Online Voting System
Online Voting System
Online Voting System
Fig 3: Login
Fig 1: Home
3.2 Registration:
3.4 Admin Panel:
This is the registration page, where the
From here admin can login to his account
voter can register themselves. The users
and can manage whole voting process by
have to enter their details which are
adding new election, generating id for user,
required by admin through registration
verifying the users, generating result and
page. All the details registered on the portal
many more. He has the right to generate id
are saved in the respective database. The
for user by verifying the users.
Admin has authority to accept eligible user,
otherwise he has right to reject their
registration by providing reason of
3.6 Result:
This module provides the results of all the Fig 7: Chatbot
completed elections; user has the right to
see the result of elections. All the results are
being generated by admin after the 4.Technology used:
successful completion of the election. We have created this online voting portal by
using following technologies:
Front end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Back end: - PHP, JavaScript
Database:- MySQL, phpMyAdmin
Server: - XAMPP
Technology: - JSON, PYTHON,
5. Conclusion:
Our online portal gives voter a chance to
cast his vote via internet without going to
voting booth. Our portal provides a special
chatbot also that will resolve any issue
faced by user during the whole voting
Fig 6: Result Panel process. This system gives fast access,
more security levels, high flexibility and
3.7 Chatbot: efficiency. It also eliminates the chances
This is the special module of our online fake person casting vote or bogus voting. It
voting portal; this is a specially designed also reduces man power and unwanted
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