Aubank 26042022164457 Ausfb Outcome BM
Aubank 26042022164457 Ausfb Outcome BM
Aubank 26042022164457 Ausfb Outcome BM
Date: 26th April, 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Outcome of the Board Meeting - SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations")
Pursuant to Regulation 30 of Listing Regulations, it is hereby informed that the Board of Directors
("the Board") of AU Small Finance Bank Limited ("the Bank") at its Meeting held on Tuesday,
26th April, 2022 has inter-alia, transacted the following:
1. Financial Results: Considered and approved Audited Financial Results for the Quarter 4 and
Financial Year ended on 31st March 2022.
2. Increase in Authorised Capital : Considered and approved increase in Authorised Capital from
Rs. 350 Crores to Rs. 1200 Crores and corresponding amendments to the Clause V of the
Memorandum of Association of the Bank subject to approval by the shareholders.
3. Bonus Issue: To celebrate successful completion of 5 years of the Banking operations, the Board
considered and recommended a bonus issue of 1 equity share for every 1 equity share held, subject
to approval by the shareholders and any other applicable statutory and regulatory approvals.
Further, the bonus shares will be credited to those shareholders who are holding the equity shares
as on a record date to be determined by the Board.
4. Dividend: The Board recommended dividend of Rs. 1/- per equity shares on pre-bonus share
capital out of net profit for the year ended 3i5t March, 2022, subject to approval of shareholders
at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Consequent to approval of the proposed bonus issue by
the shareholders, the dividend shall be adjusted proportionately i.e. Rs. 0.50/ - per equity share on
post-bonus share capital. The dividend on equity shares will be paid/dispatched after the same is
approved by the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank.
s. Postal Ballot Notice: Considered and approved the Notice of Postal Ballot for seeking member's
approval for issue of bonus shares and increase in authorized share capital and appointment of
independent director.
The details pertaining to the amendment to Memorandum of Association and Bonus issue of equity
shares as per Regu lation 30 of the Listing Regulations read with SEBI Circular No.
CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated 09th September 2015 is provided in the Annexure-1 attached herewith.
Registered Office
19-A Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91141 4110060/61, Fax: +91141 4110090 ~06724
CIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381
Fo rmerly known as Au Financiers (India) Limited I
e AU
Pursuant to Regulation 23(9), 30, 33 and 52 of the Listing Regulations, we submit herewith the
i. Audited Financial Results for the Quarter 4 and Financial Year ended on 31 March 2022.
ii. The Audit Report submitted by Joint Statutory Auditors, M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered
Accountants and M/s G M Kapadia & Co., Chartered Accountants and Declaration in respect of
Audit Report with unmodified opinion on the aforesaid Audited Financial Results is also enclosed.
iii. The press release of the Bank on the Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Financial Year
ended on 3i5t March 2022. (Annexure-lV)
iv. Disclosure of Related Party Transactions for the financial year ended on 31 March, 2022.
The above may also be accessed on the website of the Bank at the link
The meeting of Board of Directors commenced at 9:30 A.M. and concluded at 4:25 P.M. The meeting
continued thereafter for remaining agenda items.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Manmohan Parnami
Company Secretary and Com ance O icer
Membership No.: F9999
Encl: As above .
Registered Office
19-A Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91141 4110060/61, Fax: +91141 4110090 406726
CIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381
Formerly known as Au Financiers (India) Limited
Amendment to the Authorised Share Capital (Clause Vof the Memorandum of Association of the Bank)
"V. The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is Rs. 1,200,00,00,000 (Rupees One Thousand Two
Hundred Crore Only) divided into 120,00,00,000 (One Hundred and Twenty Crore) Equity Shares of Rs.
10/- (Rupee Ten Only) each."
Registered Office
19-A Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91141 4110060/61, Fax: +91141 4110090 406736
CIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381
Formerly known as Au Financiers ( India) Limited I
6. Details of share capital - pre and post Pre- bonus paid up share capital as on date of this letter
bonus issue is Rs. 314,90,00,310 divided in to 31,49,00,031 equity
shares of Rs 10/- each.
