Building A Cloud Operating Model: July 2020
Building A Cloud Operating Model: July 2020
Building A Cloud Operating Model: July 2020
July 2020
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Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................2
Target Business Outcomes and Value ...............................................................................2
Product based Delivery of Cloud ........................................................................................3
Summary of Activities ..........................................................................................................4
Step 1. Work backwards from the Customer ..................................................................5
Step 2. Re-envision the world as products ......................................................................7
Step 3. Organize the teams around products .................................................................8
Step 4. Bring the work to the teams ..............................................................................11
Step 5. Reduce Risk through iteration and automation ................................................12
Step 6. Own your own lifecycle......................................................................................12
Next Steps .........................................................................................................................17
Appendix A: Examples of AWS Customer operating Model Transformations ................18
Conclusion .........................................................................................................................19
Contributors .......................................................................................................................19
Further Reading .................................................................................................................20
Document Revisions..........................................................................................................20
Today, many IT leaders want to understand how to adopt cloud technology while
maximizing cloud benefits, such as business agility, risk reduction, staff efficiency, and
cost reduction. This paper outlines the principles for building a successful Cloud
Operating Model that delivers innovative, cost effective, reliable, and secure solutions for
the consumption and acceleration of business outcomes by the organizational business
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Establishing an appropriate cloud operating model is critical to forming your
organization’s successful adoption of cloud and delivering greater business agility. The
impact of the cloud will be felt across your entire organization (not just Information
technology) and will significantly affect, and be affected by, your organizational culture
and Information technology delivery structures. Understanding these implications and
your company's desire to change are important elements of building a successful cloud
operating model.
To support such a transformation, your organization must have a critical mass of people
with experience in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud that can productionize and
operate the underlying platform in a product centric approach.
This whitepaper discusses critical elements for creating a successful cloud adoption
capability and identifies mechanisms for acceleration that can be applied prior to a
major event or issue. The guide also highlights how the AWS Domain model can be
used to establish an aligning of the operating model with the most important needs of
the business.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
The Cloud Enablement Engine (CEE) should be aligned to the primary business
objectives and outcomes. This ensures that the success of the cloud adoption will be
measured in terms of business benefits from the outset and set the foundation for the
operating model and prioritization of tasks. A critical prerequisite to the success is the
endorsement of organizational leaders and commitment of executive sponsorship in the
form of a Cloud Leadership Team. Successful cloud adopters are disrupting the status
quo within their organizations. Without this sponsorship and backing, CEE’s will stall
and slowdown.
For large multi-business unit organizations, the operating model may need to apply
additional or alternative federated approaches, such as building a Community of
Practice instead of central team.
Unfortunately, all too often there is a focus solely on the technology of cloud and it is not
until issues arise that that many IT leaders are forced into acting and doing something
different. The four most common events are as follows:
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Achieving these recommendations most likely needs a culture shift around how
organizations design, deploy, and operate their cloud platform and a focus on
automation with repeatable, ongoing processes.
When companies do not effectively define and operate their systems as products, they
often experience foundational failures that cross-product accountability would inherently
handle or avoid. With each product team fully functional from business to operations,
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
they are wholly accountable for all aspects of their services. Even shared service
providers are product owners and offer a service that other product teams can choose
to use. Although, the products should be in demand or we should question their
existence. The core outcome is that each product team owns accountability and does
not surrender this responsibility to any other product supplier.
By owning the operation of a product all the way to the end customer (internal/external)
cultivates empathy with the customer's perspective. As product owners choose to enter
into contracts with other product owners, a supplier/consumer relationship is created
and trust is developed. Empowering product teams to make their own choices on how
they solve problems and which other products they use enables the full and complete
accountability for the product and how it is perceived by their customers.
Core to a properly functioning product mindset are four key foundational concepts
that will help ensure future customer impacting events are minimized:
Summary of Activities
A number of key activities can facilitate, support, and even accelerate the achievement
of cloud adoption and delivery of business outcomes. Enterprises almost always have a
multitude of competing priorities, even within their cloud strategy. Failure to transform
operating models can result in a great stall phenomenon where adoption momentum
stops or slows to a crawl. One of the key factors observed in those customers who have
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
avoided this effect has been the successful establishment of a cloud delivery and
governance function often referred to as a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) or Cloud
Enablement Engine (CEE).
This document includes six steps that companies should follow to build out a successful
Many companies make guesses or inferences about what their customers want. They
imagine, have hunches, or feelings. Unfortunately, this increases the odds of being
wrong. If you want to be customer-centric, or even customer-obsessed you need to
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
move from imagining to knowing. This requires the team to spend time to get to know
their customer, to find out what delights them, and what pain points they have. Ideally,
we have and use data to prove that we truly know our customers and what they want or
need. Then, we think of what the best solutions might be to address their pain points;
narrowing the list until we arrive at what proves itself to be the simplest way to solve
their problem.
