10 - Appendix 5 - Health Safety Policy
10 - Appendix 5 - Health Safety Policy
10 - Appendix 5 - Health Safety Policy
a) Statement of Intent
b) Premises
d) Accidents/Incidents
Health and Safety is the interest of everyone working for SLL and it is important that
each and every one of us is always aware of his/her actions in respect of Health, Safety
and Welfare.
This Health and Safety Policy has been developed with a great deal of care and thought
for the protection of all persons affected by our activities with the intention of
minimising hazards and preventing accidents.
SLL requires all staff and other parties working under its control to read and act upon
the procedures contained within.
Date: ……………………..……………………..
1.0 Introduction
It is the policy of SLL to provide working conditions that are safe and healthy for
all employees and at all times carry out its operations so that, so far as is
reasonable practicable, the health and safety of any persons concerned will not be
adversely affected.
This policy is compiled in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
and all duties and obligations imposed by the Act, and all other Acts and Regulations
affecting all of the activities of SLL.
These include the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (as
amended in 1999) and the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 1994.
Other Regulations extend these duties to provide that specific risk assessments are
carried out in order to ensure a safe and healthy place of work for employees and a safe
environment for the public is paramount.
SLL has the ultimate responsibility to take all measures within its power to make sure
that its premises are safe and without risks to the health of staff and members of the
public. SLL will ensure through its Health and Safety Advisory Group, that the
appropriate advice is made available together with the co-ordination of all health and
safety activities. All Leisure Managers and Supervisors will be responsible for the
health and safety of personnel and equipment within their areas of control and will
undertake periodic safety checks and prepare any necessary risk assessments.
All staff working for SLL have a responsibility for their own health and safety and that
of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and they must co-operate with
the Organisation on all health and safety matters.
A copy of this General Policy Statement will be issued to all employees and casual
workers and shall be signed and dated by each individual employee as part of their
agreement to accept this as part of their Terms and Conditions of Employment.
Reviews to the statement will be re-issued as necessary.
2.02 SLL will take all reasonable measures to fulfil it’s responsibilities and will
ensure that competency checks are made and provide adequate resources to
meet it’s commitments. This includes a commitment to:-
a) provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that are
b) provide a safe place of work, safe access to it and safe egress from it;
c) provide safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of
articles and substances;
f) consider and, if necessary, take action on any health and safety issues or
concerns reported by employees.
2.03 Individuals have responsibilities too and all SLL employees at work are
a) to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of
other persons (especially, for example young persons and expectant
mothers employed by the Organisation) who may be affected by their
acts or omissions at work and;
a) The arrangements set out under this SLL Policy document will be
monitored and amended as appropriate in accordance with the Health
and Safety Management System to comply with BS8800.
f) The members of the Health and Safety Group shall each be classed as
a Competent Person for their site and will ensure that a programme of
risk assessments is undertaken and will monitor the systems put in place
to ensure the health and safety of employees and public.
c) Codes of Safe Practice for the work of particular groups of employees and for
specific hazards.
These documents will be issued and their contents effectively communicated to those
employees covered by them and can be inspected at all times at the Leisure Site
The SLL Management Team will be responsible within their own sections for
compliance with the Health and Safety Policy and all relevant legislation.
Managing Director
Management Team
SLL Employees
1) Managing Director
5) SLL Employees
1) Managing Director
a) Will ensure that there are effective policies for Health and Safety to cover all
aspects of SLL.
b) Will be directly responsible for overall compliance with the Health and Safety
Policy and all other relevant legislation.
c) Will, as often as may be necessary, ensure that the effectiveness of the SLL
Policy is appraised and ensure that any necessary changes are made.
d) Will ensure that the attention of SLL is drawn to any relevant information
concerning the Health and Safety matters within the Organisation, which is of
direct interest to them.
e) Will ensure, in conjunction with the SLL Management Team, that adequate
resources in the form of time and funding to meet all Health and Safety
requirements for SLL are provided.
f) Will ensure that responsibilities for Health and Safety within SLL are properly
assigned and accepted at all levels.
g) Will, as often as may be necessary, appraise the effectiveness of the SLL Health
and Safety Policy and ensure that any necessary changes are made.
c) Will ensure that responsibilities for Health and Safety in the Sections’/Centres’
operations are properly assigned and accepted at all levels.
e) Will ensure that all Risk Assessments for the work of their Section/Centre are
written and that Safe Working Procedures are developed.
h) Will seek to ensure, in conjunction with the Managing Director, that adequate
competency checks are made together with providing adequate resources in the
form of time and funding to meet all Health and Safety requirements.
i) Will involve the Health and Safety Advisory Group when proposing revisions
to building layouts at the planning stage.
