Short Answer Problems
Short Answer Problems
Short Answer Problems
1. Complete this magic triangle so that the numbers along each side give
the same sum. Use each of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 only once.
(You are required to give only one solution.)
4. If a positive whole number B is divided by 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9, the remainder
is 1. Find the smallest possible value of B.
5. During the first five months of 2004, a company suffered a loss, then
gained profit in the remaining seven months. The biggest loss, occurred
in March, was 10 million rupiahs. The lowest profit was 9 million rupi-
ahs in June and the highest profit was 15 million rupiahs in October.
At least how much was the company’s profit during the whole year of
7. Ms. Olmer pays the employees of her company every first Wednesday
of the month. She goes to the bank to get the money for the salaries
every first Tuesday of the month. One Wednesday morning, Ms. Olmer
realized that she had to pay the employees, but she had not yet gone to
the bank to get the money. What day is the fifth day of that month?
8. The figure below shows four equal circles. Each circle touches two
adjacent circles. If the radius of each circle is 10 cm, find the area of
the shaded region.
9. Mr. White multiplies the first one hundred prime numbers. How many
consecutive zero digits can be found at the end of the resulting number?
10. A, B and C are nonnegative whole numbers less than 10 and satisfying
the following multiplication: Find one set of values for A, B and C.
12. A circular bicycle path is 1 km long. Dodi rode a bicycle for two rounds
at the speed of 30 kph. If he wants to average 40 kph, what should be
his speed for the next four rounds?
13. Each letter represents a non-zero whole number less than 10. Different
letters represent different numbers. Find the four-digit number ST N A.
14. The entries to the table below are whole numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9. Each
number appears only once in the table. The numbers written to the
right and below the table are products of numbers in the respective
rows and columns. Find the number represented by “*”.
16. The figure below shows an arrow, with length 14 cm, in its starting
position. The arrow is turned clockwise and makes 7 complete rounds
plus 202.5o . Find the length of the path passed by the tip of the arrow.
(Use π = 7
17. A plane cuts a cube through vertex A into two parts. If the cross
section formed by cutting the cube is an equilateral triangle, find the
number of ways to cut the cube.
18. Hyde has some candies. Every day, he eats one half of the remaining
candies from the previous day, plus one more candy. After five days all
the candies were gone. How many candies does Hyde have originally?
Find N .
21. A box without top cover (Figure B) is formed from a square carton
size 34 cm × 34 cm (Figure A) by cutting the four shaded areas. If the
sides of each shaded square are whole numbers, find the largest possible
volume of the box.
22. Let N be a 6-digit number. Its first digit is 1. If the first digit is moved
to become the last digit, the resulting number is three times N . Find
23. The following figure shows a regular hexagon ABCDEF . Each of the
points P, Q, R and S is the midpoint of a side of ABCDEF . Find the
ratio of the area of rectangle ABDE to the area of rectangle P QRS.
24. An ant sits at a vertex of a dodecahedron with edge length 1 meter.
The ant moves along the edges of the dodecahedron and comes back to
the original vertex without visiting any other vertex more than once.
How many meters is the longest journey? (This dodecahedron has 12
faces and 30 equal edges.)
How many times in the year 2005 does the display show a palindrome?
(A palindrome is a number which is read the same forward as backward.
Examples: 12 : 31 : 13 : 21 and 01 : 02 : 20 : 10.)