Well Testing
Well Testing
Well Testing
Its objectives:
Capacity (kh)
Pulse Productivity
Part 1
Drill Stem Test (DST)
Drill stem testing (DST) is a method of gathering data on the potential productivity of a
reservoir before permanent completion string is installed.
The primary DST functions whether conducted in openhole or cased wells, are to:
When hydrocarbons are detected in drill cuttings returning to the surface, drilling is
stopped, the well is conditioned, the drilling is pulled and DST tools are run into
the well. Originally, well fluids were conveyed to the surface in the drill sting.
Toda, for safety reasons (effective sealing against hydrocarbon), downhole tests
more commonly use tubing with pressure t-tight threaded connections, and they
are configured more like temporary completions.
However, the term DST, which has been used to refer to this technique for the 70
years, persists (A point of historical interest: As early as 1926, Johnston Testers, later
acquired by Schlumberger, was well established in the DST business)
The downhole test string is a key well testing services, and experience shows that it is a
safe, proven and reliable method of investigating the reservoir. Test objectives, logistics
and cost play a very important part in deciding the type of downhole equipment to be
used during a well test. The downhole test string is an efficient means of temporarily
completing the well while maintaining maximum flexibility. With the range of tools
currently available, you can design an optimal test string for use with the drill string
(conventional DST) or with production-type valves ensure that a well can be secured if
problems occur, and this .
Test objectives are normally well defined. However, Schlumberger test tools allow a
large amount of flexibility, should well-test programs have to be modified in order to
meet these objectives. It is important to note that test sequence can be changed even
with the tools downhole, while still controlling well pressure and flow rate.
The DST downhole control valves ensure that a well can be secured if the problems
occur, and this can be done with minimum of pipe manipulation or pressure adjustment.
In fact, current strings can incorporate fail- safe system which will automatically shut in
the well, should problems arise because it as close to the reservoir as possible, the
DST valve can control a well even more effectively than other safety systems, such as
valves and manifolds at the surface or on the sea floor.
Three pressures affect downhole testing
The pressure exerted by the column of fluid in the annulus. This fluid (drilling mud or
completion fluid) occupies the entire wellbore prior to running the downhole test string.
Mud density is normally adjusted during drilling to control formation pressure (that is, to
ensure that Ph>Pf)
Generally, the relationship among these pressure is Pc<Pf<Ph during downhole testing.
A DST string incorporates these basic tools:
Isolates the formation from the annulus (that is, it
isolates Ph from Pf) the primary component of any
packer are sealing elements, mechanism to hold
packer in place and the passage for fluids. Differences
amount packer include how they are set (compression
or inflation) and weather they are permanent or
Tester Valve
Located above the packer in the DST string, the tester valve:
-close the well downhole (shut in) to minimize wellbore storage effects
-provides a seal for pressure testing the tubing string above the tester valve.
After the packer is set and sealed, the test valve can then be opened and hydrocarbons
can be produced to surface. This will only occur if Pc<Ph.
To enhance its efficiency, safety and versatility, a DST string may include these
additional tools
These gauges can be run in gauge carrier or placed inside tubing, drillpipe or drill
collars for production.
Minimize swab and surge effects and equalizes pressure across the packer at the end
of the test.
Hydraulic jar
Free stuck packers or the string below the packer. This is done by picking the string up
into an overpull (putting the string and the jar under tension). After the delay time, the
jar delivers a large, upward shock to help free the tool string from the well. This process
can be repeated until the tool string is free. Most DST strings include hydraulic jars.
Safety joint
Allow the upper part of the string (above the packer) to be recovered if the packer or
anchor becomes stuck and the jar is inoperative. Safety joints are operated by pope
manipulation (reciprocation and rotation)
Slip Joints
Compensate for temperature expansion and contraction of the tubing in the well during
the testing phase.
During the initial phase of the test, the wellbore fluids, and later, the drilling fluid (mud)
that has invaded the formation in the vicinity of the wellbore flow to surface.
This is known as the cleanup period. Cleanup is complete when the well effluent at
surface is reservoir fluid that continuous no mud particles or cutting at surface.
On occasion, the well may have difficulties unloading the heavier mud that has invaded
the formation during drilling. In this case, nitrogen (N2) lifting may be required. This is
performed by inserting a continuous small diameter (1 1/4 in to 1 3/4 in) tubing, known
as coiled tubing (CT) into the test string to a predetermined depth N2 is pumped from
surface down into CT ( The N2 exciting into the test tubing lightens the fluid column,
enabling the well to flow. Once lighter hydrocarbons occupy most of the length of the
test string, the hydrostatic pressure falls below flowing reservoir pressure and the well
flows naturally. At this point, the coiled tubing can be reeled out of the hole.
Once cleanup is complete, the main flow period can be maintained for the planned
duration, during which downhole pressure measurement and surface flow rates are
recorded. At the end of the main flow period, the tester value is closed. Formation
pressure builds up against the valve while downhole pressure measurement
continuous. Downhole shut against tester valve is preferred to shutting in against a
surface flow control device, as it minimizes the well volume to be recompressed, saving
time and yielding pressure data that are simpler to analyze.
