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Tiktok Marketing

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Using TikTok in Social Media Marketing to Create Brand Awareness, Brand

Image, and Brand Loyalty on Tourism Sector in Indonesia

Article  in  The Winners · September 2021

DOI: 10.21512/tw.v22i2.7597


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3 authors, including:

Santi Rimadias Nesta Alvionita

Indonesia Banking School indonesia banking school


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The Winners, 22(2), September 2021, 173-182 P-ISSN: 1412-1212
DOI: 10.21512/tw.v22i2.7597 E-ISSN: 2541-2388

Using Tiktok in Social Media Marketing to Create Brand

Awareness, Brand Image, and Brand Loyalty on
Tourism Sector in Indonesia
Santi Rimadias1*; Nesta Alvionita2; Adinda Putri Amelia3

Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Indonesia Banking School


Jl Kemang Raya No. 35 Jakarta Selatan 12730, Indonesia


Received: 23rd July 2021/ Revised: 30th July 2021/ Accepted: 02nd September 2021

How to Cite: Rimadias, S., Alvionita, N., & Amelia, A. P. (2021). Using tiktok in social media marketing to create brand
awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty on tourism sector in Indonesia. The Winners, 22(2), 173-182.

Abstract - The research aims to examine the
factors that form brand awareness and brand image
of the tourism sector in Indonesia by using the model
social media marketing on TikTok platform. The
Agency (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS data record a
very significant decrease in the number of tourists,
both local and foreign tourists (“Perkembangan
pariwisata”, 2020). When compared to 2019, the total
research was conducted quantitative methods using number of tourists decreased by 75,03% (UNWTO,
a survey of 220 respondents who were users of the 2021). The decline in tourism needs to get attention
TikTok application. Data collection was carried so that foreign tourists and domestic tourists can
out from April to May 2021, and processed using increase and become foreign exchange income of the
Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM country. Therefore, a business must have ideas and
PLS). Convenience sampling was used in this research. innovations to conduct studies to attract the attention
The results show that entertainment, electronic word of consumers, be reminded of their thoughts, create
of mouth, and interaction positively affect consumer a brand image, and increase positive brand loyalty
brand engagement. Trendiness and customization do by doing all the communication channels they have
not affect consumer brand engagement. Furthermore, in brand communication to create brand value or to
consumer brand engagement positively affects brand protect brand value (Bilgin, 2018).

loyalty, brand awareness, and brand image. The TikTok is the second most downloaded Android
implication of this research is a reference for managers application worldwide. As a result of the design of the
and policymakers in formulating strategies to improve technology, and the cultural conditions surrounding
the tourism sector in Indonesia using the model Social it, TikTok has become the most downloaded video
Media Marketing on TikTok. application, with teenagers aged 13-18 being half of
the 500 million monthly users. It strategically targets
Keywords: social media marketing, consumer brand user segments which video hosting websites and
engagement, brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand editing applications have not considered in the past.
image, TikTok Children born in the 2010s will have fun playing with
videos (Bresnick, 2019). With most people staying
at home, TikTok has enjoyed phenomenal growth
I. INTRODUCTION during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reached 12 million
US users in March 2020 and a total of 52,2 million
Social media allows consumer behavior do a users globally. The time spent on the application and
thorough activity ranging from visualizing consumer website is also increasing. For example, US visitors
behavior after purchase without purchase and sharing spent an average of 8 hours on the application during
information, ideas, and attitudes to make consumers March, 10,8% higher than the time spent in January
aware of the existence of social media (Putra & 2020 (Su et al., 2020).
Mudiantono, 2014). Social media marketing is a marketing process
The tourism sector is one of the sectors done indirectly or directly to build memory, awareness,
affected by COVID-19. Data from Jakarta Statistics recognition, and action for businesses, products,

