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English 8 Provincial Common Scheme 2018

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NAME OF TEACHER SUBJECT: English Language GRADE: 8 TERM: One YEAR: 2022 AVERAGE AGE: ……………….

Week Topic Content Expected Outcomes Methods/ Teaching/ Sources/References

Approaches Learning
1 Orientation Introduction to English  Obtain basic understanding of the Teacher exposition Chalkboard Examinations Syllabus
Expectations and requirements and expectation, Notes
requirements competencies and assessments
2 Listening and  Classroom interaction  Use appropriate language to ask for Text books
Speaking Asking for an an explanation Individual work Sample texts Progress in English (PE)8 Pupils
explanation e.g. Peer teaching Charts Pg. 2
I beg your pardon Group/pair work Tables MK English 8 Pg. 1
Would you explain Teacher exposition Chalkboard Achievers 8 Pg. 1-2
Would you clarify Integrated approach
Composition Basic Writing Skills Zambia Basic Education Course
 Some Dos and Don’ts  Demonstrate a clear understanding of (ZBEC) English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 125-
the Dos and Don’ts of writing 126
 Write legibly and neatly
 Handwriting  Produce compositions according to the Teacher’s resource material
prescribed layout
 Layout MK English 8 Pg. 28
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Demonstrate understanding of a given PE 8 Pg. 17
passage by answering given questions Achievers 8 Pg. 6
Structure  General overview of the  Identification and proper use ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg. 2-4
Parts of Speech (Nouns,
pronouns, adjectives,
Verbs, adverbs) MK English 8 Pg. 157
 General overview of the
 Identification and proper use
Parts of Speech
(Conjunctions, ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg. 238-
prepositions, 240

3 Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Answer factual and inference Text books MK English 8 Pg. 28
questions Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 27; Achievers 8 Pg. 15
Listening and  Classroom interaction  Use appropriate language /phrases to Peer teaching Charts ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg. 17
Speaking Apologising apologise or express remorse Group/pair work Tables MK English 8 Pg. 2
I am sorry Teacher exposition Chalkboard PE 8 Pg. 60-61; Achievers 8 Pg.
I regret Integrated approach 1-2; MK English 8 Pg. 143
Forgive me PE 8 Pg. 9-11; Achievers 8 Pg. 9
Structure  Present Simple Tense  Use the present Simple Tense ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 151-153
Forms and spelling rules correctly ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg. 121-
Summary  Definition and Types of  Demonstrate a clear understanding of 122
summaries basic summary skills Teachers’ own resource
Structure  The Present Simple  Use the present Simple Tense MK English 8 Pg. 143-145
Tense (use, state verbs) correctly PE 8 Pg. 9-11; Achievers 8 Pg. 9;
ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 153-157
Composition  Basic writing skills  Paragraph and organise sentences Text books MK English 8 Pg. 143-145
(Paragraphing, appropriately Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 9-11
4 organising sentences Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 9
Listening and  Classroom interaction  Use appropriate language to ask for Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 153-157
Speaking Asking for permission permission Teacher exposition Chalkboard
Can Integrated approach MK English 8 Pg. 3
Could PE 8 Pg. 116
May I e.t.c Teachers’ own Resource
MK English 8 Pg. 145-146
Structure  The Present Continuous  Use the Present Continuous Tense PE 8 Pg. 21
Tense (Forms and correctly Achievers 8 Pg. 19-22
spelling rules) ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 144-146
Structure  The Present Continuous  Use the Present Continuous Tense ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 147-150
Tense (use) correctly PE 8 Pg. 46-47
Comprehension  Extensive reading  Skim and scan information in a given Achievers 8 Pg. 61-62
text before reading ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 49

Summary  Basic summary skills  Choose the best title for a short Text books PE 8 Pg. 8
(choosing the best title) passage Individual work Sample texts ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg. 124-127
5 Listening and  School situations  Use appropriate language to socialise Peer teaching Charts Teachers’ Resource Material
Speaking outside the classroom in different contexts Group/pair work Tables MK English 8 Pg. 5-7
Speaking with Teacher exposition Chalkboard Achievers 8 Pg. 12-13
the Head teacher Integrated approach Achievers 8 Pg. 23-24

