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Deep DFM

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Deep Dynamic Factor Models

Paolo Andreini1 , Cosimo Izzo1,2 , and Giovanni Ricco1,3

Now-Casting Economics
2 University College London – Institute of Finance and Technology
3 University of Warwick, CEPR, OFCE-SciencesPo
arXiv:2007.11887v1 [econ.EM] 23 Jul 2020

First Version: February 2020

This version: 24 July 2020


We propose a novel deep neural net framework – that we refer to as Deep Dy-
namic Factor Model (D2 FM) –, to encode the information available, from hun-
dreds of macroeconomic and financial time-series into a handful of unobserved latent
states. While similar in spirit to traditional dynamic factor models (DFMs), differ-
ently from those, this new class of models allows for nonlinearities between factors
and observables due to the deep neural net structure. However, by design, the latent
states of the model can still be interpreted as in a standard factor model. In an
empirical application to the forecast and nowcast of economic conditions in the US,
we show the potential of this framework in dealing with high dimensional, mixed
frequencies and asynchronously published time series data. In a fully real-time out-
of-sample exercise with US data, the D2 FM improves over the performances of a
state-of-the-art DFM.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Autoencoders, Real-Time data, Time-

Series, Forecasting, Nowcasting, Latent Component Models.

JEL classification: C22, C52, C53, C55.

Equal contribution, authors’ names appear in alphabetical order. We are grateful to Antonello
D’Agostino, Aldo Lipani, Jasper McMahon, Francesca Medda, Ramin Okhrati, Filippo Pellegrino, Gi-
useppe Ragusa and Lucrezia Reichlin for many helpful suggestions and comments.
1 Introduction
An overarching idea in macroeconomics, already shaping the work of Burns and Mitchell
(1946), is that a few common forces can explain the joint dynamics of many macroe-
conomics variables. This stylised view of the economic data generating process informs
the effort of economic modelling – for example in the Real Business Cycle (RBC) and
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) literature – and is one of the very few
robust facts in empirical macroeconomics, motivating the use of factor models (see for
example Stock and Watson, 2016).
In macroeconometrics, factor models were firstly introduced by Geweke (1977) and
Sargent and Sims (1977) and are the very first instance of ‘big data’ in macroeconomics.
Dynamic Factor Models (DFMs) deal with a large cross-section (‘large N’) problem by
applying a linear dynamic latent state framework to the analysis of economic time-series.
The underlying assumption of these models is that there is a small number of pervas-
ive unobserved common factors that stir the economy and inform the comovements of
hundreds of economic variables. Economic times series are also affected by a variable-
specific (idiosyncratic) disturbances. These idiosyncratic disturbances can be due either
to measurement error or to factors that are specific to some variables. A large body of
empirical evidence, produced using dynamic factor model, has found that a small number
of factors – as many as two – can capture a dominant share of the variance of all the key
macroeconomic and financial variables.1
Factor models are robust and flexible models, also able to accommodate for miss-
ing observations, jagged patterns of data and mixed frequencies.2 However, two of their
important limitations are (i) the almost always assumed linear structure, and (ii) the lim-
ited scalability of these models due to the computational challenges that are encountered
when estimating factors models with more than a few dozens of variables. This paper
introduces a generalisation of factor models in a deep learning framework – which we la-
bel Deep Dynamic Factor Models (D2 FMs) – that deals effectively with these challenges,
This family of models has been applied intensively in econometrics to different problems such as
forecasting, structural analysis and the construction of economics activity indicators (see, among many
others, Stock and Watson, 2002a,b; Forni and Lippi, 2001; Forni et al., 2000, 2005, 2015, 2018; Altissimo
et al., 2010).
Jagged edges arise when there is a varying number of missing observations at the end of multiple
time-series due to non-synchronous release dates.

while maintaining the same degree of flexibility and of interpretability of a standard DFM.
Indeed, our deep neural net model can ‘encode’ all of the information about the state of
the economy, as available, in real-time, from hundreds of macroeconomic and financial
variables at mixed frequency and with ‘jagged edges’, into a handful of unobserved latent
states. While similar in spirit to traditional dynamic factor models, differently from those,
our model allows for non-linearities both in the encoding – from variables to factors – and
in the decoding map – back to the variables from the factors. We also discuss how to
generalise it further to nonlinear factor dynamics.
Specifically, we adopt an asymmetric dynamic autoencoder structure on the common
information, whose parameters are estimated via gradient-based backpropagation. An
autoencoder is a type of unsupervised learner that maps a number of variables (‘input
layer’) into themselves (‘output layer’) by first ‘encoding’ the variables’ common inform-
ation into a lower dimensional ‘code’ (viz. non-linear factors), and then ‘decoding’ it.
Autoencoders are formed by a series of internal (hidden) layers each formed by a number
of nodes (neurons). The encoding happens in the first half of the model, and it is the
results of a series of non-linear point-wise transformations of linear combinations of inputs
coming from the previous layer to the current one. Each neuron in each layer operates
one of these transformations. The sequence of layers provides ‘depth’ to the neural net,
while the number of neurons per layer provides ‘width’. Asymmetric autoencoder have
several layers of encoding with (usually) a decreasing number of nodes (neurons), but
only one layer of decoding. Autoencoders can be thought of as a nonlinear generalisation
of principal component analysis (see Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006), which are able
to transform very high-dimensional data into low-dimensional factors without having to
assume a linear factor structure.3
The central contribution of our paper is to show how to embed autoencoders in a
dynamic nonlinear factor model structure to tackle macroeconomic problems, by providing
generalisation to linear factor models. Importantly, the equivalence between maximum
likelihood estimation and minimisation of mean squared error together with the Universal
Approximation Theorem (Cybenko, 1989, Hornik et al., 1989, 1990) allow to reinterpret
the D2 FMs and the procedure adopted in estimating them as an efficient computational
As discussed in Baldi and Hornik (1989), affine decoder and encoder without any nonlinearity and
squared error loss will recover the same subspace of PCA. Moreover, when nonlinearity is added into the
encoding network, PCA appears as one of the many possible representations (see Bourlard and Kamp,
1988; Japkowicz et al., 2000).

method to approximate the maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear factor models.
Another contribution of this paper is to show how to incorporate in this framework general
patterns of missing data, jagged edges and mixed frequencies, by extending gradient-based
backpropagation methods for autoencoders.
Our methodology is computationally efficient and provides a large gain in terms of
computational speed when compared to maximum likelihood methods for DFMs. At the
best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to adopt an autoencoder structure in a
dynamic model with both factor dynamics and dynamic idiosyncratic components, in a
state-space framework for real-time high dimensional mixed frequencies time-series data
with arbitrary patterns of missing observations.
The proposed D2 FM framework is very general and can be, in principle, applied to
many different problems both in forecasting and in structural analysis, as done with
DFMs. Indeed, the model is designed to be in spirit as close as possible to DFMs.
In this paper, as a first empirical application, we study the performance of a D2 FM
in a forecasting exercise. Specifically, we encode, using our model, the full McCracken
and Ng (2016)’s FRED-MD dataset, a large macroeconomic database for the US economy,
specifically designed for the empirical analysis of ‘big data’. The specification of the model
and its hyperparameters are not fixed ex-ante but are instead selected in an intensive
cross-validation exercise.
The performances of the model are tested in forecasting, nowcasting and backcasting
using fully real-time data, and assessed against two benchmarks: (i) a univariate AR(1)
model; and (ii) a state-of-the-art DFM estimated using a quasi maximum likelihood and
an Expectation-Maximisation algorithm, as proposed by Giannone et al. (2008) and Ban-
bura and Modugno (2014). The D2 FM outperforms the two benchmarks, in forecasting
and in nowcasting, with gains of up to around a 15% improvement when measured in
terms of the root mean square forecast errors (RMSFE).