End of Test
For environmental and safety reasons, hydrocarbons left, inside the drillpipe or tubing
string above the closed tester valve must be flushed (reverse circulated out) before the
packer is unseated .Otherwise, flammable hydrocarbons would spill onto the ring floor
or ignite when the circulation possible. When opened, the reversing valve allows
annulus fluid to be pumped into the drillpipe or tubing string, flushing the hydrocarbons
to surface where they can be safely disposed. Once it is free of any hydrocarbons, the
test string can be pulled out of the hole safely.
Types of DSTs
DSTs can be broadly classified by well type, type of zone isolation required, and well
location and configuration. These conditions initially dictate the basic type of tool string
required. Well test objectives will influence the selection of individual tools and the final
string design.
Well Type
The first parameter is that of well type: openhole, cased hole or barefoot
Openhole: Openhole testing tends to be cheaper because costs for casing, cementing
and perforating are not incurred. However, it has limitations:
Compression packers
Inflatable packers
Cased hole: A well with casing cemented in place has advantage of a known
diameter and shape, which improve packer seal capability and greatly increase
the chance of successful test.
The duration of testing can be considerably longer than in an openhole well,
since there is less risk that the DST string will get stuck, and test design can be
more flexible. These advantages become even more important in deviated
Both MFE valves (operated by pipe manipulation) and the PCTV (operated by
annulus pressure) can be used in cased holes, provided the casing is intact.
(Generally, neither the PCTV nor any other pressure-operated tools can be used
in wells with leaking casing
Barefoot: The barefoot test is used when an openhole section below the casing
shoe is to be tested the test tools are placed in the casing and cased hole
packer is set in the casing section above the casing shoe.
Both MFE valves and PCTV can be used for barefoot tests. More detail on
strings using these two valves can be found in MFE- Cased Hole, MFE-
Openhole and PCTV.
In both openhole and cased hole testing, the relationships between depth of the
packer, the formation to be tested and the total depth of the well are important. If
the formation is far above the bottom of the well or above another producing
zone, the lower part of the well can be isolated from the formation to be tested.
This process, sometimes known as straddle testing, isolates a specific interval
or formation between two packers.
Land: In a land well, the tool string is fixed in relation to the rig (the the
packer depth), and thus the string can be relatively simple. Both MFE
and PCTV system can be used on land.
Offshore fixed: Offshore wells drilled from a fixed ring (a jackup or
production platform) present basically the same conditions as land wells,
although openhole testing is seldom done offshore due to a higher
drilling cost and, thus, higher risk.
However, the offshore environment requires extra downhole and subsurface
safety valves for well safety. Although both MFE and PCTV systems can be
used, the PCTV is recommended because it incorporates more safety features.
Offshore floater: The testing of wells from a semisubmersible rig or
drillship involves a range of equipment including slip joints, downhole
safety valves, subsurface safety valves and a subsurface connecting
Since the rig moves in relation to the zone to be tested, the string is fixed at two
points: the packer and the BOP stack, which is located at the sea bed. Slip joints
are included in the string to accommodate the string expansion and contraction
due to changes in the temperature in the drill pipe or tubing string.
The PCTV is ideal for offshore floating rigs, once the packer is set, no pipe
manipulation at all is required until the packer is to be pulled loose again. The
MFE is not recommended for testing on floaters, since rig movement (heave)
would interfere with the reciprocating actions required to operate the downhole
Openhole testing
Reason to perform openhole testing
to confirm a doubtful core
the repeat formation tester (RFT) could not be run due to well conditions
The well does not need to be cased. (The results of the test may help the
client could decide whether it is economically justified to case this well.)
It provides a quick way to estimate the pressure of the formation and
types of fluid it will produce.
A fluid sample is normally retrieved from the sample chamber, which is
built into the tool string.
For these reasons, openhole DSTs have lost popularity, with most now limiting
openhole DSTs to land operations.
Testing in casing has become more popular over the years. The test design and
the test program can be more flexible. One of the main advantages of a cased
hole DST is that there is no limitation on the duration of the test. There is no
chance of the well caving in. Casing is run and cemented in place before the
testing phase begins.
Precise and complete analysis of the reservoir. This can only be achieved if
the well has been cleaned properly and the well can be produced for a
longer period of time
Good samples. To provide good sampling conditions, the well needs to be
adequately cleaned samples containing dirt and debris cannot be analyzed
properly. Sampling can be done using sampling tools on wireline or
sampling tool can be built into the DST tool string.
High flow rates. Cased holes can withstand the pressure of high flow rates
as well as the pressure required to inject well treatment fluids, such as the
acid used to improve production.
Tubing Conveyed Perforation (TCP)
The use of tubing, drill pipe or coiled tubing to convey perforating guns to the required
Underbalance Perforating:
No perforations damage.
Heavy operation.
Overbalance Perforating:
Low cost.
Perforations damage.
