Arantia Digital Signage - Catalogue
Arantia Digital Signage - Catalogue
Arantia Digital Signage - Catalogue
Arantia is the company of Televes Corporation specialized Innovation is one of the fundamental pillars in our
in IPTV and Digital Signage systems as well as a wide developing strategy, devoting significant resources
variety of services that can be provided through IP . and investment to the development of new technolo-
gies and services.
We provide global solutions to organizations by means of
the most innovative technology, thanks to the flexibility
Arantia maintains a decisive commitment to the crea-
given by the fact of designing and manufacturing all the
tion of technology capable of leading the convergen-
elements of our interactive TV and IPTV solution.
ce of Digital Television, Internet, and the access to
on demand content and interactive services, through
research and development of new multimedia and
Arantia offers a wide range of advanced solutions and ser-
audiovisual applications, products and services with
vices which cover the entire value chain in different mar-
IP technology. With the guarantee of belonging to a
kets, from the initial stages of design and consulting, pro-
business group backed up by over 50 years of expe-
ject development, developing and integration of the tech-
rience in the telecommunications market.
nological solution, deployment and the subsequent mainte-
Achieve effective and real time communication: Arantia DS Target your communications: send your message to the
grants to obtain maximum audiovisual impact. The use of precise audience at exactly the right time. Use different
attractive multimedia presentations will ensure that your screens to show different messages and react quickly
to changing circumstances by programming events in
messages do not go unnoticed by your potential clients, real time.
increasing client loyalty rates and reducing the time bet-
ween the advertising impact and the moment of purchase.
Manage your business efficiently: establish new income
models and tools to reduce costs. Reduce your depen-
Attract customers: attract customers to your business by dency on printed promotional materials and the asso-
means of an impressive dynamic presentation. Digital Sig- ciated generation of waste. Investigate new forms of
nage attracts more consumers to your premises and pro- financing for your digital signage system, such as co-
longs the time they stay at your point of sale, increasing the branding and renting out advertising space in your esta-
probability of a purchase. blishment.
Increase the impact of your messages: Digital Signage has Make your advertising work after business hours: A
a greater impact than traditional static signage. Amaze your digital signage screen in your shop window will extend
clients. the advertising impact of your messages even when the
shop is closed, getting your message across 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
Maximise your sales: over 70% of decisions to buy are ma-
de at the point of sale. Digital signage allows you to influen-
ce the behaviour of your clients through the effective com-
munication of your promotional messages precisely when
they are most likely to make a purchase.
2. Schedule the date, time and the screens in Simple to use: thanks to its intuitive interface, a
which you would like to display the contents. series of configurable templates and a three-
step guided process, it is not necessary to have
any previous experience to use our software.
3. Manage all your digital signage system
Upload files, create contents and schedule
through an intuitive web interface.
events in a simple and intuitive way.
Security: A comprehensive user management
allows you to assign permissions and profiles to
your employees, enabling the hierarchical ma-
nagement of your Digital Signage system.
Tourist sector
Selección de eventos
Generate information about the establish-
ment’s events and promotions creating at-
tractive tourism offers
Sports facilities
Merges TV services, advertising and infor-
Crear plan llas
Selección de eventos
Content design
Arantia ofrece una herramienta de diseño de sencillo manejo y configuración rápida, que permitirá crear eventos y
plantillas en pocos minutos y distribuirlos a todos los players existentes en la red.
Through this interface, it is posible to re- Drag and Drop. It's that simple.
gister all the visualization points on the
network, even those used in the IPTV and
Include in your templates video, images,
Video on demand systems.
music and IPTV channels
Adding new users or groups to the sys- Allows among other actions:
tem • Set the background and areas: color, image, positioni
Grant / revoke permissions
• Add rich text: color, font type, font size ...
• Save drafts
DEVICE MANAGEMENT • Redesign contents
Manual or automatic registration • Use predefined templates
Network scanning and checking • Duplicate contents in one step
Group creation for easier management • Design screensavers
Three simple steps to
3. Event scheduling:
Once you have created and selected the tem-
plates, they will be included in the calendar
Content editor
Main switch
DS Server
System extension op ons
IPTV headend