19:13
pass 25:6
place 19:14 48:7 pretty 5:24 14:12 15:11
passed 32:7 51:8 18:12 19:25 20:6 22:11
plan 3:17 32:20 41:2 42:21 43:5
passenger 25:24 40:22
43:25 44:7 plate 14:4 48:4,5 59:15
passenger's 27:14 41:20 point 15:22 17:1,3,6 previous 14:18
42:3,5 18:11,18 19:17 20:20 print 7:19
21:19 22:9,10 23:3,10,
passing 39:23 40:6 50:2, printed 34:2 3
12,18 24:4,8,11,12,15
25:14 26:7,18 27:7,25 prior 13:8 59:25
past 45:19 28:15 29:9,17 30:2 31:4,
Prison 10:7
patrol 10:25 14:2 41:22 12,17 33:5,24 40:19
45:16 47:19 48:1,2,3 42:13,18 43:2 47:4 49:3, problem 62:15
11 51:21 54:8,21 56:5, procedures 31:4
patrol-ready 62:23 21,22 57:11,12,19 58:18
63:16,22 64:6,7,18,23 proceeding 7:14
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: program..respond
program 12:6 regard 34:11
progress 42:4 regular 13:4,6,8,16,21
14:5 45:16 47:19 48:1
prosecution 6:18 radio 15:8,25 16:4 17:3,
protecting 6:18 13,16,19,22 18:23,24,25
45:6,10 46:6 48:15 related 7:6
proving 41:17
raise 31:25 relation 22:18
public 31:11 32:3,10
44:4 55:20,21 raised 16:16 31:16 relative 37:22 49:16
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: responded..shooting
responded 45:24 Salt 12:13 screened 63:14
responding 45:22 SANDERS 3:4,12,18,24 screwed 39:11
responsibility 14:21 4:2,5,9,13,15,19,22 5:2, seat 30:5,7 33:13
5,10,12,17,20,23 6:1,3,7,
retrieved 29:6 11,22 8:1,4,9,12,16,19, seatbelt 15:10,11
review 4:24 24 9:5,8,11,14,17,21,25 seated 62:23
rifle 20:24 33:6 38:16 11:15,21,24 12:21,24 secluded 32:17
47:10 54:9,16 56:13,23 13:3,7,13,15,22 14:6,13 secondary 14:22
60:21 62:5 63:1,3 15:2,6 34:21,25 35:3,10,
sections 5:14
right-hand 18:10 19:23 14,17,20,24 36:4,7,13,
16,21 37:3,6,9,13,18,21, semester 12:16
road 19:22 20:2,6
25 41:13,15 42:21,25 separate 35:6
robbery 16:7 33:23 39:19 43:2,4,9,18,22 44:2,6,9,
45:10 46:3 11,13,16,19,23 45:2,8, sequence 21:1
room 61:18 14,18,21 46:13,22 47:17, Sergeant 3:14 14:24
21,24 48:16,19 49:4,12,
rotated 37:10 19:14
15,19,24 50:3,7,10,16,21
roughly 50:4,5 51:10,14,16,25 52:14,19 service 10:4,5
53:1,6,9,11,15,18 54:9, set 24:3
round 61:14
11,24 55:3,7,11,14,17,
rounds 54:25 62:6,12 22,25 56:12,15,24 57:2, setup 46:18
route 17:9,10 18:6 6,23 58:4,13,15,20,23 Shall 32:15
59:3,16,20,24 60:5,15,20
routine 13:23,24 14:6,16 61:2,5,7,9,13,20,24 62:2, shame 3:6
rubber 28:13 6,15,19 63:2,6,10,16,19, shattered 28:10
22,25 64:2,15,18,23 Shepherd 26:19 30:2,3,
rulings 63:20 65:1,3,8,11 18,22 31:5,23 33:6 55:24
run 44:1 52:6 57:13 56:19 57:16
sat 33:12,13
running 15:19,22 17:6 saving 31:4 57:22 Shepherd's 56:23
rush 59:9 scale 36:9 38:9 shield 28:18,25
scared 34:4 shields 28:20,25 57:15
scenario 31:15 33:17 shift 12:25 13:4,8,16,18,
safe 29:21 33:4 21,23 15:10,11,12 58:10
scenarios 54:17
59:25 60:1
safer 57:14 scene 32:23 33:11 48:23
53:21 58:25 shifting 26:5
safety 24:13,20 25:11
29:9 31:11 32:3,10 39:23 shoot 22:8 23:25 24:12,
school 10:25 11:1,3,4,12
42:9 44:4 55:21 57:11 22 34:15 40:2,4,5 54:20
saliva 54:23 schools 11:19 shooting 42:5 54:18 56:9
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: short..strange
short 16:5 18:22 23:19 slide 35:21 stacking 20:8 27:8 53:23
