Vrir Y?Kqñr Dkczu Blikr DH PKNJ, Oa Iùkh: HKKJRH Ekud
Vrir Y?Kqñr Dkczu Blikr DH PKNJ, Oa Iùkh: HKKJRH Ekud
Vrir Y?Kqñr Dkczu Blikr DH PKNJ, Oa Iùkh: HKKJRH Ekud
( Sixth Revision )
ICS 77.140.50
© BIS 2016
This Indian Standard (Part 2) (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical
Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1954 and revised in 1963, 1973, 1986, 1994 and 2008. While reviewing this
standard, in the light of experience gained during these years, the Committee decided to revise it to bring in
line with the present manufacturing and trade practices being followed in the country in this field.
This standard is published in two parts. The other part in the series is:
With the constant requirement of greater, stringent and varied requirements for steel sheets and strips for
automobile industry and engineering applications, many specifications were made. An endeavour is made to
identify, summarize and create a new standard. An attempt is made to cover all such requirements of Automobile
and Engineering application under a single standard. However, interested parties as per their requirement
may apply more stringent requirement against any clause in this standard or specify other characteristics not
covered by this standard.
a) EN 10268 Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming
b) EN 10338 Hot rolled and cold rolled non-coated products of multiphase steels for cold forming
— Technical delivery conditions
c) JFS A 2001 Cold-rolled steel sheet and strip for automobile use
d) JIS G 3135 Cold reduced high strength steel sheet and strip with improved formability for
automobile structural uses.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 “Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in
the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Indian Standard
( Sixth Revision )
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
strengthened with a microstructure of different 7.1.3 Tensile test values apply to the direction
phases and extreme fine grain refinement. mentioned in Table 4A and 4B.
3.2.6 Martensitic Steel (M) 7.1.4 The yield stress values apply to the 0.2
percent proof stress, if the yield stress is not clearly
Steel exhibit very high tensile strength and yield
distinctive, otherwise the values apply to the lower
stress and are strengthened with high amount of
yield stress.
7.2 Bend Test
3.2.7 Hot Forming Grades (HF)
7.2.1 Bend test shall be carried out in accordance
Steel exhibit very high tensile properties, which are
with IS 1599.
obtained through a process of hot forming and
subsequent suitable quenching method. 7.2.2 The angle of bend and the internal diameter
for the different grades of material shall be as given
in Table 5.
4.1 General requirements relating to the supply of
cold rolled low carbon steel sheets and strip conform 7.2.3 The axis of the bend shall be in the direction
to IS 8910. of rolling. The test pieces shall be deemed to have
passed the test if the outer convex surface is free
4.2 Sheets and strips may be supplied either with from cracks.
mill or trimmed edges.
7.2.4 Bend test is not a mandatory requirement for
5 MANUFACTURE this standard. The same can be applied with mutual
agreement between the manufacturer and the
5.1 The method of manufacture of steel and
subsequent processing for production of steel sheet
and strips shall be left at the discretion of the 7.3 Tensile Strain Hardening Component – n-Value
manufacturer or as agreed to between the
manufacturer and the purchaser. 7.3.1 The tensile strain hardening is an index of the
stretch-ability (n-90), shall be applicable only to
5.2 Sheets and strips shall be supplied rimmed, semi- thickness between 0.50 mm and 2.00 mm. For
killed or killed as agreed between the manufacturer thickness more than 2.00 mm, then-value is reduced
and purchaser. by 0.02.
6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 7.3.2 The tensile strain hardening component shall
a) The ladle analysis of steel, when carried out be tested in accordance with IS 15756 and results
either by the methods specified in relevant shall conform to as given in Table 4A and 4B.
parts of IS 228 or any other established 7.4 Retest
international instrumental/chemical method,
shall be as given in Table 2. In case of any If a test does not give the specified results, two
dispute, the procedure given in relevant additional tests shall be carried out at random on the
parts of IS 228 shall be the referee method. same lot. Both retests shall conform to the
b) Alternatively, the method specified in requirements of this standard, otherwise the lot shall
relevant ISO standard may be used. be rejected.
c) Product Analysis – Permissible variation in 8 SURFACE FINISH
the case of product analysis from the limits
specified in Table 2 shall be as given in 8.1 Cold Reduced Steel Sheet and Strip
Table 3. This product is normally supplied skin passed
7 MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (see 8.2), but may be supplied annealed last (that is
without skin pass), if specified by the purchaser
7.1 Tensile Test before placing the order.
7.1.1 Tensile shall be carried out only, if specified 8.2 Skin Pass
by the purchaser.
The purpose of skin passing is one or more the
7.1.2 When specified, tests shall be carried out in following:
accordance with IS 1608 and mechanical properties
shall conform to the requirements specified in a) To temporarily minimize the appearance of
Table 4A and 4B. coil breaks, stretcher strains (Luder lines)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Table 3 Variation in Product Analysis 8.4.3 Unless otherwise agreed, a single surface of
(Clause 6) the product shall comply with the specified
requirements. On mutual agreement between the
Element Specified Variation over
Chemical Specified Limit, manufacturer and the purchaser, any one of the
Composition percent, Max applicable surface or both the surfaces (For Strip —
Limit, percent Outside/ Inside surface, For Sheet — Top/Bottom
Surface) shall comply with the requirements.
(1) (2) (3)
8.4.4 The other surface shall be such that during
Carbon ≤ 0.15 0.02
>0.15 0.03 subsequent treatment it does not have a deleterious
0.60 0.03 effect on the better surface.
Manganese >0.60 to ≤ 1.15 0.04
>1.15 0.05 8.4.5 Grades of this part of the standard are
Sulphur ≤ 0.050 0.005 generally supplied in surface qualityA.
