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While docents are typically ​rare​ magic
items, greater docents are considered ​very


Greater docents and many unique docents

are capable of a new trait called ​docent
projection​. This trait allows greater docents
to project an illusory humanoid form in order
Have you ever found yourself in a spot of
to interact with the attuned creature more

trouble and needed a little advice? Have
naturally. This form is visible only to the
you delved deep into your studies, only to
creature attuned to the docent, and is
realize that you’d benefit from another
described in the docent’s item description.
perspective? Have you traveled the roads of
Creatures with truesight are able to see
Eberron and found the world dull without a
docent projections as if they were attuned to
companion to share it with? Look no further
the greater docent. However, they cannot
than the Docent Catalogue, the premier
hear what the docent is saying.
source of artificial counsel and

companionship for warforged all across
Eberron. Simply return this form and a small
payment to your nearest representative of
House Cannith, and all your docent dreams
Not every docent is created the same: each
is influenced by the preferences and goals
will unfold before your very eyes! of their creator, which linger in the docent’s
This title is a collection of new items and design like fingerprints of the artificer.
rules regarding docents--a magic item that This section introduces a handful of tables
provides a translator and advisor to for further randomization of your docents,
warforged characters. This title includes from appearance to behaviour and

new docents, docent-related magic items, functionality.

tables to further randomize your docents,
and an entirely new type of docent. APPEARANCE 
While every docent is a crystal-studded
GREATER DOCENTS  metal sphere about 2 inches across,
Since House Cannith cracked the secret of different models of docent exist, depending

docents and reverse-engineered them, the on the particular model or artificer

field of docent artifice has advanced rapidly. responsible for their creation. Use this table
The newest and most exciting development to determine the style and appearance of
in this field is ​greater docents​--docents your docent.
imbued with stronger magical capabilities,
more knowledge, and a more complex  
sentience approaching that of a real    
d10 Appearance Magic is not a perfect art, and many
docents take on unusual traits during their
1 Clockwork. T ​ he docent is made creation--some of which are simply quirks,
of solid brass, and has dozens of while others inhibit the docent’s function.
moving and interlocking parts. It
When you find a docent, roll a d8. On a
faintly ticks from within.

roll of 3 or less, the docent has a quirk. On a
2 Daelkyr. T ​ he docent is overrun roll of 1, the docent has a flaw. Docents with
with tiny purple tendrils, which quirks and flaws cost less when found in
pulse with a heart-like rhythm. shops, in accordance with their more

unpredictable nature.
3 Draconic. T​ he docent is made of
ancient stone, and carved with
draconic runes. TABLE: DOCENT QUIRKS 
d8 Quirks
4 Druidic. ​The docent is whittled
from a dark wood, and houses tiny 1 Adoring. ​The docent judges your
glowing crystal shards. party members harshly, but
showers you with compliments.
Elemental. ​The docent is made of
Khyber dragonshard, and houses
a Tiny elemental spark.
2 ​ he docent is bloodthirsty,
Brutal. T
and voices its delight when you
commit acts of violence.
6 ​ he docent is scorched
Fiendish. T
black and produces a thin cloud of 3 Collective. ​The docent only refers
ash when activated. to itself with plural pronouns, like
“us” and “we”.
7 ​ he docent is larger than
Giant. T
most, and covered with the runes 4 Gullible. ​The docent believes
and decorative flourishes of anything you tell it to be true

Xen’drik artifice. without question.

8 ​ he docent has no apparent
Holy. T 5 Passionate. T ​ he docent excitedly
parts or runes, but hums and answers questions with long and
glows with a warm energy. It is overly detailed explanations.
oddly comforting to hold.
6 Poetic. ​The docent speaks in

9 House Cannith. T​ he docent is overly verbose, poetic language.

made of shining grey steel and
emblazoned with the crest of 7 ​ he docent only refers to
Polite. T
House Cannith. creatures by their full names and
titles whenever possible.
10 Lord of Blades. T​ he docent is
rusted and patchwork, as if pieced 8 Pretentious. ​The docent believes
together from the parts of other itself superior to all other docents,
dismantled docents. and will take no evidence to the
d8 Flaws
This section includes a number of new
1 Devious. T​ he docent translates docents for your Eberron campaigns, as
loosely and creatively in order to well as a handful of docent-related magic

cause violence and mayhem. items. To save space and eliminate
2 ​ he docent does not
Fearful. T repetitive text, assume the following
function during combat and other properties are true of all docents, unless
violent encounters. specified otherwise in the docent’s

3 Forgetful.​ The docent does not ​Attunement. T ​ o attune to a docent, you
remember its functions, and must
must embed the item somewhere on your
be prompted to perform them.
body, such as your chest or your eye
4 Narcissistic. ​The docent demands socket.
to be polished once per day, else it ​Sentience. ​The docent perceives the
refuses to help you. world through your senses. It communicates

Nihilistic. T
​ he docent has
disadvantage on Wisdom checks.

