DET - MAT - 12th (2018C) - E
DET - MAT - 12th (2018C) - E
DET - MAT - 12th (2018C) - E
S.No Pages
1. Theory 01 – 22
3. Exercise-2 37 – 42
4. Exercise-3 (Section-A) 43 – 48
[Previous years JEE-Advanced problems]
5. Exercise-3 (Section-B) 48 – 51
[Previous years JEE-Main problems]
6. Exercise-4 (Section-A) 52 – 58
[Previous years CBSE problems]
7. Exercise-4 (Section-B) 59 – 61
[Potential Problems for Board Preparations]
9. Answer Key 64 – 67
Development of determinants took place while mathematicians were trying to solve a system of
simultaneous linear equations.
a1x b1y c1 b 2c1 b1c2 a c a c
e.g. x= and y = 1 2 2 1
a1b 2 a 2b1 a1b 2 a 2b1
a 2x b2 y c2
a1 b1
Mathematicians defined the symbol as determinant of order 2 and the four numbers arranged
a2 b2
in row and column were called its elements. Its value was taken as a1b2 – a2b1 which is the same as
This kind of definition helped then to state the solution of the simultaneous equation as
D1 D2 a b1 c b1 a c1
x= and y = where D = 1 ; D1 = 1 ; D2 = 1
D D a2 b2 c2 b2 a2 c2
Note : Adeterminant of order 1 is the number itself.
a1 b1 c1
The symbol a 2 b2 c2 is called the determinant of order 3. Its value can be found as
a3 b3 c3
b2 c2 a c2 a b2
D = a1 – b1 2 + c1 2 or
b3 c3 a3 c3 a3 b3
b2 c2 c1 + a b1 c1
= a1 – a2 b1 3 b
b3 c3 b3 c3 2 c2
In the way we can expand a determinant in 6 ways using elements of R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, C3.
P-1: The value of a determinant remains unaltered, if the rows & columns are interchanged. e.g. if
a1 b1 c1 a1 a 2 a3
D= 2 b2 c2 b1 b 2 b3 = D
a3 b3 c3 c1 c2 c3
D & D' are transpose of each other. If D= D then it is Skew symmetric determinant but
D'= D 2 D = 0 D = 0 Skew symmetric determinant of third order has the value zero.
Remember: Without expanding prove that the value of the determinant
0 b c
D= b 0 a =0
c a 0
Note : The value of a skew symmetric determinant of odd order is zero.
P-2: If any two rows (or columns) of a determinant be interchanged, the value of determinant is changed in
sign only. e.g.
a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
Let D = 2 b2 c2 & D' = a1 b1 c1 Then D' = – D.
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
P-3: If a determinant has any two rows (or columns) identical , then its value is zero.
a1 b1 c1
e.g. Let D = a1 b1 c1 then it can be verified that D = 0.
a3 b 3 c3
P-4: If all the elements of any row (or column) be multiplied by the same number, then the determinant is
multiplied bythat number.
a1 b1 c1 Ka1 Kb1 Kc1
e.g. If D = a 2 b2 c2 and D' = a 2 b2 c2 Then D'= KD
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
P-5: If each element of any row (or column) can be expressed as a sum of two terms then the determinant can
be expressed as the sum of two determinants. e.g.
a1 x b1 y c1 z a1 b1 c1 x y z
a2 b2 c2 a 2 b2 c2 a 2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
P-6: The value of a determinant is not altered by adding the elements of any row (or column) to the same
multiples of the corresponding elements of any other row (or column).
a1 b1 c1 a1 ma 2 b1 mb 2 c1 mc2
e.g. Let D = a 2 b2 c2 and D' = a 2 b2 c2 . Then D'=D.
a3 b3 c3 a 3 na1 b3 nb1 c3 nc1
Note : while applying this property atleast one row (or column) must remain unchanged.
P-7: If by putting x = a, the value of a determinant vanishes then (x a) is a factor of the determinant.
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P-8: In a determinant the sum of the product's of the element's of any row (column) with their corresponding
cofactor's is equal to the value of determinant.
a1 b1 c1
Let D = 2 b2 c2
a 3 b 3 c3
Let Ai, Bi, Ci be the cofactor's of the element's ai, bi, ci (i = 1, 2, 3)
Then a1A1 + b1B1 + c1C1 = D
a2A2 + b2B2 + c2C2 = D
In a determinant the sum of the product's of element's of any row(column) with the cofactor's of
corresponding element's of any other row (column) is zero.
i.e. a1A2 + b1B2 + c1C2 = 0 or a2A1 + b2B1 + c2C1 = 0.
Factorisation in respect the following determinants are very useful and should be remembered.
1 x x3
(2) 1 y y3 = (x – y)(y – z)(z – x)(x + y + z)
1 z z3
x x2 yz
(3) y y2 zx = (x – y)(y – z)(z – x)(xy + yz + zx)
z z2 xy
a b c
(4) b c a = – (a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc) < 0 if a, b, c are different and positive
c a b
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Definition-1 :
A system of linear equations in n unknowns x1, x2, x3 , ……xn is of the form :
If b1, b2, ……, bn are all zero, the system is called homogeneous and non-homogeneous if at least one
bi is non-zero.
Definition-2 :
The solution set of the system (A) is an n tuple (1, 2, ……, n) of real numbers (or complex numbers
if the coefficients are complex) which satisfy each of the equations of the system.
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Definition-3 :
A system of equations is called consistent if it has at least one solution; inconsistent if it does not have
any solution; determinate if it has a unique solution; indeterminate if it has more than one solution.
a1 d1 c1 a1 b1 d1
y = 2 d2 c2 , = a 2 b2 d2
a3 d3 c3 a3 b3 d3
Without going into details, we give the following rule for testing the consistency of the system (1).
(1) Let ai = bi = ci = di = 0, i = 1, 2, 3
In this case any triplet (x, y, z) is a solution of the system.
Hence equations are consistent and indeterminate.
(2) If ai = bi = ci = 0, i = 1, 2, 3 and at least one di (i = 1, 2, 3) is non-zero, then the system has no solution,
i.e., the equations in this case are inconsistent.
(3) Let 0. In this case the system (1) has the unique solution
x y z
x= ,y= ,z= ........(2)
This is known as Crammer’s rule. So equations in this case are consistent and determinate.
(4) If = 0, x 0 (or y 0 or z 0), then the system has no solution so the equations are inconsistent.
(5) If = x = y = z = 0 and at least one of the cofactors of is non-zero, then the system will have an
infinite number of solutions. In this case, any one of the variables can be given arbitrary value and other
variables can be expressed in terms of that variable.
In such cases, the three equations reduce to two equations.
If all the cofactors , x, y, z are zero but elements of are not all zero, then in this case the system
will reduced to single equation and any two variables can be given arbitrary values. So equations are
consistent and indeterminate.
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If in (1), we take di = 0 (i = 1, 2, 3) then the system is called the homogenous system of equations.
For such a system if 0, then it has the unique solution x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. (Trivial)
So such system of equations is always consistent.
1 1 1 1 a a2
(i) a b c = 1 b b = (a – b) (b – c) (c – a)
a2 b2 c2 1 c c2
1 1 1 1 a a3
(ii) a b c = 1 b b = (a – b) (b – c) (c – a) (a + b + c).
a3 b 3 c3 1 c c3
a1 c1
2 or y = a c2
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*Summary :
a1 b1 c1
= 2 b2 c2 = 0
a3 b3 c3
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Introduction :
Elementary matrix alreadyhas now becomes as integral part of the mathematical background necessary
in field of electrical / computer engineering / chemistry.
Amatrix is any rectangular arrayof numbers written within braekets.Amatrix is usually represented by
a capital letter and classified by its dimensions. The dimension of the matrices are the number of rows
and columns.
A m × n matrix is usually written as
a11 a12 a1n
Am×n = a 21 a 22 a 2 n
m1 a m 2 a mn
(where aij represents any number which lies ith row (from top) & jth column form left)
(i) The matrix is not a number. It has got no numerical value.
(ii) The determinant of matrix Am×m = |Am×m| = .....................
a m1..........a mm
Abbreviated as :
A = [ai j ] 1 i m ; 1 j n, i denotes the row and j denotes the column is called a matrix of order
m × n. The elements of a matrix maybe real or complex numbers. If all the elements of a matrix are real, the
matrix is called real matrix.
(A) Row Matrix :
A = [ a11 , a12 , ...... a1n ] having one row . (1 × n) matrix. (or row vectors)
(B) Column Matrix :
a 11
A = :
having one column. (m × 1) matrix (or column vectors)
a m1
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2 5
1 1
A matix of order m × n is a vertical matrix if m > n.
3 6
2 4
Note: Every row matrix is also a Horizontal but not the converse.
||ly every column matrix is also a vertical matrix but not the converse.
Note :
(i) In a square matrix the pair of elements aij & aj i are called Conjugate Elements.
a 11 a 12
e.g. in the matrix , a and a12 are conjugate elements.
a 21 a 22 21
(ii) The elements a11 , a22 , a33 , ...... ann are called Diagonal Elements . The line along which the
diagonal elements lie is called " Principal or Leading " diagonal.
The quantity aii = trace of the matrix written as, ( tr ) A = tr (A)
Square Matrix
d1 0 0
Upper triangular Lower triangular
matrix matrix 0 d2 0
if ai j = 0 i > j if ai j = 0 i < j 0 0 d3
x x x x 0 0 abbreviated as dia (d1, d2, d3 .....dn)
A= 0 x x ; A= x x
Scalar matrix Unit matrix
0 0 x x x x if d1=d2=d3.....=a 0 if d1=d2=d3.....=1
a 0 0 1 0 0
0 a 0 0 1 0
0 0 a 0 0 1
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(i) Minimum number of zeros in an upper or lower triangular matrix of order n
n (n 1)
= 1 + 2 + 3 + ......... + (n – 1) =
(ii) Minimum number of cyphers in a diagonal/scalar/unit matrix of order n = n(n – 1)
and maximum number of cyphers = n2 – 1.