. ,
Registered Office
19-A Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91141 4110060/61, Fax: +91141 4110090
CIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381
Formerly known as Au Financiers (India) Limited
· I
Annexure - II
Regist ered Office:- 19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, A)mer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan {INDIA)
Tel : +91-141-4110060, Fax No: +91-141-4110090 Website :
Statement of Audited Financial Results for the Quarter and Year ended March 31, 2022
I" In lakh)
Qua rter Qua rter Quarter Year Vear
ended ended ended ended ended
s. Pa rticulars 31.03.2022 31.12.2021 31.03.2021 31.03.2022 31.03.2021
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
(Refer note 7) (Refer note 7)
1 Interest Earned (a)+(b)+(c)+(d) 166,703.43 149,645.01 129,236.90 592,173.07 495,005.15
a) Interest/ discount on advances/ bllls 137,985.74 122,351.68 104,227.60 488,155.23 394,736.25
bl Income on Investments 22,734.57 19,696.98 18,230.21 78,053.20 77,304.30
c) Interest on balances with Reserve Bank of India and other 2,451.01 2,360.43 1,859.76 8,708.12 8,500.66
inter bank funds
d) Others 3,532.11 5,235.92 4,919.33 17,256.52 14,463.94
2 Other Income (refer note 10) 31,137.30 27,564.45 24,716.67 99,369.42 142,093.27
3 Total Income (1)+(2) 197,840.73 177,209.46 153,953.57 691,542.49 637,098.42
4 Interest Expended 73,047.22 67,602.95 63,653.85 268,760.58 258,460.97
5 Operating Expenses (i)+{ll) 76,560.37 63,763.42 55,866.25 241,277.43 165,842.52
i) Employees cost 41,366,56 35,587.93 33,682.55 137,892.17 98,017.31
ii) Other operating expenses 35,193.81 28,175.49 22,183.70 103,385.26 67,825.21
6 Total Expe nditure (4)+(5) 149,607.59 131,366.37 119,520.10 510,038.01 424,303.49
(excluding Provisions & Contingencies)
7 Operati ng Profit before Provisions and Contingencies (3)-(6) 48,233.14 45,843.09 34,433.47 181,504.48 212,794.93
8 Provisions (ether than tax) and Contingencies - 9, 322.48 5,596.67 14,830.10 36,097.43 66,944.11
9 Exceptional Items . . . .
10 Profit from Ordinary Activities before tax (7)-(8)·(9) 38,910.66 40,246.42 19,603.37 145,407.05 145,850.82
11 Tax Expense 4,303.17 10,041.69 2,705.50 32,423.62 28,782.36
12 Net Profit from Ordinary Activities after tax (10)-(11) 34,607.49 30,204.73 16,897.87 112,983.42 117,068.46
13 Extraordinary items (net of tax expense) . . . .
14 Net Profit for the qua rter/ year (12)-(13) 34,607.49 30,204.73 16,897.87 112,983.42 117,068.46
15 Paid up e quity share capital (Face Value of" 10/· each) 31,490.00 31,376.94 31,221.34 31,490.00 31,221.34
16 Reserves excluding revaluation reserves 719,911.40 596,300.24
17 Analytical Ratios and other disclosures:
(i) Percentage of shares held by Government of India Nil Nii NII NII Nil
(ii) Capital Adeq uacy Ratio• Basel II (refer note 15) 20.99% 19.55% 23.37% 20.99% 23.37%
(iii) Earnings per share (before and after extraordinary items, net of
tax expenses)*
Basic EPS (") 11.02 9.63 5.49 36.06 38.19
Diluted EPS (") 10.92 9.54 5.45 35.69 37.86
(Iv) NPA Rat ios
(a) Gross NPAs 92,437.82 105,756.82 150,282.91 92,437.82 150,282.91
(bl Net NPAs 23,084.55 52,017.73 75,545.47 23,084.55 75,545.47
(c) % of Gross NPAs tc Gross Advances 1.98% 2.60% 4.25% 1.98% 4.25%
(d) % of Net NPAs to Net Advances 0.50% 1.29% 2.18% 0.50% 2.18%
(v) Return on assets (average)• 0.54% 0.54% 0.34% 1.87% 2.50%
(vi) Net worth 751,401.40 712,671.53 627,521.58 751,401.40 627,521.58
(vii) Outstanding redeemable preference shares . . . .
(viii) Capital redemption reserve/ Debenture redemption reserve . . . .
(ix) Debt-equity ratio 0.47 0.33 0.41 0.47 0.41
(x) Tota l debts to total assets 8.67% 7.79% 13.63% 8.67% 13.63%
• Figures/or the quarters ended are not annualized.
Net worth represents sum of Capitol and Reserves & Surplus.
Debt represents borrowings with residual maturity of more than one year. Total debt represents total borrowings of the Bank.
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
(CIN: l36911RJ1996PLC011381)
Registered Office:-19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan (INDIA)
Tel : +91-141-4110060, Fax No: +91· 141-4110090 Website: www.aubank.ln
Segment information In accordance with the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17) of the operating segment of the Bank Is as under:
(~ In Jakh)
Quarter Quarter Quarter Vear Year
ended ended ended ended ended
Particulars 31.03.2022 31.12.2021 31.03.2021 31.03.2022 31.03.2021
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
[Refer note 7) [Refer note 7)
1 Segment revenue
a) Treasury 24,976.93 22,926.47 16,549.95 101,596.28 171,434.68
b) Retail banking 158,275.12 142,378.14 126,769.02 545,428.95 424,380.64
c) Wholesale banking 12,415.61 10,757.41 8,839.30 39,671.61 37,799.83
d) Other banking operations 2,173.07 1,147.44 1,795.30 4,845 .65 3,483.27
e) Unallocated - - - - -
Less: Inter-segment revenue -
Income from operations 197,840.73 177,209.46 153,953.S7 691,542.49 637,098.42
z Segment results
al Treasury 597.88 2,022.98 (3,667.64) 16,787.89 80,257.84
b) Retail banking 33,280.48 33,168.61 19,598.18 112,756.16 52,840.15
c) Wholesale banking 3,337.18 4,266,21 2,986.91 12,571.75 10,378.94
d) Other banking operations 1,695.12 788.62 685.92 3,291.25 2,373.89
e) Unallocated - . -
Total Profit before Tax 38,910,66 40,246.42 19,603.37 145,407.05 145,850.82
3 Segment assets
a) Treasury 1,963,178.97 1,570,092.17 1,451,395,92 1,963,178.97 1,451,395.92
bl Retail banking 4,175,240.60 3,695,003.11 3,226,455.70 4,175,240.60 3,226,455.70
c] Wholesale banking 550,866.42 416,374.58 353,869.38 550,866.42 353,869.38
d) Other banking operations 1,026.01 378.54 664.84 1,026.01 664.84
el Unallocated 217,468.04 182,692.21 126,744.75 217,468.04 126,744.75
Total assets 6,907,780.04 5,864,540,61 5,159,130.59 6,907,780.04 5,159,130.59
4 Segment liabilities
al Treasury 338,458.91 173,581.86 414,024.11 338,458.91 414,024.11
b) Retail banking 2,960,289.47 2,589,730.52 2,052,927.44 2,960,289.47 2,052,927.44
c) Wholesale banking 2,853,752.77 2,375,603.32 2,057, 759,39 2,853,752.77 2,057,759.39
d) Other banking operations 395,89 0.54 1.52 395.89 1.52
e) Unallocated liabilities 3,481.61 12,952.84 6,896.55 3,481.61 6,896.55
Capital and Other Reserves 751,401.39 712,671.53 627,521.58 751,401.39 627,521.58
Total liabilities 6,907,780.04 5,864,540,61 5,159,130,59 6,907,780.04 5,159,130.59
Business Segments have been identified and reported taking into account the target customer profile, the nature of products and services, the differing risks and returns,
the organisation structure, the internal business reporting system and guidelines prescribed by the RBI and in compliance with the Accounting Standard 17- "Segment
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
(CIN: l36911RJ1996PLC011381J
Registered Office:-19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan (INDIA)
Tel: +91-141-4110060, Fax No: +91-141-4110090 Website:
1 Statement of Assets and Liabilities is given below:
("! in lakhl
As at As at
Particulars 31.03.2022 31.03.2021
Audited Audited
Capital 31,490.00 31,221.34
Employees stock options outstanding 4,133.16 10,311.71
Reserves & Surplus 715,778.24 585,988.53
Deposits 5,258,462.06 3,597,931.42
Borrowings 599,077.86 702,969.57
Other Liabilities and Provisions 298,838.72 230,708.02
Total 6,907,780,04 5,159,130.59
Cash and Balances with RBI 246,840.72 156,934.78
Balances with banks and Money at Call and Short Notice 346,010.78 321,198.77
Investments 1,530,650.43 1,081,541.39
Advances 4,609,525.64 3,460,891.42
Fixed Assets 62,257.13 48,236.85
Other Assets 112,495.34 90,327.38
Total 6,907,780.04 5,159,130,S9
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
{ClN: l36911RJ1996PLCOU38l)
Registered Offlce:-19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan (INDIA)
Tel: +91-141-4110060, Fax No: +91-141-4110090 Website:
Net Increase/ (Decrease) in cash And Cash Equivalents (A+ B + C) 114,717.95 141,165.69
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AU Small Finance Bank Limited
(CIN: l36911RJ1996PLC011381)
Registered Office:-19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan (INDIA)
Tel : +91-141-4110060, Fax No : +91- 141-4110090 Website :
3 The above financial results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of AV Small Finance Bank Limited (the "Bank") at
their meetings held on April 26, 2022, in accordance with t he requirement of Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. The results have been audited by the statutory auditors (Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants and G.M.
Kapadia & Co,, Chartered Accountants) of the Bank. An unqualified report has been issued by them thereon. The financial results for the quarter and year ended
March 31; 2021 were audit ed by predecessor auditor S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP, Chartered Accountants, who have issued an unqualified report on the results.
4 These financial results of t he Bank have been prepared in accordance with the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, generally accepted accounting principles in India,
including Accounting Standards as prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act 2013 read with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, as
amended ("Accounting Standards"} as applicable to the banks, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015, as
amended and the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank □flndia [RBI).
5 In accordance with the RBI circular RBl/2021·22/95 DOR.GDV.REC.44/29,67,001/2021-22 "Guidelines on Compensation of Whole Time Directors/ Chief Executive
Officers/ Material Risk Takers and Control Function staff- Clarification" dated August 30, 2.021, Share-linked instruments granted to Whole nme Directors/ Chief
Executive Officers/ Material Risk Takers and Control Function staff after the accounting period e nding March 31, 2021, are fair valued on t he date of grant, using
Black-Scholes model instead of Intrinsic value method. As a result, 'Employee cost' for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2022 is higher by 'I: 133 lakh and~ 280
lakh respectively.
