What Are The Health Benefits of Playing Sports in School?
What Are The Health Benefits of Playing Sports in School?
What Are The Health Benefits of Playing Sports in School?
Apart from offering an opportunity to exercise during the school week, I help the pupils
start to develop an understanding of the relationship between well-being and sport, and
the importance of this in life. Overall, we want the pupils to develop a lifelong love of
sport and exercise, not only because of the clear health benefits to the individual, but
because it also equips pupils with skills to help them socialize, meet new people and
make friends in new situations, later in life. We are giving young people important life
skills and we take this very seriously.
Everyone can enjoy sport. The hugely successful “This Girl Can” campaign which Sport
England runs, demonstrates very well that Sport is for everyone of any size, shape, or
ability. Our philosophy at WPS is to ensure everyone is included and can play a part.
Each pupil is encouraged to work to the very best of their ability, and is praised and
supported for doing so, which helps their self-esteem enormously. Which child does not
want to go back home and proudly tell their family of their achievements?
we encourage all pupils to engage in sports, and for those who are especially talented
or interested, there are plenty of opportunities to extend their talents. We run teams
that play matches against other schools, and there are competitions, internally and
externally, in which the pupils can test their skills. This wider exposure is important for
development so we also help pupils connect with clubs and sports facilities in the
community. Many of our pupils pursue their sporting and athletic endeavours in the
variety of incredible clubs we are fortunate to have locally. We have great contacts
within these clubs and aim to help our children find the right coaching environment to
improve their skills.
The children have two timetabled PE lessons per week and have access to a wide
range of sports clubs run by internal and external coaches on a daily basis. We are
fortunate to have a fabulous large purpose-built Sports Hall, so our games, PE lessons
and fixtures can continue at the highest level, and are not disrupted by inclement
It is my belief that an active body leads to an active mind. Most people would probably
agree that a balance of physical and mental activity is important to develop a rounded
child and that is our aim at WPS.