b) Will ensure that Risk Assessments are prepared for all tasks carried out by their
staff and that Safe Working Procedures are developed from them.
c) Will seek to ensure that all staff for whom they are responsible know and
understand and comply with the Safe Working Procedures and the reasons for
d) Will promote an understanding by all of the staff for whom they are responsible
of all relevant Health and Safety information including Risk Assessments
through team meetings and training courses.
e) Will seek to ensure that all safety rules are observed, personal protective
equipment is worn or used and that all safety devices are fitted and properly
maintained and adjusted.
f) Will maintain a system to ensure that they are informed of all accidents that
occur in their section and that these are reported promptly to SLL Management
Team on the appropriate form after investigation into the causes has been made.
g) Will ensure that all machinery and equipment for use by the staff for whom they
are responsible is properly maintained and that all defects found are promptly
reported and rectified.
h) Will consult with the staff for whom they are responsible on any Health and
Safety matters causing them concern and seek the advice of the Health and
Safety Advisory Group when necessary.
j) Will seek to ensure, in conjunction with the SLL Management Team, that
adequate competency checks are made together with providing adequate
resources in the form of time and funding to meet all Health and Safety
requirements for employment of Staff, Contractors and Consultants.
b) Will be familiar with the SLL Health and Safety Policy and all relevant
supporting documents.
c) Will receive information on current Health and Safety matters and advise SLL
Management Team so as to assist in the assessment of:-
d) Members of the Group will act as a liaison point between the Health and Safety
Advisory Group and his/her Section/Leisure Centre to ensure that all Managers
and Employees receive appropriate Health and Safety information.
e) Will liaise with the Managing Director and other Managers on Health and
Safety matters.
f) Will seek to ensure that the Health and Safety plan approved by the
Management Team is achieved and that sufficient time is allowed for the
completion of the necessary tasks.
k) Will arrange for periodic Health and Safety Audits to be carried out for all
l) Will arrange practice Fire Evacuations to test emergency plans and ensure that
fire risk assessments are carried out periodically for all premises operated by
5) SLL Employees
a) Will make themselves familiar with the SLL Health and Safety Policy and any
relevant supporting documents e.g. Risk Assessments and Safe Working Policy
and Procedures.
b) Will observe all Health and Safety rules at all times and comply with Health
and Safety instructions given by their Supervisor or other persons with a
responsibility for Health and Safety.
c) Will wear all appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and use safety
devices where appropriate.
Health & Safety Policy
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and working environment for all
its employees and a safe and healthy place in which its customers can enjoy themselves.
We will take all the necessary steps to meet our responsibilities, paying particular attention to
the provision and maintenance of:-
(iii) safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and
(iv) sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable our employees
to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work;
Every employee shall receive a copy of the SLL, Health and Safety policy and will receive
such training as is necessary to understand and execute their own responsibilities. SLL sets
out the responsibilities of each employee and of each manager.
All staff have a responsibility to comply with the Health & Safety legislation, the SLL
safety policy, Codes of Safe Working Practices and written down procedures and
guidelines to protect both themselves and the general public.
We recognise the importance of good practice in relation to all aspects of Health & Safety
and will operate the Centres in accordance with the following:
1. The Health & Safety at Work Act – and the regulations and guidelines
made under this;
Health & Safety Policy
• We provide and maintain equipment, premises and systems of work that are safe;
• The handling, storage and transportation of objects and substances are carried out
• All our staff are required to report any hazard or defect, which might compromise the
safety of themselves or the public. These reports should be oral where an immediate
danger has been identified and/or should be confirmed in a written report. The
responsibility for taking remedial action is with the manager or in his absence, a
member of the Centres Management Team;
• Health and safety is an agenda item on all our team meetings which we aim to hold
fortnightly. All staff are actively encouraged to contribute to these meetings and to
participate in the promotion of a healthy and safe environment for our customers and
their colleagues;
• SLL will also have a Health and Safety Advisory group consisting of key operational
staff who are experienced and/or qualified to advise on Health and Safety matters. SLL
Management team will periodically refer Health and Safety issues to this group for
further guidance or investigation. This group will meet regularly to discuss Health and
Safety issues at Centres and will be actively encouraged to identify potential hazards
and problem areas of concern within the organisation.
Health & Safety Policy
We maintain all premises plant, equipment and materials to the highest possible standards of
We ensure that designated individuals carry out routine inspections of facilities and equipment
to identify faults which might be detrimental to the safety and welfare of the staff and the
general public. Formal inspections are recorded on the appropriate checklists. Any items
found to be faulty or in need of repair are logged in the maintenance book for the immediate
attention of the Maintenance Engineer.
Formal maintenance contracts will be agreed/signed for any item of equipment where this is
necessary and where its primary purpose has a direct relevance to safety.