6 Pursuant to approval of the Board, the Bank has revised its NPA provisioning estimate. Accordingly, the bank has created a provision of 'I: 14,281 lakh during the
quarter and year ended March 31, 2022,
7 The figure of last quarter in each cf the year are balancing figure between audited figures in respect offull financial year and the unaudited published year to date
figures up to the third quarter of the respective financial year.
8 The Board of Directors as Its meeting held on April 26, 2022 has approved Issue of bonus Equity shares, in th e proportion of 1:1, i.e. 1 (One] bonus equity share for
every 1 (One) fully paid-up equity shares held as on the record date, subject to the approval of Shareholders of the Bank. On completion of the said bonus issue,
the Earnings Per Share for all periods presented will be adjusted retrospectively.
9 The Board of Directors at their meeting held on Aprfl 26, 2022, proposed a dividend of 'I: 1 per share at 10% (pre-bonus issue) or'( 0.50 per share at 5% (post-bonus
issue) for the year ended March 31, 2022 (previous year:'( NIL Per share) subject to the approval of the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. The
effect cf the proposed dividend has been considered in determination of capital adequacy ratio.
10 Other income includes processing fee, profit/ loss on sale of invest ments (including provision for depredation), recovery from loans written off, income from
dealing in PSLC, etc. Profit on sale of investment for the previous year includes profit earned on sale of equity shares (part stake) held in Aavas Financiers Limited as
("ln lakh)
Quarter Quarter Quarter Year Year
ended ended ended ended ended
Particulars 31.03.2022 31.12,2021 31,03,2021 31.03.2022 31.03.2021
Audited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
(Refer note 7) (Refer note 7)
11 The current year's tax provision in~lude an amoun t of~ 4,463 lakh being reversal of excess tax provision of earlier year.
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
{CIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381)
Registered Office:-19-A, Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan (INDIA}
Tel: +91-141-4110060, Fax No: +91-141-4110090 Website: www.aubank.ln
12 The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic across the globe and in India has contributed to a significant volatility in the financial markets and slowdown in the economic
activities. Consequent to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government announced a lockdown in March 2020. Subsequently, the national
lockdown was lifted by the government, but regiona l restrictions continued to be implemented in areas as India witnessed two more waves of the COVID-19
pandemic during the year ended 31 March 2022, Currently, while the number of new COVJD-19 cases have reduced significantly and the Government of India has
withdrawn most of the COVID-19 related restrictions, the Bank continues to carry an additional contingency provision of": 21,117 lakh as at March 31, 2022, which
includes the additional provision for t he accounts restructured under RBI Resolution framework. Further, during the current quarter, the Bank had created a
floating provision of": 4,100 lakh. As at March 31, 2022, the Bank holds an aggregate provision of 'I; 90,471 lakh against advances (Other than standard assets
provision of": 27,727 lakh),
13 Details of resolution plan implemented under the Resolution Framework for covid-19 related stress as per RBI circular dated August 6,2020 (Resolution Framework
1.0) and May 05, 2021 (Resolution Framework 2.0) as at March 31, 2022 are given below:
('{in lakh}
Exposure to Of {A), aggregate Of {A), amount Of (A) a mount Exposure to
accounts debt that slipped written off paid by the accounts
classified as Into NPA during during the half borrowers during classified as
Standard the ha If-year year ended the half-year Standard
consequent to ended March 31, March 31, 2022# ended March 31, consequent to
implementation 2022 2022* implementation
Type of Borrower of resolution of resolution plan
plan - Position - Position as at
as at the end of the end of this
the previous ha If- half-year I.e.
year i.e. March 31, 2022
September 30,
2021 {A)
Personal Loans 16,074.12 960.13 115.13 511.33 14,602.66
Corporate persons - - . - -
Of which MSMEs - - - . -
Others 41,255.56 2,208.83 256.19 (184.18) 39,230.91
Total 57,329.68 3,168.96 371.32 327.15 53,833.57
*Amount paid by the borrower during the half year is net of additions in the borrower amount including additions due to interest capitalisation
#Represents debt that slipped into NPA and wo-s subsequently written off during the half yeo-r ended March 31, 2022
14 During the quarter and year ended March 31, 2022 Bank has not transferred/ acquired any loan under the RB! Master Direction on Transfer of Loan Exposures
dated September 24, 2021.
15 The Capital adequacy ratio ("CAR") has been computed as per operating guidelines for Small Fin.mce Banks in accordance with RBI Circular No. RBl/2016-17/81
DBR.NBD.No.26/16.13.218/2016-17 dated October 6, 2016.
The Bank has followed Basel JI standardized approach for credit risk in accordance with the operating guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India for Small
Finance Banks. Further, the RBI vide its circular No. DBR.NBD .No.4502/16,13.218/2017-18 dated November 8, 2017 has provided an exemption to all Small Finance
Banks whereby no separate capita! charge is prescribed for market risk and operational risk,
16 During the quarter and year ended March 31, 2022, the Bank allotted 11,30,597 and 26,86,641 equity shares respectively pursuant to the exercise of options under
the approved employee stock option schemes.
