Deep Reinforcement Learning For 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination
Deep Reinforcement Learning For 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination
Deep Reinforcement Learning For 5G Networks: Joint Beamforming, Power Control, and Interference Coordination
The fifth generation of wireless communications (5G) promises massive increases in traffic volume
and data rates, as well as improved reliability in voice calls. Jointly optimizing beamforming, power con-
trol, and interference coordination in a 5G wireless network to enhance the communication performance
to end users poses a significant challenge. In this paper, we formulate the joint design of beamforming,
power control, and interference coordination as a non-convex optimization problem to maximize the
signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and solve this problem using deep reinforcement learning.
By using the greedy nature of deep Q-learning to estimate future rewards of actions and using the
reported coordinates of the users served by the network, we propose an algorithm for voice bearers and
data bearers in sub-6 GHz and millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency bands, respectively. The algorithm
improves the performance measured by SINR and sum-rate capacity. In realistic cellular environments,
the simulation results show that our algorithm outperforms the link adaptation industry standards for
sub-6 GHz voice bearers. For data bearers in the mmWave frequency band, our algorithm approaches
the maximum sum rate capacity, but with less than 4% of the required run time.
The massive growth in traffic volume and data rate continues to evolve with the introduction
of fifth generation of wireless communications (5G). Also evolving is enhanced voice call quality
F. B. Mismar and B. L. Evans are with the Wireless Networking and Communications Group, Dept. of Electrical and Comp.
Eng., The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712, USA. e-mail:, A.
Alkhtaeeb is with the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287,
USA. email:
A preliminary version of this work was presented at the 2018 Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers [1].
with better reliability and improved codecs. Future wireless networks are therefore expected to
meet this massive demand for both the data rates and the enhanced voice quality. In an attempt
to learn the implied characteristics of inter-cellular interference and inter-beam interference, we
propose an online learning based algorithm based on a reinforcement learning (RL) framework.
We use this framework to derive a near-optimal policy to maximize the end-user signal to
interference plus noise (SINR) and sum-rate capacity. The importance of reinforcement learning
in power control has been demonstrated in [1]–[3]. Power control in voice bearers makes them
more robust against wireless impairments, such as fading. It also enhances the usability of the
network and increases the cellular capacity. For data bearers, beamforming, power control, and
interference coordination, can improve the robustness of these data bearers, improve the data
rates received by the end-users, and avoid retransmissions.
A major question here is whether there exists a method that (1) can jointly solve for the power
control, interference coordination, and beamforming, (2) achieve the upper bound on SINR, and
(3) avoids the exhaustive search in the action space for both bearer types. The aim of this paper
is to propose an algorithm for this joint solution by utilizing the ability of reinforcement learning
to explore the solution space by learning from interaction. This algorithm applies to both voice
and data bearers alike. Furthermore, we study the overhead introduced as a result of passing
information to a central location, which computes the solution through online learning.
A. Related Work
Performing power control and beamforming in both uplink and downlink was studied in [4]–
[7]. A jointly optimal transmit power and beamforming vector was solved for in [7] to maximize
the SINR using optimization, but without regards for scattering or shadowing, which are critical
phenomena in millimeter wave (mmWave) propagation.
The industry standards adopted the method of almost blank subframe (ABS) to resolve the
co-channel inter-cell interference problem in LTE where two base stations (BSs) interfere with
one another [8]. While ABS works well in fixed beam antenna patterns, the dynamic nature of
beamforming reduces the usefulness of ABS [9].
An online learning algorithm for link adaptation in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
bearers was studied in [2]. The algorithm computational complexity was comparable to existing
online learning approaches, but with minimal spatial overhead. Interference avoidance in a
heterogeneous network was studied in [3]. A Q-learning framework for the coexistence of both
User Equipment
Fig. 1. Performing joint beamforming and power control on the signal from the serving base station while coordinating
interference from the other BS. The decisions are computed at a central location, which can be one of the L BSs. The
measurements from the UEs are relayed to the central location over the backhaul.
macro and femto BSs was proposed. The feasibility of decentralized self-organization of these
BSs was established where the femtocells interference towards the macro BSs was mitigated. The
use of a Q-learning framework was also proposed in [1]. The framework focused on packetized
voice power control in a multi-cell indoors environment. It exploits the use of semi-persistent
scheduling, which establishes a virtual sense of a dedicated channel. This channel enabled the
power control of the downlink to ensure enhanced voice clarity compared to industry standards,
which are based on fixed power allocation.
Joint power control in massive MIMO was introduced in [4]. This approach led to a reduced
overhead due to a limited exchange of channel state information between the BSs participating in
the joint power control. The joint power control scheme led to enhanced performance measured
by the SINR. In the uplink direction, power control with beamforming was studied in [5]. An
optimization problem was formulated to maximize the achievable sum rate of the two users
while ensuring a minimal rate constraint for each user. Using reinforcement learning to solve
the problem for the uplink is computationally expensive and can cause a faster depletion of the
user equipment (UE) battery. We on the other hand focus on the downlink and on interference
cancellation alongside power control and beamforming.
