Operating Models: The Theory and The Practice
Operating Models: The Theory and The Practice
Operating Models: The Theory and The Practice
What is the Operating Model? With this post, I clarify the different existing frameworks for
this foundational element for the uniqueness of an organisation.
With this post, I explore the third element of the Organisation Design Blocks
that we have mentioned, and that constitutes a foundational element of
the Organisation Evolution Framework. Conceptually, the Operating Model comes
after the definition of Strategy. Not a new idea. Business historian Alfred Chandler
laid this out in 1962 in his book Strategy & Structure (Chandler, 1969). But is this
entirely true also today? And how does the Operating Model relate to the other
building blocks we have seen already: Business Model, Strategy and Organisation
Table of Contents
1. Defining the Operating Model
1.1. Early Definitions
1.2. Representing an Operating Model
2. Theories on Operating Models
2.1. Ross Four Quadrant Model
2.3. Operations Strategy Matrix
2.4. The Open Group Business Reference Model
2.5. The Operating Model Canvas
2.6. The SOMS Model
2.7. Peter Murchland’s Model
2.8. Kotter’s Dual Operating Model
2.9. Value Driven Operating Models
3. Consulting Frameworks
3.1. Accenture
3.2. Bain & Company Model
3.3. BCG Agile Operating Framework
3.4. Deloitte’s Model
3.5. KPMG Target Operating Model
3.6. The McKinsey Model
3.7. PWC’s Operating Model Blueprint
3.8. FromHereOn Design Model
4. Operating Model and Enterprise Architecture
5. How to use Operating Models
6. Conclusion
6.1. Operating Model within the Business Evolution Framework
7. Reference List
Ngram of usage of the term “Operating Model” between 1960 and 2019
from Google Books.
Early Definitions
One of the first definitions came in a paper issued by Accenture in 2000, where the
term was used as Operating Business Model (Linder and Cantrell, 2000) and
defined as the organisation’s core logic for creating value. It also introduced a
Framework to check the different components of the Operating Model, who would
render the company unique. As you can see from the figure shown, this already
seems a pretty complete model, highlighting many of the elements that are
genuinely key into an Operating Model.
In 2005 Jeanne Ross at MIT defined the Operating Model as the necessary level of
business process integration and standardisation for delivering goods and services
to customers (Ross, 2005). Her view is very much derived from an Information
Technology perspective, as confirmed by a subsequent book that she co-authored
with Peter Weil and David C. Robertson, where the concept of Operating Model is
brought near that of Enterprise Architecture (Ross, Weill and Robertson, 2006).
We will come back to Ross’s model as well as to the parallel with Enterprise
Architecture later in this post.
One of the most prominent experts on Operating Models is Andrew Campbell, who
defines the Operating Model as follows:
One of the first appearance of the term Operating Model in academic literature
comes from an article by Jeanne W. Ross from MIT under the title Forget
strategy: Focus IT on your operating model (Ross, 2005). In this article, she
introduces a taxonomy of Operating Models based on a four quadrants matrix
organised on two axes: Business Process Integration and Business Process
Fig.4: Characteristics of Four Operating Models by J. W. Ross. Source: Ross,
2005, page 3
Also, the model is derived explicitly from studies in Information Science and has
expressly built a strong tie with the concept of Enterprise Architecture that we’ll
examine later on.
Application and
It’s essential to notice the sequence of this method, where the part of the
Organisation is pretty late in the process. Ideally, this should allow for a lot more
engagement building within the organisation itself. (Campbell, 2016c).
The operations strategy matrix is a tool introduced by Slack and Lewis in their
book “Operations Strategy” (Slack and Lewis, 2011). The way I see the different
organisational elements, Operations Strategy seems almost an oxymoron.
However, the Matrix is a handy alternative tool in the definition and identification
of an Operating model. It looks at two
dimensions: Performance Objectives which through Quality, Speed,
Dependability, Flexibility and Cost, lead to Market Competitiveness. And a set
of Decision Areas, which through Capacity, Supply Network, process Technology
and Organisational Development define the Resource Usage.
Generic to the extent that it applies to organisations of all sizes within any
industry, from small and agile entrepreneurial set-ups to large corporate
enterprises with multiple lines of business
Extendable across organisational boundaries to include suppliers, partners,
and customers
Customizable to accurately represent the business functions within an
Fig. 6: The Open Group Business Reference Model. (Adams et al., 2014)
As you can see from the graphic above, the Operating Model sits at the core of
the BRM and is defined as a description of “the resources at the disposal of the
organisation that will be deployed to generate the value proposition. [it] is
intended to describe how an organisation will be able to deliver on its value
proposition. Capabilities can be thought of as combinations of people, process,
information, and technology that can be internally or externally sourced“. (Adams
et al., 2014, page 8)
Although this model provides an advancement over the more specialised IT related
Architecture approaches, it raises some concerns:
The Operating Model Canvas is derived from the work that Andrew Campbell
has done at Ashridge University and crystallised in the book Operating Model
Canvas (Campbell, Gutierrez and Lancelott, 2017).