17 Previous periods/ year figures have been regrouped where necessary to conform to current period presentation.
Place : Jaipur
Date: April 26, 2022
Annexure - III
Deloitte Haskins & Sells G.M. Kapadia & Co.
19th Floor, Shapath-V 1007, Raheja Chambers,
S.G. Highway 213, Nariman Point,
Ahmedabad - 380 015 Mumbai - 400021
Gujarat, India Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 79 6682 7300 Tel: +91 22 6611 6611
Fax: +91 79 6682 7400 Fax: +91 22 6611 6600
We have (a) audited the Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2022 and (b) reviewed
the Financial Results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022 (refer 'Other Matters' section
below), which were subject to limited review by us, both included in the accompanying
"Statement of Financial Results for the Quarter and Year Ended March 31, 2022" of AU SMALL
FINANCE BANK LIMITED (the "Bank"), (the "Statement"), being submitted by the Bank
pursuant to the requirements of Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 read with Regulation 63(2)
of the SEBI (listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended
(the "Listing Regulations").
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given
to us, the Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2022:
ii. gives a true and fair view in conformity with the recognition and measurement
principles laid down in the Accounting Standards prescribed under Section 133 of the
Companies Act 2013, read with the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006,
as amended ("Accounting Standards''), in so far as they apply to banks, the relevant
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the circulars, guidelines and directions
issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time and other accounting
principles generally accepted in India of the net profit and other financial information
of the Bank for the year then ended.
(b) Conclusion on Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022
With respect to the Financial Results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022, based on our
review conducted as stated in paragraph (b) of Auditor's Responsibilities section below,
nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Financial Results for
the quarter ended March 31, 2022, prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement principles laid down in the aforesaid Accounting Standards, the relevant
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Deloitte Haskins & Sells G.M. Kapadia & Co,
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the circulars, guidelines and directions
issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time and other accounting
princlples generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be
disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 read with Regulation 63(2) of the
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended,
including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material
Basis for Opinion on the Audited Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2022
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (''SAs") specified under
Section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the "Act"). Our responsibilities under those
Standards are further described in paragraph (a) of Auditor's Responsibilities section below.
We are independent of the Bank in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India (the "ICAI") together with the ethical requirements that are
relevant to our audit of the Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2022 under the
provisions of the Act and the Rules thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the ICAI's Code of Ethics. We
believe that the audit evidence obtained by us is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our audit opinion.
This Statement which includes the Financial Results is the responsibility of the Bank's Board
of Directors and has been approved by them for the issuance. The Financial Results for the
year ended March 31, 2022 has been compiled from the related audited financial statements.
This responsibility includes the preparation and presentation of the Financial Results for the
quarter and year ended March 31, 2022 that give a true and fair view of the net profit and
other financlal information in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles
laid down in the Accounting Standards prescribed under Section 133 of the Act read with
relevant rules issued thereunder, in so far as they apply to banks, the relevant provisions of
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the circulars, guidelines and directions issued by the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time and other accounting principles generally
accepted in India and in compliance with Regulation 33 and Regulation 52 read with
Regulation 63(2) of the Listing Regulations. This responsibility also includes maintenance of
adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the
assets of the Bank and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection
and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are
reasonable and prudent; and the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate
internal financial controls that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the
Financial Results that give a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, ·
whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the Financial Results, the Board of Directors are responsible for assessing the
Bank's ability, to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to
going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Board of Directors
_,,,-__,.=-.._......_ her intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternat!ve but
do so.
Deloitte Haskins & Sells G.M. Kapadia & Co.
The Board of Directors are also responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of
the Bank.
Auditor's Responsibilities
(a) Audit of the Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2022
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Results
for the year ended March 31 1 2022 as a whole is free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error1 and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance 1 but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with SAs will always detect a material misstatement when it
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of this Financial Results.
• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Annual Financial Results,
whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to
those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
• Conclude on the appropriateness of the Board of Directors' use of the going concern
basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material
uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on
the ability of the Bank to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the
related disclosures in the Statement or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date
-.,Ms 4 of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Bank to
~«,). cease to continue as a going concern.
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Deloitte Haskins & Sells G.M. Kapadia & Co.
• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the Annual Financial
Results, including the disclosures, and whether the Annual Financial Results represent
the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the Annual Financial Results of
the Bank to express an opinion on the Annual Financial Results.
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters,
the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings including any
significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied
with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with
them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
(b) Review of the Financial Results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022
We conducted our review of the Financial Results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022
in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements ("SRE") 2410 'Review of
Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity',
issued by the ICAI. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries,
primarily of the Bank's personnel responsible for financial and accounting matters, and
applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with SAs specified under Section 143(10) of the
Act and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become
aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion.
