TC 324B Manual
TC 324B Manual
TC 324B Manual
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Table of Contents
Single Channel Heater Controller
Introduction ............................................................................................2 Nomenclature ..........................................................................................2 Text Conventions ..............................................................................2 Control Description ................................................................................3 Front Panel........................................................................................3
Power Switch..................................................................................................3 Output Switch (Item B) ..................................................................................3 Set Temperature Control (Item C)..................................................................3 Manual Voltage Control (item D) ....................................................................3 Meter Selector Switch and Meter (Item E) ....................................................3 Meter (Item F) ................................................................................................4 Loop Speed Switch (Item G)..........................................................................4 Output Connector (Item H) ............................................................................4 Thermistor Recorder Outputs (Items J) ........................................................4 Up / Down LEDs (Item K)..............................................................................4
Warner Instruments
Operation ................................................................................................9 Automatic Mode ................................................................................9 Manual Mode ....................................................................................9 Connection to External Devices......................................................10
In-Line Heaters ............................................................................................10 Using Other Devices ....................................................................................10
Appendix................................................................................................11 Specifications..................................................................................11 Accessories and replacement parts ..............................................11 CC-35 Connector pin designations ................................................13 Warranty and Service ....................................................................13
Warranty ......................................................................................................13 Service Notes ..............................................................................................13
CE Certifications ............................................................................15
EMC ............................................................................................................15 LVD ..............................................................................................................16
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
The TC-324B Single Channel Automatic Heater Controller from Warner Instruments is a versatile and simple to use thermal control device. Although designed for use with Warner Series 20 chambers or in-line solution heaters, this instrument can be easily adapted for use with custom-built equipment according to the requirements of the user. Total automatic control of heating power is provided in automatic mode, while manual control is available in manual mode. A loop-speed selector is used to optimize the response of the system to accommodate the thermal delay characteristics intrinsic to the environment. Features of the TC-324B include: Warner Instruments Dual thermistor design Automatic and manual modes Selectable loop speed optimizes system speed and stability Simultaneous monitoring of system temperature and a separate point of interest Optimized for use with Warner perfusion and imaging chambers Provides 18 W of heating power into a 8 load Compatible with SH-27B In-line Solution Heater Single Channel Heater Controller
Text Conventions
This manual refers to amplifier controls at two functional levels; specific controls and settings of these controls.To minimize the potential for confusion, we have employed several text conventions which are specified below. Since our goal is to provide clarity rather than complexity, we welcome any feedback you may wish to provide. Warner Instrument product numbers are presented using bold type. References to controls are specified using SMALL CAPS. References to control settings are specified using italic type. Special comments and warnings are presented in highlighted text. Any other formatting should be apparent from context.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Control Description
Single Channel Heater Controller Warner Instruments
Front Panel
A schematic of the face panel of the TC-324B is shown below. Important components are identified by letter (B-H, J). Please refer to this diagram as an aid in identification of described components.
Power Switch
Located directly under the Warner logo. Supplies power to the TC-324B.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Meter (Item F)
Displays the parameter selected by the METER SELECTOR SWITCH (Item E). The METER also provides an indication that the MAIN POWER is on.
Warner Instruments
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Control Description
Single Channel Heater Controller Warner Instruments
Rear Panel
The unit has been factory set to be used with 120 VAC. If the operating voltage needs to be changed to 220 VAC, then use the enclosed kit (power cord (1 ea) and 0.25 A fuses (2 ea)) for the conversion. Note that the unit only uses a single fuse; the second fuse is sent as spare.
Step 1
Depending on AC Voltage being used, turn VAC selector switch to 110 VAC or 220 VAC
Step 2
Carefully, pry open the fuse holder from the right side by using a small flat screwdriver. Replace fuse according to voltage being used. Item # 64-0100 Model TC-324B use: For 120 VAC: 0.50 Amp - 5x20 mm Slow Blow For 220 VAC: 0.25 Amp - 5x20 mm Slow Blow
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
T2 Input
Used as an optional thermistor input for those configurations where a T2 (Monitor) thermistor is not included in the normal setup (such as with an In-line Heater). Sensed thermistor readings can be displayed on the METER and sent to a recording device via the standard T2 OUTPUT BNC on the front panel. NOTE: Do not use this input if a T2 (Monitor) thermistor is currently connected to the OUTPUT CONNECTOR (Item H) on the front panel.
Ground Terminals
Provides separate connections for chassis and circuit ground. Banana jacks are bridged when shipped from the factory.
