BCA-IMDA Green Mark For New Data Centres Version NDC/1.1
BCA-IMDA Green Mark For New Data Centres Version NDC/1.1
BCA-IMDA Green Mark For New Data Centres Version NDC/1.1
Version NDC/1.1
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
Pre-requisite Requirement
All relevant pre-requisite requirements for the specific Green Mark Rating are to
be complied with
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
SubTotal (Part 1) 83
Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a globally accepted metric that illustrates the total energy used by a data centre divided
by the energy used by IT equipment in that data centre.
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
The data centre must have a design Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) at full load condition of no more than
2.0 for Green Mark certification
(ii) For Data Centres using Air Cooled Chilled-Water Plant or Unitary Air-Conditioners:
(1) The performance of the overall cooling system for the data centre shall be based on the efficiency at
full installed design capacity (N) plus any additional capacity that is required to maintain continuous
availability of the service during operation (e.g. N+1). Performance data shall be backed by the
manufacturer’s test reports, commissioning information or obtained from the energy model. They will also
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
(2) For data centres with peak cooling load of more than 500 RT, the use of air cooled central chilled-
water plant or other unitary air-conditioners are not applicable for Gold and higher ratings. In general, the
system efficiency of the air cooled central chilled-water plant and other unitary air-conditioners are to be
comparable with the stipulated efficiency for water cooled central chilled-water plant. Data centres that are
designed with air-cooled systems and for higher Green Mark rating will be assessed on a case by case
(3) Prerequisite requirement for beyond Green Mark Certified Rating. The efficiency of the cooling
system shall be available and measureable to attain higher Green Mark Rating such as Gold, Gold Plus
and Platinum. If the efficiency of the cooling system is not available, the achievable Green Mark Rating
shall be Green Mark Certified Rating.
(i) Provision of permanent measuring instruments for monitoring of water-cooled chilled-water system and
air-cooled chilled water system operating system efficiency. The installed instrumentation shall have the
capability to calculate resultant plant efficiency (i.e. kW/RT) within 5% of its true value and in accordance
with ASHRAE Guide 22 and AHRI 550/590. Heat balance test for water-cooled chilled-water system is
required for verification of the accuracy of the M&V instrumentation.
• Location and installation of the measuring devices to meet the manufacturer’s recommendation.
• Data acquisition system shall be able to record and store values up to at least 3 decimal places.
• All data logging with capability to trend at 1 minute sampling time interval.
• Dedicated digital power meters shall be provided for the following groups of equipment:
chiller(s), chilled water pump(s), condenser water pump(s) and cooling tower(s).
• Flow meters to be provided for chilled-water and condenser water loop and shall be of ultrasonic /
full bore magnetic type or equivalent.
• Temperature sensors are to be provided for chilled water and condenser water loop and shall
have an end-to-end measurement uncertainty not exceeding ±0.05°C over entire measurement or
calibration range. All thermo- wells shall be installed in a manner that ensures that the sensors
can be in direct contact with fluid flow. Provisions shall be made for each temperature
measurement location to have two spare thermo-wells located at both side of the temperature
sensor for verification of measurement accuracy.
(ii) The data centre shall be equipped at a minimum with energy metering to provide total facility power and
energy usage and total IT equipment power and energy usage on a historical basis, in order to
determine instantaneous and average PUE data. The number and type of meters that are required to
be installed shall be determined by the data centre design, but at the minimum shall be 1½% percent
accuracy, full-scale and provided to meter all forms of energy to the data centre, (electricity, natural gas,
steam, chilled water, one-pass cooling, etc.) and at the output of the UPS or PDUs, if this is the source
of power that serves the IT equipment.
(iii) To achieve efficiency at all IT load condition, the data centre shall be designed with scalable
expansion by building up capacity in a modular approach to deployment in order to improve efficiency
and ability to respond to business requirements.
Note: Where a particular section is not applicable to the data centre assessed, the actual score awarded will be
normalised with respect to the total maximum score less the score of the non-applicable section.
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
Points will be given for increasing improvement in Points will be interpolated for PUE values between those in
PUE of the Proposed DC over the Reference DC the table
Model at the Full Design capacity.