The paper is organised as follows. The reminder of this section discusses the related
literature. Section 2 provides some background and the core intuition sustaining our meth-
odology: the idea that autoencoders can be seen as static generalisations of PCA, and
hence that dynamic versions of these models should be seen as nonlinear generalisations
of linear dynamic factor models. Sections 3 and 4 present the methodology proposed,

discuss its estimation and how to deal with the specificities of economic data. Section 5
describes the empirical application which has the aim to track in real-time the US GDP,
using real-time data and their not revised releases. Section 6 summarises the main results
of the paper and sketches some possible future path of research. Additional technical
details and a data description are provided in the Appendix.

Related Literature This paper connects with the large and influential literature
on factor models in economics, by observing that factor models can be thought of as
a special case in the class of the dynamic autoencoder models. Since its onset, a key
problem in the factor model literature is that, due to the latency of the factors, maximum
likelihood estimators cannot be derived explicitly. Geweke (1977) and Sargent and Sims
(1977) for the frequency domain, Engle and Watson (1981) and Stock and Watson (1989)
for the time domain proposed optimised algorithm for small dynamic latent models.4
The common drawback of all these proposed methods is that, in general, the maximum
likelihood approach is unfeasible for datasets where the cross-section size is large. To
solve this problem in Forni and Reichlin (1998), Stock and Watson (2002a) and Giannone
et al. (2008) have proposed non-parametric methods based on the principal component
analysis to estimate the latent components with large cross-section data.5 Banbura and
Modugno (2014) have provided a methodology to deal with any pattern of missing data,
while allowing for mixed frequencies series and jagged edge issues in large datasets.6
We also connect to the econometric literature that has explored the extend of non-
linearities in macroeconomic data and proposed univariate and multivariate nonlinear
time-series models (see Kock et al., 2011, for a comprehensive literature review). An
important part of this literature has estimate dynamic latent models with nonlinearit-
ies, which are explicitly modelled through structural breaks, Markov switching regression
or threshold regression (see Barnett et al., 2016, Camacho et al., 2012, Marcellino and
Specifically, Engle and Watson (1981) estimate the dynamic factor model using a state-space rep-
resentation in which they apply the Kalman filter to compute the likelihood used for the full maximum
likelihood estimation of the parameters. Watson and Engle (1983) and Shumway and Stoffer (1982) adapt
the Expectation Maximisation (EM) algorithm of Dempster et al. (1977) for state-space representation
allowing the presence of missing data, but only in the specific case where the matrix of the measurement
equation is known.
Recently, Doz et al. (2012) and Barigozzi and Luciani (2019) have shown that when the size of
the cross-section tends to infinite the estimates obtained by a quasi-maximum likelihood approach are
consistent, also when there is a weak cross-sectional correlation in the idiosyncratic components.
Jungbacker et al. (2011) provides efficient and fast the treatment of the missing data in the dynamic
factor model estimation.

Schumacher, 2010, Korobilis, 2006 and Nakajima and West, 2013).7
The approach of Bai and Ng (2008) is the closest in spirit to ours and an important
early effort at including nonlinearities in factor models. In that paper, either principal
components of nonlinear transformation of the data are estimated or nonlinear transform-
ation of the factors are added to a linear factor model. Our methodology is more general.
In fact, differently from the procedure of Bai and Ng (2008) our D2 FMs needn’t to assume
a specific form of nonlinearity either in the encoding or in the decoding map.
Deep neural net methods have seen early application in Finance to predict asset prices,
stock returns or commodity prices (see Sezer et al., 2019, for an extensive literature re-
view). Closer to our approach, a few recent works have applied neural net to macroeco-
nomic questions. Cook and Hall (2017) employed a number of neural network architec-
tures, including also autoencoder, to forecast the US unemployment rate. Loermann and
Maas (2019) proposed a neural net model to predict the US GDP. Holopainen and Sarlin
(2017) proposed an horse race among different machine learning methods and showed
that such models are able to outperform conventional statistical approaches in predicting
crisis periods. Finally, Heaton et al. (2016), Gu et al. (2018, 2019) employ rich datasets
incorporating both stock data and macroeconomic aggregates to predict stock returns.

2 Autoencoders and Factor Models

Dynamic factor models for econometric times series are multivariate probabilistic models
in which a vector of stochastic disturbances are transmitted via linear dynamic equations
to the observed variables. They assume that a small number of stochastic unobserved
common factors informs the comovements of hundreds of economic variables. In doing
this, they combine two core ideas of macroeconomics: the Frisch-Slutsky paradigm that
assumes the economic variables to be generated by the stochastic components (the eco-
nomic shocks) via usually linear dynamic difference equations (see for example Pesaran
and Potter, 1992); and the Burns and Mitchell (1946) idea that a few common disturb-
Nonlinearities have been also modelled in structural factor models using DSGE models (Dynamic
Stochastic General Equilibrium models) as in Amisano and Tristani (2011) to detect regime switching
in volatility, and in Boivin and Giannoni (2006) to improve the accuracy estimation of the model in a
data-rich environment.
The deep learning literature refers to this as a shift from ‘feature engineering’ to ‘architecture engin-
eering’ (see, for example, Stevens and Antiga, 2019).

ances explain most of the dynamics of all the macroeconomics variables, with a residual
share due to idiosyncratic components. DFMs are similar in intuition to principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA) but assume stochastic and dynamic structure that allows their
application to econometric times series.
Autoencoders (AE) are neural networks trained to map a set of variables into them-
selves, by first coding the input into a lower dimensional (or undercomplete) representa-
tion) and then decoding it back into itself. The lower dimensional representation forces
the autoencoder to capture the most salient features of the data. In constructing a non-
linear reflexive map that links the inputs back to itself via a lower dimensional space,
autoencoders can be thought of as a nonlinear generalisation of PCA.9 Recently Deep
AutoRegressive Networks (Gregor et al., 2014) and Temporal Difference Variational Au-
toencoders (Gregor et al., 2019) have been introduced to extend the static autoencoder
framework to a dynamic environment.
In this section, we explore the deep connection between factor models and autoen-
coders to show that dynamic formulation of autoencoders can be thought of as nonlinear
generalisations of dynamic factor models, in the same way in which standard autoencoders
can be seen as generalisations of principal component analysis.

2.1 Latent Factor Models

Let us first introduce a general formulation of latent factor models with idiosyncratic
components. We define y t = (yt,1 , ..., yt,n ) as the vector collecting the n variables of
interest at time t, usually assumed to be the realisation of a vector stochastic process. A
very general latent factor model can be written as

y t = F (f t ) + εt = ybt + εt , (1)

where f t is an r × 1 (for r = dim(f ) << n = dim(y)) vector of latent common stochastic

components – i.e. the factors –, εt are idiosyncratic and unobserved stochastic error
terms, and F (·) is a generic function mapping the unobserved factors into the observed
variable. Usual assumptions are that f t and εt are independent, with zero mean and
finite variance (the variance of f t is often assumed to be a diagonal matrix). For later
The connection between PCA and Autoencoders is discussed in Goodfellow et al. (2016) and in the
references therein.

reference, we indicate as ybt the component of y t that relates to the factors. By assuming
also a linear function F (·), the model reduces to the standard linear factor model

yt = Λf t + εt (2)

However, in general, F (·) needn’t be linear and we can express the factor component
of the model as
b t = F (G(y t )) = (F ◦ G)(y t ),
y (3)

where G(·) is the function mapping the observables into the ‘code’ f t (encoding function),
and F (·) is the function mapping the factors back into y t (decoding function). In this
form, the connection between factor models and autoencoders is more evident. In fact,
the map in Equation 3 can be seen as a very general autoencoder. Linear factor models
can be seen as a special case of factor models assuming both a linear encoding and a linear
decoding function. It is worth observing that the model in Equations 1 and 3, without
specifying dynamic equations for the stochastic components, can be seen as purely static