Over the last two years, the use of deep learning in wireless communications was studied
in [6], [10]–[16]. The specific use of deep reinforcement learning to perform power control for
mmWave was studied in [6]. This approach was proposed as an alternative to beamforming in
improving the non-line of sight (NLOS) transmission performance. The power allocation problem
to maximize the sum-rate of UEs under the constraints of transmission power and quality targets
was solved using deep reinforcement learning. In this solution, a convolutional neural network
was used to estimate the Q-function of the deep reinforcement learning problem. In [10], a
policy that maximizes the successful transmissions in a dynamic correlated multichannel access
environment was obtained using deep Q-learning. The use of deep convolutional neural networks
was proposed in [11] to enhance the automatic recognition of modulation in cognitive radios at
low SINRs.
In [15], deep neural networks were leveraged to predict mmWave beams with low training
overhead using the omni-directional received signals collected from neighboring base stations.
In [16], the authors generalized [15] by mapping the channel knowledge at a small number
of antennas to an SINR-optimal beamforming vector for a larger array, even if this array was
at a different frequency at a neighboring BS. The use of adversarial reinforcement learning
in beamforming for data bearers was proposed in [17], where an algorithm to derive antenna
diagrams with near-optimal SINR performance was devised. There was no reference to power
control or interference coordination. Voice bearers in the sub-6 GHz frequency band was studied
in [18] but only in a single co-located BS environment, in contrast with our paper where we
study voice in a multi-access network with multiple BSs. Joint beamforming and interference
coordination at mmWave was performed in [19] using deep neural networks, which require
knowledge of the channel to make decisions. The performance of deep neural networks on
beamforming was studied in [20] but without the use of reinforcement learning. Table I shows
how our work compares with earlier work.
B. Motivation
In this paper, we provide an answer to the question whether a method exists that can perform
the joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination by introducing a different
approach to power control in wireless networks. In such a setting, it is not only the transmit
power of the serving BS that is controlled as in standard implementations, but also the transmit
powers of the interfering base stations from a central location as shown in Fig. 1. As a result
of this apparent conflict, a race condition emerges, where the serving BS of a given user is an
interfering BS of another user. The reason why we choose deep reinforcement learning (DRL)
is as follows:
1) The proposed solution does not require the knowledge of the channels in order to find
the SINR-optimal beamforming vector. This is in contrast with the upper bound SINR
performance, which finds the optimal beamforming vector by searching across all the beams
in a codebook that maximizes the SINR (and this requires perfect knowledge of the channel).
2) The proposed solution minimizes the involvement of the UE in sending feedback to the BS.
In particular, the UE sends back its received SINR along with its coordinates, while the
agent handles the power control and interference coordination commands to the involved
BSs. Industry specifications [8] require that the UE reports its channel state information
which is either a vector of length equal to the number of antenna elements or a matrix
of dimension equal to the number of antenna elements in each direction. In our case, we
achieve a reduction in the reporting overhead by using the UE coordinates instead.
3) The implementation complexity of upper bound SINR performance message passing for
joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination commands when multiple
C. Contributions
In finding a different approach to power control in wireless networks, this paper makes the
following specific contributions:
• Formulate the joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination problem in
the downlink direction as an optimization problem that optimizes the users’ received SINR.
• Resolve the race condition between the involved base stations in sub-exponential times in
the number of antennas. The race condition is handled by a central location (similar to
coordinated multipoint [22]) based on the user reported downlink SINR and coordinates.
• Show how to create a deep reinforcement learning based solution where multiple actions
can be taken at once using a binary encoding of the relevant actions performed by the BS,
which we define in Section VIII-A.
In this section, we describe the adopted network, system, and channel models.
A. Network Model
B. System Model
Considering the network model in Section II-A, and adopting a multi-antenna setup where
each BS employs a uniform linear array (ULA) of M antennas and the UEs have single antennas,
the received signal at the UE from the ℓ-th BS can be written as
yℓ = h∗ℓ,ℓ fℓ xℓ + h∗ℓ,b fb xb + nℓ (1)
where xℓ , xb ∈ C are the transmitted signals from the ℓ-th and b-th BSs, and they satisfy the
power constraint E[|xℓ |2 ] = PTX,ℓ (similarly for b). The M × 1 vectors fℓ , fb ∈ CM ×1 denote
the adopted downlink beamforming vectors at the ℓ-th and b-th BSs, while the M × 1 vectors
hℓ,ℓ , hℓ,b ∈ CM ×1 are the channel vectors connecting the user at the ℓ-th BS with the ℓ-th and
b-th BSs, respectively. Finally, nℓ ∼ Normal(0, σn2 ) is the received noise at the user sampled from
a complex Normal distribution with zero-mean and variance σn2 . The first term in (1) represents
the desired received signal, while the second term represents the interference received at the user
due to the transmission from the other BSs.