"It is to be noted that with every square matrix there is a corresponding determinant formed by the
elements of A in the same order." If |A| = 0 then A is called a singular matrix and if |A| 0 then A
is called a non singular matrix.
0 0
Note: If A = 0 0 then det. A = 0 but not conversely..
A + B = [ai j + b i j ] where A & B are of the same type . (same order)
If A and B are square matrices of the same type then, tr (A + B) = tr (A) + tr (B)
If A + B = O = B + A [ A = mn]
and both A and B have the same order then A and B are said to be the additive inverse of each other
where O is the null matrix of the same order as that ofAand B. 'O' is the additive identity element.
If A B A C B C
and If B A C A B C cancellation laws hold good.
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AB exists if , A = m n & B = n p
23 33
A B is matrix of 2 × 3
Note that, AB exists , but BA does not AB BA
(number of columns in the pre multiplier = number of rows in post multiplier)
A pre factor
Note : In the product AB ,
B post factor
A = (a1 , a2 , ...... an) & B = :
1n n1
A B = [a1b1 + a2b2 + ...... anbn]
If A = [a i j] be an m n matrix & B = [b i j ] be an n p matrix,
then (A B)i j = ai r . br j is a matrix of order m × p.
r 1
In fact ifAB is defined it is possible that BAis not defined or may have different order
(1) 3×2 2×3 then AB is of order 3 × 3 and BA is of order 2 × 3
(2) 2×2 2×3
Note :
(i) If AB = 0
that one of the matrices is zero however if any one of either A or B is null matrix then
AB = 0 provided the product exist.
0 1 5 5
e.g. A = 0 2 ; B = 0 0
A and B are two square matrix of the same order such that AB = 0
1 2 a b 0 0
3 4 c d = 0 0 and det. A 0 then B must be a null matrix.
1 2 a b
Verification: det. 3 4 · det. c d = 0
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a b
at least one of | A | or | B | must be zero if det. (A) 0 det. c d = 0
a 2b 0
b 0 b 2d 0 a 0 c 0
d 0 3a 4c 0
3b 4d 0
(ii) If AB = AC
B = C but if B = C AB = AC
(iii) In caseAB = BAis restrict of matrices A and B the two matrices are said to commute each other one if
AB = – BA then they are said to anticommute each other.
a 0 c 0
e.g. (i) A = 0 b and B = 0 d [AB = BA]
Note that multiplication of diagonal matrices of the same order will be commutative.
(iv) For every square matrix A, there exist an identity matrix of the same order such that
IA = AI = A where I is the unit matrix of the same order.
p n p n
= a i s bs r c = (ai s bs r) cr j
r 1 s 1 r 1 s1
p n
= ai s (bs r . cr j) (associativityin R)
r 1 s1
n p n
= ai s bs r cr j = ai s (BC)s j
s1 r 1 s1
= [ A . (B C)]i j
[ (A . B) . C]i j = [ A . (B . C)]i j (A B) C = A . (B C)
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A (B C) A B A C
Provided A, B & C are conformable for respective products
(A B) C A C BC
A=m×n ;B=n×p;c=n×p
n n
[ A . (B + C)]ij =
r 1
air (B + C)r j =
r 1
ai r (br j + cr j)
n n
r 1
ai r br j +
r 1
ai r cr j
If f (x) = a0xn + a1xn – 1 + a2xn – 2 + ......... + anx0 then we define a matrix polynomial
f (A) = a0An + a1An–1 + a2An–2 + ..... + anIn
whereAis the given square matrix. If f (A) is the null matrix thenAis called the zero or root of the matrix
polynomial f (x).
2 2 4
For example if A = 1 3 4 then A2 = A i.e. A is idempotent.
1 2 3
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A square matrix is said to be nilpotent matrix of index p, (p N), if Ap = O , Ap–1 O i.e. if p is the
least positive integer for whichAp = O, thenAis said to be nilpotent of index p.
1 1 3
e.g. (i) A = 5 2 6 Note that A3 = 0 but A2 0 index of nilpotency = 3
2 1 3
ab b2
(ii) A = a 2 ab is a nilpotent matrix of index 2.
a a 2 a a 2
(iii) A = 1 a 1 a nil potent
Asquare matrix which satisfies the relationAK+1 =A, for some positive integer K thenAis periodic with
period K i.e. if K is the least positive integer for whichAK+1 =AthenAis said to be periodic with period
K. If K = 1 then A is called idempotent.
2 3 5
e.g. the matrix 1 4 5 has the period 1.
1 3 4
IfA2 = I , the matrix is said to be an involutary matrix.An involutary matrix is its own inverse.
0 1 0 1 1 0
e.g. (i) A = = ;
1 0 1 0 0 1
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A square matrix is said to be orthogonal matrix, if AAT = I = AT A
Note that :
a1 a2 a3 a1 b1 c1
b 3 then AT = a c2
A = b1 b2
c1 c2 c3 a 3 b3 c3
3 3
a i2 bi2 ci2 = 1 and a i b i b i c i ci a i =0
i 1 i 1
Note : All the 3 rows or 3 columns of an orthogonal matrix are pair wise orthogonal triad of 3 unit
p q s q 2 3 4 3
(i) If A = r s then Adj A = r p e.g. A = 1 4 the adj. A = 1 2
Hence adjoint of a square matrix of order 2 can be easilyobtained byinterchanging the diagonal elements
and changing the signs of the off diagonal elements.
(ii) Adjoint of a scalar matrix is a also a scalar matrix, adjoint of a diagonal matrix and adjoint of a triangular
matrix is a triangular matrix.
1 2 3 24 4 8
27 1 11 .
e.g., A = 5 0 4 adj A =
2 6 7 30 2 10
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Theorem–1 :
A(adj A) = (adj A) A = | A | In
Where Ais any square matrix
a11 a12 .........a1n
A = a 21 a 22 .........a 2 n
a n1 a n 2 .........a nn
A11 A 21 .......A n1
A12 A 22 .........A n 2
(adj A) =
A1n A n 2 A nn
(adj A) = element’s of ith row ofA multiplied by corresponding element’s jth column of adj A.
= aijAji + aa2Aj2 + ........ + ainAin = 0
if i j and | A | when i = j.
Thus in productA(adjA) only diagonal element’s exist all of them equal to |A| while all other element’s
are zero.
| A | 0 0........
0 | A | 0.........
0 0 | A | ......
A (adj A) =
| A |
Theorem–2 :
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Theorem–3 :
A square matrix Asaid to be invertible (non singular) if there exists a matrix B such that,
AB = I = BA
B is called the inverse (reciprocal) of A and is denoted by A1. Thus
A1 = B A B = I = B A.
For a non singular matrix
Property :
(adj A)
A 1 =
We have , A . (adj A) = A In
A 1 A (adj A) = A 1 In
In (adj A) = A 1 A In
(adj A)
A1 =
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Note :
(i) The necessaryand sufficient condition for a square matrixAto be invertible is that A| 0.
(ii) Inverse of a non singular diagonal matrix diag (k1 k 2 k3 ...... kn) is the diagonal matrix
diag k11 , k 21 , k 31......., k n1 .
Theorem–1 :
Theorem-2 :
If Ais an invertible square matrix, then AT is also invertible and (AT)–1 = (A–1)T
Theorem-3 :
If A is a non-singular matrix, then prove that |A–1 | = |A |–1 i.e. | A–1 | =
Proof : Since | A | 0, therefore A–1 exists such that AA–1 = I = A–1 A
| AA–1 | = | I |
| A | | A–1 | = 1 [ | AB | = | A | | B | and | I | = 1]
| A–1 | = [ | A | 0]
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Theorem-4 :
If A & B are invertible matrices of the same order , then (AB) 1 = B 1 A 1.
(i) As A is invertible hence AA–1 = I = A–1A
Hence (A–1) and A are inverse of each other
(A–1)–1 = A
again Ak = A A A .......A
k times
= (A A ..... A)–1 = A–1 . A–1 . A–1 ....... k times = (A–1)k
hence (Ak)–1 = (A–1)k k N
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x yz 6
x y z
= 2
2x yz 1
1 1 1 x 6
1 1 1 y
= 2
2 1 1 z 1
AX = B A 1 A X = A 1 B
(Adj A) B
X = A1 B =
(i) If | A | 0, system is consistent having unique solution
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If a matrix B is obtained from a matrix Aby one or more elementary transformations, thenAand B are
equivalent matrices and we write A~ B. Let.
1 2 3 4
A 2 1 4 3
3 1 2 4
1 2 3 4
Then A ~ 1 1 1 1 [Applying R2 R2 + (–1)R1]
3 1 2 4
1 2 3 1
~ 1 1 1 2 [Applying C4 C4 + (–1)C3]
3 1 2 2
An elementary transformation is called a row transformation or a column transformation accordingly as
it is appled to rows or columns.
Theorem-1 :
Every elementary row (column) transformation of an m × n matrix (not identity matrix) can be obtained
by pre-multiplication (post-multiplication) with the corresponding elementary matrix obtained from the
identity matrix Im(In) by subjecting it to the same elementary row (column) transformation.