A Cloud Enablement Engine (CEE) will need to provide a balanced emphasis on core
cloud operating model capabilities, where innovation must be embraced without
compromising security. Reliability is essential yet the organization must operate and
invest within the realities of a constrained budget. AWS helps our customers achieve
this by aligning the delivery to our Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) based
methodology drawn from the best practices of cloud transformations over many years.
The approach is based on identifying the blockers and concerns across six groups of
stakeholder perspectives. Each of the six perspectives contain a set of defined
capabilities that are often significantly impacted with the adoption of cloud. Using a CAF
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
alignment-based approach customers can learn and plan for the impact that cloud has
on the execution of a wide range of capabilities, not just the technology challenges.
The CAF alignment approach is designed to help customers understand these changes
and show that they are common and well-understood, while also helping develop a
prescriptive action plan to address concerns and remove the blockers to cloud adoption.
In order to move to a product-model, where we could drive adoption and reuse of the
functionality within for other purposes beyond retail, we first had to
reimagine what those individual products would be. Examples include:
• Home Page
• Customer Account
• Search
• Shopping Cart
• Item Management
It's important to note that this is not the act of refactoring the architecture. Refactoring
can't happen until we know what the components of that future architecture will
ultimately be.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
For the cloud platform that means moving away from a systems and technology focused
alignment into collections of products, services and technologies that are grouped
together into a product that aligns to our four-point definition highlighted previously.
Examples of cloud products (which could include multiple AWS and non-AWS products
and services) include:
• Search
• Video Streaming
• Continuous Compliance
A successful Cloud Operating Model ensures that all components such as people,
processes, and tools, are set up to support one another effectively. It is imperative to
keep evolving to meet product consumer’s expectations as their needs differ and
change over time. Clear product ownership is key. Organizations with great product
ownership are driven by metrics and clear accountability with strong service definitions
and consistent delivery, all vital preconditions for success in the cloud and faster
delivery of business outcomes.
Achieving this requires the formation of a Cloud Enablement Engine (CEE). The CEE
consists of two functional domains: Cloud Business Office (CBO) and Cloud Platform
Engineering (CPE). The CBO has the responsibility for aligning the products and
services offered by the Cloud Enablement Engine with the needs of its enterprise
customers and leadership. It focuses on the Business Governance and People
Enablement aspects of cloud adoption.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
• Establishing the overall cloud change strategy to be delivered and enabled by the
CEE to drive successful implementation across the organization.
• Managing the delivery of items within the cloud platform engineering and cloud
business office backlogs.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
• Guiding consumer teams through the process of migrating to the cloud including
training, deployments, migration, and the transition to steady-state operation
Underpinning the CBO is Cloud Platform Engineering (CPE) which is responsible for
codifying differences between stock AWS service configurations and enterprise
standards applicable for use within your organization. This function is responsible for
packaging and continuously improving the cloud platform as a set of self-service
deployable products for customers/consumers. This CPE is the foundational structure
which would be responsible for the delivery of a set of products as highlighted in the
following diagram.
• Establishing the core and shared platform capabilities and codified patterns
to enable enterprise self-service deployments by application development teams
via a service catalog and templates.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Automation is central to a product mentality and all elements of the CPE delivery,
particularly as teams consider resiliency and availability of their products. Automation
should be employed to resolve incidents that leverage repetitive standard operational
activities without human intervention. This automation is the basis for self-healing
systems that can not only rapidly detect failures, but proactively alert on potentially
impacting behaviors, execute test scenarios and remediation workflows to decrease
times to resolve, enhance service levels and improve product availability.
The Cloud Foundation Team is the first product team. The team should be cross-
functional, and represents all the roles and capabilities that will eventually scale into a
full Cloud Enablement Engine. In staffing a product team, you are looking to balance
four concerns or perspectives:
• Desirability: Of the products being created and the change being driven through
the organization
As cloud adoption grows, the Cloud Foundation team will need to increase and scale to
support the pace and direction of your AWS customer journey. While every customer
journey is different, a general pattern of successful cloud adopters follows a subdivide
and specialize approach. In this approach the initial Cloud Enablement Engine is
typically split into four product teams, one for the CBO and three in the CPE. For large
organizations this process of subdivide and specialize continues again in line with the
backlog of work.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Additional roles that are typically added (though may be part time) include:
• Scrum Master: Facilitates Agile process and ensures forward progress towards
business outcomes by the team
To ensure the operating model continues to function properly with the release of new
products, it needs to embed constant, automated, and standardized testing into all new
products. This testing not only needs to continuously test the resilience of applications
to recover themselves, but also to simulate the failure of dependent services.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
workloads live in the cloud, a trail of directional and resource changes with little or no
business value or outcomes delivered.
Successful adopters take two key actions to help ensure they own their own lifecycle
and deliver meaningful benefits. Firstly, they align the operating model delivery
approach to the strategic value of the workload. While the Cloud Platform and the
Engineering team should be adopting a DevOps (you build it, you run it) approach, don’t
expect everyone else to immediately have the desire to make the same change to their
delivery model. In our engagements with customers we have seen three broad
approaches being adopted as shown below.
