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Worksheet 1 Educ 321 Magcamit Reina Chiara

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Reina Chiara G.

Magcamit BEEd 3



The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Lesson 1.1 The Curricula in School
Directions: Study the headlines below. Choose one and write a reflection about its relation to the things that
happens in school then answer the questions that follow.
1. DepEd Reviews the K to 12 Curriculum
2. Suicide incidence in Schools Has Become Alarming
3. Teachers are Reluctant to Try New Things in the Curriculum
4. Co-curricular Activities: Learning Opportunities or Distractions?
5. The Use of ICT Gains Ground in the Public Schools

Co-Curricular Activities: Learning Opportunities or Distractions?

“Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open up himself to life” stated by Maria
It has been said that academic excellence can no longer ensure the success and happiness in life
and career as of today.Several successful people used their skills upon working, even the young ones are
satisfied with their lives in just working physically, socially and creatively. In this time, what people must
develop is not only the knowledge, but their skills also.
Co-Curricular Activities suffice the learning by producing creativity, improving social and
organizational skills, as well as developing the interests and talents together with boosting the confidence of
the students. There are times that curricular activities are a mere distraction to the students, in terms of the
time schedule of their class which will be put also as the time of their training or competing in the activity.
This will lead them not able to learn at that given time in school. But somehow, he/she can be the pride of
the school, so most of the teachers consider them.
For me, as a student having more than one curricular activities in school and one of the top
performing students in class, I myself are very happy yet having difficulty to manage time of training and
Having co-curricular activities while studying is not a distraction, but an inspiration and a learning
opportunity which also contributed a lot in my community. And, I, as future educator, will willingly volunteer
to be a trainer/coach or dance instructress to my dear students as well as will serve as their inspiration in
learning and improving their skills with confidence in heart.
1. Should the public know and be involved in the schooling of their citizens?
Indeed, everyone has the right to education, as per Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We cannot avoid our fellow citizens to learn. Yet, we must welcome and treat them with respect when they are with us
(students) in school because they are also part of us. And through education, they will be able to apply their learnings
in their jobs as the same time. Therefore, we are not the ones who only learned but are fellow citizens as well, which
will help our community to be developed more through them who are also working.

2. What are the implications of headline you chose to the classroom curriculum?
For me, the “Teachers are Reluctant to Try New Things in the Curriculum” is I’ve been chosen. Since,
this headline has been really an issue several years ago, this must be taken an action as of this time. Moreover, this is
not only for the sake of the teachers but for the learnings of the students to be given by the teachers as well. Upon
having solutions on this issue, this will greatly address the needs which is for the teachers to be guided and learn more
on the new curriculum that will lead to a better learning of the students despite new curriculum have arisen.

Directions: Read the Sabre-Tooth Curriculum and answer the following:
1. Does the sabre-tooth curriculum still exist at present? Give examples of your evidence.
Indeed, sabre-tooth curriculum is still existing as of now. For the reason of, the students teaches how
to do particular activities independently, which greatly improves their knowledge and skills in each particular
subject. For instance, when experimenting something in a laboratory, the subject must explore where the
knowledge and skills must be used. Experimentation also applies in the ICT subject in the current curriculum.
Brainstorming is another evidence which is also commonly used until now.

2. Describe the kind of curriculum that exists as described in the article

The curriculum that is being described in the article has a message that “it is important for the
teachers or for us future teachers to teach the technical know-how or how to manipulate their knowledge and
skills to do things on their own, instead of spoon-feeding or spoiling them with all the things they need.
Therefore, the best way to teach students effectively is to let them do the tasks independently.

3. What does the author mean, when he said “A curriculum should be timeless?” Explain.
A curriculum should be timeless. This is what the education system must apply at all times. Teachers
have the responsibility to know or find out what the students’ needs especially in this time of pandemic.
Considering the needs of the students, this should be fitted with our education system. Moreover, even when
the time is passing by, curriculum must still exists. Therefore, this will be the knowledge for the learners to
effectively learn, even in distance learning.

