Kia Quick Reference Guide 3
Kia Quick Reference Guide 3
Kia Quick Reference Guide 3
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Lighting control [4] Auto light [4] Tilt & telescopic steering [4] Cruise control
(CC)* [5]
1 OFF position
When the light switch Pull down the lock release
is in the AUTO light lever (1), adjust the steering 1 Cruise
Auto light position
position, the taillights wheel to the desired angle (2) indicator
and headlights will and height (3), then pull up
3 Parking light
be turned on or the lock-release lever to lock Cruise set
position off automatically the steering wheel in place. indicator
4 depending on the Be sure to adjust the steering
Headlight position
amount of light wheel to the desired position
outside the vehicle. before driving.
To set cruise control speed: To increase cruise control To decrease the cruising
set speed: speed:
1 Accelerate to the desired
speed, which must be Follow either of these Follow either of these
more than approximately procedures: procedures:
30km/h. • P
ush the + switch up and • P
ush the - switch down and
release it immediately. The release it immediately. The
2 Press driving assist button set speed will increase by set speed will decrease by
on the steering wheel,
1km/h each time the switch 1km/h each time the switch
to turn the function on.
is operated in this manner. is operated in this manner.
The cruise indicator light
will illuminate. • P
ush the + switch up and • P
ush the - switch down and
hold it whilst monitoring the hold it whilst monitoring the
The accelerator pedal
set speed on the cluster. set speed on the cluster. The
may be released at this
The set speed will increase set speed will decrease to
point. The desired speed
to the nearest multiple of ten the nearest multiple of ten
will automatically be
at first and then increase by at first and then decrease by
10km/h each time the switch 10km/h each time the switch
is operated in this manner. is operated in this manner.
Release the switch when the Release the switch at the
desired speed is shown and speed you want to maintain.
the vehicle will accelerate to
that speed.