Theorem-2 :
Let C = AB be a product of two matrices. Any elementary row (column) transformation of AB can be
obtained by subjecting the pre-factor A (post factor B) to the same elementary row (column)
Let A be a non sigular matrix of order n. Then A can be reduced to the identity matrix In by a finite
sequence of elementary transformation only.As we have discussed everyelementary row transformation
of a matrix is equivalent to pre-multiplication by the corresponding elementary matrix. Therefore there
exist elementary matrices E1, E2, ……, E4 such that
(Ek Ek–1 …… E2E1) A = In
(Ek Ek–1 …… E2E1)AA–1 = InA–1 (post multiplying byA–1)
(Ek Ek–1 …… E2E1) In = A–1 ( InA–1 = A–1 and AA–1 = In)
A–1 = (Ek Ek–1 …… E2E1) In
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Algorithm for finding the inverse of a non singular matrix by elementary row
transformations :
Step-I : Write A = In A
Step-II : Perform a sequence of elementary row operations successively onA on the LHS and
the pre factor In on the RHS till we obtain the result In = BA
Step-III : Write A–1 = B
The following steps will be helpful to find the inverse of a square matrix of order 3 by using elementary
row transformations.
Step-I : Introduce unity at the intersection of first row and first column either by interchanging
two rows or by adding a constant multiple of elements of some other row to first row.
Step-II : After introducting unity at (1, 1) place introduce zeros at all other places in first column.
Step-III : Introduce unity at the intersection of 2nd row and 2nd column with the help of 2nd and
3rd row.
Step-IV : Introduce zeros at all other places in the second column except at the intersection of 2nd
and 2nd column
Step-V : Introduce unity at the intersection of 3rd row and third column
Step-VI : Finally introduce zeros at all other places in the third column except at the intersection of
third row and third column.
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Q.2 Three digit numbers x17, 3y6 and 12z where x, y, z are integers from 0 to 9, are divisible by a fixed
x 3 1
constant k. Then the determinant 7 6 z must be divisible by
1 y 2
(A) k (B) k2 (C) k3 (D) None
28 25 38
Q.3 Let N = 42 38 65 , then the number of ways in which N can be resolved as a product of two
56 47 83
divisors which are relatively prime is
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 16
ap 2 2ap 1 apq a (p q ) 1
Q.4 Let 1 = aq 2aq 1 and 2 = aqr a (q r ) 1 then
ar 2 2ar 1 arp a (r p) 1
Q.7 Let a third order determinant 1 = {aij}; i, j {1, 2, 3} and the determinant 2 is constructed by
multiplying all the elements of 1 by 2i–j , i.e. 2 = {2i–j aij} and 2 = 1 then is equal to
(A) –1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)
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a b c
Q.8 If 3(a2 + b2 + c2 + 1) = 2(a + b + c + ab + bc + ca) then the value of bc ca ab is equal to
1 2 2
(A) a + b + c (B) a + b – 2c (C) abc (D) 4a2b2c2
Q.9 If A11 , A12 , A13 are the cofactors of the elements of the first row of the determinant
A = (aij) and is the value of the determinant then
(A) a21 A11 + a22 A12 + a23 A13 = 0 (B) a11 A11 + a12 A12 + a13 A13 =
(C) a11 A11 – a12 A12 + a13 A13 = (D) a31A11 + a32A12 + a33A13 = 0
Q.10 If p, q, r, s are inA.P. and f (x) = q sin x r sin x 1 sin x such that f(x)d x = – 4 then
r sin x s sin x s q sin x
the common difference of the A.P. can be :
(A) 1 (B) (C) 1 (D) 2
sin 3 1 1
Q.11 If cos 2 4 3 = 0, then find the number of values of in [0, 2].
2 7 7
x2 kx 4 kx
Q.12 Let f(x) = kx 4 kx x2 .
4 kx x2 kx
If f(x) is positive for all x R, then find the number of integral values in the range of k.
Q.1 The value of a for which the system of equations ; a3x + (a +1)3 y + (a + 2)3 z = 0,
ax + (a + 1) y + (a + 2) z = 0 & x + y + z = 0 has a non-zero solution is
(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) none of these
Q.3 Three distinct points P(3u2, 2u3) ; Q(3v2, 2v3) and R(3w2, 2w3) are collinear then
(A) uv + vw + wu = 0 (B) uv + vw + wu = 3
(C) uv + vw + wu = 2 (D) uv + ww + wu = 1
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Q.7 Give the correct order of initials T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is
Statement-1 : If the graphs of two linear equations in two variables are neither parallel nor identical,
then there is a unique solution to the system.
Statement-2 : If the system of equations ax + by = 0, cx + dy = 0 has a non-zero solution, then it has
Statement-3 : The system x + y + z = 1, x = y, y = 1 + z is inconsistent.
Statement-4 : If two of the equations in a system of three linear equations are inconsistent, then the
whole system is inconsistent.
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Q.9 Let , , are the real roots of the equation x3 + ax2 + bx + c = 0 (a, b, c R and a 0).
If the system of equations (in u, v and w) given by
u + v + w = 0
u + v + w = 0
u + v + w = 0
has non-trivial solutions, then a2 equals
(A) b (B) 2b (C) 3b (D) 4b
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t 2 3t 4
Q.13 If t is real and = , then find number of solutions of the system of equations
t 2 3t 4
3x – y + 4z = 3, x + 2y – 3z = – 2, 6x + 5y + z = – 3 for a particular value of .
1 378
Q.1 If the product of n matrices 1 1 1 2 1 3 .......... 1 n is equal to the matrix 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
then the value of n is equal to
(A) 26 (B) 27 (C) 377 (D) 378
LM1 2 x OP LM
1 2 y OP
Q.2 If A = M0 PP MM PP
1 0 and B = 0 1 0 and AB = I , then x + y equals
MN0 0 1 Q N
0 0 1 Q
a b
Q.4 If A = c d satisfies the equation x2 – (a + d)x + k = 0, then
(A) k = bc (B) k = ad (C) k = ad–bc (D) k = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2
1 0 2 x
Q.5 If x 5 1 0 2 1 4 = O, then x equals
2 0 3 1
1 2 0 2 1 5
Q.6 Let A + 2B = 6 3 3 and 2A – B = 2 1 6
5 3 1 0 1 2
then Tr (A) – Tr (B) has the value equal to
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) none
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1 3 1 0
Q.8 Given A = 2 2 ; I = 0 1 . If A – I is a singular matrix then
(A) (B) – 3 – 4 = 0 (C) 2 + 3 + 4 = 0
2 (D) 2 – 3 – 6 = 0
1 sin 1
Q.9 Let A = sin 1 sin , where 0 < 2, then
1 sin 1
(A) Det (A) = 0 (B) Det A (0, ) (C) Det (A) [2, 4] (D) Det A [2, )
3 x 2 2
2 4x 1 is singular, is
Q.10 Number of real values of x for which the matrix A=
2 4 1 x
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D)infinite
1 tan x T –1
Q.11 A= tan x 1 then let us define a function f (x) = det. (A A ) then which of the following can
not be the value of f f f f ...........f ( x ) is (n 2)
n times
1 1 1 1
Q.12 A is a 2 × 2 matrix such that A 1 = 2 and A2 1 = 0 . The sum of the elements of A, is
(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) 2 (D) 5
Q.13 In a square matrix A of order 3 the elements, ai i's are the sum of the roots of the equation
x2 – (a + b)x + ab = 0; ai , i + 1's are the product of the roots, ai , i – 1's are all unity and the rest of the
elements are all zero. The value of the det. (A) is equal to
(A) 0 (B) (a + b) 3 (C) a3 – b3 (D) (a2 + b2)(a + b)
Q.14 Let Dk is the k × k matrix with 0's in the main diagonal, unity as the element of 1st row and f (k ) th
column and k for all other entries. If f (x) = x – {x} where {x} denotes the fractional part function then
the value of det. (D2) + det. (D3) equals
(A) 32 (B) 34 (C) 36 (D) none
1 2r 1
For a matrix A = 0
1 , the value of r 1
1 2r 1 is equal to
0 1
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A 1 A
(A) 2A (B) (C) (D) A2
2 2
2 1 3 4 3 4
Q.2 Let three matrices A = 4 1 ; B = 2 3 and C = 2 3 then
( x 1)3 a b
d = Lim , then the matrix c d is
x 1 3sin( x 1) ( x 1)
(A) Idempotent (B) Involutary (C) Non singular (D) Nilpotent
3 1
Q.4 Consider a matrix A = 6 2 , then (I + A)99 equals (where I is a unit matrix of order 2)
(A) I + 298A (B) I + 299A (C) I + (299 + 1)A (D) I + (299 – 1)A
Q.5 IfAis a non-null diagonal matrix of order 3 such that A2 =A, then number of possible matricesA, is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 8 (D) 7
2 0 7 14 7
Q.6 Let A = 0 1 0 and B = 0 1 0 . If AB = I, where I is an identity matrix
1 2 1 4 2
of order 3 then trace B has value equal to
2 1
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D) 5
5 5
3 2 3 1
Q.7 Let the matrix A and B be defined as A = and B = . If det(2A9 B–1) = – 2,
2 7 3
then the number of distinct possible real values of equals
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
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Paragraph for Question no. 8 to 10
3 0 1
Let A = [aij] be a 3 × 3 matrix such that A = 0 1 1 . Suppose u1, u2, u3 are three
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1
column vectors such that Au1 = 0 , Au2 = and Au3 = .
0 0 2
B is a 3 × 3 matrix whose first, second and third columns are u1, u2 and u3 respectively.
