Manufacturing Quality Manual: Cert. No. NQ767/04 Cert. No. TH04/0500
Manufacturing Quality Manual: Cert. No. NQ767/04 Cert. No. TH04/0500
Manufacturing Quality Manual: Cert. No. NQ767/04 Cert. No. TH04/0500
For more than 20 years since its establishment in 1984, Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd. (TAP) has
remained committed to providing the highest quality potable water transmission systems whilst maintaining the
integrity of the natural environment. TAP is the pioneer producer of HDPE or High Density Polyethylene Pipe, a
high quality type of polyethylene, under the brand.
TAP’s management team holds the vision that the ultimate aim of the company is not to become the
largest polyethylene pipe manufacturer in Thailand, but rather to become a leading producer of top-quality pipe
with the only fully-integrated center in Southeast Asia, producing and selling all types of fittings at competitive
prices. TAP has placed special emphasis on quality control to ensure standardized production processes. The
company houses a fully equipped laboratory supported by professional and well-trained staff to assure the quality
of materials and finished goods. TAP also strives to deliver products in the fastest and safest way possible to
further guarantee customer satisfaction.
Sales Office :
67 Moo.4, Suksawad Rd.,
Bangkru, Phradaeng,
Samuthprakan 10130
Tel. (66) 2818-8720-5
Fax. (66) 2463-4039
E-mail :
Head Office :
555 Moo.18, Pakchong,
Nakhonratchasima, 30130
Item Page
1. The Company's Profile 1
2. Quality Products 2
2.1 HDPE Pipe Products 2
2.2 Fully-Integrated Center for HDPE Fittings 2
2.3 Completely Fittings for HDPE Pipe 3
3. Quality Policy 4
3.1 Reference 4
3.2 Scope of certification 4
3.3 Detailed of quality policy 4
4. Management & Quality Systems Responsibilities 5
4.1 Quality Planning 5
4.2 Management Representative 5
4.3 Organization Chart 5
4.4 Resource Management 6
4.5 Internal Communication 6
5. Quality System 6
5.1 General 6
5.2 Quality Manual 6
5.3 Procedure Manual 6
5.4 Work Instruction 6
5.5 Quality Record 6
5.6 Supporting Document 6
6. Details of Management Activities and Relations Between
Processes Related to The ISO 9001: 2004 Requirements
7. Data Analysis 12
8. Continual Improvement 12
9. Customer Satisfaction 12
"The manufacturer of Polyethylene / Polypropylene Pipe & Fittings ; Single & Two layers
smooth wall pipe and single & double wall corrugated pipe."
Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd. develop special pipe of 1,600 mm to conform to the
was established on September 12, diameter. international standards such as
1994 at 67 Moo 4, Suksawad The company’s annual TIS 982-2548, DIN 8074, AS/NZ
Road, Tambon Bangkru, productivity rose to 20,000 tonnes 4130, ISO 4427 or other
Samutprakarn province 10130. in the same year, serving both customer require.
The company offers consumers domestic and international It’s continuous product
the best quality HDPE pipe for markets. improvement, coupled with its
water transmission and electrical TAP relocated its production excellent services, has made the
wiring applications, LDPE (low facilities to Pakchong Sub-district, company highly regarded among
density polyethylene) pipe for Nakhon Ratchasima Province. On both government and private-
agricultural uses, and PP a designated area of over 155 rai sector organizations. The
(polypropylene) pipe for hot water (248,000 sq.m.) the company has company’s achievement of the
supply systems, water treatment built a pipe-manufacturing facility, internationally recognized ISO
systems and chemical a fittings and accessories factory, 9001 : 2000 quality management
transmission pipelines under the a warehouse, a quality control certification is a further indication
brand. laboratory, and a sales office. of the company’s commitment to
On an operational area of Each component of the facility has quality.
about 14 rai (22,400 sq.m.) and been designed to create. With a The company’s ISO 9001
with an annual production capacity new production target of 25,000 : 2000 Certified by NAC :
of 14,000 tonnes. This capacity tonnes per year, TAP is Certificate No. NQ767/04 and
was adequate to serve the determined to fully utilize the UKAS Certificate No.TH04/0500
consistently growing demand capacity of its new manufacturing
arising from the country’s facility for the production of fully
economic growth and integrated, top-quality pipe.
infrastructure development. We have the capability to "In all activities, TAP
TAP has always invested manufacture a wide variety of PE makes “quality” its first
pipes and fittings ranging from
Authorized Date 07-07-2008
Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd. 6) HDPE CONDUIT PIPE
is dedicated to producing a range for underground cable system
of PE pipes in diameters of 16 - ranging from Dia 20 - 160 mm.
