Sawla Polytechnic College: PBL Title: Design and Develop Digital Public Library System
Sawla Polytechnic College: PBL Title: Design and Develop Digital Public Library System
Sawla Polytechnic College: PBL Title: Design and Develop Digital Public Library System
2014 E.C
Competence Covered
Plan and Organize Work
Develop Website Information Architecture
Design Dynamic Websites
Establish Quality Standards
Develop Team and Individuals
Manage Continuous Improvement System
Introduction about the system
This Digital public library system project can help you learn something in creating or developing
a web application by using PHP, HTML, JS, MySQL for the front-end and back -end.
Admin Account
- Create admin account
- Add book
- Delete Book
User View Book
How to Run
o Processor: Minimum 2.6 GHz;
o Ethernet connection (LAN) OR a wireless adapter (Wi-Fi)
o Hard Drive: Minimum 500 GB;
o Memory (RAM): Minimum 4 GB;
o Sound card w/speakers.
May include but not limited to:
Operating system: Novell NetWare 5 or above or any operating system that has multi-user
ability, Linux, Mac OS, Windows 7 or above
Database software: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL server, Ingres, DB2, Informix, mSQL,
MySQL, SQL server
Code Editor : Sublime, Dream Weber, Notepad ++ or etc …
Hierarchy of information design software: Visio 2007/2013
Web Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (formerly Internet Explorer), Mozilla
Firefox, and Apple's Safari.
Graphics Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe primer 2019
Time Table
Task Operation Date 2021/2022 G.C Remark
Requirement Gathering Dec 27-28
Required hardware and Dec 29
software installation
Develop Hierarchy of Dec 30-31
Page Development Jen 4- Jen 30
Test Feb 1
Maintenance Feb 2-5
Deployment Feb 6-30
Under this project the candidate is expected to perform the following
tasks step by step
Step 1: Installation/Setup
1. Install any local web server such as XAMPP/WAMP.
2. Open your XAMPP/WAMP's Control Panel and starts the "Apache" and "MySQL".
3. If you are using XAMPP, Create the source code folder into the XAMPP's "htdocs"
directory. And If you are using WAMP, create it into the "www" directory.
4. Browse the PHPMyAdmin in a browser. i.e. http://localhost/phpmyadmin
5. Create a new database naming "db_ls".
6. Import the SQL file.
7. All steps Created successfully finally Browse the Public Library System in a
browser. i.e. http://localhost/LibrarySystem
Step 1: Create Project information Hierarchy/ Site Map
Step 2: Collect appropriate Photo and Video
Step 3: Design Header/Banner Logo(Public Library Logo)
Step 4: Create Home Page (index.php)
Book List
ISBN Book Name View Book Action
Step 7. Create User Page(user.php)
Book List
ISBN Book Name View Book