Q.10 Let C = [cij] be a 3 × 3 matrix where cij = j aij for 1 i, j 3, then the determinant of matrix
C is equal to
(A) 2(314) (B) 2(315) (C) 2(318) (D) 2(319)
Q.13 CTAC =
(A) A + B (B) A – B (C) A (D) B
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LMx x x OP
Q.1 Let A = M x x
x , then A–1 exists if
MN x x x Q
(A) x 0 (B) 0
(C) 3x + 0, 0 (D) x 0, 0
Q.2 Which of the following statements is incorrect for a square matrix A. ( |A| 0)
(A) IfAis a diagonal matrix,A–1 will also be a diagonal matrix
(B) IfAis a symmetric matrix,A–1 will also be a symmetric matrix
(C) If A–1 = A A is an idempotent matrix
(D) If A–1 =A A is an involutary matrix
Q.3 Identify the correct statement :
(A) If system of n simultaneous linear equations has a unique solution, then coefficient matrix is singular
(B) If system of n simultaneous linearequations has a uniquesolution, thencoefficient matrix is non singular
(C) If A–1 exists , (adjA)–1 may or may not exist
cos x sin x 0
(D) F(x) = sin x cos x 0 , then F(x) . F(y) = F(x – y)
0 0 0
3 3 4
Q.4 If A = 2 3 4 , then A–1 =
0 1 1
(A) A (B) A2 (C) A3 (D) A4
0 2 b c
Q.5 If A = a b c is orthogonal, then | abc | is equal to
a b c
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
2 3 6
3, when i j
Q.6 Let A = [aij]3 × 3 be such that aij =
0, otherwise
det adj adjA
then equals
[Note : {k} denotes fractional part of k.]
2 1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 5 5 3
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Q.8 IfAis a non singular matrix satisfying A=AB – BA, then which one of the following holds true
(A) det. B = 0 (B) B = 0 (C) det. A = 1 (D) det. (B + I) = det. (B – I)
4 6 1 2 4 3
Q.10 Consider the matrices A = 3 0 2 ,B= 0 1 , C = 1 . Out of the given matrix products
1 2 5 1 2 2
(i) (AB)TC (ii) CTC(AB)T (iii) CTAB and (iv)ATABBTC
(A) exactly one is defined (B) exactly two are defined
(C) exactly three are defined (D) all four are defined
Paragraph for question nos. 11 to 13
Let S be the following set of 2 × 2 matrices :
a b
S = A : a , b 1, 0, 1
a b
Q.11 The number of A in S such that the trace of A is divisible by 2 but det (A) is not divisible by 2, is
(A) 0 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 2
[ Note : The trace of a matrix is the sum of its diagonal entries.]
Q.12 The number of non-zero A in S for which the system of linear equations
x 0
y 0
is inconsistent, is
(A) atleast 2 but less than 5 (B) less than 2
(C) exactly 8 (D) greater than 4 but at most 7
Q.13 The number of A in S such that A is either symmetric or skew-symmetric but not both, is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
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3 4 a b
Q.14 APT
Consider the matrices A= 1 1 and B = 0 1 and let P be any orthogonal matrix and Q = PAP
and R = PTQKP also S = PBPT and T = PTSKP
Column I Column II
(A) If we vary K from 1 to n then the first row (P) G.P. with common ratio a
first column elements of R will form
(B) If we vary K from 1 to n then the 2nd row 2nd (Q) A.P. with common difference 2
column elements of R will form
(C) If we vary K from 1 to n then the first row first (R) G.P. with common ratio b
column elements of T will form
(D) If we vary K from 3 to n then the first row 2nd column (S) A.P. with common difference – 2.
elements of T will represent the sum of
Q.15 Find the number of 2 × 2 matrices A whose entries are either 0 or 1 and for which the system
x 0
A has at least two distinct solutions.
y 0
cos sin
Q.16 Let A = sin cos and matrix B is defined such that B = A + 4A2 + 6A3 + 4A4 + A5.
If det (B) = 1, then find the number of values of in [– 2, 2].
Q.17 Find the number of all possible symmetric matrices of order 3 × 3 with entries –1, 0, 1 and
whose trace equal to 1.
6 4 4
Q.18 Let A = [aij]3 × 3 be a matrix. If A + AT = a 21 a12 10 a 23 a 32 where a12, a23 and a31
a a
31 13 4 8
are the positive root of the equation x3 – 6x2 + px – 8 = 0, p R then find the value of det (A).
[Note : AT denotes the transpose of matrix A.]
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cos sin
Q.2 Let A = sin cos
Statement-1: A exists for every R.
Statement-2: A is orthogonal.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Q.4 Let A be a 2 × 2 matrix with non-zero entries such that A2 = I, where I is a 2 × 2 identity matrix.
Define Tr(A) = Sum of diagonal elements of A and |A| = determinant of matrix A.
Statement-1: Tr (A) = 0
Statement-2: | A | = 1
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Paragraph for question nos. 5 to 7
2 2 4 4 3 3
If A0 = 1 3 4 and B0 = 1 0 1
1 2 3 4 4 3
Bn = adj(Bn – 1), n N and I is an identity matrix of order 3 then answer the following questions.
(B) If A, B, C are three square matrices of order 2 and det. (A) = 2, det.(B) = 3, det. (C) = 4, then
the value of det. (3ABC) is 216.
(C) If A is a square matrix of order 3 and det. (A) = , then det. (adj. A–1) is 8.
(D) Everyskew symmetric matrix is singular.
Q.12 Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct ?
(A) If A, B and C are square matrices of order 3 such that AB = AC and det. (A) = 0 then B = C.
(B) If A = dia. (2, 1, – 3) and B = dia. (1, 1, 2) then det. (A B–1) = 3.
1 1 1
(C) If A = 1 1 1 then A3 = 9A.
1 1 1
(D) If A is a square matrix of order 3 (where A O ) such that A2 = A and B = I – A, then
AB + BA + I – (I – A)2 equals A.
[Note: I is an identity matrix of order 3.]
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LM1 1 0 OP
Q.13 If A–1 = M0 PP
2 1 , then
MN0 0 1 Q
(A) |A| = 2 (B)Ais non-singular
LM1 / 2 1 / 2 0 OP
(C) Adj. A = M 0 1 1/ 2
PP (D)Ais skew symmetric matrix
MN 0 0 1 / 2 Q
Q.14 If Aand B are two 3 × 3 matrices such that their product AB is a null matrix then
(A) det. A 0 B must be a null matrix.
(B) det. B 0 A must be a null matrix.
(C) If none ofAand B are null matrices then atleast one of the two matrices must be singular.
(D) If neither det. A nor det. B is zero then the given statement is not possible.
Q.15 Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
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5 5
1 1
2 1 1
10 0
2 x 5x 20 = [40]
Q.18 If and are roots of the equation 1 25
1 2 0
1 x 2
1 1
2 2
then find the value of (1 – ) (1 – ).
Q.19 Let A = [aij] be a square matrix of order 2 where aij {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6}. Find the number of matrices
A with distinct elements such that AA–1 = I where I is the unit matrix of order 2.
7 5 3i 4i
Q.1 (a) Prove that the value of the determinant 5 3i 8 4 5i is real.
4i 4 5i 9
(b) On which one of the parameter out of a, p, d or x, the value of the determinant
1 a a2
cos(p d) x cos px cos(p d) x does not depend.
sin(p d) x sin px sin(p d) x
x3 1 x 2 x
(c) If y3 1 y 2 y = 0 and x , y , z are all different then , prove that xyz = 1.
z3 1 z 2 z
Q.2 Prove that
a 2 2a 2a 1 1 1 1 1
(a) 2a 1 a 2 1 = (a 1)3 (b) x y z = [(xy) (yz) (zx) (x+y+z)]
3 3 1 x3 y3 z3
x 1
Q.3 (a) Let f (x) = 2 2 1 . Find the minimum value of f (x) (given x > 1).
1 0 1
x 1 2
(b) If a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + ab + bc + ca 0, then find the value of the determinant
(a b 2) 2 a 2 b2 1
1 (b c 2) 2 b c2 .
c a2
1 (c a 2) 2
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a b c bc ca a b
Q.4 If D = c a b and D = a b b c c a then prove that D= 2 D.
b c a ca a b bc
1 a 2 b2 2ab 2b
2 2
Q.5 Prove that 2ab 1 a b 2a = (1 + a² + b²)3.
2 2
2b 2a 1 a b
4 2 1
Q.6 Prove that 4 2 1 = 64( )( )( )( ) ( ) ( )
4 2 1
ax c b
Q.8 If a + b + c = 0 , solve for x : c bx a = 0.
b a cx
a2 ab ac
Q.9 Show that, ab b2 bc is divisible by 2 and find the other factor..
ac bc c2
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
Q.10 Prove that : (a 1) 2 ( b 1) 2 2
(c 1) 4 a b c .
(a 1) 2 ( b 1) 2 (c 1) 2 1 1 1
0 2x 2 2x 8 3 3
Q.11 If (x) = x 1 4 x 2 7 and f(x) = a ij cij where aij is the element of ith row
0 0 x4 j1 i 1
and jth column in (x) and cij is the cofactor of aij i and j, then find the greatest value of f(x) when
x [– 3, 18].
Q.12 Solve the following using Cramer’s rule and state whether consistent or not.
x yz6 0 x 2y z 1 7 x 7 y 5z 3
(a) 2x y z 1 0 (b) 3x y z 6 (c) 3x y 5z 7
x y 2z 3 0 x 2y 0 2 x 3 y 5z 5
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3 2 3 3
3 0 y y = 3y 3y
2 4 x x 10 10
3 r · 3r 2r
1 4 3
Q.3 Let A = 2 , B = 2 2 and Cr = be 3 given matrices.
