Insulation Resistance Cheat Sheet
Insulation Resistance Cheat Sheet
Insulation Resistance Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet
This is considerably variable but the most general would How long should the test continue?
be anything in the Megohm (MΩ) range; at least it should This is a confusing aspect of insulation testing compared to
turn on and operate for a while. At the other extreme, the many common electrical tests that post a reading in
Gigohm (GΩ) range is good by any standard. In between, seconds. This is due to capacitive and absorptive charging
the best evaluation is a previous test result; is the value of the insulation, which can proceed, on large equipment,
holding? Also, Standards committees like IEEE and NETA for hours. If just a “good/bad” test, you need only wait
provide reliable recommendations by type of equipment. until you reach that number. The same for conformance
tests. Otherwise, wait until readings are stable and round
What does the range limit tell me? off to a convenient time, then record that. Finally, you can
Insulation testers vary enormously in how high they can wait for full charge if you have the time.
measure…Mega-Ohms (MΩ), Giga-Ohms (GΩ), Tera-Ohms
(TΩ). Often, price is commensurate. For pass/fail, ”good/
What are the safety considerations?
bad” testing, MΩ will do. Nothing is “bad” if it reads at a Of course, all Safe Working Practices pertaining to
GΩ or more. But for long-range maintenance, the higher, general safety must be followed. In addition, isolate the
the better. That way, an actual measurement, not just an test item/area from onlookers and passersby. Contacting
over-range, can be recorded upon commissioning and the test item and leads can be dangerous. Upon conclu-
compared ever after. sion, DISCHARGE THE TEST ITEM. In past, this was an
active part of the operation. But with modern testers, just
How are test leads connected? stand back and watch the display. A modern quality tester
will AUTOMATICALLY discharge and monitor.
Generally, by appropriately sized alligator clips. But that’s
not the real issue. Where on the test item? Consider this; Do I need to store test results in a permanent file?
you’re testing the quality of insulation, between two
conductors or potential conductors (e.g., ground). Leads Not necessarily, but it can be critical. Testers without
go accordingly, at operator’s discretion; hot-to-neutral, storage functions are by no means obsolete. But if you
hot-to-ground, phase-to-phase, etc. Just be careful about deal with any kind of 3rd-party involvement, it is a good
unanticipated continuity, such as phases that are idea to electronically store results. This could be an
connected at the other end. inspector, insurance agent, Standards conformance, client,
or other authority. Automatic storage rids you of tiresome
What is a PI test? argument. And it provides a reliable evaluation of all future
Polarization Index; a standard procedure, where a 1-min- tests in a maintenance program.
ute reading is divided into the 10-minute reading. The What should I know about indoor and outdoor testing?
significance is that it yields a figure of merit which can be
evaluated free of the actual test measurements. “Good” Most is the same but there are some important
insulation has little leakage current, charges up over considerations. Primary are temperature and humidity.
10 minutes, and yields a high PI. Poor insulation is held Temperature has a profound effect on insulation measure-
relatively steady by high leakage current and so yields a PI ments, approximately cutting in half with a 10°C rise. All
around 1. recorded results should be corrected to a common base to
prevent later confusion. Humidity, unfortunately, cannot
be so corrected as every type of insulating material reacts
differently to moisture. But it can at least be included as a
test condition.