If the required part-load conditions (at 66% and 33% of
As data centres often operate at less than full load Design Load) are not satisfied, the Overall Energy
conditions, the energy efficiency at part load Efficiency points achieved shall be reduced by 25%.
conditions contribute significantly to the overall Example:
energy consumption. The design of data centre % Full Design Load 33% 66% 100%
equipment and cooling systems should aim to
achieve part load efficiencies that approach full load
conditions. Reference DC Model 2.50 2.20 2.00
• At 66% of the Design Load, the energy Prop DC Model A 2.25 1.90 1.70
savings should be not less than 75% of the Prop DC Model B 2.45 1.90 1.60
percentage savings at Full Design Load.
• At 33% of the Design Load, the energy % Impr over Ref Model
savings should be not less than 50% of the Prop DC Model A 10.00 13.64 15.00
percentage savings at Full Design Load. Prop DC Model B 2.00 13.64 20.00
The PUE value is defined as the total energy used
by a data centre divided by the energy used by IT
equipment in that data centre. The total energy
used by the data centre shall be taken at the point
where the facility is metered. The IT equipment
load shall be based on UPS output [PUE Cat. 1].
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
(Maximum of 8 points)
Air cooled Chilled-Water Plant: Peak data centre cooling load < 500 RT
Air-Cooled Chiller
Chilled Water Pump 4 points for meeting the prescribed air-conditioning
system efficiency of 1.00 kW/RT
Unitary Air-Conditioners:
Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) System 0.24 points for every percentage improvement in the air-
Single-Spilt Unit conditioning system efficiency over the baseline
Multi-Spilt Unit
Points scored = 4 + 0.24 x (% improvement)
(c) Using chilled water from a central facility (e.g. (c) Using chilled water from a central facility
district cooling system or central chilled water plant
not operated solely to serve the data centre) Points in accordance with above based on central plant
data. If no data is available, 4 points will be applied.
For data centres using district cooling system, data
from the central plant will be used for the
computation of the cooling system performance.
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
Baseline – Fan power limitation in CRAC of 0.25 0.1 Point for every percentage improvement in the air
W/CMH (0.9 kW/m3/s) distribution system efficiency over the baseline
Minimum IT Power
UPS Load Factor Chain Efficiency
25% 73%
33% 78%
50% 83%
66% 85%
75% 86%
100% 88%
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
1-2-3 IT Equipment
To have policies that require the procurement and
use of the most efficient ICT equipment which meet
the demand, while providing the required level of
(i) ICT equipment, including servers, storage (2 points)
devices and network systems, that are
Energy STAR rated, where available.
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
(a) innovative cooling systems or features (including 2 points for each innovation that demonstrate the following:
free air-cooling, direct liquid cooling and two- • The intent of the proposed innovation
phase systems, etc)
• The additional energy benefits delivered
• The proposed requirements for compliance
(b) innovative power supply, back-up power or UPS
systems • The proposed performance metrics to demonstrate
compliance and the approaches (strategies) used
(c) IT operations, maintenance or system upgrade to meet the requirements
strategies not covered by Section 1-2-3 above
(d) radical changes in data centre design, operations 2 points for every 1% replacement of electricity usage with
or systems not covered in any section above. renewable energy
(Up to 10 points)
Encourage the application of renewable energy
sources in data centres.
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
(b) Concrete Usage Index (CUI) Project CUI (m3/m2) Points Allocation
≤ 0.70 1 point
Encourage designs with efficient use of concrete for
≤0.50 2 points
building components.
Note: The section 3-2 is applicable only to
standalone data centres
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
BCA-IMDA Green Mark for New Data Centres (Version NDC 1.1)
Part 5 – Other Green Features (Total Points: 10) Green Mark Points
5-1 Green Features and Innovations 2 points for each feature or innovation that
demonstrate the following:
To encourage the use of other green features which • The intent of the proposed innovation
are innovative or/and have positive environmental • The additional environmental benefits
impact. delivered
• The proposed requirements for
Features must achieve significant, measurable compliance
environmental performance in the data centre • The proposed performance metrics to
operations, maintenance or management not covered demonstrate compliance and the
in Parts 2, 3 and 4 above approaches (strategies) used to meet
the requirements
(Up to 10 Points)