2.2 Autoencoders

Autoencoders belong to the deep neural net family of models and have been introduced
for applications involving dimensionality reduction (LeCun, 1987, Bourlard and Kamp,
1988, Hinton and Zemel, 1994, Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006). Autoencoders solve
the parametric problem of finding a mapping (or ‘learning a representation’ in the DNN
jargon) of the form y
b t = F (G(y t )) under the constraint of minimising a loss function of


L(y t , y
b t ; θ) = L(y t , F (G(y t ))) , (4)

where L(·) is the loss function and θ is a vector of parameters in G(·) and F (·).
The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) can be seen as the autoencoder minimising
the square loss function

L(y t , y b t ||2 ,
b t ; θ) = ||y t − y (5)

Input Output

y1 ŷ1

y2 ŷ2

y3 ŷ3

y4 ŷ4

y5 ŷ5

y6 ŷ6

Figure 1: Principal component analysis (PCA) as an autoencoder.

and assuming both a linear coding and a linear decoding function, i.e. f t = G(y t ) = W 0 y t
b t = F (f t ) = Λf t . Figure 1 provides a deep learning diagram representation of PCA.
and y
In principle, G(·) and F (·) can be any nonlinear function and hence finding the correct
functional form capturing a data generating process of interest can be a daunting prob-
lem. Autoencoders provide a practical implementation of this problem by expressing the
composition of two functions as a chain of two multilayer perceptrons (MLPs): the first
chain operates the coding, while the second produces the decoded output (see a graph-
ical representation of a symmetric autoencoder in Figure 2). A multilayer perceptron is a
type of feedforward artificial neural network composed of a number of ‘hidden’ layers each
formed by a number of ‘nodes’ (or ‘neurons’). Each neuron in each layer receives some
inputs from the neurons in the previous layer and outputs to the next layer an activation
output, hlml . The activation function (or ‘link function’) of each neuron is a nonlinear
function parametrised as

hlml = gm
(W lml hl−1 + blml ) , (6)

where l is the layer (for l = 1, . . . , L), ml is the node, and θ lml ≡ {W lml , blml } are the
parameters of the activation function to be determined, in the form of, respectively, a set
of weights and a constant (also called bias). If l = 1 then, hl−1 = h0 = y t that is the
input data vector. Common choices for the activation function gm l
(·) are the sigmoid, the
hyperbolic tangent (tanh), softplus, and the rectified linear unit (ReLu) functions. Hence,

Input Hidden Hidden Code Hidden Hidden Output
layer layer 1 layer 2 layer layer 4 layer 5 layer
y1 ŷ1
(1) (5)
h1 h1

y2 (2)
h1 ŷ2
(1) (3) (5)
h1 f1 h2

y3 (2)
h2 ŷ3
(1) (3) (5)
h1 f2 h3

y4 (2)
h3 ŷ4
(1) (3) (5)
h1 f3 h4

y5 (2)
h4 ŷ5
(1) (5)
h1 h5

y6 ŷ6

Figure 2: A symmetric autoencoder with six observables and three neurons in the code layer
(biases are not included in the graph). The first two hidden layers operate the encoding, while
the last two hidden layers decode into the output.

in other words, the neuron in each upper layer is the product of an element wise (usually
monotone) transformation applied on an affine mapping of the neurons in the lower layer.
We can define as gl (·) the vector containing all the activation functions of a layer
{g1l (·) . . . gM (·)}0 for all the nodes 1, . . . M . Hence the first MLP will be given by the com-
position of the activation functions of each node in each layer of the encoding feedforward
network, i.e.

f t = G(y t ) = gL (gL−1 (. . . (g1 (y t )))) . (7)

In a similar way it is usually also defined the MLP operating as decoding network, i.e.
as a sequence of layer each containing neurons operating as activation functions over a
weighted sum of the inputs plus a constant, i.e.

b t = F (y t ) = g̃L0 (g̃L0 −1 (. . . (g̃1 (f t )))) ,

y (8)

where g̃L0 is the vector of link functions, and L0 is the number of hidden layers in the
decoding network.
While the functional form adopted for the activation functions may seem arbitrary,
yet a network with such a structure can approximate any nonlinear continuous function.
In fact, the Universal Approximation Theorem – a key result in the neural net literature
– states that a feed-forward network even with a single hidden layer, containing a finite

number of neurons, can approximate continuous functions on compact subsets of Rn ,
under mild assumptions on the activation function – however, it does not guarantee that
the algorithmic adopted to estimate the network can learn the correct parameters (see
Cybenko, 1989, Hornik et al., 1989, 1990 and Lu et al., 2017).
The autoencoder is said to be symmetric when the number of hidden layers in the
encoding and in the decoding networks are the same (i.e. L0 = L), otherwise asymmetric.
Asymmetric autoencoders usually have several layers of encoding but only a single layer
of decoding (i.e. L0 = 1), hence the decoding network is not a MLP but an SLP (single
layer perceptron).10
For a given choice of the link functions, the parameter vector of the autoencoder θ
contains the full set of weights and constants (biases) that define the affine transform-
ations operated by each neuron before the link function is applied. These parameters
are determined by minimising the loss function L(y t , y
b t ; θ) = L(y t , gL (. . . g1 (xt )); θ), via

back-propagation (Rumelhart et al., 1986 and LeCun, 1987).11 One way to estimate au-
toencoders is by corrupting the inputs with some noise injection (see Vincent et al., 2008)
during the training process. Those are referred as Denoising Autoencoders. The intuition
for this procedure is that, as discussed in Vincent et al. (2008) and Bengio et al. (2013),
it forces the model to learn the data distribution and not only the distribution specific
of the sample used, thanks to data augmentation. Also, noise injection can be seen as a
procedure to improve the robustness of the neural net.
Asymmetric autoencoders were introduced by Majumdar and Tripathi (2017) and have been found
to be be more accurate compared to traditional symmetrically autoencoders for classification accuracy
and also to yield slightly better results on compression problems (over the following datasets: MNIST,
CIFAR-10, SVHN and CIFAR-100). Majumdar and Tripathi (2017) argue that the asymmetric structure
helps to reduce the number of parameters to estimate and hence the potential extent of overfitting.
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms, proposed by Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1952), are com-
monly adopted in the deep learning literature, and update the gradient of each parameter using only
randomly selected subsamples of the training dataset. These subsamples are called ‘minibatches’ and
they are equal partition of the original training datasets. The computational cost of SGD algorithms is
independent with respect to the sample size. All the optimisation algorithms tend to analyse the training
dataset multiple times in order to reach a better estimation of the parameters that relies less on the
starting point. A run of the algorithm over the entire dataset is called ‘epoch’. Common optimisation
algorithms are momentum algorithms, as AdaGrad by Duchi et al. (2011), RMSProp and its variation
by Tieleman and Hinton (2012), and ADAM by Kingma and Ba (2014), that rely all on the well know
gradient descent algorithm by Cauchy (1847).