4. What is the difference between education and training?

Education and Training are somehow different. Training refers to practicing and mastering the skills
in particular subject. In contrast, education is a process of learning something inside the institution. This is not only
to gain some knowledge but to apply the learnings to be able to use in real-life situations. Though they have
differences, still they are similar in a way that they master and improve one’s learning towards something.

I. Directions: Read each statement and decide whether you Agree or Disagree. Write your answer before the
Agree 1. In the Saber Tooth Curriculum, learning is experiential and authentic.
Agree 2. It is the reality that there exist more than one curricula in the teacher’s classroom.
Agree 3. A teacher can say with confidence that learning has occurred, if the curriculum has been assessed.
Agree 4. Some curricula in the schools/ classrooms are unwritten.
Agree 5. To establish national standards, teachers should be guided by recommended curriculum in basic and
higher education.
Agree 6. Teachers should expect that school curricula are dynamic and changing.
Agree 7. Evaluated curriculum makes judgment about learning.
Agree 8. Textbooks and modules are written curricula that represent the recommended curricula.
Disagree 9. Only the Department of Education can recommend a curriculum.
Agree 10. In the heart of all types of curricula, the teacher has a major role.
Lesson 1.2 The Teacher as a Curricularist

Directions: Identify on the blanks provided who am I as a curricularist based on the cases presented. Write your
answer on the space provided.
Case 1: I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to the lesson. I will use the new idea and find
out if it will work. Knows the curriculum or the Knower
Case 2. DepEd sent the standards, competencies, and guidelines in teaching the Mother Tongue in Grade 1 in our
school. I will study and use it in the coming school year. Knows the curriculum or the Knower
Case 3. There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not able to do all, but I have to accomplish for my learners.
I have made a daily activity plan to guide me. Plans the curriculum or the Planner
Case 4. I need a poem to celebrate the World’s Teachers’ Day. I composed one to be used in my class literature.
Writes the curriculum or the Writer
Case 5. My class is composed of learners from different home background and culture. I cannot use a “one-size-fits
all strategy” in teaching so I can respond to the diverse background. In my readings, I discovered that there are ways
of teaching. I tried one myself and it worked. Initiates the curriculum or the Initiator

1. Is it necessary for teachers to learn about school curriculum? Why?
Yes, of course. Teachers need to learn about the school curriculum. Since curriculum encompasses the
sources of the given topics that need to be taught to the learners. Furthermore, through learning and
understanding it, they will be able to teach the given contents from the curriculum to the students. The teachers
who are not familiar and learn the curriculum in teaching, there will be also no learning of the students, and of
course the teaching-learning process will not be appropriate and effective as it is.

2. Choose one from case 1 to 5 above. Reflect on the case you have chosen and write your reflections on the
box below.

Name: Reina Chiara G. Magcamit Case No: 1

My Reflection on Case No. 1 (refer to cases 1 to 5)
“I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay to the lesson. I will use the new idea and find
out if it will work.”
It has been said that the attention of the students is very important in teaching-learning process.
Basically, learners from elementary grades requires entertainment or motivational activities, since
they have easily been distracted and bored, especially when the teaching process is a bit lousy and more
on concepts and theories. To be able to do so, a teacher must establish strategies in the discussion part
which will serve as the net to catch their attention.
Therefore, as a future educator, I will willingly and having the perseverance in doing my best just
to make my class listen and understand my lesson well. Several strategies and more motivational activities
as possible will be given to catch the interest of each and every student in my class. Before including these
in my discussion part, I will find and explore it first for its appropriateness to my students.

The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum

The School Curriculum: Definition,
Lesson 2.1
Nature and Scope

Traditional or Progressive: What is your View of Curriculum?
1. What is your own definition of a curriculum? Write down your answer in the space provided.
Curriculum is at the heart of the teaching profession. Basically, curriculum is a source of the given
topics made by the higher position in DepEd or CHEd. This was arranged per subject in each grade level.
Moreover, this is also the course components that are taught in the school. So, without the curriculum there
will be no sources of the given topics to be followed, as well as learnings will not be as effective as it is.