Beamforming vectors: Given the hardware constraints on the mmWave transceivers, we
assume that the BSs use analog-only beamforming vectors, where the beamforming weights
of every beamforming vector fℓ , ℓ = 1, 2, ..., L are implemented using constant-modulus phase
shifters, i.e., [fℓ ]m = ejθm . Further, we assume that every beamforming vector is selected from a
beamsteering-based beamforming codebook F of cardinality |F | := NCB , with the n-th element
in this codebook defined as
fn := a(θn )
1 jkd cos(θn ) ⊤ (2)
=√ 1, e , ..., ejkd(M −1) cos(θn ) ,
where d and k denote the antenna spacing and the wave-number, while θn represents the steering
angle. Finally, a(θn ) is the array steering vector in the direction of θn . The value of θn is obtained
by dividing the the antenna angular space between 0 and π radians by the number of antennas
Power control and interference coordination: Every BS ℓ is assumed to have a transmit
power PTX,ℓ ∈ P, where P is the set of candidate transmit powers. We define the set of the
transmit powers as the power offset above (or below) the BS transmit power. Our choice of the
transmit power set P is provided in Section VIII-A. This choice of P follows [21].
Power control and interference coordination take place over a semi-dedicated channel. For
voice, this is facilitated through the semi-persistent scheduling, which creates a virtual sense of
a dedicated channel as we have mentioned in Section I. For data bearers, the use of beamforming
provides a dedicated beam for a given UE, through which power control and interference
coordination takes place.
C. Channel Model
In this paper, we adopt a narrow-band geometric channel model, which is widely considered for
analyzing and designing mmWave systems [23]–[25]. With this geometric model, the downlink
channel from a BS b to the user in BS ℓ can be written as
√ Nℓ,bp
MX p ∗ p
hℓ,b = α a θℓ,b , (3)
ρℓ,b p=1 ℓ,b
p p
where αℓ,b and θℓ,b are the complex path gain and angle of departure (AoD) of the p-th path, and
p p p
a(θℓ,b ) is the array response vector associated with the AoD, θℓ,b . Note that Nℓ,b which denotes
the number of channel paths is normally a small number in mmWave channels compared to sub-
6 GHz channels [26], [27], which captures the sparsity of the channels in the angular domain.
Finally, ρℓ,b , represents the path-loss between BS b and the user served in the area of BS ℓ. Note
that the channel model in (3) accounts of both the LOS and NLOS cases. For the LOS case, we
assume that Nℓ,b = 1.
We define PUE [t] as the received downlink power as measured by the UE over a set of physical
resource blocks (PRBs) at a given time t as
[t] = PTX,b [t] h∗ℓ,b [t]fb [t]
PUE (4)
where PTX,b is the PRB transmit power from BS b. Next, we compute the received SINR for the
UE served in BS ℓ at time step t as follows:
PTX,ℓ [t]|h∗ℓ,ℓ [t]fℓ [t]|2
γ ℓ [t] = . (5)
σn2 + b6=ℓ PTX,b [t]|h∗ℓ,b [t]fb [t]|2
This is the received SINR that we will optimize in our paper in Sections V and VI.
Our objective is to jointly optimize the beamforming vectors and the transmit power at the
L BSs to maximize the achievable sum rate of the users. We formulate the joint beamforming,
power control, and interference coordination optimization problem as
maximize γ j [t]
PTX,j [t], ∀j
fj [t], ∀j j∈{1,2,...,L}
γ j [t] ≥ γtarget .
where γtarget denotes the target SINR of the downlink transmission (all SINR quantities are in
dB). P and F are the sets of candidate transmit powers and beamforming codebook, respectively
as stated earlier. This problem is a non-convex optimization problem due to the non-convexity
of the first two constraints. The ℓ-th BS attempts to solve this problem to find optimal PTX,ℓ and
fℓ for the UE served by it at time t. We solve this optimization problem at a central location by
searching over the space of the Cartesian product of P ×F . The optimal solution to this problem
is found through an exhaustive search over this space (i.e., by brute force). The complexity of
this search is known to be exponential in the number of BSs. We discuss this and the overhead
of the communication to a central location in Section VI.
Next, we provide a brief overview on deep reinforcement learning in Section IV before delving
into the proposed algorithm in Sections V and VI.
In this section, we describe deep reinforcement learning, which is a special type of reinforce-
ment learning [28]. Reinforcement learning is a machine learning technique that enables an agent
to discover what action it should take to maximize its expected future reward in an interactive
environment. The interaction between the agent and the environment is shown in Fig. 2. In
particular, DRL exploits the ability of deep neural networks to learn better representations than
handcrafted features and act as a universal approximator of functions.
Reinforcement learning elements: Reinforcement learning has several elements [29]. These
elements interact together, and are as follows:
• Observations: Observations are continuous measures of the properties of the environment and
are written as a p-ary vector O ∈ Rp , where p is the number of properties observed.
