Ramanpreet Kaur: Education
Ramanpreet Kaur: Education
Ramanpreet Kaur: Education
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology India
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Engineering, CGPA: 9.76/10.00 July 2017 – June 2021
CBSE Board (S.S.Mota Singh Model School, New Delhi) India
XII(Senior Secondary) Science 2017, percentage: 91.16 April 2016 – March 2017
Technical Skills
Data Structures and Algorithms
Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, SQL
Libraries: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, openCV, scikit-learn, tensorflow(keras), csv, os
Web: HTML/CSS, Flask, Bootstrap, Spring-Boot, AngularJS, TypeScript
Software/Developer Tools: Git, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, PyCharm, Android Studio, Spring Tool Suite
Specialities: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Machine Learning, Database
Management System
Google | Software Engineer, Site Reliability Engineering May 2022 – Present
• Full time SRE Engineer in GCP Identity team
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | Summer Intern June 2020 – July 2020
• Summer Intern as a part of the Software Engineering Internship pro- gramme at J.P.Morgan & Chase
{S30} | Data Structures and Algos Intern August 2019 – October 2019
• Responsible for taking sessions of Masters’ students for Data Structures and Algorithms questions
• Responsible for grading and reviewing the Questions attempted by stu- dents, clarifying their doubts and taking
extra sessions
COVID-19 Rules Checker | Image Processing, Python, Keras, TensorFlow October 2020 – November 2020
• Developed a system to implement social distancing for On-Site Service employees working at places like warehouses,
malls etc where the em- ployees cannot be shifted to work from home.
• Used OpenCV for image detection and video processing to check for masks, social distancing and population
• Image Processing techniques are used to detect the distance between every individual and the alarm is generated if
Music Therapy Mobile Application | Flask, Rest API, Java, Gradle, SQL, Retrofit August 2020 – October 2020
• Developed a REST API in flask to stream audio songs in android app
• Developed a SQL database to store the metadata about the songs folder
• Developed an android app to get the mood as input from the user and play songs randomly suitable for the user
Breast Cancer Detection | Scikit-learn, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Image Processing January 2020 – May 2020
• Data Augmentation technique is used to increase the number of images for data-set of my model
• Image processing techniques like median filtering, scaling, CLAHE Nor- malization, edge detection etc are used to