Other Matters
• The Statement includes the results for the quarter ended March 31, 2022 being the
balancing figure between audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the
published year to date figures up to the third quarter of the current financial year which
were subject to limited review by us. Our report on the Statement is not modified in
respect of this matter. _
Deloitte Haskins & Sells G.M. Kapadia & Co.
• The Statement includes comparative financial information for the quarter and year
ended March 31, 2021, which have been audited by the predecessor auditor. The
report of the predecessor auditor on these comparative financial information dated
April 29, 2021 expressed an unmodified opinion, Our report on the Statement is not
modified in respect of thls matter.
For Deloitte Haskins & Sells For G.M. Kapadia & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
(Firm Registration No. 117365W) (Firm Registration No. 104767W)
9i)h-~ ~
G. K. sub6maniam Atul Shah
Partner Partner
Membership No. 109839 Membership No. 039569
UDIN: 22109839AHURNR6140 UDIN: 22039569AHVBUX1158
Place: Jaipur Place: Jaipur
Date: April 26, 2022 Date: April 26, 2022
Ref. No. AUSFB/SEC/2022-23/78
Date: 26th April, 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Declaration regarding Audit Reports with Unmodified opinion for the Financial Year ended on
31st March 2022 pursuant to regulation 33(3}(d} & 52{3}(a} of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations")
Pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33(3)(d} & 52(3)(a) of Listing Regulations, we hereby
declare that M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants and M/s G M Kapadia & Co.,
Chartered Accountants, Joint Statutory Auditors of the Bank have submitted the Audit Report with
unmodified opinion for Annual Audited Financial Results/Statements of the Bank for the Financial
Year ended on 31 st March, 2022.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Place: Jaipur
Registered Office
19-A Dhuleshwar Garden, Ajmer Road,
Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91141 4110060/61, Fax: +91141 4110090
GIN: L36911RJ1996PLC011381
Formerly known as Au Financiers (India) Limited
AU Small Finance Bank Limited
SMALL Head Office - Bank House, Mile 0,
~ BANK Ajmer Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302001
Corporate Office - 5th Floor, E-Wing, Kanakia Zillion
LBS road, Kurla West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400070
Website -
• Profitability – Net profit for Q4’FY22 up 105% YoY at ₹ 346 Cr; full year FY22 PAT at ₹ 1,130 Cr;
RoA for Q4FY22/FY22 at 2.2%/1.9% and RoE at 18.9%/16.4%
• Bonus Share Issuance - To celebrate 5-years of banking operations and with an aim to reward
our retail shareholders, the Board of Directors has recommended issuance of bonus equity
shares in the ratio of 1:1
• Dividend - The Board has further recommended a dividend of Rs. 1/- per share (pre-bonus issue)
or ₹ 0.50/ per share (Ex-bonus issue) for the year ended March 2022
• Addition of Independent Director - Bank further strengthened and expanded its Board to 10
directors (8 being independent) with the appointment of Shri Kamlesh S. Vikamsey as an
Independent Director
• Asset quality improved further Gross NPA reduced to 1.98% and net NPA at 0.50%
• Provisioning policy strengthened further with an aim to build higher buffers on an ongoing basis,
Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR) at 75% which is in line with best-in-class Banks
• Contingency provision now at ₹ 157Cr versus ₹ 300Cr as on 31-Dec’21 after utilizing Rs. 143Cr
entirely for incremental provisions arising due to the change in provisioning policy
• Created a floating provision of Rs. 41 Crore from its Q4’FY22 P&L
• Deposits crossed ₹ 50,000 Cr and stood at ₹ 52,585 Cr, up 46% YoY and 19% QoQ
• Highest ever Quarterly disbursement of ₹ 10,295 Crore (+39% YoY)
• Bank opened 39 new touchpoints taking its network is spread across 919 touchpoints
• CARE Ratings upgraded the Bank’s Long-term rating to AA/Stable and retained our short-term
rating at A1+
Mumbai/Jaipur 26th April 2022: The Board of Directors of AU Small Finance Bank Limited at its
meeting held today, approved the financial results for the quarter and year ended March 31,
Executive Summary
Deposits grew 46% YoY to ₹ 52,585 Crore from ₹ 35,979 Crore, with further improvement in CASA
ratio to 37% compared to 23% a year ago. Continued improvement in the overall business
environment resulted in healthy disbursements. In Q4FY22, fund-based disbursements were up
39% YoY at Rs 10,295 Crore as compared to ₹ 7,421 Crore in the same quarter of the previous
year. Disbursements included ECLGS of ₹ 64 Crore in Q4FY22. Non-fund disbursements for
Q4FY22 were up 90% YoY at ₹ 742 Crore as compared to ₹ 391 Crore in the same quarter of the
previous year.
The Bank witnessed a growth of 32% YoY in its gross advances to ₹ 46,789 Crore from ₹ 35,356
Crore. This was coupled with consistent collection efficiency in excess of 100% for every month
of the quarter, resulting in sustained improvement in asset quality ratios. Bank maintains a strong
position in Digital services with properties like AU 0101, Video Banking, Credit cards, UPI QR etc.
all of which continue to see strong momentum.
