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Report of SIP-AIP Review 2021-2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Mid-Year Assessment
S.Y. 2021-2022

The team leaders of the different projects—including Project Rated PGA, Oplan Yakap,
Project PSP through SBM, Project I-READ, Project I am PASS-ER, Project APP, Project
#INSPIRE, Project EM3Ps, Project iWOW, Project MPT, Project OKAY, and Project OPK—
reported to the School Planning Team on January 7, 2022, about the status of their initiatives as
well as the challenges and issues they encountered.

Project Accomplishments/Status Issues/Problems

Project Rated PGA  Planned for additional mode of  There were students
Patnubay, Gabay, at learning (blended learning) who get used to modular
Agapay  Implemented limited online distance learning and
classes for those who are able having difficulty coping
 Utilized interactive teaching with online class
materials in online classes  Parents are the ones
 Provided enrichment materials who wants their children
like video lessons to be involved in online
 Some students did not
pursue with online
Oplan Yakap  Identified students with  There is minimal
disabilities assistance at home
 Provided learning modes since parents are
appropriate for learners with working
 Provided various learning
opportunities for learners with
 Inclusive Education Awareness
was done by section and
integration of Inclusive
Education in all learning areas
was done for students to have
positive attitude towards
persons with disability.
Project PSP through  Make a list of the things that  Difficulty to
SBM went well for sustainability and communicate due to
give focus on the things to be health threat
improved.  Limited Stakeholders
 Hold virtual conferences with expressing support due
stakeholders and school to pandemic
partners and make them co-
owners of the project.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

 Communicate achievements to
stakeholders through
infographics posted on Official
School FB Page and other
conspicuous places.
Project iREAD Engage learners to SPNHS  Limited students
Reading Corner Fb Page through participating in the
the following activities activities due to poor
internet connection
 Word of the Week
 Featured Story/Poem
 Video of Reading Selection
 Mystery Reader
Project I am  Provide VOC for the Y1 of the  Teachers need to
PASS-ER Project Implementation prepare enrichment
 Assess the Project Monitoring program
Report from 2019-2020  Students not interested
 Make a list that went well for with enrichment
sustainability and give focus on
the things to improved
 Discuss with the teachers the
comparative analysis of the
average grade of the learners
Project APP  Provide VOC for the Y1 of the  Parents were late during
Project Implementation Assess the quarterly meeting
the Project Monitoring Report due to personal
Form 2019-2020 commitment
 Make a list of the things that  Some parents don’t
went well for sustainability and have social media
give focus on the things to be account
 Present Project Work Plan to All
Teachers and other
stakeholders Monitor and
evaluate the project through
online platforms
Project #INSPIRE  Students with behavioral  There are students that
problems have regular really needs
kamustahan professional assistance
 Students with behavioral  There are still students
problems decreases who refused to attend
 Parents were well informed online kamustahan
about the needs of the students
manifested in the kamustahan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas
 Students were still reminded
and inspired through the
FBpage Barkada Kontra Droga
Project EM3Ps  SLAC/ INSET  Face-to-face gatherings
 Webinar on Gender were prohibited due to
Development Training for pandemic
teachers, students, and parents
 Procurement of Vitamins, health
supplements to strengthen the
immune system, anti-COVID
supplies and equipment
Project iWOW  Maintained safe learning  No regular garbage
environment collector of school
 Students are encouraged to wastes
bring small garbage bag for their  Some students are still
own garbage disposal and bring not practicing iWOW
them home
 Communicate with Local
Government Unit regarding
waste collection and
Project MPT  Repaired water pipeline  Some of the rest rooms
 Repaired clogged toilet bowls were flooded due to
 Repaired leaked faucet heavy rain
Project OKAY  Prepare action plan for the  Limited manpower due
Gulayan sa Paaralan to pandemic
 Acquisition of garden tools
 Planting of different vegetable
and root crops
 School Garden Maintenance
 Wise use of recyclable materials
 Well - maintained school garden
 Harvested crops were given to
school maintenance personnel
Project OPK  Provision of Remote PFA  Not all learners have
through appropriate media strong internet
 Posting of related videos in the connection during PFA
school FB Page sessions
 Monitor and Evaluate the  Most parents cannot
Project attend meetings and
PFA Session due to
conflict in their jobs.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

In response to the problems and challenges that the teams ran into, the School Planning
Team made several recommendations. They suggested Project Rated PGA to conduct another
voice of costumer for feedback, monitor the response of learners to MDL, and implement blended
learning. The suggestion for team Oplan Yakap was to communicate with parents regarding the
need of learners and encourage them to spend more time with them. Communication of
achievements to stakeholders through infographics posted in Official School FB Page and other
conspicuous places were suggested for the Project PSP through SBM team. SPT suggested
allowing other relatives to assist learners on behalf of the parents and soliciting other reading
materials for Project iREAD. For Project I am PASS-ER, SPT recommended identifying students
who need enrichment and make enrichment interactive. While Project APP team needs to extend
consultation period and update the mobile numbers of those who do not have social media
Moreover, the SPT also advised Project #INSPIRE to communicate with parents about the
students who need professional assistance. Conducting seminars and training virtually is the
recommendation made for Project EM3Ps. SPT proposed intensifying iWOW implementation
through close monitoring of Project iWOW. The SPT’s recommendation for Project MPT is to repair
drainage. On the other hand, the next thing that Team Project OKAY needed to do was to have a
collaborative effort between the school and the community to promote free planting and gardening.
Lastly, for Project OPK, the team should post materials on all platforms that can be reached by
learners by the time they have internet access.

Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Year End Assessment
S.Y. 2021-2022

On June 30, 2022, the team leaders of the various projects, including Project Rated PGA,
Oplan Yakap, Project PSP through SBM, Project I-READ, Project I am PASS-ER, Project APP,
Project #INSPIRE, Project EM3Ps, Project iWOW, Project MPT, Project OKAY, and Project OPK,
provided an update to the School Planning Team on their accomplishments as well as the
difficulties and problems they ran into.

Project Accomplishments/Status Issues/Problems

Project Rated PGA  Implemented limited online  Parents don’t agree to
Patnubay, Gabay, at classes for those who are able have their child attend
Agapay  Provided enrichment materials remedial classes
like video lessons
 Planned for Remedial and
Intervention Classes
Oplan Yakap  Identified students with  There is minimal
disabilities assistance at home
 Provided learning modes since parents are
appropriate for learners with working
 Provided various learning
opportunities for learners with
 Inclusive Education Awareness
was done by section and
integration of Inclusive
Education in all learning areas
was done for students to have
positive attitude towards
persons with disability.
Project PSP through  Tied up with other project teams  Difficulty to
SBM to level up School-based communicate due to
Management performance/ health threat
practice by building stronger  Limited Stakeholders
partnership expressing support due
 Prepared School-based to pandemic
Management documents in
preparation for its advanced
level of practice
Project iREAD Engage learners to SPNHS  Limited students
Reading Corner Fb Page through participating in the
the following activities activities due to poor
internet connection
 Word of the Week
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

 Featured Story/Poem
 Video of Reading Selection
 Mystery Reader
Project I am  Provide VOC for the Y1 of the  Teachers need to
PASS-ER Project Implementation prepare enrichment
 Assess the Project Monitoring program
Report from 2019-2020  Students not interested
 Make a list that went well for with enrichment
sustainability and give focus on
the things to improved
 Discuss with the teachers the
comparative analysis of the
average grade of the learners
Project APP  Provide VOC for the Y1 of the  Parents were late during
Project Implementation Assess the quarterly meeting
the Project Monitoring Report due to personal
Form 2019-2020 commitment
 Make a list of the things that  Some parents don’t
went well for sustainability and have social media
give focus on the things to be account
 Present Project Work Plan to All
Teachers and other
stakeholders Monitor and
evaluate the project through
online platforms
Project #INSPIRE  Students with behavioral  There are students that
problems have regular really needs
kamustahan professional assistance
 Students with behavioral  There are still students
problems decreases who refused to attend
 Parents were well informed online kamustahan
about the needs of the students
manifested in the kamustahan
 Students were still reminded
and inspired through the
FBpage Barkada Kontra Droga
Project EM3Ps  SLAC/ INSET  Face-to-face gatherings
 Webinar on Gender were prohibited due to
Development Training for pandemic
teachers, students, and parents
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

 Procurement of Vitamins, health

supplements to strengthen the
immune system, anti-COVID
supplies and equipment
Project iWOW  Maintained safe learning  No regular garbage
environment collector of school
 Students are encouraged to wastes
bring small garbage bag for their  Some students are still
own garbage disposal and bring not practicing iWOW
them home
 Communicate with Local
Government Unit regarding
waste collection and
Project MPT  Repaired water pipeline  Some of the rest rooms
 Repaired clogged toilet bowls were flooded due to
 Repaired leaked faucet heavy rain
Project OKAY  TLE teachers conducted his/her  Few students and
orientation to his/her handled parents join the project
sections through google meet
and group messenger.
 They can have their own
gardens even at the confines of
their homes or small backyard.
 Provision of gulayan / garden at
 Well-maintained Garden at
home for family consumption.
Project OPK  Safe and developed school  Had a conference with
facilities and conducive to the school head
learning regarding the DRRM
 Attained awareness and trained Budget
students, teachers in terms of  There are some
life protecting action students who are not
 Symposium is not executed on interested in the activity
the target date even  Time constraint.
rescheduled  Student - leaders were
 Coordination did not pursue until not properly guided and
the end. club advisers became
busy with other
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas

The School Planning Team provided several recommendations in response to the issues
and difficulties that the teams encountered. They advised Project Rated PGA to intensify the
project for the future. Team Oplan Yakap was advised to inform parents of their children’s needs
and to nudge them toward spending more time with them. The SPT recommended that the Project
PSP through SBM encourage strong partnerships with stakeholders. SPT recommended allowing
other family members to assist students on the parent’s behalf and requesting additional reading
resources for Project iREAD. For Project I am PASS-ER, SPT recommended identifying students
who need enrichment and making enrichment interactive. While the Project APP team needs to
extend the consultation period and update the mobile numbers of those who do not have social
media accounts.
Additionally, the SPT suggested that Project #INSPIRE inform parents of the students who
require professional help. The suggestion presented for Project EM3Ps is to conduct seminars and
training virtually. For Project iWOW, the SPT suggested stepping up the implementation by closely
monitoring; for Project MPT, the SPT suggested repairing drainage. On the other hand, the next
thing that the Project OKAY team needed to accomplish was to encourage all students to
participate in the project and help them understand the significance of growing vegetables. Finally,
the team for Project OPK should plan ahead of time and coordinate the prospect resource speaker.

Prepared by:


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

San Pascual National High School

Poblacion, San Pascual, Batangas


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