2.3 Dynamics in Factor Models

So far we have discussed the general structure of factor models by abstracting from the
dynamics and focusing on the ‘static’ map into lower dimensional factors. Dynamics is
usually introduced in DFMs by assuming that both f t and εt are generated by linear
stochastic vector difference equations. For example, Banbura et al. (2010) and Banbura
and Modugno (2014) consider a system specified as

yt = Λf t + εt , (9)
f t = B 1 f t−1 + · · · + B p f t−p + ut , ut ∼ N (0, U ), (10)
εt = Φ1 εt−1 + · · · + Φd εt−d + t , t ∼ N (0, Q), (11)

where B 1 , . . . , B p are the r × r matrices of autoregressive coefficients for the factor and
Φ1 , . . . , Φd are the n × n diagonal matrices of autoregressive coefficients for the idiosyn-
cratic component (i.e. Φ1 = diag(φ1 , . . . , φn )). Specifically, Banbura et al. (2010) and
Banbura and Modugno (2014) assume a VAR process of order two (p = 2) for factors,
and of order one (d = 1) for the idiosyncratic component.12
Such a structure can be seen, in our framework, as obtained by assuming that:

A.1 Encoding function G(·) : y → f is a linear operator;

A.2 Decoding function F (·) : f → yb is a linear operator;

A.3 Factor dynamics B(·) is a linear stochastic vector difference equation;

A.4 Idiosyncratic component dynamics Φ(·) is a linear stochastic vector difference


Autoencoders provide a practical solution to estimate factor models with a more gen-
eral structure, potentially relaxing one or all of these assumptions to obtain both nonlinear
maps from reduced dimension factors to variables and vice-versa, but also to introduce
nonlinear dynamic equations. This approach to the generalisation of dynamic factor mod-
els, is what we call Deep Dynamic Factor Models (D2 FMs). In the next section, we show
The zero cross-correlation at all leads and lags of the idiosyncratic components has been shown by
Doz et al. (2012) and Barigozzi and Luciani (2019) to be asymptotically valid even when it is violated in
small sample.

how to construct and estimate an asymmetric autoencoder that relaxes assumptions A.1
and A.2, while maintaining the others.13

2.4 Estimation and Conditional Likelihood

In principle the parameters of a parametric factor model of the form y t = F (f t ) + εt

would be estimated via maximum likelihood,

θb = argmax pmodel (Y |Y
c) , (12)

where by Y and Y
c we now indicate the full sample of observation and predicted values

from the factor structure, and pmodel (·|·) is the conditional probability density function of
the model.
However, a direct maximum likelihood is rarely feasible, even for linear models, and
iterative methods to find maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates
of the parameters of the model are preferred. In fact, maximum likelihood estimators of
the parameters θ = (Λ, B(L), U , Φ(L), Q) are in general not available in closed form and
a direct numerical maximisation can be too demanding when n is large. Indeed, a proposed
solution in the linear factor model literature is to adopt the Expectation Maximisation
(EM) algorithm, a maximum a posteriori method, and to initialise the common factors
f t with PCA on the observables.14 The updates of the latent components are performed
using the Kalman filter and smoother.
A similar approach can be adopted from a ‘deep’ point of view on factor models by
employing the methodologies developed in the deep learning literature, without losing the
dynamic model interpretation. As we discuss in the next section, the model parameters
of a D2 FM can be estimated via gradient methods, instead of using the EM algorithm.
This has computational advantages – the methods are fast and reliable – even when the
dataset is big. At the same time, estimation results can be thought of as approximating
a maximum a posteriori method.
It is well know, in the linear case, that if the innovation εt are assumed to be inde-
pendent (or uncorrelated) of f t and normally distributed, than the maximisation of the
In the deep learning literature the time dimension has been introduced into autoencoders by Gregor
et al. (2014, 2019), using an alternative approach.
Estimation of linear factor models was originally carried out via simple principal component analysis

likelihood with respect to the parameters of the model yields the same estimate for the
parameters as does minimising the mean squared error.
Importantly, this equivalence between maximum likelihood estimation and minimisa-
tion of mean squared error holds regardless of the function used to predict the mean
of the Gaussian distributed variable y t (see Goodfellow et al., 2016). This allows for
an interpretation of estimation results from autoencoders with mean squared error from
Bayesian perspective, using standard likelihood methods, or from a frequentist one as the
(approximated) mean estimator of a Gaussian distributed process.
Furthermore, the equivalence between maximum likelihood estimation and minimisa-
tion of mean squared error together with the Universal Approximation Theorem allow to
reinterpret the autoencoders and the procedure adopted in estimating them as an efficient
computational method to approximate the maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear
factor models. These are dynamic models that are defined by a conditionally Gaussian
distribution centred around a mean provided by a nonlinear but continuous function of
the inputs.
In the next section, we provide an algorithm that implements these ideas.

3 D2FM Estimation
In this section we provide an algorithm to implement a Deep Dynamic Factor Model for
macro data. In its general form, the D2 FM can be written as

f t = G(yt ) , (13)

yt = F (f t ) + εt , (14)
f t = B 1 f t−1 + · · · + B p f t−p + ut , ut ∼ N (0, U ), (15)
εt = Φ1 εt−1 + · · · + Φd εt−d + t , t ∼ N (0, Q), (16)

where the assumptions on the linearity of the dynamic equations are maintained (Equa-
tions 15 and 16), while the model allows for a nonlinear map between variables and
factors.15 The estimation of linear factor dynamics separately creates what Stock and
Alternatively, the dynamic of the common latent states can be estimated directly in the algorithm 1.
This can be achieved by explicitly including lagged values of the factor in the decoding layer (Fθ2 of the
algorithm), which coincides with the state equation of the common part. This would implicitly create
a state space with dynamic factors. A different approach would employ a Long Short Term Memory

T x (nx1) Asymmetric (Denoising) Autoencoder

for Mariano Output Layer

Code Layer Murasawa
restrictions nx1
(static common factors)
h1 h1
h... hL hL


y ŷ


tanh linear
linear tanh

denoising filter: -ŷ
y-AR(d) idio o =y
corrupt by adding noise from idi
Gaussian AR(d)

AR(d) idio

Figure 3: A graph representation of the training process for a the D2 FM with an asymmetric
structure: nonlinear multilayer encoder and linear single layer decoder.

Watson (2011) call a ‘state space with static (common) factors’ as opposed to a ‘state
space with dynamic (common) factors’.
The D2 FM can be implemented using a symmetric autoencoder structure with a MLP
capturing the encoding function (in Equation 13), and another MLP providing the nonlin-
ear decoding (in Equation 14). The assumption of i.i.d. and Gaussian innovations allows
for an interpretation of the estimated network as MAP of the likelihood of the model (see
Goodfellow et al., 2016).
Importantly, such a model specification encompasses several simplified models, most
notably the standard linear DFMs, and hence the estimation algorithm can be specialised
to the scope.

3.1 Network Design

The core of the model is provided by an autoencoder with a nonlinear multilayer encoder
and either a symmetric structure in the decoding (for nonlinear decoding) or an asymmet-
ric structure with a linear single layer decoder structure. Linear stochastic autoregressive
equations are adopted to model the dynamics of factors and idiosyncratic components.
Figure 3 shows a diagrammatic representation of the model.
The number of hidden layer in the encoding network as well as the number of neurons
(LSTM) layer. We leave these extensions to future works.

needn’t be pre-specified but can be selected via cross-validation. Our preferred choice is
to equip each neuron in the coding layers with a link function in the form of the hyperbolic
tangent (tanh). This choice is motivated by results in Saxe et al. (2019) that show that
double sided saturating non linear functions, like tanh, lead to a better compression of the
input data. Moreover, a layer with tanh neurons provide an output in the realisation set
[−1, 1]k where k is the number of neurons in this layer. This natural normalisation in the
coding process provides better interpretability of the reduced dimension code (the factors).
In the encoding multilayer perceptron we also include two batch normalisation layers to
induce some regularisation and control over potential ‘covariate shift’ (i.e. heterogeneity
across batches/subsamples) as shown by Ioffe and Szegedy (2015).16
In the decoding network, an additional linear layer can be included to introduce con-
straints needed to account for the mixed frequencies of macroeconomic data. This ad-
ditional layer does not have any additional parameter, and it only includes restrictions
on the output data structure. Finally, we allow the idiosyncratic components to have
non-zero constants by including biases in the last hidden layer.

3.2 Estimation and Online Learning of the D2 FM

In estimating the D2 FM we propose a two-step procedure.

- Step 1 estimates all the parameters of the model;

- Step 2 casts the decoding part in a state-space framework to allow for online
updates of the latent states given the observables.

