Anti Violence Essay
Anti Violence Essay
Anti Violence Essay
There are a lot of laws in relation to anti-violence, a lot of it only protect women and
kids. We overlooked men that also suffers from such violence. That is because it is the norm of
our society, only women are being abused and that men are the perpetrator of the abuse. If a
woman has a black eye and a split lip, people instantly thinks that this woman is being violated
or being abused but when a man has the same intensity of bruises, people assumed that he is
just in a brawl with another man. It is despondent that there are laws created specifically for
women but none for men. There are gender neutral anti-violence laws but never a designated
one specifically for men. It is imperative for us, for the world to acknowledge that men can also
be the abused and women can also be the abuser, after all we are made free and equal.
According to statistics, women have more cases of reported abuse than men. The reason
is that men tend to hide the abuse perpetuated upon them because of ego and gender stereotype
made by the society. Men, who suffered abuse under the hands of a woman, tend to think that
no one will believe them. Men are physically seen as the bigger and stronger person than
women causing it to be difficult, for others, to comprehend when a man reports abuse caused
by woman. How does a woman, weak and small, abuse a big strong man? It doesn’t matter.
Sizes, in relation to abuse, is a big component in an abuse but it does not guarantee abuse. A
big strong man can also have in mind to never harm a person, more so, a woman. A “big
strong” man can be soft on the inside and cannot stand hurting someone. On the other hand,
women can also be the “big strong” woman, and have the intentions of hurting other people.
Anti-violence against men are overlooked and neglected. Though it should be given
equal importance as to anti-violence against women. According to a study, police and hospitals
are trained to look for violence acted upon only on a woman. This shows how much our society
shape our minds that only women can be abused. Anti-violence should be used and applied to
all gender. Anti-violence against men should be a big thing and not seen as controversial.
Society is to blame as to why men are afraid to speak up about their abuse. The society needs to
open their mind and accept that everyone can be abused and the abuser, not just one gender.
Supporting peer groups that help men and women have voices is one way of helping the
abused. Those groups help inform those who are abused, that there are help for them and that
their voices can be heard loud and clear. If you personally know a friend or relative that are
abused, let them know that you support whatever they want, let them know you care about them
and their safety. Encourage him/her to talk to someone that can help. Never make them feel
shame and doubt. For people that personally experienced any kind of violence, never ever
justify your abuser and know you have and you will have people to support and help you, may it
be your family, relatives, close friends and peer groups. Violence can never be justified in any
way and should be punishable by law. No man or woman should be afraid of speaking up
against their abusers. They should feel at the very least, safe and away from all the violence. As
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite