The document summarizes the OSI model, which is an ISO standard for networking that defines 7 layers of network communication. It describes each layer's purpose and responsibilities, including the physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application layers. Each higher layer uses the services of the layer below it to communicate with its peer layer on other networked devices. The model provides a framework for interoperability between different systems and technologies.
The document summarizes the OSI model, which is an ISO standard for networking that defines 7 layers of network communication. It describes each layer's purpose and responsibilities, including the physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application layers. Each higher layer uses the services of the layer below it to communicate with its peer layer on other networked devices. The model provides a framework for interoperability between different systems and technologies.
The document summarizes the OSI model, which is an ISO standard for networking that defines 7 layers of network communication. It describes each layer's purpose and responsibilities, including the physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application layers. Each higher layer uses the services of the layer below it to communicate with its peer layer on other networked devices. The model provides a framework for interoperability between different systems and technologies.
The document summarizes the OSI model, which is an ISO standard for networking that defines 7 layers of network communication. It describes each layer's purpose and responsibilities, including the physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application layers. Each higher layer uses the services of the layer below it to communicate with its peer layer on other networked devices. The model provides a framework for interoperability between different systems and technologies.
INTRODUCTION ➢ An ISO Standard that covers all aspects of network communications is the open system interconnect. ➢ An open system is a model that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underplaying architecture ➢ ISO is the organization. ➢ OSI is the model.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
PURPOSE OF OSI MODEL ➢ To open communication between different systems without requiring the changes to the logic of underlined hardware or software. ➢ Layered Architecture
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ The designer identify which networking functions had related uses and collected those functions into discrete groups that became the layers. ➢ The designers created an architecture that is both comprehensive and flexible. ➢ The OSI model allows complete transparency between otherwise incompatible systems.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
PEER-TO-PEER PROCESSES ➢ Within a single machine each layer calls upon the services of a layer just below it or above it. ➢ Between the two machines, Layer X on one machine communicates with layer x on another machine. ➢ This communication is governed by and agreed upon series of rules and conventions called protocols. ➢ The processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer is called peer-to-peer processes. ➢ At physical layer communication is direct. ➢ At higher layer, however the communication must move down through the layers on machine A to Machine B and then back up through the layers.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
CONT… ➢ Each layer on the sender side adds its own information to the message it receive from the layer above it. ➢ This information is added in form of headers and trailers. ➢ Headers are added at layer 6,5,4,3 and 2. ➢ Trailers are added at layer 2. ➢ At Receiving machine message is unwrapped with each process receiving and removing data meant for it. ➢ Interface: ➢ The passing of data and network information down through layers of sending machine and back up the layers of receiving machine is made possible by and interface between each pair of adjacent layers.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani PHYSICAL LAYER ➢ Physical layer is responsible for transmitting a bits stream over a physical medium. ➢ It is responsible for transmitting individual bits from one node to next. ➢ It deals with the mechanical and electrical specifications of interface and transmission medium.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Duties are: 1. Physical characteristics of interface and media: It Defines the characteristics of the interface between the devices and transmission medium. 2. Representation of bits: It defines how 0’s and 1’s are represented in form of signals.(electrical or optical) 3. Data Rate or Transmission Rate: It defines the number of bits send and receive per second. Means the duration of bits, which is how long it lasts. 4. Synchronization of Bits: The sender and receiver clock must be synchronize. 5. Line Configuration: Either point to point or multipoint
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
6. Physical Topology: how devices are connected to make a network. 7. Transmission Mode: Defines direction of transmission between devices
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
DATA LINK LAYER (NODE TO NODE DELIVERY) ➢ Create reliable link ➢ It makes physical layer appear error free to the upper layer (network layer)
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Duties are: 1. Framing: the data link layers divide stream of bits received from network layer into manageable data units called frames 2. Physical addressing: if frames are to be distributed to different system on the network, data link layer adds header to the frame to define the physical address of the sender and receiver of the frame. 3. Flow control: It imposes flow control to prevent overwhelming of the receiver. 4. Error control: adds reliability to the physical layer by adding mechanisms to detect and retransmit damaged or lost frames. # It also uses a mechanism to prevent duplication of frame. #Achieve through trailer added to the end of frame. 5. Access control: When two or more devices are connected to the same link data link layer protocols are necessary to determine which devices has control over the link at a particular time.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
NETWORK LAYER (SOURCE-DESTINATION LAYER) ➢ Network layer is responsible for source to destination delivery of a packet possibly across multiple network. ➢ If two system are connected to a same link there is usually no need for a network layer. ➢ If they are attached to different network with connecting devices between networks there is a need for a network layer to accomplish end to end delivery.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ Duties: 1. Logical Addressing: The physical addressing solves the networking problem locally. ❑ If the packet crosses the network boundary there comes the need of network layer 2. Routing Independent Network: when two or more network are connected to form a large network the connecting devices route the packet to their final destination.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
TRANSPORT LAYER (PROCESS TO PROCESS DELIVERY) ➢ Network layer does not recognize relationship between packets. Each treated independently. ➢ Network layer just sent to its relevant destination. ➢ Transport layer ensures that the whole message arrives intact and in order.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ Duties: 1. Port Addressing: Several processes running on same time. ❑ Process to Process delivery means delivery from specific process on one computer to a specific process on another computer. ❑ Transport layer header include port address. 2. Segmentation and reassembly: ❑ At sender side, a message divided into transmittable segment. Each containing sequence number. ❑ At receiver side, transport layer reassemble the message correctly upon arrival at the receiver end. 3. Error control: Same as Data Link layer however it focus on process to process. 4. Flow control: Same as Data Link layer however it focus on process to process.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
3. Connection control: a) Connection less: Treat each segment as an independent packet and delivers it to the transport layer at the destination. b) Connection oriented: Links the connection first with the transport layer at the destination and then delivers the packet. Example:
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani SESSION LAYER ➢ Session layer is responsible for establishing, maintaining and synchronizing the interaction between communication system.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ Duties: 1. Dialog control: It is concerned with communication between two processes either in half duplex or full duplex way. ❑ It allows two system to enter into a dialog. 2. Synchronization: It allows a process to add checkpoints into a stream of data. ❑ Example: If system sending 4000 pages of document & checkpoint is after every 50 pages. ❑ If crashes happens at page 773 then retransmission begins from page 751.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
PRESENTATION LAYER (SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS OF DATA) ➢ It is concerned with syntax and semantics of information between two systems.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ Duties: 1. Translation: As different computer use different encoding system, the presentation layer is responsible for interoperability between two different encoding methods. ❑ At sender side, changes the information sender dependent format to common format. ❑ At receiver side, changes common format to receiver dependent format. 2. Encryption: To ensure privacy, the sender transfer the original information to another form and sends the resulting message over the network. ❑ Decryption at receiver side recovers the message. 3. Compression: Data compression reduces the number of bits to be transmitted.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
APPLICATION LAYER ➢ It allows user to access the network.
Prepared By:Kruti Dhyani
➢ Services provided are: 1. Network virtual terminal(NVT): It is a software version of physical terminal which enhances the communication between two different system. 2. File transfer, access & Management: It allows users to access file, retrieve and manage or control file in remote computer. 3. Mail services: Provides basis of e-mail forwarding & storage. 4. Directory Services: Provide access to global information about various directory.