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Lab 3 - Interfacing To 7-Segment Displays and Buzzer Objectives

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ET1010 MAPP / ET1216 EDBP II © Singapore Poly 2016


Lab 3 – Interfacing to 7-segment displays and buzzer


 To learn to display a decimal number on a 7-segment display.

 To learn to use multiplexing technique to display several digits on several

7-segment displays.

 To learn to implement a “queue number system”.

 To learn to produce a tone on a buzzer.

Introduction / Briefing

7-segment display at Ports B & D

 In this experiment, you will be turning on and off segments in four 7-

segment displays connected to Ports B & D, to display some numbers.

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 Considering only one 7-segment display (shown below) and answer the
following questions:


PIC18F4550 display A

output dp

RD7 How it looks


Common anode


Q1: Are the LED’s in the 7-segment display connected in the “common anode”
mode or the “common cathode” mode? ____________________

Q2: What must RD0 produce (logic ‘0’ or logic ‘1’) to turn on segment A?

Q3: What must PORT D produce (in binary format) to show the digit “1” on
the 7-segment display? PORTD = 0b .

Q4: Of course, PORT D must be configured as an output port. Give the 2-line
C command to configure PORT D as a digital output port and to show the
digit “5” on the 7-segment display:

TRISD = 0b____________________ // configure Port D as digital outp.

PORTD = 0b______________________ // display “5”

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 Considering four 7-segment displays together (shown below) and answer

the following questions:




RB3 7-segment displays


output RD0
ports RD1 B



RD7 dp

Common anode

PIC18F4550 Cathodes




dp dp dp dp

Q5: What will be shown on the 7-segment displays if PORT D outputs

0b01001111 while PORT B outputs 1000 to its lower 4 bits?

DIG3 shows _____

DIG2 shows _____
DIG1 shows _____
DIG0 shows _____

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Q6: What must PORT B and PORT D produce to show 2 on DIG2?

PORT D = 0b ________

PORTBbits.RB3 = _____
PORTBbits.RB2 = _____
PORTBbits.RB1 = _____
PORTBbits.RB0 = _____

Q7: What will be shown on the 7-segment displays if following C program is


TRISB = 0b11110000; // lower 4 bits are outputs

TRISD = 0b00000000; // all bits are outputs

while (1)
PORTB = 0b00000001; // enable DIG0
PORTD = 0b00111111; // display 0
// Some delay

PORTB = 0b00000010; // enable DIG1

PORTD = 0b00000110; // display 1
// Some delay

PORTB = 0b00000100; // enable DIG2

PORTD = 0b01011011; // display 2
// Some delay

PORTB = 0b00001000; // enable DIG3

PORTD = 0b01001111; // display 3
// Some delay

Your answer:_____________________________________________


Q8: What do you think will happen if the delay is increased?

Your answer: _______________________________________________

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Q9: What do you think will happen if the delay is decreased?

Your answer:

You will find out the answer to the two previous questions in the

Buzzer at Port C

 In this experiment, you will also be turning on and off a buzzer connected
to PORT C to produce a “tone”.

low pitch tone

high pitch tone

 Study the above diagram and answer the following questions:

Q10: What happens when RC0 outputs logic ‘1’?

The transistor is turned on and ( assuming VCE[sat] = 0.2V, ) pin 2 of the

Buzzer is at _____ V while pin 1 of the Buzzer is at _____ V. So the
Buzzer will be turned _____. If RC0 outputs logic ‘0’, the Buzzer will be
turned _____.

 By toggling ( on -> off -> on -> off …. ) RC0 continuously, a tone can be
produced by the buzzer.

 If the rate of toggling is high, a high pitch tone is produced.

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Before you begin, ensure that the Micro-controller Board is connected to the
General I/O Board. The General I/O Board is further connected to a 7-
Segment/Switch Board.

PORTD – 8 segments (‘a’ to ‘g’, and decimal point) of all 4 digits, active high (‘1’
turns on a segment, ‘0’ turns off a segment).

PORTB – RB0 to RB3 – COM pins of all 4 digits (DIG0 to DIG3), active high (‘1’
enables digit, ‘0’ disables digit).

PORTB – RB5 – push button switch, active low (pressed gives ‘0’, released gives

So PORTD controls the number e.g. ‘8’ to be displayed on a digit, while PORTB
controls which digit displays the number.

Displaying a decimal number on a 7-segment display

1. Launch the MPLABX IDE and create a new project called Lab3.

Display 2. Add the file Single7Seg.c to the Lab3 project Source File folder.
“0” on
DIG0.  Make sure Copy is ticked before you click Select. If you have forgotten
the steps, you will need to refer to the previous lab sheet.

