Woreda Coordinator - Simada
Woreda Coordinator - Simada
Woreda Coordinator - Simada
Woreda Coordinator
Under the guidance and close supervision of the Zonal Coordinator, the Woreda Coordinator is responsible for
the overall implementation of project strategies and activities within their assigned Woredas, which includes
the supervision of the group mentors and other planned activities. She/ he is responsible to closely work with
the Woreda Health Office, Women, Children and Youth, Education Office and other stakeholders to ensure
project success. The Woreda Coordinator will play a key role in cascading training activities to the Kebeles. The
project will be implemented in phases so that the woreda coordinator will be in charge of additional woredas
during expansion.
Lead project implementation in the woreda which she/he will be assigned once the position is assumed.
Organize events to sensitize the community to the program.
Lead and organize the process of selecting group mentors and adolescents to participate in the project.
Lead implementation of complimentary interventions in collaboration with stakeholders.
Work with National MEL Officer to ensure quality data are uploaded on a timely basis, which will include
oversight of paper-based forms being distributed to woreda and kebele level teams and entering the
data into DHIS2, a digital database.
Work with technical and programmatic staff to promote data use and data-informed decision-making,
including leading regular performance review meetings and flagging potential issues with
implementation quality or project performance.
Produce monthly and quarterly reports to be submitted to the Zonal Coordinator.
Provide technical assistance in the integration of adolescent girls issues at the woreda level and support
review meetings that bring multiple stakeholders together.
Work with the woreda health office, Kebele managers and the Women’s Affairs office to secure the
necessary support for the implementation of project activities.
Coordinate different community gatekeepers sensitization programs, parental consultations, boys
engagement activities in collaboration with Kebele supervisors
Engage in the capacity building activities with project implementers and stakeholders.
Strengthen networks and partnership in the zone and attend relevant government and partners’
meetings to further develop collaboration among different stakeholders.
Travel frequently to the kebeles in the woredas to provide technical support and supervision to the
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4/7/22, 11:49 AM Print Job Listing Woreda Coordinator | Ethiojobs
Oversee the provision of supportive supervision to the group mentors, and conduct follow up visits to
project implementation sites to identify gaps and propose solutions.
Lead quarterly review meetings with Mentors and other stakeholders in the assigned woreda.
Participate in mandatory trainings relevant to the project, and then train others.
Support in documenting project processes and gathering of data against project indicators.
Undertakes other tasks assigned by her / his supervisor.
Job Requirement
Bachelor’s Degree in public health, social sciences, and other related fields.
Must have a minimum of 3 (three) years of experience in reproductive health and Gender-related
Experience in practical fieldwork in collaboration with existing government departments of Health,
Women’s, Children and Youth.
Must have strong facilitation skills for community-based gender-related programming and catalyzing
different stakeholders for adolescent girls’ issues.
Familiarity with monitoring and evaluation practices.
Must be able to work with minimum supervision and have strong interpersonal skills and skills to
promote teamwork.
Must demonstrate strong interest and commitment to adolescent girl issues, gender equity actions, and
abandonment of harmful traditional practices that affect the health and well-being of women and girls.
Must have demonstrable personal integrity and honesty and must have strong people skills.
Skills and experience in computer applications and utilization are mandatory.
Must have strong writing and communication skills both in Amharic and English.
Must be willing to travel frequently to target woredas and kebeles in the zone.
How to Apply
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