2. Do you have a traditional view of curriculum, a progressive view or both? Explain your view based on your
Yes, I have a progressive view of curriculum because I believe that education is gained from teaching
and learning experiences. Furthermore, according to McGarry (2019), 70% of learning is in experiential.
Moreover, effective teaching is a result from the experiential learning, whenever I experienced something, I
learned from it rather than logical reasoning, intellectual training, the 3R’s.

Direction: Label the description/ definition on the left with either Traditional (T), or Progressive (P).
No. Description (T) (P)

1. Teachers are required to teach the book from cover to cover √

2. If the learners can memorize the content, then the curriculum is best √
3. Children are given opportunity to play outdoors √
4. Parents send children to a military type school with rigid discipline √
5. Teachers are reluctant to teach beyond the written curriculum √
6. Prerequisites to promotion for the next grade are skills in reading, writing, and √
arithmetic only
7. Teachers provide varied experiences for the children √
8. Learning can only be achieved in schools √
9. It is the systematic arrangement of contents in the course syllabi √
10. Co-curricular activities are planned for all to participate √
Lesson 2.2 Approaches to the School Curriculum

After learning from this lesson, how would you prepare yourself to become the teacher, using the three
approaches to curriculum?
As a future teacher, I would prepare myself using the three approaches to curriculum by the following
procedures. First and foremost, familiarizing the curriculum. Learning the curriculum content is very important, of course
I have first to understand the contents or body of knowledge that I am going to teach to the class. I should be bear in
mind the appropriate contents in each grade level together with the subjects. Next is the process, the contents should
be given depending on the level of intelligence or knowledge of the students, is it going to lessen the difficult or
complicated topics or to improve more? To be able to determine what I should do, I must give a pre-test before anything
else, which is also one of the most important part of assessment. Then, after knowing, implement the curriculum
depending on the result of the assessment. I know that implementation is the critical step or phase that must be done
by the teachers, but this is also the most important part in teaching. As a future educator, I will also consider the
classroom setting, mood, behaviour of the class for a conducive learning environment. I will become a great teacher
who teaches not only knowledge but skills as well, and will be an inspiration to my future students, as well as their
friend for them to be comfortable enough to learn better. Finally, as the result or product of the implementation of
curriculum, my future students gained and absorbed what I have taught them as a great teacher.

Direction: Match the concept in Column II with the choices in Column III. Write the letter of your answer in Column I.
I. Answer II. Concepts III. Choices
b. 1. Curriculum as way of doing a. Content
d. 2. Authenticity of the content b. Process
a. 3. Curriculum as a subject matter c. Product
e. 4. Fair distribution of the content across the subjects d. Validity
j. 5. Curriculum as the outcome of learning e. Balance
f. 6. Seamless flow of content vertically or horizontally in the curriculum f. Articulation
c. 7. Evidence of successful teaching g. Sequence
i. 8. Enduring and perennial content, from past to future h. Integration
h. 9. Allowing the transfer of content to other fields i. Continuity
g. 10. Arranging of contents from easy to difficult j. Learning Outcomes
Curriculum Development:
Lesson 2.3
Processes and Models

Directions: Determine the similarities and differences of the three models of Curriculum Development Process.

How are the models similar?

Similar Feature Tyler’s Taba’s Saylor and Alexander
Tyler’s xxxx Both have similarities in
Both have purposes or
learning objectives or learning objectives and
purposes and evaluation.evaluation.
Taba’s Both have similarities in xxxx Both are similar in
learning objectives or formulation of learning
purposes and evaluation. objectives and evaluation
of the experiences.
Saylor and Alexander Both have purposes or Both are similar in xxxx
learning objectives and formulation of learning
evaluation. objectives and evaluation
of the experiences.
The above models of curriculum development process has few similarities. Mostly, learning objectives or
purposes and evaluation are in common. Meanwhile, these models are beneficial for the needs of the institution
to be addressed, as well as for the welfare of the implementation of the curriculum to each and every school in
the country.

How are the models different?

