First Half Yearly Date Sheet (Pre - Primary)
First Half Yearly Date Sheet (Pre - Primary)
First Half Yearly Date Sheet (Pre - Primary)
3. Kits
containing Questúon Paper will be provided from the school.
4. After CLEARING ALL THE DUES, you may collect the Kit from the school on
the following days:
Classes Nursery to UKG: Monday 6t,
Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th September
2021 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Fr. AlsyhpP
nglph's School
Pocket-D, Alpha-1
Greater Noida-201308
St Joseph's School, Greater Noida
i r s t Half
Yearly Assessment (Examination
Date Sheet for Pre Primary
Date: 24/08/2021
Day & Date Nursery LKG UKG
Monday English Recitation English (Oral) English (Oral) Reading
Recitation Recitation
Tuesday Maths (Oral) Maths (Oral) Maths (Oral)
Wednesday HindiRhymes & Hindi (Oral & Rhymes) Hindi (Oral & Rhymes)
15.09.2021 Story Telling