1,600 mm, with various types of 7) LDPE PIPE for agricultural
fittings and supported by ranging from Dia 12 - 32 mm.
integrated services. To maintain
the quality of finished goods, the
company emphasizes stringent 2.2 Fully-Integrated Center
quality control at all stages of the for HDPE Fittings
production process. The best
quality raw materials are sourced Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd.
both locally and overseas as (TAP) has long realized that “good
feedstock for production. The piping systems” require not only
company has invested heavily in good pipes but also top-quality
new technology and equipment, fittings and accessories. Aiming to
while maintenance of the become the biggest fully
production line and equipment is integrated HDPE Fittings Center in
given top priority. Quality control the region, TAP offers a
is conducted throughout the comprehensive range of pipe
whole process. fittings and related services. As
well as intensive customer care,
2.1 HDPE Pipe Products TAP emphasizes ongoing product
development and the introduction
1) HDPE PIPE for potable of advanced manufacturing
water supply system ranging from technology to maintain high
Dia 16 - 1,600 mm. standards of production. The
2) Q1 HDPE PIPE & Ezy- company has succeeded in
Loc FITTINGS for drinking water melding an efficient and easy-to-
supply system ranging from Dia use system with high-quality
1/2 - 1 inch products to consistently ensure
3) TWO LAYERS HDPE the satisfaction of customers.
PIPE Q3 : PE80 & Q5 : PE 100
for water supply system ranging
from Dia 63 - 1,000 mm.
4) TAPKORR corrugated PE is the quality assurance
pipe for drainage and subsoil for our company fitting’s product
Drainage ranging from Dia 100 - that use to guarantee for all our
200 mm. products maintain on high class
Authorized Date 07-07-2008
Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd. improvement.
has organized a policy plan with The company’s executives
the objectives and goals must follow and implement the
compatible with the company’s activities concretely : training and
business policy to ensure its educating the staff, and creating
capability to follow and sustain the their consciousness of safety and
ISO 9001 : 2000 environmental protection.
The company’s executives The company’s quality policy
show determination and realization includes the same content as
in their duties and responsibilities mentioned earlier. The company
for the active implementation of also specifies the quality objectives
the quality policy. that can be implemented by all
The company’s staff at all related parties as shown in the 3.1 REFERENCE
levels are required to supply details and distribution of the The company implements
quality products to customers as quality objectives for the efficiency the quality management policy for
required, provide good regular of the quality objectives. business processes or activities to
service, and make continual quality conform to the ISO 9001 : 2000
Thai-Asia P.E. Pipe Co., Ltd. 1. Supervise the quality 3. Ask all the company’s
has appointed “Assistant system preparation and implement staff to realize customers’ needs.
managing director” to be the the requirements of the quality 4. Work as the liaison
management representative system. between external organizations or
working as a QMR (Quality 2. Report the results of the institutions for effective quality
Management Representative) and quality system implementation to system operation.
holding the following the executive for revision and
responsibilities. quality improvement.
controlled only if specified in the products or services as specified in the control is specified as work
company’s controlled list. the QM system without any out- manual TAP-PM-17 Document, Data
and Record Control.
The process starts with the The manual includes the The process includes
executive’s goal setting of the process of producing new providing production materials or
company’s yearly sale. The products. The design input may equipment. The amount of the
marketing specifies the policy as be obtained from customers or main raw materials (plastic pellets)
the department’s strategies and high executives. The related units to be purchased must be
plans by assigning them to each must specify the design output in calculated in accordance with the
sales representative. The division accordance with the input. The marketing goals and call-in time of
each lot, which will agree with
or line managers will monitor details of the design process must
customers’ orders. The process
them and report the results to the be clear and specifies related starts when the amount to be
executive at intervals for their units. The design input must purchased has been informed. The
suggestions. The marketing plan is agree with the design output. purchasing form must be fully
also used as the input of the next Also, the plan must be able to detailed and approved by the
raw material purchasing and order show the review, verification and authority before submitted to the
management plans. validation procedures. After the approved suppliers and distributed
design process is finished, the to the company’s related staff for
trial-run procedure will be operated collection. The process ends when
until the end of production. the company receives complete
and correct goods. The purchasing
TAP-PM-04 department will be the coordinator
TAP-PM-02 in case of faulty goods that may
Enquiry management Production planning
result in complaints. The results
must be recorded for monitoring
The process starts when The process starts when the the suppliers’ behaviors. If the
customers inform the company of planning department has been goods are in good condition, the
their needs. The sales department informed of orders by the sales purchasing department will collect
will prepare order records. Before department. The planning department the documents for the accounting
acknowledging orders, the must calculate the standard time of department for payment.
organization applies and records production before making plans. The
methods of capacity review by production plan must be monitors to
considering quantity, delivery avoid direct effects on customers.
period, supplying conditions and Information about efficiency of
other related laws and regulations. planning must be collected regarding
Any change made by customers maximum productivity and minimum
or related companies must be waste caused by planning mistakes.