The Operating Model Canvas tool is about high-level operating models and not a
detailed one. The article defines the term operating model as being about six
components identified by the acronym POLISM:
1. Processes – the work that needs to be done to deliver the value proposition
or service proposition
2. Organisation – the people who will do the job and how they are organised
3. Locations – where the work is done and what buildings and assets are
needed in these locations
4. Information – the information systems that support the work
5. Suppliers – what organisations provide inputs to the work and what sort of
relationships exist with these organisations
6. Management systems – the planning, budgeting, performance
management, risk management, continuous improvement and people
management processes needed to run the organisation
The objective of the Canvas is to capture thoughts about how to design operations
and organisation that will deliver a value proposition to a target customer or
beneficiary. It helps translate Strategy into choices about activities and
Fig.7: The Operating Model Canvas (Campbell, Gutierrez and Lancelott, 2017).
A core concept in the Operating Model Canvas is the concept of Value Delivery
Chain. This includes defining the one or more Value Propositions that the
organisation wants to offer, and the Value Chain for each of these. The author is
very open about preferring Value Chain maps vs Capabilities Maps (Campbell,
2016a), although probably also here there is a question of definitions.
The operating model is the operational design that makes it possible to deliver the
business strategy. It is the blueprint for how an organisation operates across a
range of domains to deliver its objectives (SOMS, 2017)
According to the SOMS Model, an operating model provides the architecture and
framework for business operations – giving core stability with flexibility in critical
areas. These are the operating model elements that need to be designed to provide
flexibility, dependability and quality of service within compliance and regulatory
requirements. Which is why the model is proposed as a “certification” for
practitioners, a sort of toolkit that can support in the design and definition of an
Operating Model itself.
The design of the operating model addresses where people and resources are
located, what skills and infrastructure are required, and how the organisation
monitors and improves performance. This is reflected in the seven elements
comprising SOMS:
Fig.9: A simple
representation of an Operating Model. (Murchland, 2016)
He notes that “for many years, […] I have not addressed the development
management system, because I was usually part of this system“. And he is the first
to include Development as a vital element of an Operating Model (although others
do include “capabilities”, with varying definitions). An aspect that made me think,
as I genuinely believe that the Development System is also crucial in any
organisation, especially as it adds an essential directional effort (which makes me
think of the concept of Deliberaletly Development Organisations we have seen, as
that piece is part of the Operating Model of the organisation?)
In a famous article appeared in 2012 on HBR, Philip Kotter advocated for the
necessity for organisations to adopt what he defined as Dual Operating Strategy.
Although not providing an entirely new concept of Operating Model, his article is
excellent in explaining the difference between Operating Model and Organisation
Model. Two types of structures coexist in the organisation he suggests establishing,
one focused on change and built as a network, the other built on a more traditional
hierarchy and concentrate on the execution.
Kotter does not define the components of this model; rather he builds on what he
describes as eight essential attributes that the Network structure should have to
sustain accelerated change. Through the article, he, however, identifies a couple of
components that make it possible for good design:
I think this goes well in hand with what I have recently written about consistency
in organisation design and the fact that, probably, too much flexibility is
The particular value that you decide to offer has the effect of defining your way of
thinking about your business: it shapes the company’s operating model. Different
value disciplines demand different operating models in order to best capture
the value that is being pursued (De Bruin, 2018). In their definition, operating
models are made up of core processes, organizational structures, management
systems, information technologies and culture.
Value Driven Operating Model (Treacy and Wiersema, 1995) Source: B2U
All the elements have to be adapted and aligned with the value discipline that the
company decides to focus on. Therefore, each Value Discipline deserves a
different Operating Model, as illustrated in the above illustrations.
Consulting Frameworks
In this section, I will try to recap the approach of the largest Consulting
Companies. With one caveat, I noticed that many of these models are continually
evolving in the different articles and publications that the various companies
provide to their clients, showing a sort of “flexibility” in the approaches used. I list
the models in alphabetical order. A few methods from smaller consulting firms are
listed following the more prominent players.
In 2016 the same organisation had, however, given a much more detailed view
(Dudler, Theofi and Wright, 2016). Interesting to notice the existence of a Business
Case, and a Financial Frame.
Fig. 12: Key Components of the Operating Model (Dudler, Theofi and Wright,
In a more recent 2019 paper, Accenture Strategy identifies five characteristics that
should be embedded in “Intelligent” Operating Model Design (Bersohn et al.,
Fig.13: Fiver Characteristics of Intelligent Operating Model, and their Benefits.