*Corresponding Author 173

people, brands, or other entities, whose activities are will see the extent to which consumers disseminate
using social websites such as social networking, social and upload information on social media platforms.
bookmarking, microblogging, blogging, and content This is done to convey information about the brand by
sharing. Social media marketing can be explained by uploading content to their blog and sharing opinions
the approach of entertainment, interaction, trendiness, with others (Cheung et al., 2020).
customisation, and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) Consumer brand engagement allows the
(Mileva & Fauzi DH, 2018). relationship between customers and companies to
Entertainment is the ability of an advertisement be stronger and more meaningful (Khan, Rahman,
to fulfill the viewer's desire for entertainment, & Fatma, 2016). The desire to better understand
aesthetic pleasure, and emotional release (Genadi & customer interconnectedness with brands as the object
Furkan, 2020). Through entertainment, brands can of engagement is most typical in research (Khan et
built and strengthen a sense of closeness of consumers al., 2016). From a multi-dimensional perspective of
to persuade them in buying (Dessart, Veloutsou, & customer engagement, brand-customer engagement
Morgan-Thomas, 2015). has been discussed as a multi-dimensional
Interaction is the extent to which social media construction. By definition, special brand engagement
platforms offer an opportunity to get information both includes dimensions cognitive processing, affection,
ways. Posting information that matches their target and behavioral (Khan et al., 2016).
social media users can encourages discussion and Social media marketing, which consists of
improves relationships between consumers and brands entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customisation,
(Cheung, Pires, & Rosenberger, 2020). and eWOM, influences consumer brand engagement
Trendiness refers to social media providing (Mileva & Fauzi DH, 2018). Therefore, hypotheses
the latest news, and hot discussion topics is also a proposed in the research are:

core product search channel. Consumers will feel the H1: Entertainment (ENT) positively affects
motivation to get trending information about a brand consumer brand engagement (CBE).
within social media platforms, which encourages them
H2: Interaction (INT) positively affects consumer
to keep up with the latest developments about brands
by seeking knowledge of relevant trends (Gallaugher
& Ransbotham, 2010). Trendy information can help
brand engagement (CBE).
H3: Trendiness (TNS) positively affects consumer
brand engagement (CBE).
consumers attract attention, evoke positive consumer
feelings, and drive loyalty intentions (Liu, Shin, & H4: Customisation (CTN) positively affects
Burns, 2021). consumer brand engagement (CBE).
Customisation is a marketing and messaging
H5: EWOM positively affects consumer brand
service to make consumers personally feel satisfied, engagement (CBE).
making the service customizable and easy to find
information to create value for certain consumers The research seeks to answer the future research
(Cheung et al., 2020). submitted by previous research. The limitations of
Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) aims for previous research focus only on one country, Hong
communications made by prospective users or who Kong, and users of technology products (Cheung et
have used brands, products using social media. EWOM al., 2020).

Figure 1 Research Model

Source: Author (2021)

174 The Winners, Vol. 22 No. 2 September 2021, 173-182

The research focuses on the role of social to four indicators. Brand awareness, brand image,
media marketing with the use of the TikTok platform. and brand loyalty each amount to four indicators.
Previous research has used the social media marketing Consumer brand engagement consisting of cognitive
model to analyze the behavior of social media users processing, affection, and behavioral each amounted
in perceiving smartphones conducted by Cheung et to four indicators. The research uses Likert scale 1-7.
al. (2020). The research answers the future research Outer model analysis is to provide specifications
proposed by previous research to target other countries between latent variables and manifest variables, or
with diverse cultures and different products. Therefore, in other words how each indicator relates to latent
the research seeks to adopt the social media marketing variables (Nasution et al., 2020).
model with TikTok application as the research object Inner models (structural models) are used
to analyze the forming factors of brand awareness and in assessing the relationship of exogenous and
brand image of the tourism sector in Indonesia. The endogenous latent variables concerning the calculated
research used a modification of the research model by variance (Rahman et al., 2013). This determines the
adding one variable, brand loyalty, adapted from the strength of the model descriptor by evaluating several
results by Fernandes and Moreira (2019). quadratic double correlations (R2) and path coefficient
values (β) (Rahman et al., 2013).
Convergent validity is a measure of internal
II. METHODS consistency. It is estimated to ensure that the item is
assumed to measure each latent variable measuring it
The research is conducted with a quantitative and not to measure other latent variables. Individual
approach to understand the characteristics of the validity, Cronbach alpha, composite reliability
population using sample data and methods of SEM PLS (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) are

