on Staphylococcus aureus”
This chapter presents the problem of the study and its subtopics. It further
of the problem, null hypothesis, and significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and
definition of terms.
fan-shaped sprays of long, harrow, blade like leaves and woody aerial roots. The leaves
and other parts of screw pine contain alkaloids and glycosides, organic compounds that
Pandan leaves are the leaves of the plant Pandanus amaryllifolius, which is also
called pandan plant. Pandan plant is native to Asia and even tropical parts of Australia.
Most predominantly used the Southeast Asian cooking, this upright green plant has fan
shaped sprays like structure of leaves that are narrow and blade-like. These leaves are
attached to the woody aerial roots of the plant. Pandan plant is known to be sterile and it
is often propagated by cutting. The leaves are dark green in color, with strong nutty
Pandan flowers rarely. It prefers to be in filtered light to partial sun and likes
average moisture. It can reach a height of 6 to 8 feet tall. It is a tropical plant so avoid
freezing temperatures.
that lack a defined nucleus. Bacteria inhabited Earth long before human beings or other
living things appeared. The earliest bacteria that scientists have discovered, in fossil
remains in rocks, probably lived about 3.5 billion years ago. (Microsoft Student 2009,
reproduction by cell division) are tightly linked in unicellular organisms. Bacteria grow
reproduction. Under optimal conditions, bacteria can grow and divide extremely rapidly,
and bacterial populations can double as quickly as every 9.8 minutes. In cell division, two
identical clone daughter cells are produced. Some bacteria, while still reproducing
asexually, form more complex reproductive structures that help disperse the newly
Bacteria, like any other organisms in nature have good and bad effects on the
environment and in the human world. Beneficial roles of bacteria includes the enhancing
of soil fertility, helps in the decay and decomposition of organic matter, helps in the
But if bacteria form a parasitic association with other organisms, they are classed
as pathogens. Pathogenic bacteria are a major cause of human death and disease and
illness, leprosy and tuberculosis.
Due to the earlier accounts and statements which provided information about the
The study will be focusing on the antibacterial property of pandan leaves extract
on Staphylococcus aureus. The independent variable or the input of the study is pandan
leaves extract which will be tested and undergo several procedures in order to get the
desired result. The methods or the processes that will be used in the study are gathering
study, results will be drawn and with these results, the researchers will be able to identify
Conceptual Paradigm
Leaf Extract of Antibacterial
Pandan Extraction
Property on
Null hypothesis
(Pandanus Disc-Diffusion, Staphylococcus
Amaryllifolius) aureus
This study aims to determine the Antibacterial property of the leaf extract of Pandan
1. What are the active constituents present in the leaf extract of pandan?
3. Is there a significant difference between the antibacterial property of pandan and the
positive control?
Using the 0.01 level of significance, there is no significant difference between the
antibacterial property of the leaf extract of pandan and the positive control on
Staphylococcus aureus.
To the Researchers. This study will enable them to realize the use of plants as an
To Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide to enable them to further study
To Health Care Providers. This will serve as an eye opener and give additional
To Pharmacists. This will give them an idea to produce more effective products that
To Pharmaceutical Companies. This study will be able to provide them knowledge that
they can use in creating new and effective drugs in lowering blood-cholesterol
To the community. This will contribute to their wellness without spending much money
This study will be focusing on the antibacterial property of pandan leaves extract
on Staphylococcus aureus. In this study, the researchers will use pandan leaves that are to
pandan, leaves extraction and phytochemical screening will be conducted at the College
Definition of Terms
Disc Diffusion. Method of antibiotic susceptibility testing is the most practical method for
obtaining the leaf extracts of Pandan for the purpose of examining the plant’s
Pandan. Any of the various Old World tropical palm like trees having huge prop roots
and edible cone like fruits and leaves like pineapple leaves. In the study, pandan
Phytochemical Analysis. Use to determine those chemical that may have biological
property of pandan.
found in the human respiratory tract and on the skin. In this study, the bacterium
property of pandan.
Chapter II
This chapter presents facts and information from different sources that will give
Related Literature
Pandan has been found to have medicinal benefits containing tannins, glycosides
and alkaloids, which said to be the reason for the effectiveness of such various health
As a matter of fact, Pandan leaves is extremely useful for healing various wounds
and diseases such as smallpox, and is said to be a great pain reliever in such headache,
chest pain, arthritis, earache and a fever reducer as well. It is also believed to freshen the
breath and reduce gum and mouth pain by chewing its leaf. In addition, each leaf of
pandan is also effective in reducing stomach cramps and stomach spasm. It the same
manner, many people discovered and proved that it is an effective remedy for cough as
well. (
Pandan also functions as a pain reliever, mostly for headaches and pain caused by
arthritis, and even hangover. It can also be used as antiseptic and antibacterial, which
The Pandan Leaf comes from the Screwpine Tree, which can be found in tropical
areas of Asia and Europe. The plant has many uses. It has medicinal properties. The
medicinal uses for this tree are as follows: The entire plant is used as a diuretic, the
roots have anti-diabetic properties, and the leaves are used for treating diseases of the
Related Studies
Isolates”, Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius), crude extract can inhibit the growth of S.
aureus resulted from the biological screening and can kill the said bacterial isolate. The
study implied that the use of pure concentration may result in inhibition and in killing of
Essential Oil from Pandan Leaves thatPandan leaves are very beneficial for various
health conditions. Pandan leaves consist of essential oils, traces of tannin, glycosides and
is extremely useful for healing various wounds and diseases like smallpox. Pandan leaves
are said to be pain relievers and used that way to cure chest pain, headache, reduce fever,
arthritis, earache, etc.Pandan leaves are also used as a healthy laxative for children. They
are also found to be effective in recovery of women with weakness after childbirth. It has
a cooling effect and is excellent for the treatment of internal inflammations, urinary
Aside from that, Pandan leaves are also anti-carcinogenic, while benefits
ofpandan leaves for diabetes are also very significant. Pandan leaves are also useful for
treating several skin disordersincluding leprosy. Pandan leaves are also used for
preparation of various herbal teas, with other herbs like lemongrass, mulberry leaves,
safflower, green tea and other such herbs.Bathing with water having boiled pandan
Chapter III
This chapter denotes to exhibit and demonstrate the methods and procedures that
will be utilized in the study. This chapter includes the research design, research subject,
Research Design
The research design that will be implied by the researchers in the study is the
two -group design. Penicillin will be used as the control group while pandan will be
Research Subject
The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus that will be cultured from the Microbiology
Pandan leaves will be collected by the researchers at Brgy. Manzon, San Carlos
City, Pangasinan. The phytochemical screening that will be used in the study will be
Research Materials/Reagents
For extraction of leaf extracts: Pandan (Pandanus amaryfollus) leaves, tap
leaves, pure culture of Staphylococcus aureus, test tube, petri dish, inoculating loop,
cotton swab, thumb forcep, alcohol lamp, beaker, caliper or ruler, incubator , autoclave
The researchers will gather pandan (Pandanus amaryfollus) leaves from Brgy.
Manzon, San Carlos City, Pangasinan. The leaves of the said plant will be washed first
with tap water to ensure its cleanliness. Then the leaves will be steamed in a casserole to
produce the extracts needed. The extricated extracts will then be transferred into a clean
The obtained extracts from pandan will be tested using the disc diffusion,
Statistical treatment
The statistical treatment that will be used in the study of antibacterial property of
the leaf extract of pandan on Staphylococcus aureus will be the t-test method. The
t= −¿ ¿
√( )(
Ss 1+ Ss 2 1 1
n1 +n2−2 n1 n2 )