TYBFM BE&CG SEM5 Unit1 BusinessEthics
TYBFM BE&CG SEM5 Unit1 BusinessEthics
TYBFM BE&CG SEM5 Unit1 BusinessEthics
Few Ethics Training Examples
3. Pepsi Co. - Pepsi has defined a global code of
conduct for its employees, partners, customers,
and everyone related to the company. It is called
“The PepsiCo Way”. It defines the ethical
behaviour that the employees and partners need
to follow.
4. Sony Co. - The Sony group has defined its code
of conduct that must be followed by all the
employees, officers, and directors of the Sony
group. All these are based on the principles of
fairness, responsibility, honesty, integrity, and
Few Ethics Training Examples
5. Microsoft - Microsoft’s Standards of Business
Conduct, known as its trust code, is one of the
successful examples of ethics training. This includes
various policies and laws that the employees need to
follow compulsorily.