by using hypothesis testing on the influence between suggested (Rahman et al., 2013). The convergence
variables. The data was made by collecting conducted of the construct can be determined by calculating the
by survey techniques, namely questionnaires to reliability of the item.
respondents through questions about the use of TikTok
applications that are systematically compiled based
on several previous studies. Technically the data is
Discriminant validity shows the extent to which
a construct differs from another. This is examined
by comparing AVE construction that is shared on
collected through an online survey using Google Form itself and other constructions. For a valid construct
that is distributed to respondents who are TikTok discriminant, the AVE shared on itself must be higher
social media users over the age of 15 years. than the variant shared with another construct (Rahman
et al., 2013).
The sampling technique used in this study
is convenience sampling. Through the efforts to Reliability is the quality criteria of a construction.
disseminate data carried out then continued by using This requires a high degree of correlation among
the formula Hair with the calculation of the entire indicators of reliability construct extending to which
indicator multiplied by 5 (44 x 5) so that the number a variable or set of variables is consistent with what
of 220 respondents TikTok users (Hair, 2017). Each is intended to be measured. The internal reliability
research variable is measured through four indicators of a construct is said to be achieved when the value
adopted from several relevant previous studies. The of Cronbach's Alpha is 0,7 or higher (Janadari et al.,

measuring instruments for entertainment, interaction,

trendiness, eWOM, and customisation each amount

Table 1 Operationalization of Variables

Variable Items Source

Entertainment [ENT1] The content found on TikTok's social media seems Cheung et al. (2020)
[ENT2] Great fun using TikTok social media Cheung et al. (2020)
[ENT3] Collecting information about products through social Cheung et al. (2020)
media TikTok is fun
[ENT4] It's easy to spend time using TikTok social media Cheung et al. (2020)
Interaction [INT1] Easy to express my opinion through TikTok social media Cheung et al. (2020)
[INT2] Easy to express my opinion or conversation with other Cheung et al. (2020)
users via TikTok social media
[INT3] It is possible to have two-way interactions through Cheung et al. (2020)
TikTok social media
[INT4] You can share information with other users through Cheung et al. (2020)
TikTok social media

Using Tiktok in Social Media Marketing.... (Santi Rimadias, et al) 175

Table 1 Operationalization of Variables (Continued)

Variable Items Source

Trendiness [TNS1] The content found on TikTok social media is the latest Cheung et al. (2020)
[TNS2] Using social media TikTok is very trendy Cheung et al. (2020)
[TNS3] TikTok's social media content is up to date Cheung et al. (2020)
[TNS4] TikTok's social media use is quite fashionable Seo and Park (2018)
Customisation [CTN1] You can browse customized information on TikTok Cheung et al. (2020)
social media
[CTN2] TikTok social media provides customized services Cheung et al. (2020)
[CTN3] TikTok social media provides interesting feed Cheung et al. (2020)
information that I'm interested in
[CTN4] TikTok social media can be used anytime, anywhere Cheung et al. (2020)
interactions will come in.
Electronic Word of [EWOM1] I want to share information about brands, products, or Cheung et al. (2020)
Mouth services from TikTok social media with my friends
[EWOM2] I want to upload content from TikTok social media on Cheung et al. (2020)
my Facebook page or blog
[EWOM3] I want to share opinions about brands, goods, or Cheung et al. (2020)
services obtained from TikTok social media with my friends

[EWOM4] The information I receive through TikTok is usually Gvili and Levy (2018)
Brand Awareness [BAW1] I always know TikTok Cheung et al. (2020)
[BAW2] TikTok characteristics came to my mind quickly
[BAW3] I can quickly remember Tiktok symbols or logos
Cheung et al. (2020)
Cheung et al. (2020)
[BAW4] I often remember TikTok Cheung et al. (2020)
Brand Image [BMG1] Compared to other brands, TikTok products are of high Cheung et al. (2020)
[BMG2] TikTok has a rich history Cheung et al. (2020)
[BMG3] I can reliably predict how Tiktok will perform Cheung et al. (2020)
[BMG4] TikTok is a leading company Cheung et al. (2020)
Brand Loyalty [BLY1] I would recommend the TikTok app to friends Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[BLY2] I am committed to the TikTok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[BLY3] I won't buy another brand if the TikTok app is in the play Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
store or app store
[BLY4] I am loyal to the TikTok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)

Cognitive CBE [COG1] I think a lot about Tiktok content Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[COG2] Tiktok interests me Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[COG3] When I use Tiktok I forget everything Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[COG4] My time passed when I interacted with Tiktok Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
Affective CBE [AFF1] Tiktok inspires me Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[AFF2] I'm proud to use the Tiktok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[AFF3] I use the Tiktok app with total dedication Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[AFF4] Using the TikTok app makes me happy Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
Behavioral CBE [BEH1] I spend a lot of time using the Tiktok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[BEH2] Tiktok is one that I use a lot in social media Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[BEH3] In social media I always use the Tiktok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
[BEH4] I've always felt like using the Tiktok app Fernandes and Moreira (2019)
Source: Author (2021)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS occupation. The majority of respondents are women

aged 15-25 years with student work.
The respondents criteria includes TikTok users, The outer model analysis provides a specification
respondent gender, respondent age, and respondent's between latent variables and their manifest variables,