3. Study the code and describe what this program will do:


4. Build, download and execute the program. Observe the result and see if it
is as expected.
“1” on
DIG1.  5. Modify the code to display the digit “1” on the next 7-segment i.e. DIG1.
Build, download and execute the program to verify your coding.

6. Describe what will happen when PORTB = 0b00001111. Why?

Answer: _____________________________________________

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Display 4 Displaying 4 different decimal numbers on four 7-segment displays

on four 7-
 7. Replace Single7Seg.c with Four7Seg.c. Note that the program uses the
delay function delay_ms() and contains #include “delays.h”. The files
delays.h and delays_utilities.c need to be added to the Project.

8. Study the code and describe what this program will do:


9. Build, download and execute the program. Observe the result and see if it
is as expected.
delay  10. Increase the delay between digits. What do you observe?


delay  11. Decrease the delay between digits. What do you observe?


12. As can be seen, multiplexing technique here involves turning on only one
digit of display at a time, and after a short delay, move on to the next
digit etc:

Show ‘0’ on digit DIG0.

Show ‘1’ on digit DIG1.
Show ‘2’ on digit DIG2.
Show ‘3’ on digit DIG3.
Repeat above

The delay is to give time for the LED’s to light up and the number to be
seen. Too long a delay will cause the numbers to flicker and too short and
the display will become blur, as the LED’s do not have time to turn on
properly and be seen.

13. You may try to display today’s date as DDMM and show it to your

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Extra Exercise - Implementing a “queue number system”

(Do this only if you still have time. Otherwise, skip to the next section to
try out the “buzzer”.)

 14.
Replace Four7Seg.c with Count7SegSw.c.

15. Study the code and describe what this program will do:


16. Read the following explanation if you are stuck.

17. The decimal numbers to display on the four 7-segments are stored in an
array of 4 unsigned chars

unsigned char val[4]; // i.e. val [0], val [1], val [2], val [3]

These are initialised to val [3] = 9; val [2] = 8; val [1] = 7; val [0] = 6; in
the main program. So, the initial display should be “9 8 7 6”.

18. 9876 are what you want to see. However, what the 7-segments want to
be told are the binary patterns 0b01101111 [9], 0b01111111 [8],
0b00000111 [7], 0b01111101 [6].

19. The function convert (in the seg7_utilities) produces the binary pattern
required to show a decimal number on a 7-segment. E.g. if decimal number
(“digit”) = “0”, binary pattern (“leddata”) = 0b00111111.

20. As you know by now, multiplexing technique is used to enable each of the
4 digits in turn, so that the number of PIC pins required to display 4
digits (including the decimal points) is fewer than 4 x 8.

21. Here an unsigned char variable point is used to control which digit is
lighting up.

22. It is initialised to 0b00000001 i.e. DIG0 will light up first.

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23. Putting all these ideas together, you get the following chunk of codes:

point = 0b00000001; // enable DIG0 first

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // loop from DIG0 to DIG3
PORTB = point; // enable one DIG
outchar = val [i]; // get one decimal number to display from the array
// convert to corresponding binary pattern for the 7-seg,
PORTD = convert (outchar); // and send the binary pattern to the enabled DIG

point = point << 1; // shift left by 1 bit, to enable the next DIG,
// so 0b00000001 becomes 0b00000010, then 0b00000100,
// then 0b00001000

… // some delay

24. Whenever the switch connected to RB5 is pressed, the 4-digit display is
incremented by 1. This is done by the following lines of code and the
function update:

if (PORTBbits.RB5 == 0) // if switch is pressed

press = 1; // this is explained below
val [0] = val [0] + 1; // increment the lowest digit by 1
update (); // update the other digits accordingly

25. A micro-controller can work very fast. When a switch is pressed “one
time”, a micro-controller could have read it several times, and increment
the display several times, as shown below:

Display incremented by 10,

although switch pressed “one time”



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26. To solve this problem, a variable press is used to control the flow of the

press = 0; // initially… in the “switch not pressed” state
while (1)
… // display the decimal numbers
Display is only
if (press == 0) // starting from the “switch not pressed” state incremented the
first time the
if (PORTBbits.RB5 == 0) // if switch pressed
switched is found
press = 1; // change to the “switch pressed” state
to be pressed.
… // increment the 4-digit number to display
if (PORTBbits.RB5 == 1) // switch released only check for
press = 0; // change to the “switch not pressed” state, ready for next round the release of
} the switch.

27. The best way to check whether you have understood this program is to
try to explain it to a classmate.

28. Once you have understood it, build, download and execute the program.
Observe the result and see if it is as expected.

29. Describe how you can use this in a Q-number system. What else do you

I still need _____________________________________________

a.) display

b.) UP button
c.) ticket
Your Q-number is
printer +
3208 “counter” +
user button

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Producing a tone on a buzzer

Tone on
buzzer  30. Replace Count7SegSw.c with Buzzone.c.