• States: The state st ∈ S is the discretization of the observations at time step t. Often, states
are also used to mean observations.
• Actions: An action at ∈ A is one of the valid choices that the agent can make at time step t.
The action changes the state of the environment from the current state s to the target state s′ .
• Policy: A policy π(·) is a mapping between the state of the environment and the action to be
taken by the agent. We define our stochastic policy π(a | s) : S × A → [0, 1].
• Rewards: The reward signal rs,s′,a [t; q] is obtained after the agent takes an action a when it is
in state s at time step t and moves to the next state s′ . The parameter q ∈ {0, 1} is the bearer
selector, which is a binary parameter to differentiate voice bearers from data bearers.
• State-action value function: The state-action value function under a given policy π is denoted
Qπ (s, a). It is the expected discounted reward when starting in state s and selecting an action
a under the policy π.
These elements work together and their relationship is governed by the objective to maximize
the future discounted reward for every action chosen by the agent, which causes the environment
to transition to a new state. The policy dictates the relationship between the agent and the state.
The value of the expected discounted reward is learned through the training phase.
If Qπ (s, a) is updated every time step, then it is expected to converge to the optimal state-action
value function Q⋆π (s, a) as t → +∞ [29]. However, this may not be easily achieved. Therefore,
we use a function approximator instead aligned with [28]. We define a neural network with its
weights at time step t as Θt ∈ Ru×v as in Fig. 3. Also, if we define θt := vec (Θt) ∈ Ruv , we
thus build a function approximator Qπ (s, a; θt ) ≈ Q⋆π (s, a). This function approximator is neural
network based and is known as the Deep Q-Network (DQN) [28]. Activation functions, which are
non-linear functions that compute the hidden layer values, are an important component of neural
networks. A common choice of the activation function is the sigmoid function σ : x 7→ 1/(1+e−x )
[30]. This DQN is trained through adjusting θ at every time step t to reduce the mean-squared
error loss Lt (θt ):
Lt (θt ) := Es,a (yt − Qπ (s, a; θt ))2
minimize (7)
where yt := Es′ [rs,s′,a + γ maxa′ Qπ (s′ , a′ ; θt−1 ) | st , at ] is the estimated function value at time
step t when the current state and action are s and a respectively. The process of interacting with
the environment and the DQN to obtain a prediction and compare it with the true answer and
suffer a loss Lt (·) is often referred to as “online learning.” In online learning, the UEs feedback
their data to the serving BS, which in turns relays it to the central location for DQN training.
This data represent the state of our network environment S, as we explain further in Section VIII.
DQN dimension: we set the dimension of the input layer in the DQN to be equal to the
number of states |S|. The dimension of the output layer is equal to the number of actions |A|.
For the hidden layer dimension, we choose a small depth since the depth has the greatest impact
on the computational complexity. The dimension of the width follows [31] as we show further
in Section VIII-A.
Deep reinforcement training phase: In the training phase of the DQN, the weights θt in
the DQN are updated after every iteration in time t using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
algorithm on a minibatch of data. SGD starts with a random initial value of θ and performs an
iterative process to update θ using a step size η > 0 as follows:
The training of the DQN is facilitated by “experience replay” [32]. The experience replay
buffer D stores the experiences at each time step t. An experience et is defined as et :=
(st , at , rs,s′,a [t; q], s′t ). We draw samples of experience at random from this buffer and perform
minibatch training on the DQN. This approach offers advantages of stability and avoidance of
local minimum convergence [28]. The use of experience replay also justifies the use of off-policy
learning algorithms, since the current parameters of the DQN are different from those used to
generate the sample from D.
We define the state-action value function estimated by the DQN Q⋆π (s, a) as
⋆ ′ ′
Qπ (st , at ) := Es′ rs,s′,a + γ max
Qπ (s , a ) st , at , (9)
which is known as the Bellman equation. Here, γ : 0 < γ < 1 is the discount factor and
determines the importance of the predicted future rewards. The next state is s′ and the next
action is a′ . Our goal using DQN is to find a solution to maximize the state-action function
Q⋆π (st , at ).
Often compared with deep Q-learning is the tabular version of Q-learning [29]. Despite the
finite size of the states and action space, tabular Q-learning is slow to converge is because its
convergence requires the state-action pairs to be sampled infinitely often [29], [33]. Further, tab-
ular RL requires a non-trivial initialization of the Q ∈ R|S|×|A| table to avoid longer convergence
times [18]. However, deep Q-learning convergence is not guaranteed when using a non-linear
approximator such as the DQN [28]. We discuss tabular Q-learning in Section V.
Policy selection: In general, Q-learning is an off-policy reinforcement learning algorithm.
An off-policy algorithm means that a near-optimal policy can be found even when actions are
selected according to an arbitrary exploratory policy [29]. Due to this, we choose a near-greedy
action selection policy. This policy has two modes:
1) exploration: the agent tries different actions at random at every time step t to discover an
effective action at .