sling 21:2 stand 11:21
shortly 56:6,19
slot 13:20 standing 18:20 22:2 26:6
shot 25:12 27:13 32:4,22 38:17,25
social 5:15
shotgun 46:19 47:10 39:7,25 41:8 64:8
solid 9:14,15
51:2 standpoint 28:6 49:21
somebody's 5:6 24:6 52:25 53:4
shots 28:7 32:8 33:18
40:7 someone's 24:5,6 start 8:13 13:11 15:24
shoulder 14:4 27:22 IMI 19:13 17:6 20:13 24:24 27:14
48:6,8 32:23 47:11 57:13 63:19
sort 27:19 48:20
shouted 48:24 started 13:18 15:18
sounded 22:21 23:4 16:20 17:8,12 21:5 23:19
shut 52:5 sounds 32:19 39:15,17 54:1
side 20:16,18 21:7,14 source 6:4 starting 39:16
23:14 24:1,21,23 27:8,
15,18 28:2,18,19,20,25 south 16:8,11 17:24 starts 24:18
29:5 30:8,10 32:4,8,9,10, 18:5,8 19:22,23 20:6 State 10:7 12:16
12 33:25 34:16 37:1,8,12 21:7,8 25:7 26:2 32:4,5
36:25 37:11 statement 6:16 7:9 9:2
38:3 39:15 40:6,16,25
41:2,10,20,23 42:1,3,5, space 3:2
16 48:4,9,10 50:1,2 statements 6:19
special 47:3
51:22,23 63:1,12,14 station 15:7 37:2 56:22
specialties 10:23
sidewalk 21:23 stay 17:22
specific 46:18 53:14
sideways 37:11 stayed 17:3 28:25 56:4
specifically 7:6 2.7:16
sight 59:13 step 6:13
sights 21:3 Steve 15:9 29:18
specifics 20:4
signature 7:19 stole 33:21
speculate 25:15
signed 7:18 stood 33:8
speed 25:13
significant 11:17 stop 12:18 24:16 41:11
speeds 34:2,9
siren 22:22,24 23:2,7,11 54:20 63:13
spot 11:8 30:20
sirens 17:6 18:11 22:12, stopped 22:23 43:22
spray 48:9
13 23:4 38:23 48:25 52:4 stopping 20:14,17
squad 10:19,23
situation 17:1,15 19:21 stops 15:16
SRO 12:5
skipped 16:1 story 8:12,14
stack 41:23
slacks 48:2 straight 39:24
stacked 26:16 30:14
sleep 59:24 60:3 strange 50:10
41:9,10,19,23 59:8
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: stuff..understand
stuff 4:23 12:13 22:4 team's 41:19 trained 19:10 60:6
subsequent 7:15 test 21:18 23:17 29:13 training 11:16,19,23
suiting 14:17 33:19 51:19 12:5,7,11,14 60:14,25
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 index: understanding..WHITEHEAD
9:19 19:2 35:7 36:9 veers 24:3,9 watch 5:8 27:10
43:11 49:15 63:8 vehicle 3:21 20:7 38:18, watching 29:3
understanding 42:22 24 46:16
weapon 16:7 33:22
43:5 45:24 60:16
vehicle's 49:15 39:11,19,21 40:1 50:25
undertaken 7:11 vehicles 40:20 41:4 53:19 55:8,12,18,20 56:2
unfold 15:25 53:23 58:17 59:7 57:2 61:10,11 62:20
Audio Transcription
May 30, 2018 Index: Whoa..yielding
45:7,9,15,20 46:1,17,23 Y
47:20,23,25 48:17,22
49:6,13,18,21,25 50:5,8, yards 54:18
14,19,22 51:12,15,17 year 11:12 61:2,4
52:3,16,22 53:3,8,10,12,
17,20 54:10,12 55:2,5,9, years 10:4,7,12 11:2,4,5,
13,16,19,23 56:4,14,16, 10 60:12
25 57:5,9 58:1,6,14,18, yelled 22:22,23 23:1
22 59:2,5,18,21 60:2,7,
yelling 27:4 42:8 49:8
17,22 61:3,6,8,12,15,21,
25 62:4,7,18,22 63:4,9, yielding 20:3
15,18,21 64:1,4,13,17,
20,25 65:2,7,10
Whoa 8:6
wife 5:8
Williams 33:12 41:7
Williams's 33:14
wind 40:3
window 24:1,23 27:18,20
28:8,10 40:6 42:5
windshield 23:25 24:23
34:15 40:4
wings 48:5
winter 61:4
wise 12:11 14:9
wondering 17:9
work 8:6 10:18,22 12:25
13:7,24 14:7
worked 10:5,6 13:15
working 13:3
worried 48:25
write 35:18 36:8,9 43:9
writing 37:16
written 7:18
wrong 11:9 19:9