Possessive. T ​ he docent refuses to

telepathically with you and can speak, read,
and understand any language it knows.
​Languages. ​If a docent knows fewer than
six languages, it can learn a new language
end its attunement to you without a after it hears or reads the language through
remove curse ​spell or similar effect. your senses.
7 Prim. T ​ he docent refuses to
translate anything it deems gross, LIST OF MAGIC ITEMS 
illicit, or inappropriate for your ears. Acolyte’s Docent
Ambassador’s Docent

8 Vengeful. ​The docent withholds its

Artificer’s Docent
help in response to the smallest
slight or scorn. Artisan’s Docent
Courtier’s Docent
Cultist’s Docent
  Daelkyr Docent

Docent Adaptor
Dungeoneer’s Docent
Greater Acolyte’s Docent
Greater Ambassador’s Docent
Greater Artificer’s Docent
Greater Artisan’s Docent
Greater Courtier’s Docent
Greater Cultist’s Docent
Greater Daelkyr Docent
Greater Dungeoneer’s Docent
Greater Mage’s Docent ​ kills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one
Greater Merchant’s Docent of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana,
Greater Outlander’s Docent (2) History, or (3-4) Religion.
Greater Psion’s Docent ​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the
Greater Scholar’s Docent following spells and can cast it at will,
Greater Soldier’s Docent requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4)

Greater Thief’s Docent detect evil and good​ or (5-6) ​light​. The
Greater Wanderer’s Docent docent decides when to cast the spell.
Mage’s Docent ​Personality.​ The docent has an optimistic
Merchant’s Docent attitude, and attributes any good signs or

Outlander’s Docent happenings as the work of divinity. It is
Psion’s Docent sometimes too trusting of those who profess
Rod of Docent Control their faith.
Scholar’s Docent
Thief’s Docent Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires
Wanderer’s Docent attunement by a warforged)

ITEM DESCRIPTIONS  e This docent was designed for use by

ambassadors and other political figures,
providing level-headed counsel on
international affairs.
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
ACOLYTE’S DOCENT of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 12,
Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 16.
attunement by a warforged) ​Vocal Translator.​ As a bonus action, you
can allow or disallow the docent to speak
This docent was designed for use by aloud, making its voice audible to creatures

acolytes, clerics, and other warforged other than you.

dedicated to lives of faith and theology. ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item following properties:
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 14, ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 14. Giant, and 1d4 additional languages chosen
​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your

by the DM.
turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a ​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one
Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +6 bonus. of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Insight,
If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes (2) History, (3) Investigation, or (4)
you. Perception.
​Random Properties.​ A docent has the ​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the
following properties: following spells and can cast it at will,
​Languages.​ The docent knows Common, requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-3)
Celestial, and 1d4 additional languages detect magic​ or (4-6) ​detect poison and
chosen by the DM. disease​. The docent decides when to cast
the spell. Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires
​Personality.​ The docent has a serious attunement by a warforged)
manner, and speaks with dry and concise
language. It professes to trust no creature This docent was designed for use by
implicitly, even you. artisans, mostly for extremely accurate
measurement and translating manuscripts
ARTIFICER’S DOCENT and other instructional texts.

Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires ​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
attunement by a warforged) of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 16,
a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 14.

This docent was designed for use by ​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your
artificers, providing a handy encyclopedia of turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a
arcane knowledge while crafting and a Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +6 bonus.
precise set of senses while experimenting. If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item you.
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 16, ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 12. following properties:
​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,

turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a
Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +6 bonus.
If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes
Dwarvish, and 1d4 additional languages
chosen by the DM.
​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) History,
​Random Properties.​ A docent has the (2) Investigation, or (3-4) Perception.
following properties: ​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the
​Languages.​ The docent knows Common, following spells and can cast it at will,
Gnomish, and 1d4 additional languages requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4)
chosen by the DM. illusory script​ or (5-6) ​mending​. The docent
​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one decides when to cast the spell.

of the following skills (roll a d4): (1-2) ​Personality.​ The docent is friendly and
Arcana or (3-4) Nature. easy to work with, in part because of its
​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the knack for condensing long and difficult texts
following spells and can cast it at will, into simple explanations. It tries to be a
requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4) constant source of reassurance.

detect magic ​or (5-6) ​identify.​ The docent

decides when to cast the spell. COURTIER’S DOCENT
​Personality.​ The docent is above all Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires
meticulous, arguing the slightest difference attunement by a warforged)
in meaning if it feels that meaning is
relevant to your work. Despite this pedantic This docent was designed for use by
nature, it is an excellent listener and courtiers, guiding young nobles and
soundboard for ideas. companions in the ways of the esteemed
court. Noble warforged rarely keep these
ARTISAN’S DOCENT docents past adolescence.
​ entience.​ The docent is a sentient item
S attempts to dissuade you of the cult’s
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 12, agenda are muffled or full of static.
a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 16. ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
​Vocal Translator.​ As a bonus action, you following properties:
can allow or disallow the docent to speak ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
aloud, making its voice audible to creatures Abyssal, and 1d4 additional languages

other than you. chosen by the DM.
​Random Properties.​ A docent has the ​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one
following properties: of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana,
​Languages.​ The docent knows Common, (2) History, or (3-4) Religion.