1 2 0 (r 1)3r
1 2 a b
Q.4 If the matrices A = 3 4 and B = c d
(a, b, c, d not all simultaneously zero) commute, find the value of . Also show that the
2 3
matrix which commutes with A is of the form
1 1
Q.5 If the matrix A is involutary, show that (I + A) and (I – A) are idempotent and
2 2
1 1
(I + A)· (I – A)=O.
2 2
0 1 1
Q.6 Let X be the solution set of the equation Ax = I, where A = 4 3 4 and I is the corresponding
3 3 4
unit matrix and x N then find the minimum value of (cos x sin x ) , R.
3 a 1 d 3 a
Q.7 A = 2 5 c is Symmetric and B = b a e 2b c is Skew Symmetric, then find AB.
b 8 2 2 6 f
Is AB a symmetric, Skew Symmetric or neither of them. Justify your answer.
Q.8 If A is an idempotent non zero matrix and I is an identity matrix of the same order, find the value of
n, n N, such that ( A + I )n = I + 127 A.
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a b
Q.9 Consider, A = c d , where a, b, c, d I and bc = 0. If B = adj.(2A) and det.(B) = 8, then find
the absolute value of tr.(A+ B).
[Note : adj.(P), tr.(P) and det.(P) denote adjoint matrix of matrix P, trace of matrix P and determinant
of matrix P respectively.]
(a) A3 × 3 is a matrix such that | A | = a, B = (adj A) such that | B | = b. Find the value of (ab2 + a2b + 1)S
1 a a 2 a3
where S = 3 5 ...... up to , and a = 3.
2 b b b
(b) If A and B are square matrices of order 3, where | A | = – 2 and | B | = 1, then find
A adjB adj 2A
–1 –1 –1
1 1 1
2 3 1 0 1
(a) Given A = 2 4 1 , B = 3 4 . Find P such that BPA = 0 1 0
2 3 1
3 2 2 4
(b) Find the matrix Asatisfying the matrix equation, 2 1 .A . 5 3 = 3 1 .
3 2
3 1 2
Q.12 Let A = 2 0 , where R. Suppose P = [pij]3 × 3 is a matrix such that AP = kI,
3 5 0
where k R, k 0 and I is identity matrix of order 3. If p23 = p13 , then
Q.13 Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix such that a11 = a33 = 2 and all the other aij = 1. Let A–1 = xA2 + yA + zI then
find the value of (x + y + z) where I is a unit matrix of order 3.
1 2 2 2 1 1 10
Q.14 Given that A = 2 2 3 , C = 2 2 1 , D = 13 and that Cb = D.
1 1 3 1 1 1 9
Solve the matrix equationAx = b.
2 0 7 x 14 x 7 x
Q.15 Let A = 0 1 0 and B = 0
1 0 are two matrices such that AB = (AB)–1
1 2 1 x 4x 2 x
and AB I (where I is an identity matrix of order 3 × 3).
Find the value of Tr. AB ( AB) 2 (AB) 3 ........ ( AB)100
where Tr. (A) denotes the trace of matrix A.
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5 1 3 1 1 2
7 1 5 3 2 1
Q.16 Find the product of two matrices A & B, where A = & B = 2 1 3 and use it to
1 1 1
solve the following system of linear equations,
x + y + 2z = 1 ; 3x + 2y + z = 7 ; 2x + y + 3z = 2.
3 2 1 x b
Q.17 Determine the values of a and b for which the system 5 8 9 y 3
2 1 a z 1
(i) has a unique solution ; (ii) has no solution and (iii) has infinitelymany solutions
sin 2 0 0 cos 2 0 0
sin 0 and B–1 = 0 2
cos 0
Q.18 If A = 0
0 0 sin 2 0 0 cos 2
where , , are any real number and
C = (A–3 + B–3) + 3A–1 B–1 (B–1 + A–1), then find the value of determinant of the matrix C.
1 1 1
Let M be a 2 × 2 matrix such that M = and M2 = . If x1 and x2 (x1 > x2) are
1 2 1 0
the two values of x for which det(M – xI) = 0, where I is an identity matrix of order 2 then find the
value of (5x1 + 2x2).
Q.20 The set of natural numbers is divided into arrays of rows and columns in the form of matrices as
6 7 8
2 3 9 10 11
A1 = (1), A2 = 4 5 , A3 = .................... so on.
12 13 14
Find the value of Tr (A10).
[Note : Tr(A) denotes trace of A.]
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(JEE-ADVANCED Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1(a) Consider three points P = sin( ), cos , Q = cos( ), sin and
R = cos( ), sin( ) , where 0 < , , < /4
(A) P lies on the line segment RQ (B) Q lies on the line segment PR
(C) R lies on the line segment QP (D) P, Q, R are non collinear
(b) Consider the system of equations
x – 2y + 3z = –1
– x + y – 2z = k
x – 3y + 4z = 1
STATEMENT-1 : The system of equations has no solution for k 3.
1 3 1
STATEMENT-2 : The determinant 1 2 k 0, for k 3.
1 4 1
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True [JEE 2008, 3 + 3]
Q.2 The number of all possible values of , where 0 < < , for which the system of equations
(y + z)cos 3 = (xyz) sin 3
2 cos 3 2 sin 3
x sin 3 =
y z
(xyz) sin 3 = (y + 2z) cos 3 + y sin 3
have a solution (x0, y0, z0) with y0z0 0, is [JEE 2010, 3]
(1 )2 (1 2 )2 (1 3 ) 2
Q.3 Which of the following values of satisfy the equation (2 ) 2 ( 2 2 ) 2 (2 3) 2 = – 648?
(3 )2 (3 2 )2 (3 3) 2
(A) – 4 (B) 9 (C) – 9 (D) 4
[JEE (Advanced) 2015, 4]
x x2 1 x3
Q.4 The total number of distinct x R for which 2 x 4 x
2 1 8x 3 = 10 is
3x 9 x 2 1 27 x 3
[JEE (Advanced) 2016, 3]
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Q.1 Match the statements / Expression in Column-I with the statements / Expressions in Column-II and
indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the 4 × 4 matrix given in OMR.
Column-I Column-II
x 2 2x 4
(A) The minimum value of is (P) 0
(B) Let A and B be 3 × 3 matrices of real numbers, (Q) 1
whereAis symmetric, B is skew-symmetric, and
(A + B)(A – B) = (A – B)(A + B). If (AB)t = (–1)kAB, where (AB)t
is the transpose of the matrix AB, then the possible values of k are
(C) Let a = log3 log32. An integer k satisfying 1 < 2 ( k 3 )
< 2, must be (R) 2
less than
(D) If sin = cos , then the possible values of are (S) 3
[JEE 2008, 6]
Comprehension (3 questions)
Q.2 Let A be the set of all 3 × 3 symmetric matrices all of whose entries are either 0 or 1. Five of these entries
are 1 and four of them are 0.
(a) The number of matrices in A is
(A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 3
(b) The number of matrices Ain A for which the system of linear equations
x 1
A y 0
z 0
has a unique solution, is
(A) less than 4 (B) at least 4 but less than 7
(C) at least 7 but less than 10 (D) at least 10
(c) The number of matrices Ain A for which the system of linear equations
x 1
A y 0
z 0
is inconsistent, is
(A) 0 (B) more than 2 (C) 2 (D) 1 [JEE 2009, 4+4+4]
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x 1
(a) The number of 3 × 3 matrices A whose entries are either 0 or 1 and for which the system A y = 0
z 0
has exactly two distinct solutions, is
(A) 0 (B) 29 – 1 (C) 168 (D) 2
2k 1 2 k 2 k 0 2k 1 k
A 2 k 1 2k and B 1 2k 0 2 k
2 k 2k 1 k 2 k 0
(ii) The number of A in Tp such that the trace of A is not divisible by p but det (A) is divisible by p is
[Note: The trace of a matrix is the sum of its diagonal entries.]
(A) (p – 1)(p2 – p + 1) (B) p3 – (p – 1)2
(C) (p – 1)2 (D) (p – 1)(p2 – 2)
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(i) Let P = [aij] be a 3 × 3 matrix and let Q = [bij], where bij = 2i+jaij for 1 i, j 3. If the determinant of
P is 2, then the determinant of the matrix Q is
(A) 210 (B) 211 (C) 212 (D) 213
(ii) T T
If P is a 3 × 3 matrix such that P = 2P + I, where P is the transpose of P and I is the 3 × 3 identity
x 0
matrix, then there exists a column matrix, X = y 0 such that
z 0
(A) PX = 0 (B) PX = X (C) PX = 2X (D) PX = – X
1 4 4
(iii) If the adjoint of a 3 × 3 matrix P is 2 1 7 , then the possible value(s) of the determinant of P is(are)
1 1 3
(A) – 2 (B) – 1 (C) 1 (D) 2
[JEE 2012, 3 +3 +4]
Q.6 For 3 × 3 matrices M and N, which of the following statement(s) is(are) not correct?
(A) NTMN is symmetric or skew symmetric, according as M is symmetric or skew symmetric.
(B) MN – NM is skew symmetric for all symmetric matrices M and N.
(C) MN is symmetric for all symmetric matrices M and N.
(D) (adj M) (adj N) = adj (MN) for all invertible matrices M and N.
[JEE (Advanced) 2013, 4]
Q.7 Let M and N be two 3 × 3 matrices such that MN = NM. Further, if M N2 and M2 = N4, then
(A) determinant of (M2 + MN2) is 0.
