Micro M+
Micro M+
Micro M+
he Micro M proved a very popular project.1 It seems hams really do like to operate their rigs from solar power while in the outback. Many hams find solar power to be very addictive. I had dozens of requests for information on how to increase the current capacity of the original Micro M controller. The original Micro M would handle up to 2 A of current. The PC board traces and blocking diode limited the design to this current capacity. I also wanted to improve the performance of the Micro M while I was at it. Because the Micro M switched the negative lead of the solar panel on and off, the negative lead of the solar panel had to be
insulated from the system ground. While thats not a problem with portable use, it may cause trouble with a home station where all the grounds should be connected. Heres what I wanted to do:
Reduce the standby current at night Increase current handling capacity to 4A Change the charging scheme to high (positive) side switching Improve the charging algorithm Keep the size as small as possible, but
large enough to build.
The Micro M+
I called the end result the Micro M+. You can assemble one in about an hour.
Everything mounts on one double-sided PC board. Its small enough to mount inside your rig yet large enough so you wont misplace it. You can stuff four of them in your shirt pocket! And, you need not worry about RFI being generated by the Micro M+. Its completely silent and makes absolutely zero RFI! The Micro M+ will handle up to 4 A of current from a solar panel. Thats equal to a 75-W solar panel.2 Ive reduced the standby current to less than 1 mA. Ive also introduced a brand new charging algorithm to the Micro M+. All the current switching is done on the positive side. Now, you can connect the photovoltaic (PV) array, battery and load grounds together. A complete kit of parts is available as well as just the PC board. The complete kit, including the PC board and all parts is $30.3 The Micro M+ is easy to build, making it a perfect first-time project.
Figure 1 This photo shows the Micro M+ charge controller circuit board. Leads solder to the board and connect to a solar panel and to the battery being charged.
October 2001
Figure 2The schematic diagram of the Micro M+ charge controller. C1, C5, C7, C80.1 F. C2, C4, C622-F, 16-V electrolytic. C30.01 F. D11N914, small signal silicon switching diode. D21N4747, 20-V, 1-W Zener. D31N4002, silicon rectifier diode. D480SQ045, 45-V, 8-A Schottky diode. DS1LED, junkbox variety. Q1, Q2, Q32N4401 NPN small-signal transistor (2N2222 or 2N3904 will also work). Q4IRF4905 P-channel MOSFET in TO-220 case. You will also need a small clip-on heat sink for this case. R1100 k, 1%. R249.9 k, 1%. R320-k trimmer. U1LM358AN, dual op-amp. U2LM555AN timer. U3LM78L08, 8-V regulator. U4LM336Z-5.0, 5.0-V Zener diode in TO-92 case. The adjust terminal allows control of the temperature coefficient and voltage over a range. The adjust terminal is not used for the Micro M+.
in a TO-220 case. Current from the solar panel is routed directly to the MOSFET source lead. N-channel power MOSFETs have very low RDS on and even lower prices. To switch current on and off in a high side application, the gate of an N-channel MOSFET must be at least 10 volts higher than the rail it is switching. In a typical 12-volt system, the gate voltage must be at least 22 volts to ensure the MOSFET is turned completely on. If the gate voltage is less than that required to fully enhance the MOSFET, it will be almost on and somewhat off (the MOSFET is operating in its linear region). The device will be destroyed at high current. To produce this higher gate voltage, some sort of oscillator typically is used to charge up a capacitor via a voltage doubler. This charge pump generates harmonics that may ride on the dc flowing into the battery under charge. Normally, this would not cause any problem, and in most cases, a filter or two on the dc bus will eliminate most of the harmonics generated. Even the best filter wont get rid of all the harmonics, however. To compound the problem, long wire runs to and from the solar panels and batteries act like antennas. The P-channel MOSFET eliminates the need for a charge pump altogether. To turn on a P-channel MOSFET, all we have to do is pull the gate lead to ground! Since the Micro M+ does not have a charge pump, it generates no RFI ! Now, you may be wondering, if the
October 2001 29
P-channel MOSFET is so great, why have you not seen them in applications like this before? The answer is twofold. First, the RDSon of a P-channel MOSFET has always been much higher than its N-channel cousin. Several years ago, a P-channel MOSFET with an RDS on of 0.12 ohms was considered very low. At that time an N-channel MOSFET had an RDSon of 0.009 ohms. Suppose you want to control 10 A of current from your solar panel. Using the N-channel MOSFET above we find the MOSFET will dissipate less than a watt of power. On the other hand, the P-channel MOSFET will dissipate 12 W of power! Current generated by our solar panels is way too expensive to have 12 W of it go up as heat from the charge controller. The second factor was price. The P-channel MOSFET I described above would have sold for $19 each. The N-channel would have been a few dollars.
wards. This protects the expensive P-channel MOSFET. Zener diode D2, a 1N4747, protects the gate from damage due to spikes on the PV line. Resistor R12 pulls the gate up, ensuring the power MOSFET is off when it is supposed to be.
The Micro M+ never draws current from the battery. The solar panel provides all the power the Micro Battery Sensing M+ needs.