Similar Feature Tyler’s Taba’s Saylor and Alexander
Tyler’s xxxx Tyler’s has educational Tyler’s is based from
experiences related to educational experiences
purposes, organization of related to purposes, while
the experiences and Saylor and Alexander’s
selecting of learning are to design curriculum
experiences, unlike Taba after appropriate learning
has diagnosis of learners’ opportunities.
needs and expectations of
the larger society.
Taba’s Taba’s has diagnosis of xxxx Taba’s has diagnosis of
learners’ needs and learners’ needs and
expectations of the larger expectations of the larger
society, however, Tyler’s society, selection of
has educational learning contents,
experiences related to organization of learning
purposes, organization of contents, and selecting of
the experiences and learning experiences. On
selecting of learning the other hand, Saylor
experiences. and Alexander’s have
curriculum designing after
appropriate learning
opportunities and
Saylor and Alexander Saylor and Alexander’s Taba’s has diagnosis of Xxxx
have curriculum learners’ needs and
designing after expectations of the larger
appropriate learning society, selection of
opportunities. On the learning contents,
other hand, Tyler’s have organization of learning
educational experiences contents, and selecting of
related to purposes. learning experiences. On
the other hand, Saylor
and Alexander’s have
curriculum designing after
appropriate learning
opportunities and
The curriculum development model above shown are having many differences. They differ in their principles and
steps. In Tyler’s Four Basic Principles, he emphasizes the planning phase wherein four questions together with
the considerations are presented. While, in Taba’s Grassroots Approach, he believed that teachers should
participate in developing a curriculum, where major steps are enumerated in linear model. However, in Saylor
and Alexander’s Model, they provided four steps, where they stated that curriculum is a plan for providing sets of
learning opportunities to achieve broad educational goals and related objectives for an identifiable population
served by a single school center.
Along with their differences, I can say that the most likely to be understood is the Saylor and Alexander’s model,
since they define and clearly specify what should be done in each step.

1. Describe the model of curriculum development which you understood best. Write in two paragraphs.
Saylor and Alexander’s model viewed curriculum as a plan for providing steps of learning
opportunities to achieve broad educational goals and related specific objectives for an identifiable population
served by a single school center. Moreover, the four steps are goals, objectives, and domains; curriculum
designing; curriculum implementation; and evaluation.
The model of curriculum development that I understood best is the Saylor and Alexander’s model.
In line with the clear definition of each step, this is really a great help. Having clear definitions, make each
step more understandable by the teachers. Also, it specified what needs to be done in each step, which will
serve as the guide in doing them.

2. What phase of the curriculum processes do you find very important as a teacher? Why?
The phase of the curriculum processes that I find very important as a teacher is the curriculum
implementing. Implementing is the critical step in the curriculum process but this is the most important one.
Basically, this is the part where the planning and designing serve their purposes, as well as the evaluation or
curriculum evaluating. What have been planned and designed will be the guide as preparation for the
implementation of the curriculum. Moreover, without implementation of curriculum, evaluation will never be
Lesson 2.4 Foundations of Curriculum

1. Identify which among the foundations of curriculum, has influenced what you have learned in school as a
college student?
Among the foundations of curriculum, philosophical foundations have great influenced in school for me
as a college student. Philosophical foundations refer to the educators, teachers, educational planners, and
policy makers who have a philosophy or strong belief about education. Having philosophies in life, helped me
became more inspired in learning. Just like some of my teachers, reflecting on their philosophies in life while
teaching have a great impact on me, not just made me inspired, but set my mind into positivity in life. By this,
my life as a student became more happy and healthy, believing on the philosophies that my mentors have
taught me.

2. How will the thinking of Abraham Maslow influence your teaching practice in the future?
Abraham Maslow advanced the Self-Actualization Theory, which is a classic theory of human needs.
He put importance to human emotions, based on love and trust. Meanwhile, according to him, the key to
learning is to produce a healthy and happy learner who can accomplish, grow, and actualize his or her human
self. Where Maslow focuses on the most important things that the humans must have. These things, “trust
and love” influence my teaching practice, by means of being inspired. Through this, the teaching and learning
process will be more effective. Therefore, being a future teacher, my goal is to become a productive mentor,
putting importance to the human emotions, for the learners to grow and learn holistically to become successful
in the future.