Warner Instruments
The TC-324B can be used to drive the heater blocks for Warner Series 20 Chambers or for providing power to other devices such as our In-line Solution Heaters. NOTES: a. b. Please refer to the front panel schematic on page 6 for orientation. Turn both the SET TEMPERATURE control (Item C) and the MANUAL VOLTAGE control (Item D) fully counterclockwise to zero.
Assembly instructions
1. 2. Assemble the Series 20 Chamber as described in the instructions supplied with the chamber. Connect the outboard end of the CC-28 Cable to the Series 20 platform. a. First, attach the two blue 3-pin connectors on the cable to the heater resistors on the platform.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
b. Next, insert the larger thermistor (white wires or white band) on the cable into the small hole in the side of the platform. HINT:To assure good thermal contact between the thermistor and platform, place a drop of mineral or immersion oil in the thermistor hole prior to insertion. Single Channel Heater Controller
3. Place the small bead thermistor into the chamber reservoir. NOTE:You will most likely need to restrain the cable and thermistor bead as the bead must be completely submerged for accurate temperature measurements. 4. Fill the solution bath to the desired level. HINT: For accurate temperature control, protect the microscope stage from drafts.The solution surface offers a large surface area for heat exchange and minimizing air flow in the immediate vicinity will ease your temperature control requirements. 5. Turn the controller POWER on. 6. Switch the METER SELECTOR switch (Item E) to Set Temp and adjust the SET TEMPERATURE control (Item C) to the desired temperature. Observe setting on METER. 7. Set the LOOP SPEED switch (item G) to fast. 8. Switch the METER SELECTOR switch (Item E) to T1 (Control). 9. Set the OUTPUT switch (Item B) to auto.The OUTPUT LED will be lit to indicate that power is being applied to the heater. Observe the METER to assure that the temperature is approaching the set temperature. The HIGH and LOW LEDs indicate the direction of heating control. NOTE: If the system is setup properly, this is all that is needed to maintain a constant temperature in the chamber. 10. Allow time for the system to stabilize at the desired temperature. Set the METER switch (Item E) to T2 (Monitor). This will display the reading of the monitor thermistor submerged in solution.This reading will most likely be lower than the platform set temperature due to the thermal gradient between the platform and the solution.The temperature at the sample (T2 thermistor reading) can be adjusted to the desired setting by increasing the SET TEMPERATURE setting as described in step 6 above.This is an example of static solution warming and is the simplest form of temperature control.
Warner Instruments
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Setup (Contd)
Temperature control is more complex in a system where solution continuously flows across the bath.The best method for providing stable temperature control for a flowing solution is to pre-heat the solution with an in-line heater in conjunction with platform heating. Single Channel Heater Controller
Warner Instruments
Load Resistance
The TC-324B heater controller will work well with many other heating devices.To obtain maximum heating power, the resistance of the heating element should be between 8-12 , but any element that works at a maximum of 12 V and 1.5 A will also work with the TC-324B.
Thermistor Considerations
The TC-324B heater controller was designed to accommodate Unical thermistors from Thermometrics (Edison, New Jersey).This family of thermistors can be interchanged without recalibration of the instrument.The nominal resistance of Unical thermistors is 10.0 k at 25C. Other thermistors may be used with the TC-324B if the nominal resistance also is 10.0 k at 25C.The use of thermistors with other characteristics may not be possible, or will require recalibration of the TC-324B.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
The main use of a heater control device such as the TC-324B is to maintain a constant bath temperature with minimum deviation from a set temperature.This is usually achieved by using a heated chamber/platform, an in-line solution heater, or a combination of both. Single Channel Heater Controller Warner Instruments
Automatic Mode
In Automatic Mode, the TC-324B maintains the temperature of the connected heater/thermistor system at the value set by the user.The selectable LOOP SPEED control (Item G) is used to adjust the speed of the feedback loop in the heater/thermistor system, which controls the rate of change of its output voltage. Non-Warner heater systems with feedback thermistors can be used in automatic mode provided they are compatible with the TC-324B requirements.
LOOP SPEED is normally set to fast to provide the shortest time between the application of power to the heater element and the sensing of temperature at the thermistor. For heater/thermistor systems with long response times, the fast setting will cause the measured temperature to overshoot the target by a large amount resulting in system oscillation. For this condition, try medium or slow settings to find the optimum feedback rate.
If the temperature of the CONTROL THERMISTOR is more than 0.5C above the set temperature, the voltage applied to the heater element will be immediately set to 0 V, removing power to the heater. The output voltage will remain at 0 V until the temperature of the CONTROL THERMISTOR becomes less than 0.5C above the set temperature, at which point power will be gradually re-applied to disallow the system temperature to fall too far below the temperature set point. It is normal for some overshoot to occur while the temperature is stabilizing, and these features prevent the temperature from reaching very high or very low levels during this time.