176 The Winners, Vol. 22 No. 2 September 2021, 173-182

or how each indicator relates to latent variables. constructs (Nasution et al., 2020). The statement can
The outer model for reflective indicators is done by be seen in Table 3.
looking at convergent validity, composite reliability >
0,7 followed by average variance extracted (AVE) >
0,5 and Cronbach Alpha value > 0,7 for all constructs Table 3 Outer Model
(Nasution et al., 2020). The statement can be seen in
Table 2. Variable Average Cronbach's Composite
Variance Alpha (CR) Reliability
Extracted (CA)
Table 2 Respondents’ Profile (AVE)
AFF 0,818 0.947 0.925
Demographic Categories Percentage BAW 0,855 0.946 0.915
BEH 0,857 0.960 0,942
Gender Men 33,6%
BLY 0,832 0.952 0.932
Women 66,4% BMG 0,766 0.908 0.847
Age 15-19 41,9% CBE 0.780 0.972 0.968
20-25 47,6% COG 0.867 0.929 0.848
26-30 5,2% CTN 0.784 0.935 0.908
ENT 0.818 0.947 0.924
>30 5,2%
EWOM 0.780 0.934 0.906
Job Student 79,5%

INT 0.807 0.944 0.921
Officer/Profesional 11,8%
TNS 0.824 0.949 0.929
Enterpreneur 6,6%
Source: Smartpls 3.0 (2021)
Others 0,4%

Source: Data Collection Results through Excel

In the outer loading, all indicators of each
Application (2021)
variable on the model have a loading factor above 0,5
which have met the convergent validity (Hair, 2017).
It is followed by average variance extracted All AVE values in the research show a construction
(AVE) > 0,5 and Cronbach’s alpha value > 0,7 for all value greater than 0,5, which can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4 Outer Loading


BAW1 0,962

BAW2 0,856
BAW4 0,953
BLY1 0,888
BLY2 0,954
BLY3 0,865
BLY4 0,939
BMG1 0,903
BMG2 0,851
BMG3 0,871
CTN1 0,875
CTN2 0,933
CTN3 0,886
CTN4 0,845
ENT1 0,980
ENT2 0,945
ENT3 0,909
ENT4 0,771
EWOM1 0,911
EWOM2 0,864

Using Tiktok in Social Media Marketing.... (Santi Rimadias, et al) 177

Table 4 Outer Loading (Continued)


EWOM3 0,869
EWOM4 0,887
INT1 0,927
INT2 0,936
INT3 0,898
INT4 0,828
TNS1 0,892
TNS2 0,937
TNS3 0,899
TNS4 0,903
Source: Smartpls 3.0 (2021)

Table 5 Fornell-larcker Criterion


AFF 0,904
BAW 0,714 0,925
BEH 0,886 0,701 0,926
BLY 0,868 0,669 0,782 0,912
BMG 0,858 0,771 0,818 0,760 0,875
CBE 0,973 0,743 0,961 0,871 0,868 0,883
COG 0,910 0,729 0,859 0,888 0,821 0,944 0,931
CTN 0,729 0,661 0,587 0,635 0,813 0,697 0,711 0,885
ENT 0,816 0,765 0,732 0,711 0,803 0,786 0,685 0,705 0,904
EWOM 0,843 0,792 0,746 0,761 0,826 0,835 0,831 0,761 0,779 0,883
INT 0,778 0,793 0,790 0,653 0,832 0,818 0,791 0,787 0,767 0,812 0,898
TNS 0,789 0,796 0,619 0,677 0,835 0,740 0,735 0,857 0,823 0,826 0,749 0,908
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 (2021)

Table 6 HTMT

BAW 0,762
BEH 0,988 0,735
BLY 0,922 0,824 0,843
BMG 0,888 0,984 0,826 0,906
CBE 1,100 0,787 1,059 0,917 0,887
COG 0,971 0,830 0,890 0,944 0,905 1,096
CTN 0,662 0,828 0,646 0,594 0,825 0,625 0,520
ENT 0,747 0,806 0,684 0,604 0,755 0,677 0,550 1,068
EWOM 0,777 0,831 0,678 0,801 0,812 0,746 0,749 0,764 0,627
INT 0,673 0,792 0,646 0,606 0,709 0,662 0,627 0,850 0,721 0,853
TNS 0,741 0,990 0,685 0,759 0,892 0,705 0,647 0,971 0,946 0,845 0,795
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 (2021)

