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Online Voting System

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Online Voting system

Aakash1 , Aashish1 , Akshit1 , Sarthak1

1 Students Dept. of Computer Science. Inderprastha Engineering College
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

ABSTRACT cast vote remotely. our is a voting system

Our paper deals with online voting system by which any Voter can use his/her voting
that facilitates user(voter), candidate and rights from anywhere. And for the smooth
administrator (who will be in charge and processing of voting system has an
will verify all the user and information) to integrated chatbot. It can guide users at any
participate in online voting. our online stage of process to make accessibility easy.
voting system is highly secured, and it has
a simple and interactive user interface. The
proposed online portal is secured and have 1.1 Problem Background:
unique security feature such as unique id In the recent times there are many
generation that adds another layer of literatures on online voting has been
security (except login id and password) and developed. While online voting has been an
gives admin the ability to verify the user area of research in the recent years, there
information and to decide whether he is are efforts made to make online voting
eligible to vote or not. It also creates and system more secure. The use of insecure
manages voting and an election detail as all Internet, and the resulting security Breaches
the users must login by user name and have been reported recently. So, the main
password and click on candidates to issue now to resolve these security breaches
register vote. Our system is also equipped such as denial of service attack.
with a chat bot that works as a support or
guide to the voters, this helps the users in 1.2 Problem Statement:
the voting process. Our online voting system will make all
voting process easy because in this system
Keywords: HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP, we will provide chatbot, which will help
MYSQL, phpMyAdmin, XAMPP. every user during the voting process. If any
user has any kind of issue during the
process the chatbot will provide efficient
1. INTRODUCTION solution for that issue. Our voting system
Online voting system is an online voting will make the whole voting process cost
technique. In this system people who are efficient. Our voting system will give
authorized by the admin can cast his/her instant and unbiased poll result. Our voting
vote online without going to any physical system will help us to keep track of voter.
polling station. There are many voting And our system is time efficient.
procedures which are being used for Voting
purpose, such as ballot paper, EVM
machine but all these procedures require 1.3 Research Objective:
more time and more man power so to The main objective of this study is to make
eliminate all these drawbacks we provide a step forward in the direction of online
an online voting system which provides voting platform by providing all the
features such as accuracy, convenience, essential security levels. The objective of
flexibility, privacy and verifiability. Our this study is to make the voting process
online voting system provides user a easy, less time taking, and secure. Online
platform where he can register himself to voting system eliminate the bogus voting

Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3589075

which can occur in tradition voting by user. deletion of wrong information.
schemes. Each information is submitted to
1.4 Scope of Study
As we all know that there are many 2.2 Product Perspective:
organizations that conduct elections for the The product is an election conducting tool
positions like “Group leader, Project leader, with a simple GUI and a Chatbot in it. This
Employee of the month, and for some system is developed using php. Though
minor changes in working environment etc. product is stand-alone. It requires a
In that case, online voting can very helpful XAMPP server.
to conduct vote. People can cast their vote
from anywhere. As colleges conduct 2.3 Product Functions:
elections for positions like president, vice Our System has a server back-end which
president etc. for many college societies takes care of authenticating the users and
like CSI, Trinity etc, and other management maintaining necessary details. The user
posts for students and online voting system interface at the server's end enables creating
can be used on any cases like these the election on behalf of the users. The
efficiently it can be customized according users must login with id and password then
to client need on any type of elections. they can access the election module where
they can cast their vote with such ease and
2. LITERATURE REVIEW comfort and their response will be saved
and after that result will be displayed.
2.1 Background:
This is a system that can be used by user to
cast vote in an election. All the voters have
to login and click on cast vote to his/her 3. Modules of our System
chosen candidates to submit his/her vote. Online voting is a portal through which a
The research development and testing are voter can cast his vote by registering
done on LAN. On other hand online voting themselves on the online voting platform.
software is been in research for many years, All the information about users is entered in
researched cases of wrong implementations database by which admin can verify the
user. There are different tables in database
reported in recent years. These factors are
for users, candidates, result, admin. Each
need to be resolved so public can cast their
voter has to enter his all basic information
vote in a secured and fitting environment. like name, gender, state, email-id.
online voting is a voting software in which This is the first page of the website known
any user can use his/her voting rights from as the welcome page. It has all the page
anywhere. Online voting application options like Home, Polling Dates, Register,
contains: Login, about us, Contact us, FAQs.
a) users details
b) users Names with ID and password.
c) users vote in a database.
d) sum of total number of votes. 3.1 Home:
e) result panel It is the first page of our portal, having all
f) chatbot to help users the feature options of the portal. It has a link
of other pages such as registration page,
g) a unique user id given my administration
login page, admin section, about us,
Various operational works proposed in the chatbot(support) section. This page also
system are: information of the user in gives brief description of our system about
database. Verification of details submitted

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how it works, hence this page gives user the PASSWORD generated through
overview of whole system. registration. There is option for FORGOT
PASSWORD, in case user forget his
password then user can go with option of
forgot password.

Fig 3: Login
Fig 1: Home

3.2 Registration:
3.4 Admin Panel:
This is the registration page, where the
From here admin can login to his account
voter can register themselves. The users
and can manage whole voting process by
have to enter their details which are
adding new election, generating id for user,
required by admin through registration
verifying the users, generating result and
page. All the details registered on the portal
many more. He has the right to generate id
are saved in the respective database. The
for user by verifying the users.
Admin has authority to accept eligible user,
otherwise he has right to reject their
registration by providing reason of

Fig 4: Admin Panel

Fig 2: Registration

3.3 User Login:

After registering into the portal, their details
are saved to the database and sent to the
admin. The user can Login to the portal
with his unique USERNAME and

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3.5 Election: and integrated chatbot in our system which
This a module which gives a list of all works as a helper or provides support to
ongoing election, this module is accessible user. If user face any in our system while
only to those users who have been verified registering himself or while casting his
by admin. By this module user can cast their vote, then he can ask our chatbot for
vote by selecting a candidate of a particular resolving his issue our chatbot will provide
election. the best solution to that issue.

Fig 5: Election panel

3.6 Result:
This module provides the results of all the Fig 7: Chatbot
completed elections; user has the right to
see the result of elections. All the results are
being generated by admin after the 4.Technology used:
successful completion of the election. We have created this online voting portal by
using following technologies:
Front end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Back end: - PHP, JavaScript
Database:- MySQL, phpMyAdmin
Server: - XAMPP
Technology: - JSON, PYTHON,

5. Conclusion:
Our online portal gives voter a chance to
cast his vote via internet without going to
voting booth. Our portal provides a special
chatbot also that will resolve any issue
faced by user during the whole voting
Fig 6: Result Panel process. This system gives fast access,
more security levels, high flexibility and
3.7 Chatbot: efficiency. It also eliminates the chances
This is the special module of our online fake person casting vote or bogus voting. It
voting portal; this is a specially designed also reduces man power and unwanted

Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3589075

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Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3589075

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