Algorithm 1 implements the estimation step (Step 1) of our D2 FM, assuming an

AR(d) for pidio (.), but possibly a general encoding G(·) and decoding F (·) function. The
proposed algorithm to estimate D2 FM builds on and extends what has been proposed by
Bengio et al. (2013) to estimate Generalised Denoising Autoencoders.17
Let us summarise the estimation algorithm. Parameters are first initialised. Line 1
performs a filtering of the input data y t by using the conditional mean of the AR(d) of
the idiosyncratic components. From line 2 to 6, the Monte Carlo step and the gradient
These two normalisation layers improve also the stability of the gradient updates among batches and
make the optimisation significantly smoother, hence allowing for faster training as shown by Santurkar
et al. (2018)
In Bengio et al. (2013) two algorithms are proposed, our approach is similar in inspiration to Al-
gorithm 1, therein.

Algorithm 1 MCMC for D2 FM with stationary AR(d) idiosyncratic components – re-
quires a training set, an encoding structure Gθ1 (·) and a decoding one Fθ2 (·)
init: θ 1 , θ 2 , Φ, Q, εt
1: ỹ t |(y t , ε̂t ) = y t − Φ(L)εt
2: Loop epochs, batches Do
3: draw ε̃t ∼ N (0, Σε )
4: ỹ t,mc = ỹ t |(y t , ε̂t ) + ε̃t
5: θ1 , θ2 update by a gradient based step on L̂(y t , ỹ t,mc )
6: End Loop
7: f t |ỹ t = Eỹt ∼ỹt,mc Gθ1 (ỹ t )
8: εt |y t , f t = y t − Fθ2 (f t |ỹ t )
9: Φ ← AR(d) on εt
10: Q ← from AR(d) residuals
until convergence on L̂(y t , Fθ2 (f t |ỹ t )) in L1 norm
return Q, Φ, f t , Fθ2

updates over each epoch and batch are carried out, employing the filtered data ỹ t and
injecting Gaussian noise ε̃t in a denoising fashion to obtain the noisy observations ỹ t,mc .
In line 7, the latent states f t are extracted from the encoding network, while from line 8
to 10 the algorithm updates the parameters of the idiosyncratic process εt , conditional on
the factors and the observables. The adoption of an L2 (MSE) loss function L̂(y t , ỹ t,mc )
allows for interpretability of the results, as discussed. We specify an estimated loss, as
missing data prevents us from deriving the exact loss.18 Finally, convergence is checked
as the L1 norm of distance between the loss function at two iterations. It is worth noting
that the loss, L̂(·) includes only the common components, since at convergence we have
the following decomposition of the log-likehood:

log pmodel (y t |f t = G(ỹ t ), εt = ε̂t ) = log pdecoder (y t |f t = G(ỹ t )) + log pidio (y t |εt = ε̂t ) ,
where ε̂t is the estimated one-step-ahead forecast of the autoregressive idiosyncratic
component. In running over epochs and batches (line 2 to 6), the algorithm injects
uncorrelated noise into the data (it is a Denoising Autoencoder). Hence it searches for a
The treatment of missing data is discussed in more details in section 4.1.

maximum a posteriori (MAP) of the parameters for the modified model with log-likelihood

− Eyt ∼ pdata (y t ) Eỹ t ∼pnoisy (ỹ t |y t ) log pmodel (y t |f t = G(ỹ t ), εt = ε̂t ) , (18)

where pnoisy (ỹ t |y t ) is the corruption distribution, using a Gaussian autoregressive pro-
cess. The idea behind this procedure is to filter out the foreseeable idiosyncratic part
from the input variables, so that only the common component is left. Injecting noise
from the unconditional idiosyncratic distribution will generate new samples which are not
unreasonably far from the old ones. In doing this we define an appealing and convenient
linkage between the corruption process of the denoising approach and the idiosyncratic
component distribution.
In (Step 2), the output of the algorithm is casted in the state-space of Equations 14-16.
Dynamics of the common factors are estimated via OLS or Maximum Likelihood. State
updates can then be carried out via either nonlinear filtering procedures for a nonlinear
decoder or via Kalman filtering in the presence of a linear decoder. This allows for online
(i.e. out-of-sample) learning with the flow of data.

3.3 Cross-Validating Hyperparameters

The D2 FM described in this section is subject to the selection of a number of critical

parameters determining its structure, beyond the coefficients θ. These parameters are
commonly known as hyperparameters, being them set before the training starts and usu-
ally selected over a grid with respect to some validation loss, which is estimated via a
process called cross-validation.
The D2 FM has hyperparameters typical of both deep learning and time-series models.
In particular, the deep learning hyperparameters can be divided into two categories. The
first relates to the neural network structure and includes: the type of layers, the number
of hidden layers, the number of neurons per each hidden layer, penalisation coefficients,
dropout layers and relative dropout rates (if included), batch normalisation layers and
the link function used. The second category relates to the optimisation algorithm used
and comprehends: size of the mini-batches, number of epochs, the learning rate and the
momentum coefficients of the gradient optimisation method, if present. Standard time-
series factor models have few additional hyperparameters which include: the number of

latent common states, the number of lags of the input variables, the number of lags of the
latent common states and of the idiosyncratic states. These hyperparameters, in the time
series literature, are either fixed a-priori or estimated using information criteria instead
of grid-search algorithms.19
It is important to observe that in time-series we cannot apply the common ‘K-fold’
cross-validation method because of the serial data correlation (see Bergmeir et al., 2018, for
details). Therefore, we use a standard out-of-sample approach which consists in splitting
the set of observations available up to a certain point in time, T , between a training set
[0, T −k ∗h−1], and validation set [T −k ∗h, T −(k −1)∗h], where h determines the length
T −1
of the set, while k = K, . . . , 1 with K  h
. By averaging over the losses computed
on the K ‘validation sets’, we get an estimate of the ‘validation loss’. This means that
we need to estimate a given model with fixed hyperparameter K times, and this for each
possible hyperparameters combination. Therefore, with deterministic search method the
computational cost is exponential in the dimensionality of the hyperparameters.20

4 A Deep Dynamic Factor Model for Macro Data

In the empirical application, we estimate a simplified version of the D2 FM with a linear
mapping between the factors and the variables (see Figure 3), i.e.

yt = Λf t + εt . (140 )

It is worth of observe, that in this form, the model can be seen as a very flexible gen-
eralisation of the approach of Bai and Ng (2008) that propose to extract factors from
variables as well as their squared values and their crossproducts.
There are a few advantages to considering this simpler D2 FM. First, the model main-
tains the same level of interpretability of a standard DFM, hence making it easy to com-
pare the two models. Indeed, this simple architecture is motived by the recent work of
Rudin (2019) that has encouraged the design of models that are inherently interpretable,
as opposed to a purely ‘black box’ approach. Second, while interpretable, the autoen-
The Akaike information criteria (AIC) and the Bayesian information criteria (BIC) can be used to
determine the number of lags; while the number of latent factors can be, in principle, estimated using
the method proposed by Alessi et al. (2010) which improves Bai and Ng (2002)’s methodology.
Alternative methods based on stochastic search are available (see for example Bergstra et al., 2011),
but then the results could be not robust when they are computed on a small number of iterations.

coder structure allow us to introduce deep learning techniques in this framework to test
its potential, towards the construction of more general models. Third, the linear decod-
ing network and the linear state-space framework allow to employ a standard Kalman
Filter to update the unobservable states in real-time. Finally, the adoption of linear fil-
tering techniques, in turn, allows for an easy interpretation of the model forecast revisions
coming from the flow of data onto the performances of the model, as in Banbura et al.