178 The Winners, Vol. 22 No. 2 September 2021, 173-182

In the results of cross, loadings can be concluded be explained by entertainment, interaction, trendiness,
that all indicators have a coefficient of collation greater customisation, and eWOM by 77,5% while the rest
than each construct than the value of the correlation is explained by other factors. The R-squared brand
coefficient of indicators in other column construct awareness value is 0,552 revealing that brand awareness
blocks (Hair, 2017). Therefore, it can be concluded can be explained by consumer brand engagement by
that the discriminant validity in the research is in 55,2% while the rest is identified by other factors. The
accordance with the criteria that have been determined R-squared brand image value is 0,753 which reveals
(Hair, 2017). Table 5 and Table 6 provide the details that brand image can be explained by consumer brand
of test results. engagement by 75,3% while the rest is explained by
The construct reliability test is measured by the other factors. Lastly, the R-squared brand loyalty
value of Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. value is 0,759 which shows that brand loyalty can be
Next for Cronbach's alpha value, all constructs must explained by Consumer Brand Engagement by 75,9%
be higher than 0,7 (Hair, 2017). In the research, the while the rest is explained by other factors.
entire value of Cronbach's Alpha > 0,7 (Hair, 2017). In the structural model, data analysis is conducted
It can be concluded that all indicators in the research to look for some significant associations between
have been consistent in measuring the construct (Hair, exogenous variables and endogenous variables. The
2017). T-statistic value is calculated using calculate PLS
The test of structural models or inner models Bootstrapping. All indicators with a T-statistic value >
by looking at the value of R-squared is a test of the 1,96 (rounded in half) can be said that H0 is rejected
goodness-fit model. The R-squared CBE value is or significant, or if the value of P-Value < 0,05, which
0,775 showing that consumer brand engagement can can be seen in Table 7.

es Table 7 Path Coefficients

Effects Path Coefficients Mean Standard Deviasi T-statics P Values Result

CBE => BAW 0,644 0,647 0,050 12,902 0,000 Accepted
CBE => BLY 0,796 0,796 0,030 26,339 0,000 Accepted
CBE => BMG 0,703 0,705 0,035 19,899 0,000 Accepted
CTN => CBE -0,082 -0,079 0,064 1,286 0,199 Rejected
ENT => CBE 0,267 0,266 0,077 3,486 0,000 Accepted
EWOM =>CBE 0,400 0,397 0,072 5,526 0,000 Accepted
INT => CBE 0,176 0,177 0,080 2,202 0,000 Accepted
TNS => CBE 0,099 0,101 0,069 1,447 0,149 Rejected
Source: SmartPLS 3.0 (2021)

Figure 2 Outer Model

Source: Author (2021)

Using Tiktok in Social Media Marketing.... (Santi Rimadias, et al) 179

Based on Table 7 and Figure 2, the result of the allows consumers to keep the brand in mind.
T-statistic value is 3,486 > 1,96 so it can be concluded Lastly, regarding onsumer brand engagement’s
that there is a positive and significant influence of impact on brand image, the result of the T-statistic value
entertainment on consumer brand engagement. In is 19,899 > 1,96. Thus it is believed that consumer
previous research, entertainment leads to a positive brand engagement positively and significantly
consumer experience to build consumer psychology influences towards brand image. The finding supports
in the brand by building consumer brand engagement. the preceding research which states that consumer
Interaction has a positive impact on consumer brand engagement can react in response to consumer
brand engagement. The result of the T-statistic value content on social media to help consumers solve a
is 2,202 > 1,96 so it can be concluded that there is a problem. The emotional attachment to the brand is
positive and significant influence of interaction towards built through account-based management (ABE) by
consumer brand engagement. This is in line with the improving the brand's strong and positive attitudes.
previous research that interaction is found to have
positive impact by increasing customer satisfaction
and being active on social media to develop further in IV. CONCLUSIONS
consumer brand engagement.
Regarding trendiness towards consumer brand The data analysis conducted using the SEM
engagement, the result of the T-statistic value is 1,447 PLS method comes up with several conclusions.
< 1,96. It can be concluded that there is a negative First, entertainment, electronic word of mouth,
and insignificant influence of trendiness on consumer and interaction positively affect consumer brand
brand engagement. Nevertheless, the result is not in engagement. In developing the tourism sector,
line with the previous research finding that trendiness entertainment, electronic word of mouth, and

