CP First Bread Supereasy English CZXBGX
CP First Bread Supereasy English CZXBGX
CP First Bread Supereasy English CZXBGX
The idea was giving a very simple recipe to the people Step 4
also for the people who never did a bead in he life to Cover the bowl and let the dough rest like this 30 mi-
make the first steps in bread baking. nutes in RT (ROOM TEMPERATURE)
Enjoy it.
kind regards Step 5
After the 30 minutes grab a part from the dough from
any side, stretch it a little bit and put the age to the
middle point of the dough. Do this all around the
Step 6
1000 gr. Bread flour 100 % This step you will repeat 2 times more, always after 30
30 gr. Sugar 3%
Step 8
Put some wax paper on a trial and transfer the dough
to the trail. Cover with a plastic or wet toal. After 1
hour you can cut a cross in the middle of the dough.
Step 9
HANDLING STEPS: The dough will be rest for 1-1.5 hours more before
baking. Usually the dough need to double his volume
Step 1 from the point when you put him on the trail until the
resting time. If he dont do this, because its to cold or
Put all DRY ingredients in a large bowl and mix them anything like this, only extend the resting time. If he
by hand very well. doble before, go forward with the steps.
Step 2 Step 10
Now make a hole in the middle of the flour and add Baking time will be 20 minutes.
the water in this hole.
Step 11
The bread enter in 220 degrees celsius then go down to
Try to mix all very well until all the flour is wet.
passion bread
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