GE3171 Lab Model Qns
GE3171 Lab Model Qns
GE3171 Lab Model Qns
Model Questions
1. Identification and solving of simple real life or scientific or technical problems, and
developing flow charts for the same. (Electricity Billing)
2. Write a python program to create, append and remove lists in python
3. Identification and solving of simple real life or scientific or technical problems, and
developing flow charts for the same. (Sin series)
4. Write a python program to find largest of three numbers
5. Write a python programming for Scientific problems using Conditionals and Iterative loops.
(Number series, Number Patterns)
6. Write a python program to convert temperature to and from Celsius to Fahrenheit
7. Write a python program to developing a game activity using Pygame like bouncing ball
8. Write a python program to print one’s digit of a number
9. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples(Items present in a Library)
10. Write a python program to find largest of three numbers
11. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples(Components of a car)
12. Identification and solving of simple real life or scientific or technical problems, and
developing flow charts for the same. (compute Electrical Current in Three Phase AC
Circuit, etc.)
13. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples, (Materials required for construction of a building –operations of list & tuples).
14. Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in python.
15. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples. (word count, Longest number)
16. Write a Python programming using simple statements and expressions (exchange the values
of two variables, distance between two points).
17. Identification and solving of simple real life or scientific or technical problems, and
developing flow charts for the same. (shop billing)
18. Write a python programming for Scientific problems using Conditionals and Iterative loops.
(pyramid pattern)
19. Write a python program to Python programming using simple statements and expressions
(circulate the values of n variables, distance between two points)
20. Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in python
21. Identification and solving of simple real life or scientific or technical problems, and
developing flow charts for the same. (Weight of steel bar and motor bike)
22. Write a python program to create, append and remove lists in python
23. Develop a Python program to read two numbers as input and Swap the Two
Numbers (Using temp without temp variable).
24. Develop a Python Program to read numerator and denominator and print their
quotient and remainder.
25. Write a python program to get the 5 subjects marks and display the grade for the
26. Develop a Python program to swap two numbers (using two variables).
27. write a program to create, concatenate and print a string and accessing sub-string
from given string.
28. Develop a Python program to check if the given string is palindrome or not.
29. Code a Python program to accept a String, Reverse the String, check whether the string is
a Palindrome and print the result.
30. Write a Python program to Count the number of Vowels in a string.
31. Write a Python program to Find Most Frequent Words in a Text read from a File.
32. Write a Python program to find the Area of Shape using function.
33. Write a script named This script should prompt the user for the names
of two text files. the contents of the first file should be input and written to the second
34. Develop a Python program to find the Sum of Digits in an Integer using While
Statement by getting the input from the user.
35. Develop a program for Voter’s age validity. Validate using Exceptional handling
feature in python. ( Ex: age of the voter is > 18 or not).
36. Develop a Python program to check if the given string is palindrome or not.
37. Write a python program to perform linear search
38. Draw a flow chart to find largest of three numbers
39. Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in python
40. Develop a Python program to find the biggest of 3 numbers using nested if...else statement
41. Code a Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Given Number Using Recursion.
42. To write a python program to find the sum of first ‘n’ natural number.
43. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples, (Materials required for construction of a building –operations of list & tuples).
44. Write a python program to print one’s digit of a number
45. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples(Components of a car)
46. Write a python program to find most occurrence character in a string.
47. Write a python program to Implementing real-time/technical applications using Lists,
Tuples(Items present in a Library)
48. Write a python program to find the maximum of a number in a list using function.
49. Develop a program to find quotient of a number using exception handling if the
denominator is zero raise an error.
50. Write a python program to find the even number in a list using function.
51. Write a Python program to print the below Pyramid
52. Draw a flowchart to find the given number is positive or negative.
53. Write a Python Program to print the Following number Pattern
54. Write a python program to perform linear search
55. Write a Python program to create a dictionary from a string and count the letters from the
56. Sample string: 'ENGINEERING'
57. Expected output: {'E': 3, 'N': 3, 'G': 2, 'I': 2, 'R': 1}
58. Develop a Python program to reverse the string.
59. Write a script named This script should prompt the user for the names of two
text files. the contents of the first file should be input and written to the second file.
60. Draw a flow chart to find largest of three numbers
61. Write a Python Program to Calculate the Weight of the Motor Bike.
62. Write a Python Program to raise ZeroDivisionError if the User enters 0 as numerator or
Denominator value.
63. Define a function fact and write a python Script to find the factorial of a number
64. Write a Python Program to implement the following Python tuple operation
i) Create a Tuple
ii) Find the length of the Tuple
iii) find the maximum and minimum element in the tuple
65. Create a dictionary and apply the following operations
1) Print the dictionary elements
2) Access the dictionary elements
3) Change values of the dictionary
4) Calculate the Length of the Dictionary
66. Write a Python program to find the longest words in a file.
67. Simulate Bouncing Ball Using Pygame.
68. Write a Python Script to Check whether a given Number is odd or Even.
69. Write a Python program to create a dictionary from a string and count the letters from the
Sample string: 'WELCOME'
Expected output: {'W': 1, 'E': 2, 'L': 1, 'C’:1, 'O': 1, 'M’:1}
70. Write a Python program to Exchange the Values of two Variables.
71. Write a Python program to implement the following python List operation
i) Inserting the element at the specified positions
ii)Remove the element in the List
iii)Delete the entire List
iv)Position of the particular Element in a Given List
72. Draw a flow chart to find largest of three numbers
73. Write a program to create a menu with the following options
Accepts users input and perform the operation accordingly.
74. Write a Python Program to Compute Electrical current in a three Phase Electrical Circuit
75. write a program to create, concatenate and print a string and accessing sub-string
from given string.
76. Develop a Python Program to read numerator and denominator and print their
quotient and remainder.
77. Code a Python program to accept a String, Reverse the String, check whether the string is
a Palindrome and print the result.
78. Write a Python program to Exchange the Values of two Variables.
79. Develop a program for Voter’s age validity. Validate using Exceptional handling
feature in python. (Ex: age of the voter is > 18 or not).
80. Draw a flowchart to find the given number is positive or negative.