31. Study the code and describe what this program will do:


32. Note that in Buzzone.c (under the function onetone), the variable is used:

The “for” loop i.e. k determines the duration of the buzzing, while the
delay_us() determines the pitch of the buzzing.

void onetone(void) //Function to generate one tone

unsigned int k;

for (k = 0; k < 100; k++) //Determines duration of tone

delay_us(3000); // useable values from 100 to 5000
PORTCbits.RC0 = !PORTCbits.RC0; //Invert logic level at RC0

33. Build, download and execute the program. Observe the result and see if it
is as expected.

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34. Modify the program by adding another function named twotone with a
different value in delay_us(value). Include twotone in the main program
and test out the sound effect, as follows:

while (1)
Onetone ();
PORTD = 0b10101010; // pattern on LEDs
Twotone ();
PORTD = 0b01010101; // another pattern on LEDs

while (1); // loop forever to stop music!


35. Debug until the program can work.

// Single7Seg.c
// Program to test 1 7-segment display

#include <xc.h>

void main(void)
ADCON1 = 0x0F;

TRISB=0b11110000; //RB3 to RB0 are connected DIG3 to DIG0

//RB5 is connected to a switch

TRISD=0b00000000; //RD7 to RD0 are connected to segment LEDs

while(1) //repeat

PORTB = 0b00000001; //enable DIG0

PORTD = 0b00111111; //display 0


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* File: Four7seg.c
* Created on 13 January, 2016, 1:52 PM

#include <xc.h>
#include "delays.h"
void main(void)

TRISB=0b11110000; //RB3 to RB0 are connected DIG3 to DIG0

//RB5 is connected to a switch

TRISD=0b00000000; //RD7 to RD0 are connected to segment LEDs

while(1) //repeat

PORTB = 0b00000001; //enable DIG0

PORTD = 0b00111111; //display 0
delay_ms(1000); //LEDs on for a while

PORTB = 0b00000010; //enable DIG1

PORTD = 0b00000110; //display 1
delay_ms(1000); //LEDs on for a while

PORTB = 0b00000100; //enable DIG2

PORTD = 0b01011011; //display 2
delay_ms(1000); //LEDs on for a while

PORTB = 0b00001000; //enable DIG3

PORTD = 0b01001111; //display 3
delay_ms(1000); //LEDs on for a while


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// Count7SegSw.c
// Counting on 4 7-segment display by a switch on 7-seg Board

#include <xc.h>
#include "delays.h"
#include "seg7.h"

unsigned char point, outchar, press;

void main(void) {
char i;
TRISB = 0b11110000; //RB3 to RB0 are connected DIG3 to DIG0
//RB5 is connected to a switch

TRISD = 0b00000000; //RD7 to RD0 are connected to segment LEDs

val[3] = 9; //contents of DIG3

val[2] = 8; //contents of DIG2
val[1] = 7; //contents of DIG1
val[0] = 6; //contents of DIG0
press = 0;

while (1) //repeat


point = 0b00000001; //enable DIG0

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)

PORTB = point; //enable one DIG
outchar = val[i]; //get one value for the DIG
PORTD = convert(outchar); //convert to LED code

point = point << 1; //point to the next DIG


if (press == 0) //switch press first time

if (PORTBbits.RB5 == 0) //if RB5sw is ON
press = 1; //switch being pressed
val[0] = val[0] + 1; //increase DIG0 value
update(); //adjust the rest of values


if (PORTBbits.RB5 == 1) press = 0; //switch released


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// file : seg7.h

unsigned char val[4]; // variable used

extern void update(void) ; // update the above variable

extern char convert(char outchar); // converts the outchar to 7

segment //display pattern

* File: seg7_utilities.c
* Created on 14 January, 2016, 7:59 PM

#include <xc.h>

extern unsigned char val[4];

char convert(char digit)

char leddata;


void update(void) //Function to adjust DIG values



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// BuzzOne.c
// Program to activate buzzer with one tone
// For project using USB interface with Bootloader

#include <xc.h>
#include "delays.h"

void onetone(void) //Function to generate one tone

unsigned int k;

for (k = 0; k < 100; k++) //Determines duration of tone

delay_us(3000); // useable values from 100 to 5000
PORTCbits.RC0 = !PORTCbits.RC0; //Invert logic level at RC0

void main(void) {

TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 0; //-- Set RC0 as output

TRISD = 0x00; //-- Set all pins on PortD as output

onetone(); //sound ON then OFF
PORTD = 0b10101010; //pattern on LEDs

onetone(); //sound ON then OFF

PORTD = 0b01010101; //another pattern on LEDs

while (1); // loop forever to stop music!


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