4.1 Missing & Mixed Frequency Data

Economic data are rarely available all at the same frequency – be it weekly, monthly or
quarterly –, and missing data are a feature of real-time macroeconomic datasets, due to
the non-synchronous and staggered data releases of new datapoint from statistical offices.
The model accounts for these two features of macro data.
We deal with missing data in three steps. First, we initialise missing data with spline
interpolation. Second, we iterate the parameters maximisation by replacing the missing
data in the sample with fitted values obtained by conditioning on the estimated model
and on the the realisation of the latent factors. Maximisation is carried out only on
non-missing points, therefore the number of observations over which the gradients are
computed can differ across dimensions. Finally, in the real-time online update phase (i.e.
the out-of-sample procedure), we employ the Kalman filter to update the missing data
and to accommodating and deal with the presence of missing data and jagged edges (see
Banbura et al., 2010; Banbura and Modugno, 2014; Camacho et al., 2012).
In dealing with mixed frequency data, several options are possible. The most popular
one, when the dataset includes monthly and quarterly variables, is the Mariano and
Murasawa (2003) approximation. In the model, this approximation is implemented by
including an additional final layer to the decoding network to allow the monthly factors
to be mapped into the quarterly variables. This layer has fixed weights not subject to the

4.2 Model Specification and Training Details

The core of the model is provided by an asymmetric autoencoder with a nonlinear mul-
tilayer encoder and a linear single layer decoding structure. Table 1 provides a summary

Model Components Hyperparameter Choice taken
number of hidden layers 3
number of neurons for each layer selected via cross-validation
penalisation none
Model Structure
dropout layers and rates none

Autoencoder batch norm layers 2 included in the encoding network

link function used tanh
size of mini batches 100 monthly observations
Optimization number of epochs 100 for each MC iteration
optimisation algorithm ADAM with default parameters
number of latent states selected via cross-validation
number of lags input variables selected via cross-validation
Dynamic Equations Model Structure
number of lags for latent common states 2 as in Banbura and Modugno (2014)
number of lags for idiosyncratic states 1 as in Banbura and Modugno (2014)

Table 1: Summary of model features and choices.

of the network design choices, and reports the choices operated for each hyperparameter
of our model, a number of which are selected in cross-validation.
Optimisation, both during pre-training and training is carried out by using ADAM
(see Kingma and Ba, 2014) with default hyperparameters and 100 epochs. Before starting
the training ADAM is reinitialised and then is run on batches (i.e. subsamples) with size
of at least 100 monthly observations (approximately 8 years, the average duration of a
business cycle). In the training phase we set again the number of epochs (runs on the full
sample) to 100 for each iteration of the MCMC. These iterations are used also to update
the idiosyncratic distribution.
In our empirical model, parameters are initialised in a two stage approach. First, by
using Xavier initialisation – weights in the link functions are sampled from a Gaussian
distribution with zero mean and a variance of 2/(nin + nout ), where nin is the number of
input units and nout is the number of output units (see Glorot and Bengio, 2010), and
then by performing a pre-training exercise using a standard autoencoder on a full dataset
where the rows that contains missing data are discarded.21 This pre-training procedure
is needed to warm up the chain.
In particular, in the empirical application we check that at least 50 observations are present when
applying this rule. If this is not the case, then we drop observations for which the corresponding variable
has more than 20% missing values, and we fill the rest with splines (see Section 4.1).

140 140 4

120 120

100 3

80 80
60 60

40 40
20 20

0 0 0
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
N. vars (left axis) N. factors (right axis) N. lags (right axis)

(a) Number of variables. (b) Number of variables, factors and lags.

Figure 4: Panel (a) reports the number of variables along the the entire time span taken into
consideration. Panel (b) reports the number of variables, factors and lags selected via cross-
validation over time. The blue line is the number of variables available for each year (left axis),
red line is the optimal number of latent common states (right axis), black line is the optimal
number of lags of input variables (right axis). The x-axis shows the year during which the model
is used for the out-of-sample evaluation.

5 Encoding the US Economy in Real Time

In this section we report the empirical results of the model presented in Section 4. Specific-
ally, the performances of the model are tested in forecasting, nowcasting and backcasting
using a fully real-time ‘big’ US macro dataset, and assessed against three benchmark
models:22 (i) a univariate AR(1) statistical benchmark; and (ii) a state-of-the-art DFM
with two and three latent factors, estimated via quasi maximum likelihood as proposed
by Giannone et al. (2008) and generalised in Banbura and Modugno (2014) (we refer to
this model as DFM-EM). The model is multitarget but we mainly focus on US GDP. This
exercise can be seen as a validation test to check whether the model is able to correctly
capture the relevant features of the data generating process, and to benchmark it against
other state-of-the-art models.

5.1 A Real-Time ‘Big’ Macro Dataset

To test its capability, we estimate the model by encoding a real-time version of the full
McCracken and Ng (2016)’s FRED-MD dataset, a large macroeconomic database for
Backcast is the estimate of the previous quarter up to the official release date; nowcast is the estimate
of the current quarter up to the official release date, and forecast is the estimate of the next quarter up to
the the official release date. We are able to produce backcast values because the GDP is released usually
5 weeks after the end of the reference quarter, hence we use the releases of the other variables during
these 5 weeks to update the backcast figure.

the US economy, specifically designed for the empirical analysis of ‘big data’.23 The
cross section of data is mixed frequency because it includes 128 monthly indicators and
Real GDP, that is a quarterly indicator. All the data are stationarised and standardised
following the specifications in McCracken and Ng (2016).24 In Tables 4-7, we report also
the respective publication delay (in days) of each series. There are substantial differences
in the timeliness of different variables. Some of them are more timely (e.g. ‘soft’ indicators
or surveys), while others are released with one-two months of delay (usually ‘hard’ data
on real activity).
The vintages in the datasets span the period January 1980 to May 2020. Figure
4a reports the number of variables available across time periods. We first estimate the
model using the data up to December 2006, and then we perform an expanding window
forecasting exercise starting form the 1st of January 2006, hence our test sample goes from
1st of January 2006 to 31st of May 2020, including the Great Recession in 2007-2009. A
data vintage is created every time a new time-series data point is released, and it contains
all the data available up to that point in time, including also data revisions. The real-time
infrastructure adapts automatically to the expanding number of variables used as input for
the model. For each iteration, as new data arrive, the model is re-evaluated and outputs
a sequence of backcasts-nowcasts-forecasts for GDP and all the other variables. These
forecasts are conditional only to the real-time information set, i.e. only data available up
to that specific point in time without taking into consideration further revisions.
Many of the hyperparameters determining the model specification are not fixed ex-
ante but are instead selected in an intensive cross-validation exercise, as reported in Table
1. The real-time cross-validation exercise also provides information on the ability of the
model to change its optimal hyperparameter specification over time as long as new data
comes in (the validation length is set to one year). Figure 4b shows the evolution of the
number of factors and lags that are selected via cross-validation over the sample.








2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
DFM-EM 3 factors DFM-EM 2 factors AR D2FM GDP

Figure 5: This Figure shows the nowcast reconstruction in real-time of the D2 FM, DFM-EM
with 2 and 3 factors and the AR(1) versus the growth rate of the US GDP. Shaded area is the
NBER recession period.

