Year 3 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 3 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
Year 3 Daily Lesson Plans: Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity)
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 66) YEAR 3
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Speaking
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 5: My new house TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are shown a funny dubbing video.
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information Lesson delivery:
1. A video without the sound is shown to the pupils.
intelligibly 2. Pupils are asked what they think the characters were saying.
Pupils can demonstrate orally based on the clip.
Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a 3. Pupils are shown another video without sound.
variety of familiar contexts 4. Pupils are going to conduct the activity orally.
5. In pairs, pupils plan out their conversation with the correct
intonation. Teacher guides the pupils with the sentence structure.
Learning Standard: 6. Pupils come to the front to do the voice recording.
Main: 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using Post-lesson: Teacher plays pupils’ voice recording if time permits.
suitable words and phrases
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 67) YEAR 3
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 5: My new house TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils refer to page 46 in textbook. Pupils read the
Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and page.
Lesson delivery:
non-linear print and digital texts by using 1. Pupils are introduced to the different types of clothes.
appropriate reading strategies 2. Pupils are given a situation in their groups. Pupils must find the
correct pictures of clothes to match the situation.
Complementary:4.3 Communicate with 3. Pupils are explained that they must run to the front of the class to
pick the correct pictures.
appropriate language form and style for a 4. Teacher checks pupils’ work. Pupils explain who wears the
range of purposes in print and digital media clothes in the situation.
Learning Standard: 5. Teacher writes a few words (mixture of clothes and furniture) on
the board and pupils are called out to categorise the words correctly.
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information
Post-lesson: Pupils recap what people wear during the different
and details of short simple texts seasons by spelling the words.
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 68) YEAR 3
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing
THEME World of self, family and friends DATE Click or tap to enter a date.
TOPIC Module 5: My new house TIME
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are called out to act the story in Lesson 67.
Main: 4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 47 Activity 2. Based on the story in
print using cursive writing page 46, pupils complete the first half of page 27 Year 3
Supplementary Worksheet Module in their groups.
Complementary:3.2 Understand a variety of 2. Pupils also complete the second half of page individually.
linear and non-linear print and digital texts by 3. Pupils look through Exercise A and B of Module 1 in Year 3
Step by Step Writing Module Part 1.
using appropriate reading strategies 4. Pupils complete the exercises
Learning Standard:
Main: 4.1.2 i) Begin to use cursive handwriting Post-lesson: Pupils’ answers are checked.
in a limited range of written work *all children*
1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
2. Lesson was carried out successfully.