Training 2020 July - Final
Training 2020 July - Final
Training 2020 July - Final
Bank Asia also originated the first BACH transaction as well as the first BEFTN transaction in the upgraded Apart from this, PSD provides daily approximately 30,000 MICR cheque
BACH-II operation on 24.10.2019. leaves to all Branches, Agent Banking, Islami Wings, Credit Card etc.
16 Gift Cheque
17 Interest Warrant
18 Refund Warrant
19 Pay Order
20 Credit Card Cheque
PBM Server 23 Foreign Taka Demand draft
Inward Report
Branchwise Inward MKR CKR Status
Inward transaction profile
from Zoomed
Unique SL for Vendor tracking
MICR line
BACH settlement is done on the basis of image and data. As per the BACPS Operating Rules and Procedures Presenting Banks are responsible for:
Presenting bank will be held guilty of negligence because black & white image fails to enable
Paying bank to ensure genuineness of cheque Should comply to the BACPS rules,
Send approved Payment Items to the Clearing House ( non MICR instruments, items drawn on the
Conducting due diligence is responsibility of presenting bank to: bank branches those are closed for special reason are non eligible)
Attempt to detect fraud, forgery or tampering apparent on the face of the instrument
Failure in producing the original item to the paying bank will end in non payment of that item by
Employ suitable risk management techniques the paying bank.
scrutiny of high value transactions Credit the proceed of cheque to the customers A/C on immediately after settlement.
limit based checking by officials
Ensure Positive Pay received from the client as per PSD Circular For Banker:
04/2013, Date 26/11/2013
Signature missing/erroneous in SS card/ not scanned properly
Positive Pay Instruction by Account Holder is Mandatory for
Tk. 1.00 lac & above (for corporate/Proprietorship) Operation instruction mismatch
Tk. 5.00 lac & above (for individual) TP not updated
Fake address
In case of non availability of PPI, the cheque may be returned by Balance confirmation/welcome letter procedure not followed
showing the cause “advice not received”. Cheque handed over without entry etc.
EFT credit transactions involve both consumer and corporate payments with
EFT Operator separate rules and regulations for each.
The most typical consumer EFT application is Direct Deposit of Payroll.
Utility company can initiate an EFT entry to collect bill from the consumers. Advantage to Companies
Reduction of clerical cost for cheque issuance/cash disbursement
Elimination of time lost by employees in depositing cheque
Some EFT Debit Application Eliminate cheque procurement costs
Better cash management/ forecasting
Utility bill payments Elimination of possibility of loss or stolen cheque
Installment of loans
Insurance Premium Advantage to Banks
Mortgage/Loan installment payments Reduction of costs through automated processing
Club/Association subscriptions New opportunities for increased business : New services
Chittagong Stock Exchange Payments Public recognition through innovative payment services
Alleviation of teller-line and customer-desk congestion during peak periods
RTGS is an Inter-Bank Electronic large value Credit & Debit (Reserved i. Direct Members : Banks, BB
for BB only) transfer system ii. Sub Members : Small banks/Financials via
ii. Special Members : Other DNSs (Deferred Net Settlements) – BEFTN, NPSB, BACH
iv. Monitoring Member s : CGA & NBR (Customs, VAT, Challan)
Transfer of funds (LCY & FCY) or securities take place from one bank to
another. BB-RTGS Transaction types
Settlement in ‘Real Time’ means transaction is not subjected to any
• Interbank Transactions :
waiting period. Money Market Transactions
‘Gross Settlement’ means the transaction is booked in central bank’s Domestic Forex Transactions
account on one to one basis without netting with any other • Customer Transactions
transaction. P2P, P2B, P2G, B2P, B2B, B2G, G2P, G2B
Minimum limit of transaction is 1 lac taka. • Settlement from other DNS (deferred net settlements)s :
Maker shall initiate RTGS Transaction on the basis of instruction given in RTGS request form Now, Operation rights are given to branches having designated
by Customer manpower.
Maker must be Senior Officer or above, or PA holder.
Only HoB/MoB should perform as checker
Checker must be SEO or above, and/or HoB/MoB.
The transaction amount will not show on the checker's screen to ensure operation security.
Checker has to input the amount in checker module himself. For amount above 1 million, 3rd authentication from PSD is required.
If amount differs, transaction will not be processed. Other Branches communicate PSD through HoB/MoB with ‘Branch
Request’ and ‘Customer Application Form’ for central support.
Branches shall maintain all original documents of RTGS transaction jointly signed by two
authorized officers of bank. A Central Live Dashboard is placed at PSD for live monitoring.