(B) there is a 3 × 3 non-zero matrix U such that (M2 + MN2) U is the zero matrix.
(C) determinant of (M2 + MN2) 1.
(D) for a 3 × 3 matrix U, if (M2 + MN2) U equals the zero matrix then U is the zero matrix.
[JEE (Advanced) 2014, 3]
Q.8 Let M be a 2 × 2 symmetric matrix with integer entries. Then M is invertible if
(A) the first column of M is the transpose of the second row of M.
(B) the second row of M is the transpose of the first column of M.
(C) M is a diagonal matrix with nonzero entries in the main diagonal.
(D) the product of entries in the main diagonal of M is not the square of an integer.
[JEE (Advanced) 2014, 3]
Q.9 Let X and Y be two arbitrary, 3 × 3, non-zero, skew symmetric matrices and Z be an arbitrary 3 × 3,
non-zero, symmetric matrix. Then which of the following matrices is (are) skew symmetric?
(A) Y3Z4 – Z4Y3 (B) X 44 + Y44 (C) X4Z3 – Z3X4 (D) X23 + Y 23
[JEE (Advanced) 2015, 4]
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3 1 2
Q.10 Let P = 2 0 , where R. Suppose Q = [qij] is a matrix such that PQ = kI, where k R,
3 5 0
k k2
k 0 and I is the identity matrix of order 3. If q23 = and det (Q) = , then
8 2
(A) = 0, k = 8 (B) 4 – k + 8 = 0
(C) det (P adj (Q)) = 29 (D) det (Q adj (P)) = 213
[JEE (Advanced) 2016, 4]
1 0 0
Q.11 Let P = 4 1 0 and I be the identity matrix of order 3. If Q = [qij] is a matrix such that
16 4 1
q 31 q 32
P50 – Q = I, then equals
q 21
(A) 52 (B) 103 (C) 201 (D) 205
[JEE (Advanced) 2016, 3]
Q.12 Which of the following is(are) NOT the square of a 3 × 3 matrix with real entries?
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
(A) 0 1 0 (B) 0 1 0 (C) 0 1 0 (D) 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
[JEE (Advanced) 2017, 4]
1 2 x 1
1 y = 1
1 z 1
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Q.15 Let S be the set of all column matrices b 2 such that b1, b2, b3 R and the system of equations (in
real variables)
– x + 2y + 5z = b1
2x – 4y + 3z = b2
x – 2y + 2z = b3
has at least one solution. Then which of the following system(s) (in real variables) has(have) at least one
solution for each b 2 S ?
(A) x + 2y + 3z = b1, 4y + 5z = b2 and x + 2y + 6z = b3
(B) x + y + 3z = b1, 5x + 2y + 6z = b2 and –2x – y – 3z = b3
(C) –x + 2y – 5z = b1, 2x – 4y + 10z = b2 and x – 2y + 5z = b3
(D) x + 2y + 5z = b1, 2x + 3z = b2 and x + 4y – 5z = b3
[JEE (Advanced) 2018, 4]
Q.16 Let P be a matrix of order 3 × 3 such that all the entries in P are from the set {–1, 0, 1}. Then the
maximum possible value of the determinant of P is______.
[JEE (Advanced) 2018, 3]
(JEE-MAIN Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 Consider the systemof linear equations [AIEEE 2010]
x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 3
2x1 + 3x2 + x3 = 3
3x1 + 5x2 + 2x3 = 1
The system has
(1) Infinite number of solutions (2) Exactly3 solutions
(3)Aunique solution (4) No solution
Q.2 The number of values of k for which the linear equations [AIEEE 2011]
4x + ky + 2z = 0
kx + 4y + z = 0
2x + 2y + z = 0
posses a non-zero solution is
(1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) zero
3 1 f (1) 1 f (2)
Q.3 If , 0, and f (n) = n + n and 1 f (1) 1 f (2) 1 f (3) = K(1 – )2 (1 – )2 ( – )2 ,
1 f (2) 1 f (3) 1 f (4)
then K is equal to
(1) – 1 (2) (3) (4) 1
[JEE (Main) 2014]
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Q.4 The set of all values of for which the system of linear equations
2x1 – 2x2 + x3 = x1
2x1 – 3x2 + 2x3 = x2
– x1 + 2x2 = x3
has a non-trivial solution,
(1) contains two elements (2) contains more than two elements
(3) is an empty set (4) is a singleton
[JEE (Main) 2015]
Q.6 If S is the set of distinct values of 'b' for which the following system of linear equations
x + ay + z = 1
ax + by + z = 0
has no solution, then S is
(1) an empty set
(2) an infinite set
(3) a finite set containing two or more elements
(4) a singleton [JEE (Main) 2017]
x4 2x 2x
Q.8 If 2x x 4 2x = (A + Bx) ( x – A)2, then the ordered pair (A, B) is equal to
2x 2x x 4
(1) (–4, 5) (2) (4, 5) (3) (–4, –5) (4) (–4, 3)
[JEE (Main) 2018]
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Q.1 LetAbe a square matrix all of whose entries are integers. Then which one of the following is true ?
[AIEEE 2008]
(1) If det A ± 1, then A–1 exists and all its entries are non-integers
(2) If det A = ± 1, then A–1 exists and all its entries are integers
(3) If det A = ± 1, then A–1 need not exist
(4) If det A= ± 1, then A–1 exists but all its entries are not necessarily integers
Q.2 Let Abe a 2 × 2 matrix with real entries. Let I be the 2 × 2 identity matrix. Denote by tr (A), the sum of
diagonal entries of A,Assume that A2 = I. [AIEEE 2008]
Statement-I: If A I and A – I, then det A = – 1
Statement-II : If A I and A –I, then tr (A) 0
(1) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is a correct explanation for Statement-I
(2) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is not a correct explanation for Statement-I
(3) Statement-I is true, Statement -II is false
(4) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true
Q.4 The number of 3 × 3 non-singular matrices, with four entries as 1 and all other entries as 0, is
[AIEEE 2010]
(1) less than 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) at least 7
Q.5 Let A be a 2 ×2 matrix with non-zero entries and let A2 = I, where I is 2 × 2 identity matrix. Define
Tr(A) = sum of diagonal elements ofAand |A| = determinant of matrix A. [AIEEE 2010]
Statement-I : Tr(A) = 0.
Statement-II : | A | = 1.
(1) Statment-Iis True, Statement-II is True; Statement-II is a correct explanation for Statement-I
(2) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True; Statement-II is not a correct explanation for Statement-I
(3) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False
(4) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True
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Q.7 Let P and Q be 3 × 3 matrices with P Q. If P3 = Q3 and P2Q = Q2P, then determinant of (P2 + Q2) is
equal to
(1) 0 (2) – 1 (3) – 2 (4) 1 [AIEEE 2012]
1 0 0 1 0
Q.8 Let A = 2 1 0 . If u1 and u2 are column matrices such that Au1 = 0 and Au2 = 1 ,
3 2 1 0 0
then u1 + u2 is equal to
1 1 1 1
(1) 1 (2) 1 (3) 1 (4) 1 [AIEEE 2012]
0 1 0 1
1 3
Q.9 If P = 1 3 3 is the adjoint of a 3 × 3 matrix A and | A | = 4, then is equal to
2 4 4
(1) 11 (2) 5 (3) 0 (4) 4 [JEE (Main) 2013]
Q.10 If A is an 3 × 3 non-singular matrix such that AA' = A'A and B = A–1A', then BB' equals
(1) (B–1)' (2) I + B (3) I (4) B–1
[JEE (Main) 2014]
1 2 2
Q.11 If A' = 2 1 2 is a matrix satisfying the equationAAT = 9I, where I is 3 × 3 identity matrix, then
a 2 b
the ordered pair (a, b) is equal to
(1) (2, 1) (2) (–2, –1) (3) (2, –1) (4) (–2, 1)
[JEE (Main) 2015]
5a b
Q.12 If A = 3 AT, then 5a + b is equal to
2 and A adj. A = AA
(1) 13 (2) – 1 (3) 5 (4) 4
[JEE (Main) 2016]
2 3
Q.13 If A = 4 1 , then adj (3A2 + 12A) is equal to
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(CBSE Previous Year's Questions)
a ib c id
Q.1 Evaluate : c id a ib where i = 1 . [CBSE Delhi 2008]
x2 3
Q.2 If x 5 4 = 3, find the value of x. [CBSE Delhi 2009]
2 3 4
Q.3 Write the value of the following determinant : 5 6 8 [CBSE Delhi 2009]
6 x 9 x 12x
1 1 p 1 p q
Q.5 Using properties of determinants, prove the following 2 3 2p 1 3p 2q = 1
3 6 3p 1 6p 3q
[CBSE (AI) 2009]
xy x x
Q.6 Using properties of determinants, prove the following : 5x 4 y 4 x 2 x = x3 [CBSE (AI) 2009]
10 x 8 y 8x 3x
a b c
Q.8 If a, b, c are positive and unequal, show that the following determinant is negative : = b c a
c a b
[CBSE (AI) 2010]
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a bx 2 c dx 2 p qx 2 b d q
ax 2 b cx 2 d px 2 q = (x4 – 1) a c p [CBSE (F) 2010]
u v w u v w
a2 ab ac
Q.11 Using properties of determinants, prove that ba b2 bc = 4a2b2c2 [CBSE Delhi 2011]
ca cb c2
x 4 2x 2x
Q.14 Using properties of determinants, prove the following : 2 x x 4 2 x = (5x + 4) (4 – x)2
2x 2x x 4
[CBSE Delhi 2011]
x 2 2 x 3 3x 4
Q.15 Using properties of determinants, solve the following for x : x 4 2 x 9 3x 16 = 0
x 8 2 x 27 3x 64
[CBSE (AI) 2011]
bc a a
Q.16 Using properties of determinants, show that b ca b = 4abc. [CBSE 2012]
c c ab
2 3 5
Q.17 IfAij is the cofactor of the element aij of the determinant 6 0 4 , then write the value of a32 ·A
1 5 7
[CBSE 2013]
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3x 7 8 7
Q.19 If , find the value of x. [CBSE 2014]
2 4 6 4
a3 2 a
b3 2 b
= 2(a – b) (b – c) (c – a) (a + b + c)
c3 2 c
[CBSE 2015]
Q.22 For what values of k, the system of linear equations
2x + y – z = 3
3x + 2y + kz = 4
has a unique solution? [CBSE 2016]
Q.23 Using properties of determinants, prove that
( x y) 2 zx zy
zx ( z y) 2 xy 2xyz( x y z)3
zy xy (z x ) 2
[CBSE 2016]
a 2 2a 2a 1 1
2a 1 a 2 1 = (a – 1)3
3 3 1
[CBSE 2017]
1 1 1 3x
Q.25 Using properties of determinants, prove that 1 3y 1 1 = 9(3xyz + xy + yz + zx)
1 1 3z 1
[CBSE 2018]
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x 3y y 4 1
Q.1 If 7 x 4 = 0 4 , find the value of x and y.. [CBSE (AI) 2008]
Q.2 Using matrices, solve the following system of linear equations : [CBSE (AI) 2008]
3x – 2y + 3z = 8
2x + y – z = 1
4x – 3y + 2z = 4
Q.3 If matrix A = [1 2 3], write AA', whereA' is the transpose of matrix A. [CBSE Delhi 2009]
3x y y 1 2
Q.4 Find the value of x, if 2 y x 3 = 5 3 . [CBSE (AI) 2009]
2 1
Q.6 Write the adjoint of the following matrix : [CBSE (AI) 2010]
4 3
3 1
Q.7 Find the inverse of A= 4 1 using elemenary transformations. [CBSE (F) 2010]
Q.8 Find the inverse of the following matrix using elementary opertaions.