2) exploitation: the agent chooses an action at time step t that maximizes the state-action value
function Qπ (s, a; θt ) based on the previous experience.
In this policy, the agent performs exploration with a probability ǫ and exploitation with
probability of 1 − ǫ, where ǫ : 0 < ǫ < 1 is a hyperparameter that adjusts the trade-off between
exploration and exploitation. This trade-off is why this policy is also called the ǫ-greedy action
selection policy. This policy is known to have a linear regret in t (regret is the opportunity loss
of one time step) [34].
At each time step t, the UEs move at speed v and the agent performs a certain action at from
its current state st . The agent receives a reward rs,s′,a [t; q] and moves to a target state s′ := st+1 .
We call the period of time in which an interaction between the agent and the environment
takes place an episode. One episode has a duration of T time steps. An episode is said to have
converged if within T time steps the target objective was fulfilled.
In our DQN implementation, we particularly keep track of the UE coordinates. When UE
coordinates are reported back to the network and used to make informed decisions, the perfor-
mance of the network improves [35]. Therefore, UE coordinates need to be part of the DRL
state space S.
States S
s1 θ1,1 θ1,2
s2 θ2,1 θ2,2
Q⋆ (s, a1 )
s3 θ3,1 θ3,2
s4 .. ..
. . Q⋆ (s, an )
.. θH,1 θH,2
. Outputs
Hidden layers Θ
Fig. 3. Structure of the deep Q-network used for the implementation of the algorithms with two hidden layers each of dimension
H. Here, (u, v) = (H, 2), |S| = m, and |A| = n.
In this section, we describe our proposed voice power control and interference coordination
reinforcement learning algorithm as well as the baseline solutions which we compare our solution
against. First, we describe the fixed power allocation algorithm, which is the industry standard
algorithm today, and then the implementation of the proposed algorithm using tabular and deep
implementations of Q-learning. Finally, we explain the brute force algorithm.
We introduce the fixed power allocation (FPA) power control as a baseline algorithm that
sets the transmit signal power at a specific value. No interference coordination is implemented
in FPA. Total transmit power is simply divided equally among all the PRBs and is therefore
PTX,b [t] := PBS − 10 log NPRB + 10 log NPRB,b [t] (dBm) (10)
where NPRB is the total number of physical resource blocks in the BS and NPRB,b is the number
of available PRBs to the UE in the b-th BS at the time step t.
FPA with adaptive modulation and coding is the industry standard algorithm [21]. In this
standard algorithm, the BS fixes its transmit power and only changes the modulation and code
schemes of the transmission. This change is known as the “link adaptation.” Link adaptation
takes place based on the reports sent by the UE back to the BS (i.e., the SINR and received
power). Since the BS transmit power is fixed, the link adaptation takes place based on either
periodic or aperiodic measurement feedback from the voice UE to the serving BS. This results
in an improved effective SINR and a reduction in the voice packet error rate. There is no
measurement sent to the interfering BS based on FPA.
B. Tabular RL
We use a tabular setting of Q-learning (or “vanilla” Q-learning) to implement the algorithm for
voice communication. In a tabular setting, the state-action value function Qπ (st , at ) is represented
by a table Q ∈ R|S|×|A|. There is no neural network involvement and the Q-learning update
analog of (9) is defined as:
′ ′
Qπ (st , at ) := (1 − α)Qπ (st , at ) + α rs,s′,a + γ max
Qπ (s , a ) (11)
where Qπ (st , at ) := [Q]st ,at . Here, α > 0 is the learning rate of the Q-learning update and defines
how aggressive the experience update is with respect to the prior experience. Computationally,
the tabular setting suits problems with small state spaces, and maintaining a table Q is possible.
C. Proposed Algorithm
PCℓ [t]
γ ℓ [t] Joint Beamforming, Power Control,
fℓ [t]
γtarget and Interference Coordination
ICb [t]
Fig. 4. Downlink joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination module.
We add one more condition for the interference coordination on the interfering BS ℓ as
max (13)
PTX,ℓ [t] = min(PBS , PTX,ℓ [t − 1] + ICℓ [t])
where the role of the BS (serving vs. interfering) can change based on the UE being served. IC
and PC commands are actually the same, but the role of the BS makes one an interferer (which
needs coordination) and the other a server (which needs power control). We model the PCIC
algorithm using deep Q-learning as shown in Algorithm 1. Our proposed algorithm solves (6).
Different from [1], we use the effective SINR γeff [t] (i.e., the SINR including coding gain)
for all three voice algorithms where the adaptive code rate β is chosen based on the SINR γ ℓ [t].
We use an adaptive multirate (AMR) codec and quadrature phase shift keying modulation for
voice. We choose to fix the modulation since voice bearers do not typically require high data
rates [1]. This effective SINR γeff [t] is the quantity we optimize in Algorithm 1.