school clubs Teachers’ Resource Material
societies MK English 8 Pg. 147-148
Structure sporting situations  Use the Past Simple Tense correctly PE 8 Pg. 30-31
 The past Simple Tense  Punctuate sentences appropriately Achievers 8 Pg. 31
Comprehension  Intensive Reading using the basic punctuation marks ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 167-174
Structure  Basic Punctuation MK English 8 Pg. 36-39;
Capital letter PE 8 Pg. 55-56; 31-31
Comma Achievers 8 Pg. 16-17
Full stop ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 28-31;
6 Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Read at a speed of 200 words per Text books MK English 8 Pg. 114-115; 7-9
minute Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 49-51; 116
Listening and  Shopping and Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 15-16; 42
Speaking restaurant situation Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 32-35
Would/could you…  Use language appropriately to in Teacher exposition Chalkboard
May I… Can I shopping and restaurant Integrated approach
please… situations MK English 8 Pg. 148-150
Could I
I would like Achievers 8 Pg. 33-34
Thank you ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 77 &
Excuse me… 173-174
Structure  Past Continuous Tense  Construct sentences correctly using Achievers 8 Pg. 50-51
Tense (Form and use) the Past Continuous Tense ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 36-38

Composition  Guided Composition  Write narratives using narration skills

Remedial Work Narrative

8 Revision of Mid Text books
Term tests Individual work Sample texts
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Answer factual and inference Peer teaching Charts MK English 8 Pg. 40-44
questions Group/pair work Tables PE 8 Pg. 62-63
Listening and  Hospital situations  Use appropriate language in given Teacher exposition Chalkboard Achievers 8 Pg. 27-29
Speaking I have … situation Integrated approach ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 58-61
I ‘m not feeling well…
I need your help…. MK Eng 8 pg 10 – 12
How do you feel?... Achievers Eng. 8 Pg 55

9 Structure The Future Simple Tense  Correctly use the Future Tense to Text books MK English 8 Pg. 151
Tense (Form and use) express a planned future action Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 62-63
Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Demonstrate an understanding of Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 51-52
different types of reading materials Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 179-183
Listening and  Dealing with the police  Use appropriate language in given Teacher exposition Chalkboard MK English 8 Pg. 115-116
Speaking Excuse me situation Integrated approach PE 8 Pg. 85-86
Sir/madam, I need Achievers 8 Pg. 26-27
your help, there has ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 46-48
been etc MK Eng 8 pg 11-12
Structure Present Perfect Tense  Correctly use the Present Perfect Achievers Eng. 8 70-71
Tense (Form and use) Tense MK English 8 Pg. 152-154
PE 8 Pg. 54; 85-86
Summary Sentence Summary  Locate specific information from a Achievers 8 Pg. 67-69
given paragraph ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.128-130;
10 Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Show understanding of read passage Text books MK English 8 Pg. 36
by recalling facts and deducing Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 49-52
meaning Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 16-17
Listening and  Business at the Post  Use appropriate language in given Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg. 78-82
Speaking Office situation Teacher exposition Chalkboard
May I, could I, I would Integrated approach Achievers Eng 8. Pg 70
like to, I was looking for MK Eng 8 pgs 13-14
etc. MK English 8 Pg. 152-154
Structure  Present Perfect Tense -  Correctly use the Present Perfect PE 8 Pg. 85-86
variety of use Tense in various ways Achievers 8 Pg. 67-69
Composition  Descriptive  Write a short description of an event ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.165-171

Event appropriately
11 Remedial Work Teacher’s discretion  Develop acquired knowledge further Text books
Summary by perfecting proficiency Individual work Sample texts Teacher’s resource material
Revision Composition  Catch up on points missed earlier in Peer teaching Charts
Structure the term Group/pair work Tables
Teacher exposition Chalkboard
Integrated approach



