Openstack Components
Openstack Components
Openstack Components
2. Keystone:
❖ Grants users access and process access to Openstack tools based on Keystone
authentication token.
3. Neutron:
4. Glance:
❖ Generates VM images.
❖ Glance is a catalogue of VMS uploaded and made available to your organization.This
is where the idea of Openstack as a cloud operating system really manifests
itself.Since images can be all kinds of VMs,this means there will be many different
versions across different platforms,all dispatched from a common source.
5. Nova:
❖ Includes disk files,like logs,and more.Unlike object storage,block storage allows you
to append files.
❖ OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) is open source software designed to create
and manage a service that provides persistent data storage to cloud
computing applications.
❖ Cinder is the code name for the OpenStack Block Storage project.
❖ OpenStack Block Storage provisions and manages block devices known as Cinder
7. Rabbit mq: