RA11166 National HIV Law Presentation
RA11166 National HIV Law Presentation
RA11166 National HIV Law Presentation
Roots of Health (Ugat Ng Kalusugan)
Created by Sachi Kaneshiro
RA 1116 1 Overview
1. Provides terminology
4 main goals 3
for understanding the
4 main actions 4
medical, public health,
social, and legal
context 2 Articles
2. Constitutes rights of PNAC 5
PLHIV Info, Education, Communication 11
3. Dictates how Preventive Measures, Safe Practices 15
Screening, Testing, Counseling 18
including the DOH and
Health and Support Services 21
employers, will work to
Confidentiality 26
uphold these rights and
Discriminatory Acts and Penalties 27
provide for persons
affected by HIV Final Provisions 30
3 Terminology 31
An Act Strengthening the Philippine Comprehensive
Policy on HIV and AIDS Prevention, Treatment,
Care, and Support, and, Reconstituting the PNAC,
Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No. 8504
(The "Philippine Aids Prevention and Control Act
of 1998") and Appropriating Funds Therefore
Quick facts:
First established under RA 8504 section 43 "Philippine AIDS Prevention
and Control Act of 1998"
Agency attached to DOH with a separate budget
The main function is to develop the AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP)
PNAC members selection is based on contribution to the AMTP and
includes Remember:
government agencies, CSOs, use
you can only and PLHIV.
a name once.
Members from NGOs are appointed by the President of the Philippines
PNAC Functions
Develop the AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP)
The National HIV and AIDS and STI Prevention and Control
PNAC Secretariat
Serves to support the PNAC
Establishes the educational Prevention Program goal, purpose, and
Outlines how HIV education will look in various spaces and communities
Information on Prophylactics:
Appropriate information will be attached to every prophylactic
Misinformation on HIV and AIDS
Strictly you can only use a name once.
Refers to any false, misleading advertising and claims in any form
of media
Prevention Program
An age appropriate, scientific evidence based program with the:
purpose of educating the public on HIV, AIDS, STIs and
goal to reduce risky behavior and vulnerabilites
and actively promote the following:
Defines HIV preventive measures
States that the presence of prophylatic substances shall not be used
as a basis of raids
To maintain human rights values
Outlines precautions on:
Mother-to-child HIV Transmission
Remember: you can only use a name once.
Donation of Blood, Tissue, or Organ
Medical Management, Surgical, and other Related Procedures
HIV Preventive Measures
The PNAC shall implement the following:
Create rights-based and community-led behavior modification programs that encourage HIV
risk reduction behavior
The State shall encourage voluntary HIV testing
Exceptions for compulsory HIV testing
Rape and assault cases (RA 3815 and RA 8553)
Family issues (Executive Order No. 209)
Blood dontations (RA 1710 and RA 7719)
Guidelines for HIV testing and counseling availability
Remember: you can only use a name once.
testing Follows principle of evolving capacities of the
for 15-18 y/o: consent shall be obtained from
Shall be made child w/o need of legal guardian
available under the below 15 y/o: those engage in high-risk behavior
are eligible with assistance of health worker
all other cases and below 15 y/o or mentally
incapacitated: conset from legal guardian
5 Pre-natal medical care shall offer provided-initiated HIV testing for pregnant women
5. Health and Support Services
Treatment of PLHIV includes free and accessible ART and medication for
opportunistic infections
Describes care and support programs for various communities of PLHIV
Support includes economic empowerment
Constitutes the right to non-discriminatory service and protection of
service providers from harassment
Health Insurance you can
actions only use a name once.
for PhilHealth
Monitoring and Evaluation actions for DOH
Care and Support
How the law dictates that the DOH, DSWD, and other organizations will provide care and support for the
following communities:
Denial of health
Denial of burial Restrictions on housing
services or unfair high
services or lodging
fee charges
Penalties Misinformation
Unwarranted police operations
Negligent HIV infection of another person
For complete details, see
HIV testing centers failing to maintain safe
Section 50, Article 7
Harassment of HIV service providers
Violation of health insurance provisions
Breaching confidentiality
Acts of discrimination
A fine (P50,000-P500,000)
Penalties collected are put into a PNAC fund
Imprisonment (6 months-12 years)
*Additional penalties
Corporations may be suspended or revoked license
COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INTERVENTION Evidence-based policies, programs, and approaches that aim to
FOR KEY POPULATIONS reduce HIV transmission and its harmful consequences.
The process by which the "index client", "source", or "patient" who has a STI
PARTNER NOTIFICATION including HIV, is given support in order to notify and advise the partners that have
been exposed
The use of prescription drugs as a strategy for the prevention of HIV infection by
people who do not have the HIV and AIDS. It is an optional treatment,
Choices made and behaviors adopted by a person to reduce or minimize the risk of
SAFER SEX PRACTICES HIV transmission; including postponing sexual debut, non-penetrative sex, correct and
consistent use of condoms, and reducing the number of sexual partners
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED Infections that are spread through the transfer of organisms from one person to
INFECTIONS (STI) another as a result of sexual contact
Private and public hospitals or medical establishments accredited by the DOH to have
TREATMENT HUBS the capacity and facility to provide treatment and care services to PLHIV
The documentation and analysis of the number of HIV and AIDS infections and the
pattern of its spread
HIV AND AIDS PREVENTION Measures aimed at protecting non-infected persons from contracting HIV and
AND CONTROL minimizing the impact of the condition on PLHIV
Terminology HIV
Facility-based, mobile medical procedure, or community-based screening modalities
that are conducted to determine the presence or absence of HIV in a person's body.
The transfer of HIV from one infected person to an uninfected individual, through
unprotected sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, sharing of contaminated
intravenous needles, or which may occur during pregnancy, delivery, and
A health care provider initiating HIV testing to a person practicing high-risk behavior or
vulnerable to HIV after conducting HIV pre-test counseling. A person may elect to
decline or defer testing
HIV testing done on an individual who, after having undergone pre-test counseling
willingly submits to such test
Any DOH accredited on-site or mobile testing center, hospital, clinic, laboratory, and
other facility that has the capacity to conduct HIV counseling and HIV testing
Terminology Legal
Repeated action of any form directed at a person that causes fear of harm or damage
and creates a hostile environment; infringing on rights of another person
Unfair treatment that shows preferences based on any ground such as sex gender, age,
sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, economic status, disability, ethnicity,
and HIV status, and which has the effect of impairing the exercise by all persons similarly
situated, of their rights
Article 5 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizing the developmental
changes and self-determination capacity of children as they grow, thus requiring
guardians to include children in autonomous decision-making
The core duty of medical practice where the information provided by the patient to
MEDICAL CONFIDENTIALITY health practitioner and his/her health status is kept private and is not divulged to
third parties.
Office, premise or work site where workers are habitually employed and shall include the office or place
WORKPLACE where workers, with no fixed or definite work site, regularly report for assignment in the course of their
Terminology Other
Groups of nongovernmental and noncommercial entities engaged in
collective action around shared interests.