For FPA, the run-time complexity is O(1). For tabular Q-learning PCIC, the run-time com-
plexity is O(|S voice ||Avoice |) [18], where S voice , Avoice are the state and action sets for voice
Since one of the L BSs also serves as a central location to the surrounding BSs in our proposed
algorithm, the overhead due to transmission over the backhaul to this central location for a total
of NUE UEs in the service area is in O(gLNUE ), where the periodicity g is the number of
measurements sent by any given UE during time step t [36].
D. Brute Force
The brute force PCIC algorithm uses an exhaustive search in the Euclidean space P per BS
to optimize the SINR. This algorithm solves (6) and is the upper limit of the performance for
jointly optimizing the SINR for the voice bearers in our problem.
In this section, we present our proposed algorithms and quantify the changes in the SINR as
a result of the movement of the UEs and optimization actions of the RL-based algorithm.
A. Proposed Algorithm
We propose a DRL-based algorithm where the beamforming vectors and transmit powers at
the base stations are jointly controlled to maximize the objective function in (6). The use of a
string of bits as an action register enables us to jointly perform several actions concurrently.
First, selecting the beamforming vector is performed as follows. The agent steps up or down
the beamforming codebook using circular increments (n + 1) or decrements (n − 1)
for BSs b and ℓ independently. We monitor the change in γ ℓ as a result of the change in the
beamforming vector. We use a code gain of unity in computing γeff for the data bearers (i.e.,
γeff = γ ℓ ).
When the beamforming vectors are selected for a given UE, the agent also performs power
control of that beam by changing the transmit power of the BS to this UE (or the interference
coordination of other BSs). The selection of the transmit power is governed by (12) and (13),
both of which define the set P.
For proposed algorithm, the run time of the deep reinforcement learning is significantly faster
than the upper bound algorithm for all antenna sizes M as we show in Section VIII-C. Also, the
reporting of the UE coordinates (i.e., longitude and latitude) to the BS instead of the channel
state information reduces the reporting overhead from M complex-valued elements to the two
real-valued coordinates and its received SINR only. If we assume that the reporting overhead
for M complex-valued elements is 2M, then for reporting the UE coordinates, we achieve an
overhead reduction gain of 1 − 1/M.
We call our algorithm the joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination
(JB-PCIC) algorithm.
B. Brute Force
The brute force beamforming and PCIC algorithm uses an exhaustive search in the Euclidean
space P × F per BS to optimize the SINR. As in the voice bearers brute force algorithm, this is
also the upper limit in the performance for jointly optimizing the SINR in our problem. While
the size of P can be selected independently of the number of the antennas in the ULA M, the
size of F is directly related to M. Similar to the brute force algorithm for voice bearers, this
algorithm solves (6) and may perform well for small M and small number of BSs L for data
bearers. However, we observe that with large M the search time becomes prohibitive. This is
because the run time for this algorithm in O((|P||F |)L ) = O(M L ), which is much larger than
the run time for the proposed algorithm, as we show in Section VIII-C.
In this section we introduce the performance measures we use to benchmark our algorithms.
A. Convergence
We define convergence ζ in terms of the episode at which the target SINR is fulfilled over
the entire duration of T for all UEs in the network. We expect that as the number of antennas
in the ULA M increase, the convergence time ζ will also increase. In voice, convergence as a
function of M is not applicable, since we only use single antennas. For several random seeds,
we take the aggregated percentile convergence episode.
B. Run time
While calculating the upper bound of the brute force algorithm run-time complexity is possible,
obtaining a similar expression for the proposed deep Q-learning algorithm may be challenging
due to lack of convergence and stability guarantees [28]. Therefore, we obtain the run time from
simulation per antenna size M.
C. Coverage
We build a complement cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of γeff following [38] by
running the simulation many times and changing the random seed, effectively changing the way
the users are dropped in the network.
D. Sum-rate capacity
which is an indication of the data rate served by the network. We then obtain the maximum
sum-rate capacity resulting from computing (15) over many episodes.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of our RL-based proposed solutions in terms of
the performance measures in Section VII. First, we describe the adopted setup in Section VIII-A
before delving into the simulation results in Sections VIII-B and VIII-C.
A. Setup
We adopt the network, signal, and channel models in Section II. The users in the urban cellular
environment are uniformly distributed in its coverage area. The users are moving at a speed v
with both log-normal shadow fading and small-scale fading. The cell radius is r and the inter-
site distance R = 1.5r. For the voice bearer, we set the adaptive code rate β between 1:3 to
1:1 based on reported SINR and use an AMR voice codec bitrate of 23.85 kbps and a voice
activity factor ν = 0.8. The users experience a probability of line of sight of pLOS . The rest of
the parameters are shown in Table III. We set the target effective SINRs as:
γtarget := 3 dB,
γtarget := γ0bf + 10 log M dB (16)
where γ0bf is a constant threshold (i.e., not dependent on the antenna size). We set the minimum
SINR at −3 dB below which the episode is declared aborted and the session is unable to continue
(i.e., dropped).
