This document is an exam for a Term End/ATKT Examination in February 2022 for an LLM program. It covers the subject of White Collar Crimes. The exam has three sections - Section A contains 5 short answer questions, Section B contains 5 longer answer questions requiring 300-400 words, and Section C contains 2 long answer questions requiring 600 words. The document provides instructions to students on filling details in answer books and maintaining integrity during the exam. It lists the various questions under the three sections pertaining to definitions, concepts, case studies, and provisions regarding white collar crimes under Indian law.
This document is an exam for a Term End/ATKT Examination in February 2022 for an LLM program. It covers the subject of White Collar Crimes. The exam has three sections - Section A contains 5 short answer questions, Section B contains 5 longer answer questions requiring 300-400 words, and Section C contains 2 long answer questions requiring 600 words. The document provides instructions to students on filling details in answer books and maintaining integrity during the exam. It lists the various questions under the three sections pertaining to definitions, concepts, case studies, and provisions regarding white collar crimes under Indian law.
This document is an exam for a Term End/ATKT Examination in February 2022 for an LLM program. It covers the subject of White Collar Crimes. The exam has three sections - Section A contains 5 short answer questions, Section B contains 5 longer answer questions requiring 300-400 words, and Section C contains 2 long answer questions requiring 600 words. The document provides instructions to students on filling details in answer books and maintaining integrity during the exam. It lists the various questions under the three sections pertaining to definitions, concepts, case studies, and provisions regarding white collar crimes under Indian law.
This document is an exam for a Term End/ATKT Examination in February 2022 for an LLM program. It covers the subject of White Collar Crimes. The exam has three sections - Section A contains 5 short answer questions, Section B contains 5 longer answer questions requiring 300-400 words, and Section C contains 2 long answer questions requiring 600 words. The document provides instructions to students on filling details in answer books and maintaining integrity during the exam. It lists the various questions under the three sections pertaining to definitions, concepts, case studies, and provisions regarding white collar crimes under Indian law.
Max. Marks: 60 Max. Time: 2.30 Hrs. Student’s ID No.: Read this before you look at the questions 1. Write your ID number in the question paper at the place specified for it 2. Ensure that you have entered all the details on the answer book and have obtained Invigilator’s signature 3. Do not write / mark anything on the question paper 4. Using question paper for rough work is strictly prohibited Section – A (Answer all questions. Each question carries 2marks.) Small Answer type (Answer in one/two lines)
1. What is the importance of Mens- rea in White collar crimes.
2. Define Cyber crimes. 3. Briefly discuss White Collar Crimes in India. 4. What is the policy of Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006? 5. Discuss White Collar Crimes in different professions. Section – B (Answer any five questions. Each question carries 6 marks.) Brief Answer type (Answer in 300 to 400 words) 6. What is White Collar crime? Explain how judiciary has changed its attitude towards white collar crimes. 7. How did Zee Tele Films Ltd v. Sahara India helped in discharging vicarious liability? Explain the concept of Corporate Criminal liability. 8. How is the IT Act framed so as to prevent cyber crimes in India? How is it lacking to curb internet piracy and lack of international cooperation? 9. Enumerate and explain the provisions under Indian Penal Code to check White collar crimes. Mention relevant case laws as well. 10. Write a Case analysis on Satyam Computers Scandal. What was the role of SEBI in this case? 11. "Every accused shall be presumed to be innocent until proven guilty". How far this principle relevant in tracking socio-economic offences? 12. Explain deviance by Police and Politicians. 13. Write a note on breach of Foreign Exchange Regulations Act. Section – C (Answer any onequestion. Question carries 20 marks.) Long Answer type (Answer in 600 words)
MATS University, Examination Dept. Press, TERM END/ATKTExamination, February,2022
Page 1 of 2 14. The proper lines of demarcation between acceptable and unacceptable practices have not been self evident to all. Explain the relevancy of this statement with respect to different types of white collar crimes in India. 15. Define essential commodities and its types. How many commodities are covered by the Essential Commodities Act? Also discuss the major amendments under the same and recent case laws.
MATS University, Examination Dept. Press, TERM END/ATKTExamination, February,2022