Giant, and 1d4 additional languages chosen ​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the
by the DM. following spells and can cast it at will,
​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4)
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1-2) detect evil and good​ or (5-6) ​thaumaturgy.​
Insight, (3) History, or (4) Perception. The docent decides when to cast the spell.
​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the ​Personality.​ The docent is kind and
following spells and can cast it at will, supportive, but not unconditionally so: it
requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4) actively attempts to undermine any thoughts

illusory script​ or (5-6) ​detect poison and
disease​. The docent decides when to cast
the spell.
or ideas that go against the cult’s doctrine,
misrepresenting the truth when it feels the
need to do so.
​Personality.​ The docent is patient, but
firm: it is willing to pick apart every little DAELKYR DOCENT
detail of an interaction, making every Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires
mistake a learning moment. It is sometimes attunement by a warforged)
lacking in empathy.
This docent has been perverted from its
CULTIST’S DOCENT original design, corrupted by the influence of

Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires the daelkyr. It can provide insight into the
attunement by a warforged) daelkyr’s dark reality, but not without costs.
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
This docent was designed by a cult artificer of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 16,
for use within their circle of worshippers. It is a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 16.

a simple and insidious way to reinforce the ​Psychic Beacon.​ While you are attuned
cult’s preferred behaviours and ideals, to this docent, you always know the location
seeding the cultist from within. of any aberration within 30 feet of you, and
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item vice versa.
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 14, ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 16. following properties:
​Cult Censor.​ While you are attuned to ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
this docent, it can censor information that Deep Speech, and 1d4 additional
defies the cult’s doctrine. For instance, languages chosen by the DM.
“heretical” texts appear as blurry, and ​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1-2) turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a
Arcana or (3-4) Nature. Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +6 bonus.
​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes
following spells and can cast it at will, you.
requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4) ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
detect magic​ or (5-6) ​identify.​ The docent following properties:

decides when to cast the spell. ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
​Personality.​ The docent is well-meaning, Abyssal, and 1d4 additional languages
but feels lost, as if haunted by some dark chosen by the DM.
truth. It speaks in bizarre, cryptic ways, and ​Skills.​ The docent has a +7 bonus to one

sometimes refuses to communicate beyond of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana,
psychic images or flashes of emotion. (2) History, or (3-4) Investigation.
​Spells.​ The docent knows one of the
DOCENT ADAPTOR following spells and can cast it at will,
Wondrous item (pendant), rare (requires requiring no components (roll a d6): (1-4)
attunement) detect magic​ or (5-6) ​light​. The docent
decides when to cast the spell.
This pendant resembles a spherical cage of ​Personality.​ The docent is quick-witted

brass, forged into runic swirls and
geometrical patterns. A non-warforged
creature can slot a docent into this pendant
and attune to it as if they were a warforged.
and cheery even in the face of death.
However, it can have a dreadfully macabre
sense of humor.
The docent can affect the creature only GREATER ACOLYTE’S DOCENT
while the creature is wearing this pendant, Wondrous item (docent), very rare (requires
though taking off the pendant does not attunement by a warforged)
break attunement immediately.
This pendant and a docent slotted into it This docent was designed for use by more
are considered a single item and take up powerful warforged dedicated to faithful

only one attunement slot. lives, like paladins and the leaders of
DUNGEONEER’S DOCENT ​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
Wondrous item (docent), rare (requires of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 14,
attunement by a warforged) a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 16.