In the last year or so the RDSon of the P-channel MOSFET has fallen to 0.028 ohms. The price, while still a bit on the steep side, has dropped to about $8 each. With the P-channel MOSFET controlling the current, diode D4an 80SQ045 Schottkyprevents current from the battery from flowing into the solar panel at night. This diode also provides reverse polarity protection to the battery in the event you connect the solar panel back30 October 2001
divided battery voltage before passing it along to the voltage comparator, U1A. Here the battery sense voltage is compared to the reference voltage supplied by U4. U4 is an LM336Z-5.0 precision diode. To prevent U1A from oscillating, a 10-M resistor is used to eliminate any hysteresis. As long as the battery under charge is below the reference point, the output of U1A will be high. This saturates transistors Q1 and Q2. Transistor Q2 conducts and lights LED DS1, our CHARGING LED. Q1, also fully saturated, pulls the gate of the P-channel MOSFET to ground. This effectively turns on the FET and current flows from the solar panel into the battery via D4. As the battery begins to take up the charge, its terminal voltage will increase. When the battery reaches the state-ofcharge set point, the output of U1A goes low. With Q1 and Q2 now off, the P-channel MOSFET is turned off, stopping all current into the battery. With Q2 off, the CHARGING LED goes dark. Since we have basically eliminated any hysteresis in U1A, as soon as the current stops, the output of U1A pops back up high again. Why? Because the battery terminal voltage will fall back down as the charging current is removed. If left like this, the Micro M+ would sit and oscillate at the state-of-charge set point. To prevent that from happening, an LM555 timer chip, U2, monitors the output of U1A. As soon as the output of U1A goes low, this low trips U2. The output of U2 goes high, fully saturating transistor Q3. With Q3 turned on, it pulls the base of Q1 and Q2 low. Since both Q2 and Q1 are now deprived of base current, they remain off. With the values shown for R15 and C2, charging current is stopped for about four seconds after the state-of-charge has been reached. After the four second delay, Q1 and Q2 are allowed to have base drive from U1A. This lights up the charging LED and allows Q4 to pass current once more to the battery. As soon as the battery hits the stateof-charge once more, the process is repeated. As the battery becomes fully charged, the on time will shorten up while the off time will always remain the same four seconds. In effect, a pulse of current will be sent to the battery that will shorten over time. I call this charging algorithm Pulse Time Modulation. As a side benefit of the pulse time modulation, the Micro M+ wont go nuts if you put a large solar panel onto a small battery. The charging algorithm will always keep the off time at four seconds allowing the battery time to rest before
The Micro M+ Charge Controller board, small enough to mount inside your rig, is shown connected to a solar panel and a rechargeable battery.
Youll need a good digital voltmeter and a variable power supply. Set the power supply to 14.3 V. Connect the battery negative and power supply negative leads together at a circuit-board ground point. Connect the PV positive and battery positive lead, and the power supply positive leads together. The charging LED should be on. If not, adjust trimmer R3 until it comes on. Check for +8 V at the V cc pins of the LM358 and the LM555. You should also see + 5 V from the LM336Z5.0 diode. Quickly move the trimmer from one end of its travel to the other. At one point the LED will go dark. This is the switch point. To verify that the off pulse is working, as soon as the LED goes dark quickly reverse the direction of the trimmer. The LED should remain off for several seconds and then come back on. If everything seems to be working, its time to set the state-of-charge trimmer.
Now, slowly adjust the trimmer until the LED goes dark. You might want to try this adjustment more than once as the closer you get the comparator to switch at exactly 14.3 V, the more accurate the Micro M+ will be. Heres a hint Ive learned after adjusting hundreds of Micro M+ controllers. Set the power supply to slightly above the cutoff voltage you want. If you want 14.3 V, then set the supply to 14.5 V. Ive found that in the time it takes to react to the LED going dark, you overshoot the cutoff point. Setting the supply higher takes this into account and usually you can get the trimmer set to exactly what you need in one try. Thats all you need to do. Disconnect the supply from the Micro M+ and youre ready for the solar panel.
More Current?
Well yes, you can get the Micro M+ to handle more current. You must increase the capacity of the blocking diode and mount the power MOSFET on a larger heat sink. Ive used an MBR2025 diode and a large heat sink for the MOSFET and can easily control 12 A of current.
October 2001
In The Micro-M Charge Controller (Oct
2001 QST, page 30), the reference to R2 in the shaded sidebar should read, from 49.9 k 1% to 82.5 k 1%. Press Jones, N8EUG, of The Wireman, has called our attention to the fact that some information was left out of the New Products announcement for the CQ113PE coaxial cable (New Products, October 2001, page 100). The description should have read: The center conductor, solid polyethylene dielectric and 97% copper braid follow the specification for Mil SpecRG-213/U and its predecessor RG-8A/ U, but CQ113PE then includes a moisture blocking material and adds a tough, UV resistant, abrasion fighting, moisture impermeable, black polyethylene jacket. Georg, DJ1YJ, points out an error in Figure 2 of Uncle Alberts Touch Pad Keyer, by Sam Ulbing, N4UAU (Oct 2001 QST, page 33). The connecting dots at the wire intersections for Q4 through Q7 are not shown, making it appear that the sources are not connected to ground.