Contractors on Site
Whenever any contractors are employed to, carry out specific work at the Centres, they are
required to fully comply with the contractors on site procedure.
Contractors are expected to submit a documented method statement of how the work will be
planned and will identify safe systems of work, training and instructions about how they will
safeguard the general public and minimise disruption. On arrival they must sign in to the
visitors book, kept in reception, and when wishing to leave site, the area will be checked by the
Duty Manager to make sure it is safe for the public before they can sign out.
Where any use of welding equipment or hot work is to be carried out, the Centre Manager or
services engineer will issue a “Hot Work Permit” which must be applied for at least a week in
advance of them attending the site.
Risk Assessments
The purpose of the risk assessments is to determine what measures need to be taken to comply
with the relevant statutory provisions. The assessment will identify the significant risks or
hazards in the workplace and as a consequence, we are able to introduce work instructions,
procedures and training which limit the potential for serious injury.
Risk assessments have been carried out by centre staff for all site facilities, services, working
practices where appropriate, and specific activities, and no new initiatives will be introduced
prior to these being carried out.
Health & Safety Policy
All staff are made aware of the risk assessments specifically related to their job as part of their
induction, and general risk assessment documents are kept in the following locations:
• Managers Office;
• Staff Room;
• Fitness Studio;
• Cafeteria;
• Reception.
Fire Safety
The Centres Management Teams are responsible for all aspects of fire safety.
We ensure that all fire fighting equipment is maintained in good conditions, is regularly
inspected and serviced by a reputable company experienced in fire safety (Chubb Fire). An
annual Certificate of Competence is obtained from this company.
The fire alarm is tested weekly and a service contract for annual maintenance is held with a
reputable company experienced in fire alarm maintenance. We ensure all staff are fully aware
of their individual responsibilities in the event of a fire and receive the evacuation procedures
as part of their formal induction.
We will fulfil our statutory obligations to carry out twice yearly fire drills.
The appropriate statutory signs are displayed at all locations where deemed necessary, i.e. at
call points, fire exits, etc.
Electrical Safety
We ensure that all electrical equipment is properly maintained and operated strictly in
accordance with manufacturers instructions.
Equipment is regularly inspected and tested and portable electrical appliances will be tested
annually by a qualified electrical engineer. Records of these tests are kept at the Centres.
Any equipment found to be faulty or unsafe is immediately taken out of services until it is
repaired or condemned.
Emergency lighting is checked both as part of this inspection and also monthly by our on-site
plant engineer. The checks are recorded.
Health & Safety Policy
Panic Alarms
• Main Pool;
• Reception;
• Disabled Changing Room;
• Health Suite.
These are all tested weekly and recorded in the Day Book.
Centre staff carry out a minimum of 6 water tests on each of its pools every day to ensure the
quality of the water and the correct pH balance. These tests occur at regular intervals
throughout the day, the first being before the pools are opened for use in the morning.
In addition to these tests the Plant Engineer also tests the water independently each day.
The Service Engineer commissions an independent water quality analysis every 3 months by
Kent Analytical Services, a subsidiary of SE Water if any problem with water quality is
We ensure that all applicable licences are obtained and reviewed for each year of the contract
for all aspects of its operations appertaining to safety.
SLL will continue to be insured with Zurich Municipal. At the time of the transfer insurance
cover was as follows:
Health & Safety Policy
We ensure that all equipment, machinery, fixtures and fittings used at the Centres are regularly
inspected, maintained and serviced and are fit for the purpose for which they are intended.
All staff are competent to erect and dismantle every item of equipment which is used by
themselves or the public and will receive training for this and for their safe operation and
controlled use.
Where any specific guidelines or guidance notes have been issued by the Health & Safety
Executive, Governing or Regulatory Body, Organisation or Association, these are explained
and circulated to all relevant staff.
Equipment and machinery will always be stored correctly and in the proper location and all
storerooms will be regularly checked and kept tidy. Storerooms are closed/locked at all times
to ensure public safety.
Periodic safety cleaning which is essential for some equipment that is frequently used by the
public forms part of the cleaning documentation. This includes the poolside surrounds, scum
lines and channels etc. Where necessary, external qualified/registered contractors will be used
to service equipment, machinery, facilities, etc., i.e. trampolines, disabled lifts, hoist etc., and
Certificates of Inspection are obtained where these are available.
Some facilities in the Centres have their own specialist equipment/machinery i.e. Fitness
Studio, Cafeteria, and these will also be regularly inspected and maintained and hygienically
cleaned as appropriate.
Any equipment or machinery which has moving parts is guarded and staff will wear the correct
safety clothing, accessories or apparatus.
We place great emphasis on the safe operation of our swimming pools recognising the
potential dangers and obvious risk of accidents occurring in these facilities.