(Bersohn et al., 2019)
All in all, it seems that the company focuses a lot on the people dimension in its set
up of the Operating Model work.
redesigning the operating model may be one of the smartest investments that
executives can make to achieve profitable growth
The operating model serves as a blueprint for how resources are organised and
operated to get critical work done. It encompasses decisions around the shape and
size of the business, where to draw the boundaries for each line of business, how
people work together within and across these boundaries, how the corporate centre
will add value to the business units, and what norms and behaviours should be
Design of an operating model starts by describing the Strategy in sufficient detail
that one can articulate a set of design principles—simple yet specific statements
defining what the organisation must do to enable execution of the Strategy.
Based on the design principles, the operating model takes shape through choices in
five areas:
It’s interesting to notice the focus that BCG puts on Leadership, as well as
on Funding. This is usually an element that does not appear in most models. Still,
it should be taken into consideration as the cash flow that is necessary to sustain
activities is particularly relevant when we are designing an Operating Model for
one are of an organisation.
Deloitte’s Model
All in all, this model includes again all critical components we have seen so far and
yet supports the bridging of Strategy and Execution. It is interesting to focus the
role that work has in this model, in its more ample definition. Choosing how work
gets done (for example, is it automated?) is a critical formal element of the
Operating Model according to this approach, something interesting to consider.
KPMG has the most limited and narrow view on the concept of Operating Model,
although it places it at the core of its Powered Enterprise concept. In this case, the
Target Operating Model is defined as a “toolkit” that “shapes how transformation
plays through every layer of your organisation” (KPMG, 2020)
8: The Target Operating Model Layers. (KPMG, 2020)
The six layers that are provided as part of this toolkit reflect some of the standard
components we have already seen in other frameworks. Interesting to notice the
presence of a Service Delivery Model defined as “how things get done”.
A framework is not fully explained, but five approaches are identified in the design
Although none of these items is new, it is interesting to see them in the context of
Operating Model Design. And again, another focus on the key concept of Work as
a component of the Operating Model.
Also, PWC has its own framework for an Operating Model. “An operating model
bridges the gap between an organisation’s business strategy and its operational
resources” (PWC, 2012).
Fig. 20: Business
Strategy and Operating Model. (PWC, 2012)
The paper makes a clear distinction between Business Strategy and Operating
Model. It defines a path to represent each of the five identified components through
a checklist of questions and actions. The goal of an Operating Model should be that
of promoting adaptability of the organisation, and flexibility in achieving value for
its customers.
Two components that are interesting to highlight, as we’ve not seen them before,
are the Service Portfolio and the Brand Identity. The latter is considered as
the personality of the business and is required for the delivery of value to the
customer. The first is instead the catalogue of Services that the organisation
An interesting and complete model that focuses intimately on the value delivery by
the organisation as it executes its Strategy.
I don’t want to go too much in detail here, but it is interesting to point out that both
approaches wish to describe the “architecture” of the organisation. Both want
to enable execution; the sole difference is that Enterprise Architecture is focused
on Information Flows across the organisation (but not only…), whereas Operating
Model, as we have seen, looks at the entire Value Chain.
1. the explicit models that the enterprise is using to describe itself or its
intended self
2. any gaps or inconsistencies that might be evident in these models
3. any gaps or differences between current capability and advanced capability
represented by these models
4. any gaps or inconsistencies that might be evident between the implicit
models that are evident in how leaders think, communicate, decide and act
and the explicit and then developing a more integrated set of models on
which to base an assessment of capability gap and a transformation plan to
address the priority gaps. (Murchland, 2015)
The logic of how Enterprise Architecture works is pretty similar to the definition of
an Operating Model. You usually try to map the As-Is model, plan a To-Be future
model aligned with the corporate strategy, and then through a Gap Analysis,
identify the steps that are necessary to achieve results.
Many of the models of Enterprise Architecture, and the standards that underpin
these, would be beneficial to be also applied to Operating Model design, as they
share the ultimate intention, as well as some tools. I think it would be great to work
more on aligning these two aspects, in another effort to align HR and IT as much
more continuous domains that it seems. Fusing Organisation Design and Enterprise
Architecture can deliver genuine added value, as illustrated from the graphic
After having written about Business Models and Organisation Model in detail, this
article has taken a lot more time in its writing. Probably it is around the concept of
Operating Model that there is more “confusion” on what it means. Strange,
especially considering that any organisation has an Operating Model, it just often is
not written down.
If the Business Model represents the unique way in which you conduct your
business, the Operating Model represents the organisational DNA. Few essential
components (Processes, People, Technology, Governance) that can be assembled
and reassembled in multiple shapes and forms, each originating a truly unique
I’ve recently introduced a Visual Framework that allows visualising all essential
building blocks of Organisation Design. Here below the representation
of Operating Model with its definition and the Critical Element that derives from
it: Value Delivery Chain.