accurately informed in documents. Planning must cover the production
Authorized Date 07-07-2008
The process covers the The process starts when the The document is used as a
procedures of specifying the production department receives the guideline for handling non-
selection criteria which cover all production plan from the planning conforming products, which
types of suppliers such as raw department. The production covers
material suppliers, transport department must prepare raw 1. Raw materials
companies, calibration units. After materials, instruments and 2. Products occurring
suppliers have been contacted, the workforce for production. The details during production
performance evaluation criteria of preparation must be recorded as 3. Pre- and post-supply
must be specified such as quality, references. When resources are products to the customer
supplying. Any supplier failing to prepared, the production process The process starts with
follow the specified standard must which can be referred to from the the separation of non-conforming
be informed of its poor quality production plan will start. products together with clear
indications, responsibility
performance for further The plan consists of each specifications, problem analysis,
improvement. procedure, process parameters, the cause searching, correction
production department’s verification, measures such as means of
and production indications. When correction, product degradation,
the production process is finished, release permission, approval with
the products will be supplied to related authorities or customers’
warehouses. The production consent, re-examination and
department must do reports on record storage.
productivity, amount of waste and
problems arising in the production
The process includes the The process covers the The process starts when the
company’s checking procedures procedures of inspecting the quality production process is finished. The
when goods or instruments have of products in three stages. QC department inspects the quality
been received from suppliers 1. Inspection the incoming of of products and the warehouse unit
before stored in warehouses. The raw material and external product. stores the products. It includes
warehouse unit will manage the 2. In process inspection of means of indication and storage, and
stored goods by specifying types product during the production. preparation of correct reports on
or status of goods, making 3. Final inspection of finish goods in stock. When orders are
layouts, protecting environment, goods. (before deliver to customer) opened by the sales department, the
relocating instruments without Each inspection consists of a sales volume must be subtracted
sampling plan, inspection methods from warehouses. The transport
damaging them before the mature and specifications. After the
time, controlling requisition and division must be contacted, and the
inspection, any non-conforming trucks must be inspected and
storing them at the correct products must be handled as prepared for loading. These
Authorized Date 07-07-2008
and the results of inspection must work instructions until the products
be recorded for future reference. are supplied to customers.
The company specifies the The process covers calibration The process covers the
standard channels for receiving and recalibration of parameters. It control of internal and external
customers’ complaints. The starts with making a list of quality system documents such as
process starts when customers instruments that need calibrating, QM, PM, SPEC, Engineering Dwg.,
make complaints. The staff who specifying frequencies, making FORM, and outside operational
receive the complaints will fill the calibration plans, and calibrating as references such as TISI, ASTM,
information in the complaint form planned. Calibration records and DIN. The control must cover
before registering them with the externally calibrated instruments can means of coding, registration of
unit in charge or QMR. The QMR be traced back to the national master lists, distribution control,
will assign related people to standard. An internal calibration identification and retrieval, ways of
analyze the real causes of requires calibration manuals for correcting documents, means of
complaints and respond with each instruments, calibration controlling quality records in a
corrective and preventive methods specification, methods of handling filing system, specification of filing
that will prevent the problems non-calibrated instruments such as time, reservation of accessible
from recurring. The results will be labeling, indication of calibrated electronic data, and disposition.
Authorized Date 07-07-2008
verified. environment.
The process starts when a This document is used as a This process includes
related unit desires a staff guideline of internal audit. The procedures and details of the
recruitment that consists of process starts with audit planning, executive review. The review must
procedures and needs the followed by an appointment of be accomplished within one year,
executive's approval. Recruitment auditors, specification of neutral and the participants and the
procedures are used for selecting audit team, and preparation of review topics must be specified.
qualified candidates as specified in checklists before an audit. The The topics consist of :
the JD/JS. After recruitment, the audit results must be analyzed 1. Results of internal audit
new staff must be given an and reported to the audited unit 2.Customer's feedback toward
orientation in order to be informed so that it can find solutions and products
of the company's rules and prevent possible problems. A 3. Conformity of products or
regulations prior to being trained follow-up study of problems must processes performance
by their affiliations. The supervisor be committed to ensure that the 4. Results of corrective and
must specify the training period problems have been solved. The preventive actions
and evaluation methods. The results must be presented in the 5. Results of the previous
company must follow the executive review meeting. review meeting
procedures in considering the 6. System improvement plan
present staff's competence. The that may affect the quality system
department heads must examine 7. Evaluation of quality
the adequacy of the procedures in objectives
satisfying customers' needs and 8. Effectiveness of quality
use the results as means of policy
feedbacks such as the results The results of the review
from external training or from must be improved for the
their departments. After the effectiveness of the quality process
procedures, the staff's competence or system or product
must be evaluated again and improvement as required by
recorded. customers. Also, the results must
be recorded and kept for an
TAP-PM-21 appropriate period of time.
Objective management
The process starts when the results of production and service
people in charge have processes after the measurement
accomplished each process such and monitor processes. Data
as analysis of customers's analysis is already included in
satisfaction, sales performances, each procedure.
Thai-Asia P.E. pipe Co., Ltd. internal audit, data analysis,
will make continual improvement in correction, prevention, specification
the production process and of work objectives, executive
customer service according to the review meeting. The main
related procedures. Different objective is to satisfy customers.
methods will be employed such as
TAP offers a comprehensive high standards of production. The
range of pipe fittings and related company has succeeded in
services. As well as intensive melding an efficient and easy-to-
customer care, TAP emphasizes use system with high-quality
ongoing product development and products to consistently ensure
the introduction of advanced the satisfaction of customers.
manufacturing technology to maintain @
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