Phosphorus ≤ 00.050 0.005
>0.050 0.010 8.5 Surface Finish
Silicon ≤ 0.60 0.03
>0.60 0.06 8.5.1 Cold reduced steel sheet and strip may be
— Subject to mutual supplied in a bright finish and matt finish, dull in
Micro Alloy agreement between appearance, which is suitable for ordinary decorative
the purchaser and the painting but is not recommended for electro plating.
Surface roughness may be given subject to mutual
NOTE — For carbon content less than 0.10 percent,
variation over specified limit can be mutually agreed to
agreement between the manufacturer and the
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. purchaser.
or fluting during fabrication of finished 8.5.2 When cold reduced sheet and strip is deformed
parts; during fabrication, localized areas may roughen to
b) To obtain the required surface finish suitable some degree and such affect portions of the part
for ordinary decorative painting; and may require hand finishing to prepare the surface for
c) To control the shape. the intended application.
Some increase in hardness and some loss in ductility 8.5.3 Designation of surface finish shall be as per
will result from skin passing. Table 6.
Because of strain ageing factors, it is essential that As a deterrent to rusting, a coating of oil is usually
the period of final processing at the mill and applied to the product. The oil is not intended as a
fabrication be kept to minimum. Rotation of stock, drawing or forming lubricant and should be easily
by using oldest material first, is important. Stocking removable with degreasing chemicals. The product
of such steels for extended periods of time should may be ordered not oiled, if required, in which case,
be avoided; for optimum performance the period the supplier has no responsibility, if oxidation
should not exceed six weeks. occurs. For type of oiling, Table 7 can be referred
(reference purpose only).
8.4 Surface Condition
Grades are supplied either of the surface qualities A
or B. 9.1 The finished sheets and strips shall be
reasonably free from harmful defects such as scale,
8.4.1 Surface Quality A (Unexposed) rust, blisters, laminations, pitting, porosity, cracked
Imperfections such as pores, slight imperfections, or torn edges or any other defects which are harmful
small marks, minor scratches and slight colouring, to the intended use.
which do not affect the formability or the application 9.2 The degree or amount of surface defects in a
of surface coatings are permitted. strip may be expected to be more than in cut lengths
8.4.2 Surface Quality B (Exposed) because of the impossibility of rejecting portions of
a strip. The purchaser should take this into account
The better surface shall be free of imperfections, and the percentage of admissible defects may be
which might affect the uniform appearance of quality agreed at the time of the enquiry and order.
coating. The other surface shall at least conform to
surface quality A. 9.3 The sheets shall be reasonably flat and edges
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
ISC490Y 490 — 310-410 300-400 290-390 — — 22-38 23-39 24-40 25-41 ≥25 T
ISC540Y 540 — 340-450 330-440 320-430 — — 18-35 19-36 20-37 21-38 ≥21 T
ISC590YL 590 — 300-400 290-390 280-380 — — 18-33 19-34 20-35 21-36 ≥23 T
ISC590Y 590 — 340-460 330-450 320-440 — — 17-32 18-33 19-34 20-35 ≥21 T
ISC590YH 590 — 440-560 430-550 420-540 — — 16-31 17-32 18-33 19-34 ≥19 T
ISC780Y 780 — 440-610 430-600 420-590 — — 12-25 13-26 14-27 15-28 ≥16 T
ISC780YH 780 — 570-690 560-680 550-670 — — 11-24 12-25 13-26 14-27 ≥14 T
ISC980YL 980 — — 590-740 580-730 — — -- 10-20 11-21 12-22 ≥13 T
ISC980Y 980 — — 590-930 580-920 — — -- 9-20 10-21 11-22 ≥12 T
ISC980YH 980 — — 730-930 720-920 — — -- 9-19 10-20 11-21 ≥12 T
ISC1180Y 1 180 — — 835-1 225 825-1215 — — -- 5-16 6-17 7-18 ≥7 T
ISC1180YL 1 180 — — 750-1 010 740-1000 — — -- 6-16 7-17 8-18 ≥8 T
ISC1180YH 1 180 — — 870-1 210 860-1200 — — -- 5-16 6-17 7-18 ≥7 T
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Table 4A (Concluded)
ISC690T 690 — 390-540 380-530 370-520 — — 22-37 23-38 24-39 25-40 ≥25 T
ISC780T 780 — 420-570 410-560 400-550 — — 17-32 18-33 19-34 20-35 ≥21 T
ISC600C 600 — 350-510 — — ≥16 T
ISC780C 780 — 500-700 — — ≥10 T
ISC980C 980 — 700-900 — — — ≥8 T
ISC900M 900 — — 700-1 000 — — — ≥3 T
ISC1100M 1 100 — — 860-1 100 — — — ≥3 T
ISC1300M 1 300 — — 1 030-1 300 — — — ≥2 T
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
12.2 BIS Certification Marking which can be easily washed with aqueous
alkali solution;
The material may also be marked with the Standard
Mark. b) Sheets and strips shall preferably be
supplied in bundles or packages not
12.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed weighing more than 3 tonnes or as agreed
by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards to between the purchaser and the
Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made manufacturer; and sheets and strips shall
thereunder. The details of conditions under which be securely packed in water resistant
the licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be material and cover all over with steel
granted to manufacturers or producers may be envelope and securely tied round with steel
obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. straps and preferably with wooden battens
underneath to prevent the sheets from
12.3 Packing
rusting and damage during transit.
a) Each sheet shall be treated on both sides
with non-hardening type rust preventive oil,
(Table 1 Note 2)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Mayur Khalatkar -
Nagpur(mayur.khalatkar@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of implementing the standard,
of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be
addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MTD 04 (5364).