Figure 5: Modernizing IT
This model takes on a Traditional Operations approach. This is nearly identical to the
traditional, activity-based model we see in most organizations where engineering,
operations, infrastructure and application teams and boundaries exist. This model works
best for lift-and-shift workloads where there is little or no value in changing the
operational approaches for the workload either because it rarely changes or has a
limited lifespan left.
In this model Application Engineering is now also responsible for Application
Operations. Think of this as DevOps for the application team, where they own the full
outcome of delivering and operating their application. Similarly, Cloud Platform
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Engineering now owns engineering and operations of the platform services they provide
to enable Application Teams. This approach implies a Shared Responsibility Model
between the Application and Platform teams. Platform teams provide the codified
enterprise standards and governance that enable Application teams to iterate quickly,
without burdening them with knowing deep implementation details of the underlying
For teams that are on the bleeding edge of technology, looking to consume the latest
AWS services, we see this model being adopted. In this model application engineering
is responsible for their applications, but in order to avoid stifling innovation for high-
growth areas of the company, they are empowered to build out platform capabilities that
have not yet been standardized by the Cloud Platform Engineering team. Cloud
Platform Engineering still provide standard accounts and guard rails that prevent
Application teams from configuring Services in a way that would expose the enterprise
to inappropriate security, financial, or operational risk
The three models do not imply levels of maturity. In fact, we see all three of these
operating models in most companies. That said, there is almost always a gravitational
pull towards Optimize. Sustain workloads get retired or outsourced, and the platform
services used by Grow workloads eventually become the new enterprise standards.
This allows even the most cutting-edge teams to be supported by the Cloud Platform
Engineering team, so that these application teams can focus on adding new digital
business value, rather than doing the undifferentiated heavy lifting of maintaining
platform capabilities.
Successful Cloud Operating Models and CEE’s establish a clear roadmap of delivering
capabilities and processes that align and underpin the ability to establish production
operations in an MVP and iterative approach. Many customers already have operational
processes and procedures in place for IT delivery and change management. Some of
these will be well documented and aligned to standards such as ITIL, others will be
implemented through localized ways of working.
AWS established our Operational Integration Domain based blueprint model derived
from assessing industry standards that were most applicable to cloud platforms and
addressing the needs of our customers in establishing a cloud operating model and
CEE. The AWS Operations Domains shown below represents a framework, based on
best practices, that will enable IT (and business) organizations to transform their current
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
ITIL (and other) based Operating Model towards a cloud-based architecture adapted
The domain model currently focuses on different aspects and highlights where they
align into the CEE responsibilities. It is important to note that these domains continue to
evolve through continuous improvement and should be considered as the 80/20 rule in
covering most operational processes that a majority of customers will need. There may
be additional operational processes unique to a customer’s organization or specialized
industry that need to be taken into consideration.
The Domain model can be used to show and communicate the CEE operational
capability roadmap across MVP cycles as shown below.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
It’s worth highlighting that ITIL and AWS Operations Domains are compatible. ITIL is a
recognized Industry Standard, comparable to similar initiatives. The ITIL framework was
built to improve and generalize a best practice in regards to implementing, maintaining
and operating IT services. ITIL has a high number of certified practitioners, all over the
world, but like all frameworks it is not perfect and has its set of criticisms. When hard-
linked into systems (monitoring, ticketing, support services, etc.), ITIL processes can be
complex to transform. The purpose of the domain model is to help the CEE own and
establish its operating model roadmap.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Next Steps
To properly set the stage for transformation, organizations need to move towards
iterative and incremental operating model improvements and a product-based mindset
to IT delivery. This guide covered best practices for establishing a cloud operating
model, including:
• Strive to define a future state model that the cloud affords, and aligns to
outcomes that are core to your business.
• Be intentional about how you drive change and bring people along on the
journey, and do so via iterative continuous improvements, cross-functional teams
and experimentation.
• Pilot what success looks like by establishing an initial cloud foundation team,
identifying several candidate workloads to run on AWS, tracking clearly defined
metrics, creating opportunities for continuous learning, and celebrating early
By following these guidelines, you can set a foundation that can be emulated and
scaled to other parts of the organization.
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Perspective Summary Link
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Perspective Summary Link
Organizations that successfully establish a Cloud Operating Model (COM) have a lot to
gain. While the focus is often on cost savings, other benefits typically included reduced
downtime, faster delivery of new services and capabilities, productivity improvements,
and higher staff morale.
The six-step approach contained in this whitepaper is provided to help guide cloud
adoption leaders in developing a successful Cloud Operating Model aligned to business
Contributors to this document include:
Amazon Web Services Building a Cloud Operating Model
Further Reading
For additional information, see:
• Job Roles in the Cloud (online course from AWS Training and Certification)
Document Revisions
Date Description
July 2020 First publication