1 2 2
A = 1 3 0 [CBSE (AI) 2010]
0 2 1
2 1 3
Q.9 If A= 1 3 1 , find A–1. UsingA–1, solve the following system of equations :
2 1 1
2x + y + 3z = 9; x + 3y – z = 2; –2x + y + z = 7 [CBSE (F) 2010]
x y z 9
Q.10 Find the value of x, y, and z if x z = 5 [CBSE (F) 2011]
y z 7
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Q.11 For a 2 × 2 matrix, A = [aij], whose elements are given by aij = , write the value of a12.
[CBSE Delhi 2011]
3 4
Q.14 If AT = 1 2 and B = 1 2 1 , then find AT – BT. [CBSE 2012]
0 1 1 2 3
Q.15 Let A be a square matrix of order 3 × 3. Write the value of | 2A |, where | A | = 4. [CBSE 2012]
0 1 2
For what value of x, is the matrixA= 1 0 3 a skew-symmetric matrix? [CBSE 2013]
x 3 0
3 3
Q.18 If matrix A = and A2 = A, then write the value of . [CBSE 2013]
3 3
Q.19 The management committee of a residential colony decided to award some of its members (say x) for
honesty, some (say y) for helping others and some others (say z) for supervising the workers to keep the
colony neat and clean. The sum of all the awardees is 12. Three times the sum of awardees for cooperation
and supervision added to two times the number of awardees for honesty is 33. If the sum of the number
of awardees for honestyand supervision is twice the number of awardees for helping others, using matrix
method, find the number of awardees of each category. Apart from these values, namely, honesty,
cooperation and supervision, suggest one more value which the management of the colony must include
for awards. [CBSE 2013]
Q.20 IfAis a square matrix such thatA2 =A, then write the value of 7A- (I +A)3, where I is an identity matrix.
[CBSE 2014]
x y z 1 4
Q.21 If , find the value of x + y.. [CBSE 2014]
2x y w 0 5
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Q.22 Two schools A and B want to award their selected student on the values of sincerity, truthfulness and
helpfulnes. The school Awants to award Rs. x each. Rs.y each and Rs. z each for the three respective
values to 3, 2 and 1 students respectively with a total award money of Rs. 1,600. School B wants to
spend Rs. 2,300 to award its 4, 1 and 3 students on the respective values (by giving the same award
money to the three values as before). If the total amount of award for one prize on each value is Rs. 900,
using matrices, find the award money for each value which should be considered for award.
[CBSE 2014]
cos sin
Q.23 If A= , then for any natural number n, find the value of Det (An).
sin cos
[CBSE 2015]
Q.24 Using elementaryrow operations (transformations), find the inverse of the following matrix:
0 1 2
1 2 3
3 1 0
[CBSE 2015]
0 6 7 0 1 1 2
6 0 8 1 0 2 2
Q.25 If A = , B= ,C= , then calculate AC, BC and (A + B) C. Also verify
7 8 0 1 2 0 3
that (A + B) C = AC + BC
[CBSE 2015]
Q.26 There are 2 familiesAand B. There are 4 men, 6 women and 2 children in familyA, and 2 men, 2 women
and 4 children in family B. The recommended daily amount of calories is 2400 for men, 1900 for
women, 1800 for children and 45 grams of proteins for men, 55 grams for women and 33 grams for
children. Represent the above information using matrices. Using matrix multiplication, calculate the total
requirement of calories and proteins for each of the 2 families. What awareness can you create among
people about the balanced diet from this question?
[CBSE 2015]
cos sin
Q.27 If A = sin cos , find satisfying 0 < < when A + AT = 2 I2 ;
where A is transpose of A.
[CBSE 2016]
Q.28 If A is a 3 × 3 matrix and |3A| = k |A| , then write the value of k. [CBSE 2016]
Q.29 A typist charges Rs. 145 for typing 10 English and 3 Hindi pages, while charges for typing 3 English and
10 Hindi pages are Rs 180. Using matrices, find the charges of typing one English and one Hindi page
separately. However typist charged only Rs 2 per page from a poor student Shyam for 5 Hindi pages.
How much less was charged from this poor boy? Which values are reflected in this problem?
[CBSE 2016]
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1 0 2
Q.30 If A = 0 2 1 and A3 – 6A2 + 7A + kI3 = O find k. [CBSE 2016]
2 0 3
8 0
Q.31 If for any 2 × 2 square matrix A, A (adj A) = 0 8 , then write the value of |A|. [CBSE 2017]
2 3 5
Q.34 If A= 3 2 4 , then find A–1 and hence solve the system of linear equations 2x – 3y + 5z = 11,
1 1 2
3x + 2y – 4z = –5 and x + y – 2z = –3. [CBSE 2017]
0 a 3
Q.35 If the matrixA = 2 0 1 is skew symmetric, find the values of 'a' and 'b'. [Ans: a = –2, b = 3]
b 1 0
[CBSE 2018]
2 3
Q.36 Given A = , compute A–1 and show that 2A–1 = 9I – A.
4 7
[CBSE 2018]
2 3 5
3 2 4
Q.37 If A = , find A–1. Use it to solve the system of equations.
1 1 2
2x – 3y + 5z = 11
3x + 2y – 4z = –5
x + y – 2z = –3 [CBSE 2018]
1 2 3
2 5 7 .
Q.38 Using elementary row transformations, find the inverse of the matrix A =
2 4 5
[CBSE 2018]
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(Potential Problems Based on CBSE)
sin 20º cos 20º
Q.1 Write the value of sin 70º cos 70º .
Q.2 Find the value of k, if area of a triangle is 4 sq. unit when its vertices are
(k, 0), (4, 0), (0, 2)
Q.3 Prove that 2 2
2 = ( – ) ( – ) ( – ) ( + + )
1 x x2
Q.4 By using properties of determinants, show that : x 2 1 x = (1 – x3)2
x x2 1
a 2 1 ab ac
Q.5 By using properties of determinants, show that ab b 2 1 bc = 1 + a2 + b2 + c2
ca cb c2 1
x 1 x 2 x a
Q.6 Show that x 2 x 3 x b = 0, where a, b, c are in A.P..
x3 x 4 x c
cosec2 cot 2 1
2 2
Q.9 Without expanding, show that = cot cosec 1 = 0
42 40 2
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3 0
Q.1 If A = 0 3 , find A4.
Q.3 If A = [aij] is a square matrix such that aij = i2 – j2, then write whether A is symmetric or skew-
Q.4 If A is square matrix of order 3 such that |A| = , then write the value of |–A|.
Q.5 If A is a square matrix of order 3 such that |adj A | = 64, find |A|.
5 3
Q.7 IfAis non-singular square matrix such that A–1 = , then find (AT)–1.
2 1
2 3
2 1 3 4 2 , find AB and BA. Also show that AB BA.
Q.8 If A = 4 5 1 and B =
1 5
2 0 1
Q.9 Find A2 – 5A + 6I, if A = 2 1 3
1 1 0
3 2 1 0
Q.10 If A = 4 2 and I = 0 1 , find k so that A = kA – 2I.
2 3
Q.11 Show that the matrix A= 1 2 satisfies the equation A2 – 4A+ I = O, where I is 2 × 2 identity matrix
and O is 2 × 2 zero matrix. Using the equation, find A–1.
1 2 3 7 8 9
Q.12 Find the matrix X so that X 4 5 6 = 2 4 6
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0 tan
Q.13 If A = 2 and I is the identity matrix of order 2, show that
tan 0
cos sin
I + A = (I – A) · sin cos .