has positive influence since trendy information helps interaction in TikTok application need to be improved
attract consumer attention, arouses positive feelings, for consumer brand engagement to increase. However,
and encourages loyalty intentions. The argument customisation and trendiness do not affect consumer
supports that trendiness can strengthen consumer
emotional in contributing to strengthening consumer
brand engagement.
brand engagement since TikTok focuses more on
spreading entertaining information.
Second, consumer brand engagement is found
Regarding the effect of customisation on to have positive influences towards brand awareness,
consumer brand engagement, the result of the brand image, and brand loyalty. In creating customer
T-statistic value is 1,286 < 1.96. It is concluded relations to develop the tourism sector in Indonesia,
that customisation has a negative and insignificant it is necessary to keep up the efforts to increase brand
influence on consumer brand engagement. In contrast, awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty.
previous research shows that customisation has The results show that consumer brand
positive impact as it improves consumers' cognitive engagement (CBE) is the main factor influencing
understanding of brands, as well as increases brand brand awareness, brand image, and brand loyalty in
love that can strengthen consumer brand engagement. the tourism sector in Indonesia. CBE predominantly
Electronic word of mouth is found to have a affects brand loyalty, with a coefficient path value of
positive and significant influence on consumer brand 0,871. This means that CBE or good relations with
engagement since the result of the T-statistic value is tourism customers in Indonesia must be improved

5,526 > 1,96. The result is in line with the preceding for brand loyalty, in this case loyalty to tourism, to
research finding that electronic word of mouth on increase. Furthermore, CBE also affects brand image
social media platforms and users help create a positive and brand awareness. Therefore, tourism managers
brand experience and beneficial emotions for the brand should pay attention to various items on the CBE's
to strengthen consumer brand engagement. ease of expressing opinions or conversations with
Next, it is found that consumer brand other users, building two-way interactions, and sharing
engagement significantly and positively impacts brand information with other users through TikTok platform.
loyalty since the result of the T-statistic value is 26,339 Meanwhile, CBE is built from the social
> 1,96. The result is considered in line with earlier media marketing model consisting of entertainment,
research identifying consumer brand engagement interaction, trendiness, customisation, and eWOM.
allows customers to grow loyalty to the brand and use Electronic word of mouth is the most dominant
the current and future brands, so it influences current influencing CBE with a coefficient path value of
and future sales constantly. 0,424, followed by interaction and entertainment, with
The research finds that consumer brand coefficient path values of 0,335 and 0,262, respectively.
engagement has a positive and significant impact on It is advisable that tourism managers pay more
brand awareness as the result of the T-statistic value attention to eWOM, interaction, and entertainment in
is 12,902 > 1,96. The finding supports previous building good relationships with customers. EWOM
research discovering that consumer brand engagement as the dominant factor influencing CBE can be built
encourages some information related to the brand by providing information about the brand, opinion,
among consumers, strengthens the interaction between products, or tourism services of TikTok shared with its
consumers and brands by attracting their attention, and users, and producing interesting and creative TikTok

180 The Winners, Vol. 22 No. 2 September 2021, 173-182

content so that users do not hesitate from TikTok engagement, satisfaction and brand loyalty:
social media on their Facebook page or blog. A comparative study between functional and
The research has its limitation since it only emotional brand relationships. Journal of Product
focuses on TikTok users aged 20 - 25 years. Further and Brand Management, 28(2), 274-286. https://doi.
research can focus on a wider range of objects on org/10.1108/JPBM-08-2017-1545.
tourism in various regions in Indonesia such as Gallaugher, J. & Ransbotham, S. (2010). Social media
Yogyakarta, Bandung, etc. Then further research and customer dialog management at Starbucks.
can use other applications to be researched such as A framework for analyzing social-media-based
Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Similar research can customer dialog. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(4),
be done using based on the TikTok phenomenon which 197-212.
is quite rapidly developing as one of the social media. Genadi, Y. D. & Furkan, L. M. (2020). Pengaruh
In the future, the social media marketing model can informativeness, entertainment, dan irritating
be used to assess the effectiveness of SMEs' business terhadap attitude toward social media advertising
in Indonesia by using TikTok application. pada masyarakat Kota Mataram. Jurnal Magister
Manajemen, 9(2), 186. https://doi.org/10.29303/
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182 The Winners, Vol. 22 No. 2 September 2021, 173-182

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