The hyperparameters required to tune the RL-based model are shown in Table II. We refer
to our source code [39] for further implementation details. Further, we run Algorithm 1 on the
cellular network with its parameters in Table III. The simulated states S are setup as:
(s0t , s1t ) := UEℓ (x[t], y[t]), (s2t , s3t ) := UEb (x[t], y[t]),
where (x, y) are the Cartesian coordinates (i.e., longitude and latitude) of the given UE.
To derive the actions A, we exploit the fact that F and P each has a cardinality that is a
power of two. This enables us to construct the binary encoding of the actions using a register
a as shown in Fig. 5. With bitwise-AND, masks, and shifting, the joint beamforming, power
control, and interference coordination commands can be derived. We choose the following code:
1) When q = 0:
• a[0,1] = 00: decrease the transmit power of BS b by 3 dB.
• a[0,1] = 01: decrease the transmit power of BS b by 1 dB.
• a[0,1] = 10: increase the transmit power of BS b by 1 dB.
• a[0,1] = 11: increase the transmit power of BS b by 3 dB.
• a[2,3] = 00: decrease the transmit power of BS ℓ by 3 dB.
• a[2,3] = 01: decrease the transmit power of BS ℓ by 1 dB.
• a[2,3] = 10: increase the transmit power of BS ℓ by 1 dB.
• a[2,3] = 11: increase the transmit power of BS ℓ by 3 dB.
2) When q = 1:
• a[0] = 0: decrease the transmit power of BS b by 1 dB.
• a[0] = 1: increase the transmit power of BS b by 1 dB.
• a[1] = 0: decrease the transmit power of BS ℓ by 1 dB.
• a[1] = 1: increase the transmit power of BS ℓ by 1 dB.
• a[2] = 0: step down the beamforming codebook index of BS ℓ.
• a[2] = 1: step up the beamforming codebook index of BS ℓ.
2 2
q = 0: ICℓ [t] PCb [t]
1 1 1 1
q = 1: fnb [t] fnℓ [t] ICℓ [t] PCb [t]
at ∈ A
Fig. 5. Binary encoding of joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination actions using a string of bits in a
register a for different bearer types (q = 0 for voice bearers and q = 1 for data bearers).
where q = 0 for voice bearers and 1 for data bearers. We reward the agent the most per time step
when a joint power control and beamforming action is taken for data bearers and when a joint
power control and interference coordination takes place for a voice bearer. We abort the episode
if any of the constraints in (6) becomes inactive. At this stage, the RL agent receives a reward
rs,s′,a [t; q] := rmin . Either a penalty rmin or a maximum reward rmax is added based on whether
the minimum γmin has been violated or γtarget has been achieved as shown in Algorithm 1. Here,
it is also clear that for data bearers the agent is rewarded more for searching in the beamforming
codebook than attempting to power up or down. However, for voice bearers, we reward the agent
more if it chooses to power control the serving BS b than if it chooses to control the interference
from the other BS ℓ.
In our simulations, we use a minibatch sample size of Nmb = 32 training examples. With
|A| = 16, the width of the DQN can be found using [31] to be H = (|A| + 2)Nmb = 24. We
refer to our code [39] for details.
B. Outcomes
1) Convergence: we study the normalized convergence under (16) where γ0bf = 5 dB. Every
time step in an episode is equal to one radio subframe, the duration of which is 1 ms [36].
During this time the UE is likely to be using a sub-optimal selection of beam obtained from
a prior iteration. This would cause the UE throughput to degrade by a factor as we show
in Section VIII-C. As the size of the ULA M increases, the number of episodes required
converge increases with minimal effect of the constant threshold γ0bf since M ≫ γ0bf . This
is justified since the number of attempts to traverse the beamforming codebook increases
almost linearly with the increase of M.
2) Run time: we study the normalized run time and observe that as the number of antennas
M increase, so does the run-time complexity for the proposed algorithm. This is justified
due to the increase in the number of beams required for the algorithm to search through to
increase the joint SINR.
3) Coverage: for voice bearers we observe that the coverage as defined by the SINR CCDF
improves everywhere. For data bearers, the coverage improves where the SINR monoton-
ically increases with the increase in M which is expected because the beamforming array
gain increases with an increase in M.
4) Sum-rate: the sum-rate capacity increases logarithmically as a result of the increase of M,
which is justified using (5) and (15).
C. Figures
Fig. 6 shows the CCDF of the effective SINR γeff for the voice PCIC algorithms all for the same
episode. This episode generates the highest reward. Here we see that the FPA algorithm has the
worst performance especially at the cell edge (i.e., low effective SINR regime), which is expected
since FPA has no power control or interference coordination. The tabular implementation of our
proposed algorithm has better performance compared with the FPA. This is since power control
and interference coordination are introduced to the base stations, though not as effectively, which
explains why close to γeff = 9 dB tabular Q-learning PCIC underperforms FPA. Further, we
observe that deep Q-learning outperforms the tabular Q-learning implementation of the PCIC
algorithm, since deep Q-learning has resulted in a higher reward compared to tabular Q-learning.