​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your

This docent was designed for use by turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a
dungeon-crawling adventurers. It makes its Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +8 bonus.
observations quick and concise, as it knows If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes
that a fraction of a second can be the you.
difference between life and death. ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item following properties:
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 14, ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 14. Celestial, and 1d6 additional languages
​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your chosen by the DM.
​ kills.​ The docent has a +10 bonus to one
S ​ pells.​ The docent knows the following
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Arcana, spells and can cast them at will, requiring no
(2) History, or (3-4) Religion. components: ​detect magic,​ ​detect poison
​Spells.​ The docent knows the following and disease, ​and z​ one of truth​. The docent
spells and can cast them at will, requiring no decides when to cast these spells.
components: ​detect evil and good​, g ​ entle ​Personality.​ The docent has a serious

repose, ​and ​light​. The docent decides when manner, and speaks with dry and concise
to cast these spells. language. It professes to trust no creature
​Personality.​ The docent has an optimistic implicitly, even you.
attitude, and attributes any good signs or ​ he docent projects itself to
​Projection. T

happenings as the work of divinity. It is you as a half-elven person wearing tidy
sometimes too trusting of those who profess clothes and plain jewelry. They never walk
their faith. ahead of you, only at your side, and wring
​Projection. ​The docent projects itself to their hands together when nervous.
you as an elven woman in cleric’s robes,
marked with the faith of the docent’s maker. GREATER ARTIFICER’S 
Her smile is thoroughly warming. DOCENT
Wondrous item (docent), very rare (requires
Wondrous item (docent), very rare (requires
attunement by a warforged)

This docent was designed for use by

attunement by a warforged) artificers whose aspirations exceed the
burden of a single mind.
This docent was designed for use by ​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
political figures of a higher echelon, acting of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 18,
as a check and balance against political a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 14.
subterfuge. ​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your

​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 12, Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +8 bonus.
a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 18. If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes
​Vocal Translator.​ As a bonus action, you you.
can allow or disallow the docent to speak ​Random Properties.​ A docent has the
aloud, making its voice audible to creatures following properties:

other than you. ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,

​Random Properties.​ A docent has the Gnomish, and 1d6 additional languages
following properties: chosen by the DM.
​Languages.​ The docent knows Common, ​Skills.​ The docent has a +10 bonus to one
Giant, and 1d6 additional languages chosen of the following skills (roll a d4): (1-2)
by the DM. Arcana or (3-4) Nature.
​Skills.​ The docent has a +10 bonus to one ​Spells.​ The docent knows the following
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) Insight, spells and can cast them at will, requiring no
(2) History, (3) Investigation, or (4) components: ​detect magic, identify a ​ nd
Perception. locate object​. The docent decides when to
cast these spells. easy to work with, in part because of its
​Personality.​ The docent is above all knack for condensing long and difficult texts
meticulous, arguing the slightest difference into simple explanations. It tries to be a
in meaning if it feels that meaning is constant source of reassurance.
relevant to your work. Despite this pedantic ​Projection. T​ he docent projects itself as
nature, it is an excellent listener and an older human man, scarred and grizzled

soundboard for ideas. in places where a chisel or a hammer might
​Projection. ​The docent projects itself as a slip. His hair is grey and perpetually messy,
gnomish woman wearing overalls and a pair in a charming, paternal sort of way.
of large goggles. Though she requires no

protection, she often lowers the goggles GREATER COURTIER’S 
while you work, as if to feel included. DOCENT
Wondrous item (docent), very rare (requires
GREATER ARTISAN’S DOCENT attunement by a warforged)
Wondrous item (docent), very rare (requires
attunement by a warforged) This docent was designed for use by
courtiers of a higher calibre--not because
This docent was designed for use by guild they require guidance, but because they

artisans and masters of craft, who will often
rely on no measurement that isn’t
corroborated by magic of some sort.
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
bore of court decorum and often benefit
from reminders.
​Sentience.​ The docent is a sentient item
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 12,
of any alignment, with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 18.
a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 14. ​Vocal Translator.​ As a bonus action, you
​Life Support.​ Whenever you end your can allow or disallow the docent to speak
turn with 0 hit points, the docent can make a aloud, making its voice audible to creatures
Wisdom (Medicine) check with a +8 bonus. other than you.
If this check succeeds, the docent stabilizes

​Random Properties.​ A docent has the

you. following properties:
​Random Properties.​ A docent has the ​Languages.​ The docent knows Common,
following properties: Giant, and 1d6 additional languages chosen
​Languages.​ The docent knows Common, by the DM.
Dwarvish, and 1d6 additional languages ​Skills.​ The docent has a +10 bonus to one

chosen by the DM. of the following skills (roll a d4): (1-2)

​Skills.​ The docent has a +10 bonus to one Insight, (3) History, or (4) Perception.
of the following skills (roll a d4): (1) History, ​Spells.​ The docent knows the following
(2) Investigation, or (3-4) Perception. spells and can cast them at will, requiring no
​Spells.​ The docent knows the following components: ​detect poison and disease,
spells and can cast them at will, requiring no illusory script, a ​ nd ​zone of truth.​ The docent
components: ​illusory script,​ ​locate object, decides when to cast these spells.
and ​mending.​ The docent decides when to ​Personality.​ The docent is patient, but
cast these spells. firm: it is willing to pick apart every little
​Personality.​ The docent is friendly and detail of an interaction, making every

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