Week Topic Content Expected Outcomes Methods/ Teaching/ Sources/References

Approaches Learning
1 Structure The present perfect Use the tense correctly orally and in writing Text books Progress 8 pg 99; MK 8: 155;
Tense continuous tense Punctuate and use the possessive forms of a noun Sample texts ZBEC Eng. 8 Bk 2 204
Parts of Speech Possessive forms of nouns correctly Chalkboard
2 Listening and  Making an Offer in office  Use correct vocabulary when speaking in office Text books MK 8 page 15
Speaking Environment eg environment Individual work Sample texts Achievers grade 8 page 127
 I would like .. Peer teaching Charts -128
 I am looking for .. Group/pair work Tables Prog (PE)8 Pupils Pg. 68
 What can I do Teacher Chalkboard MK English 8 Pg. 1132
Can I help you etc exposition Zambia Basic Education
Guided Composition Integrated Course (ZBEC) English 8
Composition  Narrative Composition  Write a narrative paragraph in a coherent and approach Bk.1 Pg. 125-126
(One Paragraph) logical manner. Write legibly and neatly MK English 8 Pg. 40-42; 159
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Demonstrate understanding of a given passage PE 8 Pg. 47
by answering comprehension questions Achievers 8 Pg. 47
ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg.
Structure  Countable and  Identification and differentiate countable nouns 2015
uncountable nous from uncountable ones MK English 8 Pg. 157
 Auxiliary verbs: can, do, ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg.
must  Use auxiliary verbs appropriately to express 238-240
state, ability, possibility etc.
3 Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Skim and scan information in a given text Text books MK English 8 Pg. 117-118
before reading Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 62
Listening and  At the station – bus,  Use appropriate vocabulary at the station Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 45-47
Speaking train, Airport e.g Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk. 1 Pg.
 When is the flight Teacher Chalkboard 86-93; 192; BK2 193
 Use appropriate language /phrases to apologise exposition MK Eng. 8 page 16
 Have bought the ticket
or express remorse Integrated Achievers Eng. 8 Pp114 -
 When is departure
approach 115

Structure  What time is arrival MK English 8 Pg. 2; 180; 164
 Irregular Nouns  Write the plural and singular forms PE 8 Pg. 60-61; 67; 120
Summary  Determiners  Use a, an, the and other determiners properly Achievers 8 Pg. 1-2
 Paragraph Summary  Find the main idea and best title of a paragraph Teachers’ own resource
Composition Descriptive Paragraph  Write a paragraph that describes a person in a Text books PE 8 p6 68; MK Eng 8 p 132
picture Individual work Sample texts MK grade 8 page 16
4 Listening and  Ask for public services  Construct correct sentences when asking for Peer teaching Charts Achievers grade 8 page 103
Speaking - Could/would you kindly public services Group/pair work Tables – 104
let me/us use the Teacher Chalkboard MK Eng 8: 166; ZBEC Eng 8:
bathroom exposition BK2 238; PE Eng 8: 131
Structure  Intensifiers: very, much,  Use the intensifiers correctly Integrated
Structure too  Use the coordinators to join sentences, both approach MK English 8 Pg. 44-47
 Coordinators: and, but equal and unequal as case may be PE 8 Pg. 72-74
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Use the Present Continuous Tense correctly Achievers 8 Pg. 47-49
 Answer factual and inference questions ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg.

Group discussion
Summary Paragraph Summary  Find sentences with specific information in a Text books PE 8 Pg. 77; MK Eng. 8 pg
paragraph Individual work Sample texts 180
5 Listening and  Personal Identification Peer teaching Charts MK English 8 Pg. 17-18
Speaking and meeting strangers  Apply correct vocabulary in making personal Group/pair work Tables Achievers 8 Pg. 12-13
eg. Meet Charity identification and meeting strangers Teacher Chalkboard Achievers 8 Pg. 23-24
.I am pleased to you. exposition Teachers’ Resource Material
I have the pleasure of Integrated
introducing……… approach MK English 8 Pg. 147-148:
Welcome …. How do you 167
do?  Distinctly use fairly and rather in writing and PE 8 Pg. 30-31; 170
Structure  Fairly and Rather speech Achievers 8 Pg. 31
 Subject Complement  Use adjectives to give complements to subjects ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg.
Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Read efficiently unabridged different reading 167-174

Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Read at a speed of 200 words per minute Text books MK English 8 Pg. 49-51

Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 96-98
6 Listening and  Stress syllables eg  Use spoken discourse containing stressed and Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 59-61
Speaking  Ed / u / ca / tion unstressed syllables Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg. 6-
 Enter / tain / ment Teacher Chalkboard 10
 Ma / na / ger …  Distinctly use quite, almost and nearly in writing exposition MK English 8 Pg. 20
Structure  Quite, almost, nearly and speech Integrated
Tense  Object Complements  Use adjectives to give complements to subjects approach
 Guided Composition  Write a friendly letter in proper layout and Progress pg 133; MK Eng.
Composition  Friendly letter register Pg 133
Remedial Work