This is because deep Q-learning has converged at a better solution (identical to the solution
obtained through brute force), unlike the tabular Q-learning the convergence of which may have
been impeded by the choice of a initialization of the state-action value function. However, as
the effective SINR γeff approaches 13 dB, the users are close to the BS center and therefore all
power control algorithms perform almost similarly thereafter.
We show the coverage CCDF in Fig. 7. As M increases, so does the probability of achieving
a given effective SINR, since the effective SINR depends on the beamforming array gain which
is a function of M as stated earlier. The improvement in the run time is shown in Fig. 8. The
brute force algorithm has a significantly larger run time compared to the proposed algorithm.
M =4
0.9 M =8
0.8 M = 16
M = 32
0.7 M = 64
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
γeff [dB]
Fig. 7. Coverage CCDF plot of the effective SINR γeff for the proposed deep Q-learning algorithm vs. the number of antennas
Upper Bound
Normalized run time
4 8 16 32 64
Fig. 8. The normalized run times for the proposed deep Q-learning algorithm as a function of the number of antennas M .
The run time increases as the number of antennas M increase, though much steeper in the brute
force algorithm, due to the exponential nature of the run-time complexity. At M = 4, only 4%
of the run time of the brute force algorithm was needed for our proposed algorithm. In Fig. 9,
at smaller ULA sizes M, the impact of the constant threshold γ0bf becomes dominant and it
takes almost similar times to converge for values of M. This is likely to be due to the wider
beams in the grid of beams, which are able to cover the UEs moving at speeds v. However,
for the large antenna size regime, as the size of the ULA M increases, the number of episodes
required converge increases with minimal effect of γ0bf as we explained earlier. This is due to
the longer time required for the agent to search through a grid of beams of size |F |, which are
typically narrower at large M. This causes the agent to spend longer time to meet the target
SINR. This time or delay is linear in M as we expect based on Section VI since |F | is linear in
M. This delay can have a negative impact on the throughput and voice frames of the data and
voice bearers respectively. If we assume the data bearer transmits b bits over a total duration of
T bf for beamformed data bearers, then the impact of the convergence time would cause these b
bits to be transmitted over a duration of T bf ζ. The throughput due to convergence then becomes
b/T bf ζ. For voice, the number of lost voice frames due to this convergence time is ⌈νζ⌉.
The achieved SINR is proportional to the ULA antenna size M as shown in Fig. 10. This
is expected as the beamforming array gain is kfb k2 ≤ M. The transmit power is almost equal
to the maximum. Fig. 10 also shows the relative performance of JB-PCIC compared with the
brute force performance outlined in Section VI-B. We observe that the performance gap of
both the transmit power of the base stations and the SINR is almost diminished all across M.
This is because of the DQN ability to estimate the function that leads to the upper limit of
the performance. Further, we observe that the solution for the race condition is for both BSs to
transmit at maximum power.
Finally, Fig. 11 shows the sum-rate capacity of both the JB-PCIC algorithm and the upper limit
of performance. Similarly, the performance gap diminishes across all M for the same reason
discussed earlier.
In this paper, we sought to maximize the downlink SINR in a multi-access OFDM cellular
network from a multi-antenna base station to single-antenna user equipment. The user equipment
experienced interference from other multi-antenna base stations. Our system used sub-6 GHz
Fig. 9. The normalized convergence time for the proposed deep Q-learning algorithm as a function of the number of antennas
0.6 40
0.4 TX Power JB-PCIC
TX Power Brute Force 30
SINR Brute Force
0 20
4 8 16 32 64
Fig. 10. Achievable SINR and normalized transmit power for both the brute force and proposed JB-PCIC algorithms as a
function of the number of antennas M .
Upper Bound
C [bps/Hz]
4 8 16 32 64
Fig. 11. Sum-rate capacity of the convergence episode as a function of the number of antennas M .
frequencies for voice and mmWave frequencies for data. We assumed that each base station could
select a beamforming vector from a finite set. The power control commands were also from a
finite set. We showed that a closed-form solution did not exist, and that finding the optimum
answer required an exhaustive search. An exhaustive search had a run time exponential in the
number of base stations.
To avoid an exhaustive search, we developed a joint beamforming, power control, and interfer-
ence coordination algorithm (JB-PCIC) using deep reinforcement learning. This algorithm resides
at a central location and receives UE measurements over the backhaul. For voice bearers, our
proposed algorithm outperformed both the tabular Q-learning algorithm and the industry standard
fixed power allocation algorithm.
Our proposed algorithm for joint beamforming, power control and interference coordinations
requires that the UE sends its coordinates and its received SINR every millisecond to the
base station. The proposed algorithm, however, does not require the knowledge of the channel
state information, which removes the need for channel estimation and the associated training
sequences. Moreover, the overall amount of feedback from the UE is reduced because the UE
sends its coordinates and would not need to send explicit commands for beamforming vector
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