2 3
Q.14 Let A = 1 2 . Then show that A2 – 4A + 7I = 0. Using this result calculate A5.
2 3 5
Q.15 If A = 3 2 4 , find A–1 and hence solve the following system of linear equations :
1 1 2
2x + 3y + z = 11
–3x + 2y – 4z = 4
5x – 4y – 2z = –9
2 3
Q.17 If A = 0 2 5 , then find the value of for which A–1 exists.
1 1 3
2 3
Q.18 If A = 5 2 , write A–1 in terms of A.
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f (x )
If Lim has the value equal to k(sin 3x + sin3x) find k N.
h 0 h2
Q.2 If a, b and c are the roots of the cubic x3 – 3x 2 + 2 = 0 then find the value of the determinant
( b c) 2 a2 a2
b2 (c a ) 2 b2
c2 c2 (a b ) 2
1 3 5
Q.4 Given the matrix A = 1 3 5 and X be the solution set of the equation Ax = A,
1 3 5
x3 1
where x N – {1}. Evaluate 3 where the continued product extends x X.
x 1
3x 2 ( x 2) 2 5x 2 2x
(a) Let A = 1 , B = [a b c] and C = 5x 2x ( x 2) 2 be three given matrices,
6x 2x ( x 2) 2 5x 2
where a, b, c and x R, Given that tr·(AB) = tr·(C) x R, where tr·(A) denotes trace of A. Find
the value of (a + b + c).
2 1 9 3 . I is a unit matrix of order 2. Find all possible matrix X in the following
(b) GivenA= 2 1 ; B =
3 1
(i) AX = A (ii) XA = I (iii) XB = O but BX O.
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If h(x) = Tr. f ( x ) g( x ) , then find the absolute value of the difference between maximum and
minimum value of h(x).
[Note: Tr. (P) denotes the trace of matrix P.]
Let A be the 2 × 2 matrices given by A = a ij where a ij 0,1, 2, 3, 4
such that a11 + a12 + a21 + a22 = 4
(i) Find the number of matrices A such that the trace of A is equal to 4.
(ii) Find the number of matrices A such that A is invertible.
(iii) Find the absolute value of the difference between maximum value and minimum value of det (A).
(iv) Find the number of matricesA such that A is either symmetric or skew-symmetric or both and det (A)
is divisible by 2.
Q.8 Let Mn = [mij] denotes a square matrix of order n with entries as follows
for 1 i n, mi i = 10 ;
for 1 i n – 1, mi + 1, i = mi, i + 1 = 3
and all other entries in Mn are zero.
Let Dn be the determinant of matrix Mn, then find the value of (D3 – 9D2).
Q.9 If A is an orthogonal matrix and B = AP where P is a non singular matrix then show that the matrix
PB–1 is also orthogonal.
Q.10 Let f(x) = x 1 x 2 . Find the number of symmetric matrices A of order equals to the number of
integers in the range of f(x) and whose elements are the integral elements in the range of f(x)
and also Tr(A) is either equal to 1 or 0.
[Note : Tr (A) denotes the trace of matrix A]
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Q.1 C Q.2 A Q.3 B Q.4 D Q.5 B
Q.6 A Q.7 B Q.8 B Q.9 ABD Q.10 AC
Q.11 5 Q.12 0
Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 D Q.5 B
Q.6 B Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 C Q.10 C
Q.11 D Q.12 AC Q.13 1
Q.1 B Q.2 A Q.3 D Q.4 C Q.5 B
Q.6 C Q.7 D Q.8 B Q.9 C Q.10 B
Q.11 D Q.12 D Q.13 D Q.14 B Q.15 D
Q.1 A Q.2 A Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 D
Q.6 B Q.7 B Q.8 D Q.9 D Q.10 C
Q.11 A Q.12 B Q.13 C Q.14 ABC
Q.1 C Q.2 C Q.3 B Q.4 C Q.5 C
Q.6 B Q.7 C Q.8 D Q.9 A Q.10 C
Q.11 A Q.12 B Q.13 C Q.14 (A) Q; (B) S; (C) P; (D) P
Q.15 10 Q.16 4 Q.17 162 Q.18 28
Q.1 B Q.2 A Q.3 D Q.4 C Q.5 C
Q.6 C Q.7 D Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 C
Q.11 AB Q.12 CD Q.13 BC Q.14 ABCD Q.15 ABC
Q.16 (A) P, Q, T ; (B) S; (C) P, R ; (D) R Q.17 0 Q.18 51 Q.19 344
Q.1 (b) p Q.3 (a) 4, (b) 65 Q.7 (a) x = 1 or x = 2; (b) x = 4
Q.8 x = 0 or x = ± 3 2
a b 2 c2 Q.11 0
Q.12 (a) x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3 ; consistent ;
(b) x = 2 , y = 1 , z = 1 ; consistent (c) inconsistent
Q.13 – 2 Q.14 2
Q.17 x = 1 + 2K , y = 3K , z = K, when p = 1 ; x = 2K, y = 1 3K , z = K when p = 2 ; where K R
Q.18(a) 19, (b) 4
4 9
Q.19 If –5 then x = ; y = – and z = 0 ;
7 7
4 5K 13K 9
If = 5 then x = ;y= and z = K where K R
7 7
Q.20 (a) 21; (b) 5; (c) 119
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Q.1 8 Q.2 x= , y=2 Q.3 3(49 · 350 + 1) Q.4 1
Q.6 2 Q.7 AB is neither symmetric nor skew symmetric Q.8 n=7
4 7 7 1 48 25
Q.9 9 Q.10(a) 225, (b) – 8 Q.11 (a) ; (b)
3 5 5 19 70 42
Q.12 (a) – 4; (b) – 2 Q.13 1 Q.14 x1 = 1, x2 = – 1, x3 = 1
Q.15 100 Q.16 x = 2, y = 1, z = 1
Q.17 (i) a – 3 , b R ; (ii) a = – 3 and b 1/3 ; (iii) a = –3 , b = 1/3
Q.18 1 Q.19 8 Q.20 3355
Q.1 (a) D; (b) A Q.2 3 Q.3 B, C Q.4 2
Q.1 (A) R (B) Q,S (C) R,S (D) P,R Q.2 (a) A, (b) B, (c) B
Q.3 (a) A, (b) 4 ; (c) (i) D, (ii) C, (iii) D Q.4 (a) C, (b) 9
Q.5 (i) D ; (ii) D ; (iii)AD Q.6 CD Q.7 AB Q.8 CD
Q.9 CD Q.10 BC Q.11 B Q.12 AC
Q.13 1 Q.14 B Q.15 AD Q.16 400
Q.1 4 Q.2 2 Q.3 4 Q.4 1 Q.5 1
Q.6 4 Q.7 4 Q.8 1
Q.1 2 Q.2 3 Q.3 1 Q.4 4 Q.5 3
Q.6 2 Q.7 1 Q.8 2 Q.9 1 Q.10 3
Q.11 2 Q.12 3 Q.13 2
Q.1 a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 Q.2 x = 10 Q.3 0 Q.10 0
Q.15 x=4 Q.17 110 Q.19 –2 Q.22 k R – {0}
Q.1 x = 7, y = –1 Q.2 x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 Q.3 [14]
3 1
Q.4 x = 1 and y = –2 Q.5 x = 3, y = 1, y = 2 Q.6 4 2
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1 1 3 2 6
Q.7 A = 4 3
Q.8 A = 1 1 2
2 2 5
4 2 10
Q.9 A = –1 1 8 5 ; x = –1, y = 2, z = 3
30 7 4 5
Q.10 x = 2, y = 4, z = 3 Q.11 1/2 Q.12 x = 5, y = 8, z = 8
4 3
Q.13 x + y = 11 Q.14 3 0 Q.15 32
1 2
Q.16 x = 1, y = 2, z = –1 Q.17 2 Q.18 6
Q.19 3, 4, 5 Q.20 –I Q.21 x = 1, y = 2
3 2 1
9 6 2
Q.22 x = 200, y = 300, z = 400 Q.23 1 Q.24
5 3 1
9 1 10
12 8 20
Q.25 AC = ; BC = ; (A + B) C =
30 2 28
Q.26 Total amount of calories for familyAis 24600;
Total amount of calories for family B is 15800;
Total amount of proteins for familyAis 576 gram;
Total amount of proteins for family B is 332 gram;
Q.27 = Q.28 k = 27 Q.29 Rs 65 Q.30 k=2
1 2 0 1 2
Q.31 8 Q.33 A = 3 4 Q.34 A–1 = 2 9 23 ; x = 1, y = 2, z = 3
1 5 13
3 2 1
Q.35 a = –2, b = 3 Q.37 x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 Q.38 4 1 1
2 0 1
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81 0 1 0
Q.1 0 81 Q.2 0 1 Q.3 A= –AT, Ais skew-symmetric
1 1 3 2 3
Q.9 1 1 10 Q.10 k=1 Q.11 1 2
5 4 4
1 2 118 93
Q.12 2 0 Q.14 31 118 Q.15 x = 1, y = 2 and z = 3
8 1
Q.16 x = 2, y = 3 and z = 5 Q.17 – Q.18 A
5 19
Q.1 3
Q.2 – 108
Q.3 (a) 3 (b) = 3, =10 (c) = 3, 10
a b
Q.5 (a) 7 ; (b) (i) X = 2 2a 1 2b for a, b R; (ii) X does not exist;
a 3a
(iii) X = c 3c a, c R and 3a + c 0; 3b + d 0.; (c) 3
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