8 Revision of Mid  Review the mid-term  Answer factual and inference questions Text books MK English 8 Pg. 52-58
Term tests tests Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 104-105
Comprehension  Intensive Reading Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg.
Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg. 17-
Listening and  Emphatic stress eg  Recognise the meaning conveyed by emphatic Teacher Chalkboard 20
Speaking  The player beat the stress exposition MK grade 8 page 20
coach Integrated
 No other person but the approach
Structure Subject Verb Agreement  Ensure subjects and verbs agree in number Text books MK English 8 Pg. 118-119;
9 Possibility (may, might) both in spoken and written work Individual work Sample texts 172; PE 8 Pg. 118; 87
 Express possibility using may and might Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 74
Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Demonstrate an understanding of different Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg. 26-
types of reading materials Teacher Chalkboard 30; 200
Listening and  Pronunciation of words  Pronounce words correctly which commonly exposition MK grade 8 page 21: 172
Speaking present a problem to Zambian speakers Integrated Achievers grade 8 page 128
approach – 129; 115 - 116
Structure Either, neither, none  Show subject verb agreement MK Eng 8 pg 11-12
Both and may  Demonstrate subject verb agreement Achievers Eng. 8 70-71
Summary Paragraph Summary  Find main ideas of a given paragraph PE 8 Pg. 77; MK Eng. 8 189
10 Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Show understanding of read passage by MK English 8 Pg. 59-60
recalling facts and deducing meaning Individual work PE 8 Pg. 121
Listening and Strong and weak forms  Use appropriate language in given situation Peer teaching Achievers 8 Pg. 75-77
Speaking words e.g Group/pair work ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg. 35-

Strong sounds –articles Teacher 37
Some boys have gone exposition Achievers Eng 8. Pg 70
home. Integrated Text books MK Eng 8 pgs 13-14
Weak sounds – Can you approach Sample texts
lend me some money?. Charts MK Eng 8: 173
Structure  Subject Verb agreement  Supply the appropriate verbs to show Tables
with uncountable nouns agreement in the given sentences Chalkboard PE 8 Pg. 80; MK Eng. 8 pg
Composition  Report (Incidence)  Write a simple report using sequence indicators 135
Listening and Contracted forms of Discriminate and articulate contracted forms of Individual work Text books MK grade 8 page 24 – 25
11 Speaking words eg words Peer teaching Sample texts
 Haven’t had, I’ll; You’ve Express time with appropriate clauses Group/pair work Charts ZBEC Eng 8 Bk 2 Pp 225-
His father’s ill etc Express contrast using given structures Teacher Tables 229
Time clauses exposition Chalkboard
Structure Contrast Integrated
Teacher’s discretion approach

Week Topic Content Expected Outcomes Methods/ Teaching/ Sources/References
Approaches Learning
1 Review of Term Direct Speech Change given sentences into either Group work Text books ZBEC Eng 8: Bk2 pgs
Two work Reported speech Direct or Reported Speech Individual work Charts 165- 187
Structures The Future Perfect and Use the FP and FC tenses Repetition / Chalkboard
Future Continuous Tenses
Structure  Vocabulary:  Widen vocabulary by forming Role play Text books Progress in English (PE)8
2 different words Sample texts Pupils Pg.80; 89; 78
Composition  Narrative (More than  Write a sequentially coherent Individual work Charts MK English 8 Pg. 1: 174;
One Paragraph narrative of more than one Peer teaching Tables Achievers 8 Pg. 1-2
paragraph Group/pair work ZBEC English 8 Bk.2
Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Skim for information in a text before Teacher exposition Pg.206
reading Integrated approach Teacher’s resource
Structure  Comparing Equals:  Show similarity using positive forms material
( as…as), the same as, of comparison
3 Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Answer factual and inference Role play Text books MK English 8 Pg. 61-62;
questions Individual work Sample texts 95; 143-145
Structure Plurals  Form correct plurals of regular and Peer teaching Charts PE 8 Pg. 129-130
irregular verbs Group/pair work Tables Achievers 8 Pg. 94-97
Structure  Comparatives : not as…  Use the comparative forms to Teacher exposition ZBEC English 8 Bk. 2 Pg.
as; not so….as express comparison Integrated approach 48-50
 More ….than, er…..than  Obtain and interpret information Achievers 8 Pg. 9
Summary  Reading a Graph from a graph
4 Composition  Basic writing skills  Paragraph and organise sentences Role play Text books
(Paragraphing, appropriately Sample texts MK English 8 Pg. 143-145;
Structure organising sentences Individual work Charts 120-122
Personal Pronouns  Correctly use personal pronouns of Peer teaching Tables PE 8 Pg. 9-11; 140;
gender; subject and object Group/pair work Achievers 8 Pg. 9
Structure  The superlatives  Use the superlative forms to Teacher exposition ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg.