1. Financial Highlights
• Bank’s total balance sheet grew by 34% YoY to ₹ 69,078 Crore
• Deposits grow by 46% YoY to ₹ 52,585 Cr; CASA at 37% as against 23% as on 31-Mar’21
• Cost of Funds for declined by 88 bps YoY to 5.9%
• Loan AUM grew by 27% YoY to ₹ 47,831 Cr; CD ratio at 88%
• 88% of loan book is retail in nature
• Total income stood at ₹ 6,915 Crore, up 21% YoY; NII at ₹ 3,234 Crore, up 37% YoY
• Net profit for the full year FY22 is at ₹ 1,130 Crore
• ROA stood at 1.9% and ROE at 16.4% even as we invest significantly in people, digital,
branding, products and distribution to build a future ready bank
Asset quality
• Bank’s Asset quality improved significantly with GNPA at 2% vs 4.3% as on 31-Mar’21
• Net NPA stood at 0.5% of net advances as against 2.2% as on 31-Mar’21
• Provision coverage ratio at 75% against 50% as on 31-Mar’21
• Collection efficiency averaged 106% for full year FY22
• Apart from provision of ₹ 653 Crore against GNPA pool, Bank has, additionally, maintained
following provision buffer
o Provision against restructured book at ₹ 192 Crore (16% of restructured book)
o Contingency provision of ₹ 157 Crore (0.34% of advances)
o Floating provision of ₹ 41 Crore (0.09% of advances)
o Standard provisions of ₹ 139 Crore (0.30% of advances)
Capital Adequacy
• Bank remains well capitalized with
o Total CRAR at 21.0% against minimum requirement 15%
o Tier-I capital ratio of 19.7% against minimum requirement 7.5%
• The Bank’s digital properties like AU 0101, Video Banking, Credit cards, UPI QR etc.
continue to see strong momentum
• The Bank has issued 1.7 Lac+ Credit cards and installed 4.8 Lac+ QR codes till 31-March’22
• Of the total credit card issued, over 49% of customers are first time users in more than
150+ districts of the country since launch
• 1 Lac+ Savings Account opened digitally via Video Banking since launch earlier this year
To celebrate successful completion of 5 years of the Banking operations and with a view to
express gratitude to our shareholders, the Board at its meeting held on April 26, 2022 has
considered and recommended a bonus issue of 1 equity share for every 1 equity share held,
subject to approval by the shareholders and any other applicable statutory and regulatory
approvals. Further, the bonus shares will be credited to those shareholders who are holding the
equity shares as on a record date to be determined by the Board.
The bonus shares once allotted shall rank pari passu in all respects and carry the same rights as
the existing equity shareholders and shall be entitled to participate in full, in any dividend and
other corporate action, recommended and declared after the new equity shares are allotted.
The Board of Directors of the Bank recommended dividend of Rs. 1/- per equity shares (10% of
face value) on pre-bonus share capital out of net profit for the year ended 31st March, 2022,
subject to approval of shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Consequent to
approval of the proposed bonus issue by the shareholders, the dividend shall be adjusted
proportionately i.e. Rs. 0.50/- per equity share (5% of face value) on post-bonus share capital.
The dividend on equity shares will be paid/dispatched after the same is approved by the
shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank.
Continuing its effort to broad-base and strengthen its Board, AU Small Finance Bank, appointed
Shri Kamlesh Shivji Vikamsey, Senior Partner of Khimji Kunverji & Co. LLP, as Non-Executive
Independent Director (Additional Director) on the Board of the Bank with effect from 25th April,
2022 for a period of 3 years, subject to the approval of Shareholders.
Mr. Kamlesh Shivji Vikamsey is fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and
has vast experience of over 35 years in the areas of Auditing, Taxation, Corporate & Personal
Advisory Services, Business & Management Consulting Services, Due Diligence & Valuations,
Inspections & Investigations. He also held leadership & directorship positions in various
Companies/Institutions nationally & globally.
