Office of The President National Housing Authority Sworn Application Form
Office of The President National Housing Authority Sworn Application Form
Office of The President National Housing Authority Sworn Application Form
Date of Application
In accordance with NHA rules and regulations which I and my family agree to comply with faithfully, I hereby apply:
(Please check)
/__/ Do not own nor under contract to buy any real property in the Philippines
/__/ Have never availed of any form of government housing assistance, nor violated Section 14 of RA 7279
/__/ Are not professional squatters, nor members of a squatting syndicates
I further certify that I am making this application for the sole purpose of acquiring a residential unit for my family and
not to a DUMMY or AGENT of any party.
Any false statement given by me hereinabove shall be sufficient cause for the CANCELLATION of the award, the
contract that may be executed by NHA in my favor and the title that may be issued to me as a result of this application, and the
forfeiture of all payments that may have been made therefore without prejudice to any administrative, criminal or civil action that
may be brought by the NHA against me in accordance with existing laws.
(Signature of
Doc. No. ________;
Page No. ________;
Book No.________;
Series of ________.