Perforating Guns
Low High
Explosives Explosives
Primary Secondary
- electrical detonators
- Percussion detonators
Pressure drawdown test is simply a series of bottom-hole
pressure (Pwf) measurements made during a period of time
(t) at constant producing rate (q).
Test Objectives:
New reservoir.
In remote area of reservoir which has not been effected by
production from other developed area.
In a reservoir which has been shut down far period of time (to allow
pressure to equalized).
P(r ,t )=Pi +
70.6 q µ β
Kh (
−948 ϕ µ ct r 2
Kt )
At the wellbore, Equation becomes:
Pwf =Pi −
70.6 q µ β
Kh [ (
−ϕ µ c t r 2w
0.00105 Kt )
+3.23 S
We obtain this equation by adding the pressure drop in the skin,
S(qµ/2πkh) , to the pressure drop given by the ideal solution. This
expression is also valid for describing the behavior of a well in a bounded
reservoir during the early transient flow period prior to the occurrence of
boundary effects.
Pwf =Pi −
162.6 q µ β
Kh (log (
ϕ µ ct rw
)−3.23+0.869 S
Pi=initial reservoir pressure, psi.
Pwf =bottom hole pressure, psi.
k =permeability, md.
t =time, hr.
rw =wellbore radius, ft.
h=formation thickness, ft.
q=flow rate, bbl/d.
ct= total compressibility, psi-1
β=volume formation factor, stb/bbl
Ei =integral exponential
µ= viscosity of oil, cp.
S =skin factor.
Pwf =m log t+ P wf 1 h
m =slope psi/cycle
Pwf1hr =intercept at time t = 1 hour, psi
The slope is used to calculate permeability:
162.6 q µ β
The slope of the drawdown curve has been obtained, from the pressure
value read from the straight line on the graph at a flow time oh 1 hour. The
formula for the skin factor is obtained by rearrangement or Eq.
[ Pi−P1 hr
ϕ µ ct r w
The P1hr value is also indicated schematically on plot.
Note on Fig. that a short period of nonlinearity exists on the basic plot
immediately after the test is begun. This period is usually of short duration.
It is the result of unstable flow conditions in the tubing string in the well
during this period. Skin effect and annulus unloading. In wells without
packers, this is the period during which oil stored in the annulus may be
"unloaded". The duration of this period usually is easily recognized from
the appearance or the basic plot.
The end of the transient period of flow, i.e., the beginning of the late
transient period when boundary effects begin, is easily recognized on the
pressure vs. log t curve. It is evidenced on this plot by a drop-off in pressure
from the straight-line section established from earlier data. At this time,
transient flow no longer prevails. Physically, this means that the pressure
drop due to production has been felt at the drainage boundary of the well
and as a result of depletion; the flow regime is in the transitional period
prior to reaching semi-steady State. This time interval we refer to as the late
transient period, since the pressure behavior is neither semi-steady state nor
transient. A procedure for analyzing the pressure behavior in this period
which is analogous to the late-time pressure buildup analysis (extended
Muskat method) has been developed.
Analysis of drawdown test:
[ Pi−P1 hr
ϕ µ ct r w
7. Calculate ΔPskin
ΔP skin=0.87 mS
8. Read (tss) from the plot if it is possible, when the late data point start
deviated from the straight line plot, then calculate (re).
9. Calculate IOIP
√ K t ss
948 ϕµc t
(ft )
π r 2e hϕ(1−S w )
5.615 β oi
V p=0.0418
ct M
V p (1−S wi )
β oi
The drawback to running a drawdown is that the rate may not be
constant. However, changing the choke periodically to maintain a constant
rate will cause more problems than letting the rate fluctuate. In order to get
accurate analysis on a drawdown, it is critical that no choke changes occur
during the test.
t (hr) P (Psi)
0.9 970
Calculate:- 1 964
(a) Permeability, 2 950
(b) Skin factor. 3 946
4 942
5 939
6 937
7 935
8 934
9 933
10 932
11 931
12 930
13.5 929
14.5 928
16 927
20 923
30 915
40 907
The semi-log plot of the flowing well pressure versus test time yields a
Straight line portion (infinite acting line) of slope m = -22 psi/log-cycle.
−162.6 q µ β
K= =89 md
[ 1,154−954
( 89
0.2∗3.93∗8.74 ¿10−6∗0.25 2
+ 3.23
) ]
Part 1
Pc= Cushion Pressure.
Pf= Formation Pressure.
Ph= Hydrostatic Pressure.
TV= Tester Valve.
CV= Circulation Valve.
Part 2
Pi=initial reservoir pressure, psi.
Pwf =bottom hole pressure, psi.
k =permeability, md.
t =time, hr.
rw =wellbore radius, ft.
h=formation thickness, ft.
q=flow rate, bbl/d.
ct= total compressibility, psi-1
β=volume formation factor, stb/bbl
Ei =integral exponential
µ= viscosity of oil, cp.
S =skin factor.
m =slope psi/cycle
Pwf1hr =intercept at time t = 1 hour, psi
re= reservoir radius
Part 1
Schlumberger Summer Training Program Manual.
Part 2