He has previously served as a Chairperson and member of the Audit Advisory Committee (AAC)
of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), New York, External Audit Committee (EAC) of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC and Audit Advisory Committee (AAC) of
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York and Audit Advisory Board
constituted by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. He has also served as in the capacity
of President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Confederation of Asian
and Pacific Accountants and as a member of the Board of the International Federation of
• The Bank has expanded its presence to 39 new touchpoints in the form of Asset Centres,
Bank Branches, Bank Outlet (BO) and Smart BC and its network is spread across 919
touchpoints as on Mar 31, 2022
• CARE Ratings has upgraded the long-term rating of the Bank to CARE AA/Stable from CARE
AA-/Stable. The rating on Short-term Instruments (Certificate of Deposits) of the Bank has
been reaffirmed at CARE A1+
• During the quarter, the Bank also tied up with Tata Motors to offer financing options to
customers desiring to buy a specific range of Tata vehicles
• The Bank conducted two AU Insights Sessions, covering 4-5 strategic business units:
o February 10, 2022 with Digital Banking, Credit Cards and Merchants Group
o March 10, 2022 with Wheels and Housing Loans
• AU Bank is adjudged among the Top 30 BFSI Brands by “Great Place To Work” (GPTW)
• AU Bank is selected as “India’s Best Small Finance Bank” in the annual Business Today –
KPMG survey of India’s finest banks and fintechs
• AU Bank is rated as ‘Best Small Finance Bank’ in the FE Best Banks Awards 2020-21
• AU Bank was also featured as one of ET Best BFSI Brand 2022 by Economic Times
• Badlaav Humse Hai – an integrated marketing communications campaign - to highlight
the innovation-centricity of the Bank has gained viewership and is helping to establish the
Brand identity of the Bank
Commenting on the performance, Mr. Sanjay Agarwal, MD & CEO, AU Small Finance Bank said, "
Amid an exceptionally challenging environment, AU Bank completing 5 years as a Small Finance
Bank on 19th April’2022 gives me immense satisfaction and pride as a founder and an
entrepreneur. I am grateful to our customers, investors, employees, and other stakeholders for
their unwavering trust in AU. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Government, RBI
and other regulators for their support and guidance during these challenging times. To express
gratitude to our shareholders and to celebrate the successful completion of 5 years as an SFB, the
Board has recommended to offer bonus shares in the ratio 1:1 and has also recommended a
dividend of Rs. 1/- per equity share (pre-bonus issue) or ₹ 0.50/ per share (Ex-bonus issue) for
Our financial performance in the current quarter has been quite strong and we have used the
headroom available, judiciously, to secure our future by tightening our provisioning policy,
increasing our coverage ratio, creating floating provision and expanding our Board. This coupled
with our investments in people, digital assets and brand-building have enabled us to build a
customer-centric, future ready bank. I believe that we are rightly positioned to take advantage of
the emerging major opportunities in our core segments. We remain watchful regarding risks
around inflationary pressures and geo-political risks and Covid, and remain cautiously optimistic
in our approach”.
1 AU Small Finance Bank Limited KMP Deposit taken Value is dependent on t he counterparty 27.90 40.24 27.90
2 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Relative of KMP Deposit taken Value is dependent on the counterparty 43.18 57.48 43.18
3 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which KMP/Relative of KMP Deposit taken Value is dependent on the counterparty 2.06 30.02 2.06
have control / significant influence
4 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Independent Director Deposit taken Value is dependent on t he counterparty 11.37 7.82 11.37
5 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Relative of Independent Director Deposit taken Value is dependent on the counterparty 3.15 3.06 3.15
6 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which Independent Deposit taken Value is dependent on the counterparty 14.83 14.81 · 14.83
director/Relative of Independent Director
have control / significant influence
7 AU Small Finance Bank Limited KMP Remuneration paid to KMPs Rs. 12.5 Crores excluding perquisites 2.27
on ESOPs
8 AU Small Finance Bank Limited KMP Interest Paid/ Payable Value is dependent on the counterparty 0.82 -
9 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Relative of KMP Interest Paid/ Payable Value is dependent on the counterparty 1.74
10 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which· KMP/Relative of KMP Interest Paid/ Payable Valu e is dependent on the counterparty 0.03 - -
have control / significant influence
11 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Independent Director Interest Paid / Payable Value is dependent on the counterparty 0.14 -
12 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Relative of Independent Director Interest Paid/ Payable Value is dependent on t he counterparty 0.11 - -
13 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which Independent Interest Paid/ Payable Value is dependent on the counterparty 0.45 -
director/Relative of Independent Director
have control / significant influence
14 AU Small Finance Bank Limited KMP Issue of Equity Shares of the Bank As approved by Board as per the 28.42
Compensation policy or as approved by
the Regulator
15 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which KMP/Relative of KMP Contibution to Gratuity Fund As per applicable regulations 13.25
have control / significant influence
16 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which KMP/Relat ive of KMP CSR Contribution Contribution not exceed beyond the 1.60 -
have control / significant influence total Corporate Social Responsibility
obligation of the Bank as approved by
' CSR Committee and Board
17 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which Independent Interest Income Value is dependent on the counterparty 1.08 -
director/Relative of Independent Director
have cont rol / significant influence
18 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Independent Director Sitting Fee As approved by Board/ shareholder 0.74 - -
19 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which KMP/Relative of KMP Interest Income Refer Note 5
- #
have control / significant influence /.: ""nc.,"-
~ d-'\:;i_~
C 0 "'{ ?1,, ... 00~·
20 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which Independent Expenses for receiving services Refer Notes 0.07 -
director/Relative of Independent Director
have control/ significant influence
21 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Enterprise over which Independent Investment made by reporting Refer Notes 51.13 -
director/Relative of Independent Director entity in securities issued by related
have control / significant influence parties
22 AU Small Finance Bank Limited KMP Other income Refer Note 5 0.01
23 AU Small Finance Bank Limited Independent director/ Relative of Other income Refer Note 5 #
Independent director/ Enterprise over which
Independent director have control /
significant influence/ Relative of
Independent director