10 | P a g e
 The + -est, the + most express comparison Integrated approach 153-157; BK207

Comprehension  Extensive reading  Read an extract from a work of MK English 8 Pg. 3

fiction or non-fiction PE 8 Pg. 116
Teachers’ own Resource
MK English 8 Pg. 120-122

5 Summary Information from a  Extract and tabulate information Role play Text books PE 8 Pg. 139;
telephone directory from the Telephone Directory Sample texts ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.
Individual work Charts 124-127
Structure  Vocabulary: Crossword  Acquire new vocabulary by solving Peer teaching Tables Teachers’ Resource
Puzzle a crossword puzzle Group/pair work Material
Structure  reason (because, since,  Express reason in both speech and Teacher exposition MK English 8 Pg. 5-7
as) writing using because, since, and Integrated approach Achievers 8 Pg. 129
as Teachers’ Resource
 should, ought to, had  Express necessity in both speech Material
better and writing using; should, ought to MK English 8 Pg. 147-148
and had better PE 8 Pg. 30-31
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Answer comprehension questions Achievers 8 Pg. 31
effectively ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg.
167-174; 226
6 Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Read at a speed of 200 words per Role play Text books MK English 8 Pg. 123
minute Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 150
Structure  Time Clauses  Use before, after, as soon as and Individual work Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 105-106
Before, after when to express time Peer teaching Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.
As soon as Group/pair work 57-58
When Teacher exposition
Structure  Purpose:  Use the given forms to express Integrated approach MK English 8 Pg. 7-9
Infinitive + verb purpose in both speech and writing PE 8 Pg. 116; 89
So as to/ in order to Achievers 8 Pg. 42
Composition Semi-formal letter  Write a letter to parent or guardian
Remedial Work in correct register and layout MK English 8 Pg. 148-150;

11 | P a g e

8 Revision of Mid  Intensive Reading Make amends to errors made Role play Text books MK English 8 Pg. 70-74
Term tests during the tests Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 150-151
Comprehension  Answer factual and inference Individual work Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 119-120
questions Peer teaching Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.
Structure Polite requests  Use appropriate phrase to tender Group/pair work 58-62
polite requests Teacher exposition ZBEC Eng. 8 Bk 1 222
Ability: (can, be able)  Express ability appropriately Integrated approach
9 Structure Purpose: for + noun; so that/  Correctly use given structures to Role play Text books MK English 8 Pg. 151
in order that express purpose in speech and Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 62-63; 152
writing Individual work Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 51-52; 109
Having/getting something  Use correct expression to get Peer teaching Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.1 Pg.
done something done Group/pair work 179-183: bk2 216
Comprehension  Extensive Reading  Demonstrate an understanding of Teacher exposition ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.
different types of reading materials Integrated approach 64-66; 141
Summary  Tabulation in a table  Put information in a table

Role play
Comprehension  Intensive Reading  Show understanding of the read Text books MK English 8 Pg. 80-82
10 passage by recalling facts and Individual work Sample texts PE 8 Pg. 157-159; 149
deducing meaning Peer teaching Charts Achievers 8 Pg. 119-120
Structure  Purpose: in case Group/pair work Tables ZBEC English 8 Bk.2 Pg.
 Result; (therefore, for  Use ‘in case’ to express purpose Teacher exposition 75-78
this reason) Integrated approach
 Results: as a result;  Use given forms to express result Achievers Eng 8. Pg 70
consequently in both writing and speech MK Eng 8 pgs 13-14
Composition Project: Short Article  Write a simple article for publication Teacher sourced
in school magazine .
Remedial Work Teacher’s discretion Role play Text books
 Correctly use the given marks to Individual work Sample texts Teacher’s resource
11 Structure Punctuation: (The question punctuate written sentences Peer teaching Charts material
Mark, exclamation mark, and  Supply appropriate question tags Group/pair work Tables ZBEC Eng 8 bk 2 161
quotation marks and answers to given statements Teacher exposition ZBEC Eng 8 bk 1 pg132
Question tags and answers Integrated approach

12 | P a g e

13 | P a g e

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