5.2 Model Evaluation

Figure 5 shows the nowcast reconstruction in real-time for the D2 FM, the DFM-EM with
2 and 3 factors, and the AR(1) model against the realised quarterly US GDP. Overall, the
D2 FM and the DFM-EM models provide a similar assessment of the state of the economy,
in the nowcasting horizon, though the D2 FM is leading especially in the recovery.
We formally assess the performances of the model – and of the AR(1), the DFM-
EM with 2 and 3 factors – by computing root mean square forecast error (RMSFE).
This metric is updated every time the data vintage gets updated, due to a new data
release. We report both an overall RMSFE (Table 3) that gives us a synthetic value
about the performance of each model on the entire out of sample set, and a dynamic
RMSFE (Figure 6) that illustrates how the RMSFE evolves from the forecast period to
the backcast period, until the day before the release. Results indicate that the D2 FM is
We marginally extend the dataset by including two Purchasing Managers’ Indices (PMIs), since they
are considered to be important indicators for nowcasting and do not get revised over time.
In the Appendix Tables 4-7 provide the complete list of the variables used and their transformation

Table 2: Comparison of RMSEs relative to the AR(1) benchmark

Forecasting Nowcasting Backcasting

Model 30 weeks 26 weeks 20 weeks 14 weeks 8 weeks 2 weeks
D2 FM 0.932 0.936 0.893 0.815 0.85 0.826
DFM-EM 3 factors 1.032 1.034 0.973 0.87 0.869 0.826
DFM-EM 2 factors 1.015 1.027 0.962 0.894 0.886 0.858
Notes: This table reports the RMSE of the D2 FM, the DFM-EM model with 2 and 3 factors
relative to the RMSE of the AR(1): RM SE(model, horizon)/RM SE(AR(1), horizon). Re-
lative RMSEs are reported for different dates relative to the release date of US GDP. For
example, the RMSEs at 30 weeks refers to the RMSEs 30 weeks prior to the release date.

able to outperform all the competitors during the entire forecast period and for most of
the nowcast period. The gain in terms of performance achieved by the D2 FM in these two
periods is quite considerable and it reflects the ability of this model to better compress
the useful information reducing the level of uncertainty.

Forecast Nowcast Backcast







100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100
DFM-EM 3 factors DFM-EM 2 factors AR D2FM

Figure 6: This Figure reports the RMSFE evolution along the quarter of the D2 FM model
versus its competitors.

The model also delivers forecasts for all the variables in the model. Table 3 reports
the average of the RMSFEs of the the D2 FM over all of the monthly variables, in ratio
to the AR(1) RMSFEs. The D2 FM beats the AR(1) over all the horizons – the backcast

improves by 10%, the nowcast improves by 20% and the forecast improves by 18%.25

Table 3: Comparison of RMSEs relative to the AR(1) benchmark for monthly variables.

Forecasting Nowcasting Backcasting

6 weeks 4 weeks 2 weeks
D2 FM 0.85 0.83 0.91
Notes: This table reports the average RMSFE of the D2 FM model relative to the RMSFE of
the AR(1) across all monthly variables included in the model. Relative RMSEs are reported
for different dates relative to the release date of the monthly variables. For example, the
RMSEs at 6 weeks refers to the RMSEs 6 weeks prior to the release date of the variable
under consideration.

5.3 A Real-Time Synthetic Indicator of the Business Cycle






2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Figure 7: This Figure reports the Composite Indicator computed in real time using the D2 FM
of section 5.2.

As a final exercise, we show how to build a composite indicator of the state of economy
in real-time using the decoding map (or loadings). We do this by aggregating the the latent
Overall, the D2 FM improves the prediction accuracy for roughly the 80% of the monthly variables
included in the dataset with respect to the AR(1).

states trough a weighting scheme. Specifically, we define the composite indicator as

r X
N 2
X Fk,i
CI = fk , (19)
k=1 i=1 ||F ||2F

where fk for k = 1, ..., r are the common factors (the code) and Fk,i is the matrix of
the coefficient for the factor k at variable i, as in the Equation 140 , while ||F ||2F =
Pr Pn 2
k=1 i=1 Fk,i is the squared Frobenius norm of the coefficients. The sign of the indicator
is fixed to have a positive correlation with GDP. Figure 7 reports the composite indicator
using the real time out of sample exercise, that is shown to track well the developments
in the US economy.

6 Way Forward (Conclusion)

The central contribution of our paper is to introduce Deep Dynamic Factor Models
(D2 FMs) by showing how to embed autoencoders in a dynamics nonlinear factor model
structure with idiosyncratic components. The equivalence between maximum likelihood
estimation and minimisation of mean squared error together with the Universal Approx-
imation Theorem allow to conceptualise the D2 FMs as computationally efficient approx-
imations of the maximum likelihood estimates of nonlinear factor models.
The empirical application of a simple version of a D2 FM with linear dynamic equations
and a linear decoder in a big data forecasting exercise – with real-time macroeconomic
indicators with missing observations, jagged edges and mixed frequencies – shows the
potential of the methodology.
The model capability can be further expanded by including nonlinear dynamic equa-
tions. Also, the loss can be changed to allow for a quantile approach (see Koenker and
Bassett, 1978; Chen et al., 2018, for example). Furthermore, the modularity and flexibility
of the D2 FM allow to easily integrate alternative data (e.g.: text data, satellite images)
into the model. We leave this analysis to future research.

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A Data Appendix
Tables 4-7 reports the list of variables in the dataset. The transformation codes (Tcode) in
the Tables refers to how the variables are transformed to archive stationarity stationary.
Being Xt a raw series, the transformations adopted are:

 Xt if Tcode = 1

(1 − L)Xt

 if Tcode = 2

(1 − L)(1 − L12 )Xt if Tcode = 3

Zt =

logXt if Tcode = 4

(1 − L)logXt

 if Tcode = 5

(1 − L)(1 − L12 )logXt if Tcode = 6

Table 4: Dataset (I)
N Code Descriptions Source Tcode Freq McCracken gr Publication delay
1 RPI Real Personal Income FRED 5 M 1 30
2 W875RX1 RPI ex. Transfers FRED 5 M 1 30
3 INDPRO IP Index FRED 5 M 1 14
4 IPFPNSS IP: Final Products and Supplies FRED 5 M 1 14
5 IPFINAL IP: Final Products FRED 5 M 1 14
6 IPCONGD IP: Consumer Goods FRED 5 M 1 14
7 IPDCONGD IP: Durable Consumer Goods FRED 5 M 1 14
8 IPNCONGD IP: Nondurable Consumer Goods FRED 5 M 1 14
9 IPBUSEQ IP: Business Equipment FRED 5 M 1 14
10 IPMAT IP: Materials FRED 5 M 1 14
11 IPDMAT IP: Durable Materials FRED 5 M 1 14
12 IPNMAT IP: Nondurable Materials FRED 5 M 1 14
13 IPMANSICS IP: Manufacturing FRED 5 M 1 14
14 IPB51222S IP: Residential Utilities FRED 5 M 1 14
15 IPFUELS IP: Fuels FRED 5 M 1 14

16 CLF16OV Civilian Labor Force FRED 5 M 2 7
17 CE16OV Civilian Employment FRED 5 M 2 7
18 UNRATE Civilian Unemployment Rate FRED 2 M 2 7
19 UEMPMEAN Average Duration of Unemployment FRED 2 M 2 7
20 UEMPLT5 Civilians Unemployed ¡5 Weeks FRED 5 M 2 7
21 UEMP5TO14 Civilians Unemployed 5-14 Weeks FRED 5 M 2 7
22 UEMP15OV Civilians Unemployed ¿15 Weeks FRED 5 M 2 7
23 UEMP15T26 Civilians Unemployed 15-26 Weeks FRED 5 M 2 7
24 UEMP27OV Civilians Unemployed ¿27 Weeks FRED 5 M 2 7
25 PAYEMS All Employees: Total nonfarm FRED 5 M 2 7
26 USGOOD All Employees: Goods-Producing FRED 5 M 2 7
27 CES1021000001 All Employees: Mining and Logging FRED 5 M 2 7
28 USCONS All Employees: Construction FRED 5 M 2 7
29 MANEMP All Employees: Manufacturing FRED 5 M 2 7
30 DMANEMP All Employees: Durable goods FRED 5 M 2 7
31 NDMANEMP All Employees: Nondurable goods FRED 5 M 2 7
32 SRVPRD All Employees: Service Industries FRED 5 M 2 7
33 USTPU All Employees: TT&U FRED 5 M 2 7
Table 5: Dataset (II)
N Code Descriptions Source Tcode Freq McCracken gr Publication delay
34 USWTRADE All Employees: Wholesale Trade FRED 5 M 2 7
35 USTRADE All Employees: Retail Trade FRED 5 M 2 7
36 USFIRE All Employees: Financial Activities FRED 5 M 2 7
37 USGOVT All Employees: Government FRED 5 M 2 7
38 CES0600000007 Hours: Goods-Producing FRED 1 M 2 7
39 AWOTMAN Overtime Hours: Manufacturing FRED 2 M 2 7
40 AWHMAN Hours: Manufacturing FRED 1 M 2 7
41 CES0600000008 Ave. Hourly Earnings: Goods FRED 6 M 2 7
42 CES2000000008 Ave. Hourly Earnings: Construction FRED 6 M 2 7
43 CES3000000008 Ave. Hourly Earnings: Manufacturing FRED 6 M 2 7
44 HOUST Starts: Total FRED 4 M 3 20
45 HOUSTNE Starts: Northeast FRED 4 M 3 20
46 HOUSTMW Starts: Midwest FRED 4 M 3 20
47 HOUSTS Starts: South FRED 4 M 3 20
48 HOUSTW Starts: West FRED 4 M 3 20