3. Do you agree with Alvin Toffler? Explain.

Alvin Toffler believed that knowledge should prepare students for the future. Everyone must be
prepared on particular events in their lives. Begin it with making plans, through this, we can identify what
should we done first before anything else. This will also be serve as guide. Comparably, the teaching-learning
process of the educators must be appropriate for the students’ level of intelligence or skills. So that the
learnings that gained are well-enough and can be applied effectively for their preparation in their future.

Directions: What significant contribution can you recall to the following persons?
1. Lev Vygotsky - Sociocultural development theory
2. Daniel Goleman – Believed that “emotion contains the power to affect action”, he called this Emotional
3. William Kilpatrick – Curricula are purposeful activities which are child-centered. He introduced project
method where teacher and students plan the activities.
4. Hilda Taba – She contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of concepts development and
critical thinking in social studies curriculum. She helped lay the foundation for diverse student population.
5. Ralph Tyler – Curriculum is science and extension of school’s philosophy which based on students’ needs
and interests.
6. John Dewey – changed fundamental approaches to teaching and learning.
7. Abraham Maslow – He advanced that the Self-Actualization Theory. Classic theory of human needs; He put
importance to human emotions, based on love and trust.
8. Carl Roges – Nondirective and therapeutic learning; he established counseling procedures and methods for
facilitating learning.
9. Franklin Bobbit – He started the curriculum development movement. Curriculum is a science that
emphasizes students’ needs.
10. Alvin Toffler – Wrote the book “Future Shock”; Believed that knowledge should prepare students for the

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and explain briefly.
1. There are at most seven curricula that simultaneously operate in the classroom when you teach. When
teaching, which of these do you give priority to?
a. Recommended Curriculum c. Taught Curriculum
b. Written Curriculum d. A,B and C
Explanation: Recommended curriculum is what I’ve be given a priority, because this is the most important in
including to the teaching. Since in recommended curriculum, the DepEd, CHED, and TESDA are the sources of
the curriculum where without this, written and taught curriculum would never exist, because the recommended
curriculum is where they came from or have been made.

2. How would you know, if you have succeeded in your teaching?

a. If the learners are happy after class
b. If the learners have changed behavior
c. If you have covered the lesson to be taught
d. If you have followed the suggestions of your principal
Explanation: I would know if I have succeeded in my teaching if the learners are happy. First and foremost,
teachers must catch the interest of the students before teaching, of course, motivational activities are implemented
then when the learners became happy and attentive, this is the time the teacher will begin the instruction. As the
result, learners must also be happy at the end of the instruction, not boring nor sad.

3. While you are taking courses in your Bachelor’s degree, you realized that
a. There are many things you learned in elementary or high school that are obsolete
b. Textbooks are not the only source of learning
c. Teachers cannot be taken out of the classroom and be replaced
d. There are many things taught in school that are in conflict with what is learned at home.
Explanation: While I am taking Bachelor’s degree, I have realized that “textbooks are not the only source of
learning” because there are many things that the students have been learned not only the contents from the
textbooks, just like in the internet and in real-life experiences or the experiential learning.

4. The PISA Examination results released in 2019 revealed that the Philippines is at the bottom of other
participating countries. How would you explain the dismal results?
a. The recommended curriculum was not followed
b. The supported curriculum is inadequate
c. The hidden curriculum had greater influence than the taught curriculum
d. A, B and C.
Explanation: All of the above are the explanation of the dismal results. Philippines as in the lowest rank in the PISA
examination result need so much improvement as stated by the DepEd (PNA 2019). Some of these are in
improving the facilities, upskilling, and reskilling of teachers and school heads, and the engagement of the
stakeholders, such as parents and guardians, for support and collaboration, which are under the recommended,
supported, and hidden curriculum.

5. As a curricularist, what is your major role in learner’s learning outcome.

a. Knower of the curriculum
b. Writer of the curriculum
c. Implementer of the curriculum
d. Evaluator of the curriculum

Explanation: As a curricularist, the major roles in learner’s learning outcome is the implementer of the
curriculum. Since, the curriculum that remains as recommended or written will never serve its purpose,
someone has to be implemented, who is the instructor or teacher. And since the word “teach” from the
“teachers”, it is the most focus that they must done in the classroom, just like engaging students in activities
and support them with materials in order to achieve the desired learning outcome.

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