The Normal Operating Procedures (NOP) set out the standards of supervision and conduct
expected from all staff to ensure the safety of the public whilst using the Centres’ facilities.
The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) lays down the principles of good practice in the event of
disorderly behaviour, lighting failure, pool water quality etc., or indeed any type of emergency.
The Fire Evacuation Procedures (FEP) give clear and precise action to be taken by staff on
hearing the fire alarm sounding by both their job title and location within the building, and in
the event of a bomb threat.
Health & Safety Policy
We expect all staff to fully comply with the procedures and guidelines of these documents and
to strictly enforce their directives at all times. All staff are made completely aware of their
responsibilities in this respect at the time of their induction, when the procedures are issued
and discussed.
First Aid
Equipment and first aid boxes are also checked and replenished on a weekly basis.
Signs indicating the arrangements for seeking first aid at the Centres are displayed in numerous
locations around the sites.
Health & Safety Policy
The Centre Managers ensure that all staff are suitably qualified/trained to carry out the duties
for which they are employed/assigned for the safety of the public.
Leisure Attendants
All leisure attendants (full time and casuals) must obtain a National Pool Lifeguard
Qualification within 6 months of their employment.
All full time leisure attendants will obtain a First Aid Certificate within 6 months of their
These two stipulations form the basis of their 6 month probation period for all new staff or
those promoted as well as full competence in carrying out the various duties of their post.
Fitness Coaches
All fitness studio coaches must be qualified to the following standard, BAWLA, YMCA
Fitness/Resistance training or PEA.
Dance/Aerobics Instructors
All dance/aerobics instructors must be qualified to the following standards and no unqualified
instructors will be used at any time:
Swimming Teachers
All swimming teachers possess the minimum qualification as an ASA Assistant/ Preliminary
Teacher’s Certificate when instructing schools, groups etc.
All swimming teachers instructing organised lessons hold the ASA Full Swimming Teacher’s
All dry sports coaches must hold the minimum recognised qualification for a particular sport
i.e. football – FA Preliminary Coaching Award, Trampoline – BTF etc.
All catering staff obtain a Basic Food Hygiene Certificate during their employment.
Health & Safety Policy
Crèche assistants may be employed with a Play worker Certificate, but are not allowed to take
charge of the crèche with this qualification.
All staff
All staff who have access to children have to undergo an enhanced CRB check.
All staff will have received a detailed induction package including the Health & Safety Policy,
Operating Procedures relevant to their specific area of work, and the Evacuation Procedures.
All new staff receive “on the job” training for as long as it is deemed necessary for them to
carry out the duties associated with their post. As part of this they will receive instruction and
training in the erection and dismantling of equipment and all other safe working practices in
relation to the duties of their posts
The Centre Management Teams hold regular team meetings approximately every two weeks
and Health & Safety is an agenda item of each meeting.
Activities organised in any part of the Centres are fully supervised at all times and staff receive
detailed guidelines and procedures for safe and effective supervision and control, taking full
account of the number of participants, ages, types of activities etc.
Health & Safety Policy
All accidents/incidents occurring at the Centres and involving staff or members of the public
are reported and recorded in compliance with the RIDDOR regulations.
In either instance the appropriate form will be completed by the staff member dealing with the
situation and, if necessary, minor first aid will be administered.
The Duty Manager assists in any situation and takes the appropriate action. He/she determines
whether any additional information is required and ensures that any follow-up reports are
completed. All accident/incident forms are countersigned by the Duty Manager.
The Emergency Services i.e. police, fire and/or ambulance are called if the accident/incident is
of a serious nature and the CCTV control room is also advised for possible video evidence.
The Duty Manager then informs the following people if the accident is deemed to be of a
relatively serious nature (see reverse of pink accident form).
SLL Operations Manager determines whether to inform the insurers, Zurich Municipal, in due
course depending upon the circumstances and implications of any accident/incident and will
also notify the Health & Safety Executive of any notifiable accidents.
Accident and incident forms are kept in the Duty Manager’s offices and Administration offices
respectively and also in the First Aid Rooms.
Health & Safety Policy
We fully comply with the COSHH legislation and all substances used in the Centres are fully
assessed by a competent assessor. COSHH requires the following factors to be considered:
All staff are responsible for ensuring that they fully comply with any instructions issued
relating to COSHH.
Any new substance introduced into the operation of the Centres will be fully assessed before it
is issued and the appropriate information given to staff.
In addition to any update because of the introduction of a new substance, the COSHH
assessments are reviewed and updated each year and also if any new information is received
from a supplier.
Protective Clothing
Staff are issued with the appropriate uniform depending on their designated duties and are
required to wear it.
We ensure that no member of staff carries out any duty without wearing the correct protective