49 PERMIT Permits FRED 4 M 3 20
50 PERMITNE Permits: Northeast FRED 4 M 3 20
51 PERMITMW Permits: Midwest FRED 4 M 3 20
52 PERMITS Permits: South FRED 4 M 3 20
53 PERMITW Permits: West FRED 4 M 3 20
54 DPCERA3M086SBEA Real PCE FRED 5 M 4 30
55 CMRMTSPL Real M&T Sales FRED 5 M 4 35
56 RETAIL Retail and Food Services Sales FRED 5 M 4 30
57 ACOGNO Orders: Consumer Goods FRED 5 M 4 35
58 ANDENO Orders: Nondefense Capital Goods FRED 5 M 4 35
59 AMDMUO Unfilled Orders: Durable Goods FRED 5 M 4 35
60 BUSINV Total Business Inventories FRED 5 M 4 35
61 ISRATIO Inventories to Sales Ratio FRED 2 M 4 35
62 UMCSENT Consumer Sentiment Index FRED 2 M 4 -3
63 M1SL M1 Money Stock FRED 6 M 5 14
64 M2SL M2 Money Stock FRED 6 M 5 14
65 M3SL MABMM301USM189S in FRED, M3 for the United States FRED 6 M 5 14
66 M2REAL Real M2 Money Stock FRED 5 M 5 14
Table 6: Dataset (III)
N Code Descriptions Source Tcode Freq McCracken gr Publication delay
67 AMBSL St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base FRED 6 M 5 14
68 TOTRESNS Total Reserves FRED 6 M 5 36
69 NONBORRES Nonborrowed Reserves FRED 0 M 5 36
70 BUSLOANS Commercial and Industrial Loans FRED 6 M 5 20
71 REALLN Real Estate Loans FRED 1 M 5 20
72 NONREVSL Total Nonrevolving Credit FRED 6 M 5 14
73 MZMSL MZM Money Stock FRED 6 M 5 14
74 DTCOLNVHFNM Consumer Motor Vehicle Loans FRED 6 M 5 14
75 DTCTHFNM Total Consumer Loans and Leases FRED 6 M 5 14
76 INVEST Securities in Bank Credit FRED 6 M 5 14
77 FEDFUNDS Effective Federal Funds Rate FRED 2 M 6 -1
78 CP3M 3-Month AA Comm. Paper Rate FRED 2 M 6 0
79 TB3MS 3-Month T-bill FRED 2 M 6 0
80 TB6MS 6-Month T-bill FRED 2 M 6 0
81 GS1 1-Year T-bond FRED 2 M 6 0

82 GS5 5-Year T-bond FRED 2 M 6 0
83 GS10 10-Year T-bond FRED 2 M 6 0
84 AAA Aaa Corporate Bond Yield FRED 2 M 6 2
85 BAA Baa Corporate Bond Yield FRED 2 M 6 2
86 TB3SMFFM 3 Mo. - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 2
87 TB6SMFFM 6 Mo. - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 2
88 T1YFFM 1 yr. - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 2
89 T5YFFM 5 yr. - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 2
90 T10YFFM 10 yr. - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 0
91 AAAFFM Aaa - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 0
92 BAAFFM Baa - FFR spread FRED 1 M 6 0
93 TWEXMMTH Trade Weighted U.S. FX Rate FRED 5 M 6 2
94 EXSZUS Switzerland / U.S. FX Rate FRED 5 M 6 2
95 EXJPUS Japan / U.S. FX Rate FRED 5 M 6 2
96 EXUSUK U.S. / U.K. FX Rate FRED 5 M 6 2
97 EXCAUS Canada / U.S. FX Rate FRED 5 M 6 2
98 PPIFGS PPI: Finished Goods FRED 6 M 7 16
99 PPIFCG PPI: Finished Consumer Goods FRED 6 M 7 16
Table 7: Dataset (IV)
N Code Descriptions Source Tcode Freq McCracken gr Publication delay
100 PPIITM PPI: Intermediate Materials FRED 6 M 7 16
101 PPICRM PPI: Crude Materials FRED 6 M 7 16
102 oilprice Crude Oil Prices: WTI HAVER 6 M 7 0
103 PPICMM PPI: Commodities FRED 6 M 7 16
104 CPIAUCSL CPI: All Items FRED 6 M 7 16
105 CPIAPPSL CPI: Apparel FRED 6 M 7 16
106 CPITRNSL CPI: Transportation FRED 6 M 7 16
107 CPIMEDSL CPI: Medical Care FRED 6 M 7 16
108 CUSR0000SAC CPI: Commodities FRED 6 M 7 16
109 CUUR0000SAD CPI: Durables FRED 6 M 7 16
110 CUSR0000SAS CPI: Services FRED 6 M 7 16
111 CPIULFSL CPI: All Items Less Food FRED 6 M 7 16
112 CUUR0000SA0L2 CPI: All items less shelter FRED 6 M 7 16
113 CUSR0000SA0L5 CPI: All items less medical care FRED 6 M 7 16
114 PCEPI PCE: Chain-type Price Index FRED 6 M 7 30

115 DDURRG3M086SBEA PCE: Durable goods FRED 6 M 7 30
116 DNDGRG3M086SBEA PCE: Nondurable goods FRED 6 M 7 30
117 DSERRG3M086SBEA PCE: Services FRED 6 M 7 30
118 IPMAN Industrial Production: Manufacturing FRED 1 M 1 14
119 MCUMFN Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing FRED 2 M 1 14
120 TCU Capacity Utilization: Total Industry FRED 2 M 1 14
121 M0684AUSM343SNBR Manufacturers’ Index of New Orders of Durable Goods FRED 1 M 4 34
122 M0504AUSM343SNBR Manufacturers’ Inventories, Total for United States FRED 1 M 4 34
123 DGORDER Manufacturers’ New Orders: Durable Goods FRED 5 M 4 34
124 CPFFM 3-Month Commercial Paper Minus Federal Funds Rate FRED 1 M 6 0
125 PCUOMFGOMFG Producer Price Index by Industry: Total Manufacturing FRED 1 M 7 15
126 ISMC ISM Composite Index HAVER 1 M 1 3
127 NAPMVDI ISM Manufacturing: Supply Index HAVER 1 M 1 3
128 SP500E Standard & poor 500: Price Index HAVER 5 M 8 0
129 SDY5COMM Standard & poor 500: Dividend Yield HAVER 2 M 8 0
130 SPE5COOM Standard & poor 500: Price/Earnings Ratio HAVER 5 M 8 0
131 GDPC1 Gross Domestic Product FRED 5 Q 1 30

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