Manual Mode
In manual mode, the MANUAL VOLTAGE control (Item D) is used to set the output voltage to a fixed value. The voltage setting can be viewed with the METER when the METER SELECTOR switch (Item E) is set to Output Voltage. In manual mode, the SET TEMPERATURE control (Item C) is disconnected, as is the feedback system of the TC-324B. The instrument now operates as a 0-12 VDC power supply that can provide up to 1.5 A of current to a device. Use this mode with heater systems that will operate properly with a fixed voltage and lack feedback thermistors.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Single Channel Heater Controller
Warner Instruments
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
S pe cifi cat ions Maximum Output Voltage Maximum Output Current Maximum Load Resistance Manual Voltage Range Maximum Output Power Power Requirements Power Fuse (5 x 20 mm) Front Panel Recorder Outputs Rear Panel Input Temperature Range Meter Display Meter Readouts 12 VDC 8.0 1.5 A Single Channel Heater Controller
100-130 or 200-260 VAC, 50/60 Hz 0.5 A Slow Blow for 100-130 VAC and 0.25 A Slow Blow for 200-260 VAC T1 (control), T2 (monitor) BNC reporting 100 mV/C T2 thermistor (monitor) BNC input calibrated at 10.0 k at 25C Ambient to 50C 3.5 digit LED display of C or V Set temperature T1 (control) temperature T2 (monitor) temperature Output voltage (to heater) 43.2 x 8.9 x 30.5 cm (17.0 x 3.5 x 12.0 in)
Warner Instruments
Enclosure (W x H x D)
A cc esso ri e s an d R ep l acem en t P art s Model CC-28 CC-35 Order # 64-0106 64-0109 Description Cable Assembly for Series 20 Heater Platforms Cable Assembly with Unterminated Outboard Ends
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Appendix (Contd)
12 Pin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Single Channel Heater Controller
Red Black Shield White Green -
No connection Heater power T1 (control) Heater ground T2 (Monitor) No connection Thermistor common No connection
Warner Instruments
Thermistor common
N.C. N.C.
Control Thermistor T1
6 N.C.
3 5
8 1 4 2 Heater ground
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Single Channel Heater Controller
Warner Instruments
Service notes
Please refer all questions regarding service to our Engineering Department. A) If the instrument POWER light fails to light, check the fuse at the rear panel (located in the black POWER INPUT MODULE). If the fuse is found to be defective replace it with a 5x20 mm, 0.5 A slow-blow fuse (0.25 A for facilities using 220-240 V line voltages). If the replacement fuse also fails, please call Warner Instruments for assistance. B) Occasionally, a knob on the front panel will loosen after long use. These are "collet" style knobs and are tightened with a screw located under the knob cap. To gain access to the adjust ment screw, pry the cap off with a thin bladed screwdriver or similar tool. C) Should service be required, please contact the factory. The problem may often be corrected by our shipping a replacement part. Factory service, if required will be expedited to minimize the customer inconvenience.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Appendix (Contd)
D) Instruments are inspected immediately upon receipt and the customer is notified if the repair is not covered by the warranty. Repairs can often be completed in 1-2 days from our receipt of the instrument. E) If factory service is required, please observe the following instructions: 1) Package the instrument with at least 3 inches of cushioning on all sides. Use the original shipping carton if it is available. Insure the shipment for its full value. Include with the shipment an explanation of the problem experienced. Single Channel Heater Controller
2) 3)
Warner Instruments
IMPORTANT - CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE OF THE U.S.: Please be sure to contact us before return shipping any goods. We will provide instructions so that the shipment will not be delayed or subject to unnecessary expense in clearing U.S. Customs.
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Single Channel Heater Controller
CE Certifications EMC
Declaration of Conformity
Application of Council Directive: 89/336/EEC
Warner Instruments
EN55022 Class A EN61000-3-2 EN61000-3-3 EN50082-1:1992 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 ENV50204 EN610000-4-4 EN610000-4-8 EN610000-4-11 Warner Instrument Corp. 1125 Dixwell Avenue Hamden, CT 06514 Tel: (203) 776-0664 ITE-Class A Heater Controller TC-324B and TC-344B
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Place: Hamden, Connecticut, USA Signature: ________________ Full Name: Ralph Abate Position: Business Manager
Publication 5700-001-REV-D
Appendix (Contd)
Single Channel Heater Controller
Declaration of Conformity
Warner Instruments
Equipment Description:
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Place: Hamden, Connecticut, USA Signature: ________________ Full Name: Ralph Abate Position: Business Manager
Publication 5700-001-REV-D