NGT and Colostomy Care Checklist
NGT and Colostomy Care Checklist
NGT and Colostomy Care Checklist
College of Health
College Avenue, Tuguegarao City,3500
Main Campus: Dr. Matias P. Perez Sr. Bldg
Phone Fax # (078) 844 8981
Enteral feeding is a procedure whereby prescribed liquid formula is instilled directly into
the stomach or small intestine using a feeding tube.
A. Learning Objectives
Students will:
o Administer enteral feeds via nasogastric tube (NGT).
B. Equipment
o Feeding tray
o Kidney basin
o Syringes-50 ml, 10/20 ml
o Ph indicator or litmus paper
o Prescribed feed
o Protective sheet
o Jug with cool boiled water
o Feeding schedule
o I/O chart
o Stethoscope
C. Procedure
1. Check physician’s order for type,
amount and frequency or feeding.
2. Swab unopened formula into Reduces the spread of microorganisms.
container top with alcohol.
(Commercially prepared formula)
3. Pour prescribed amount of formula If refrigerated, warm formula by placing
into container container in hot water, do not use
microwave to warm formula.
4. Date and refrigerate opened Discard the formula after 24 hours.
5. Wash hands or apply hand rubs. Reduces spread of microorganisms.
6. Check client’s identification band To recognize the patient.
and have client state his/her name.
Introduce self to the client.
7. Provide privacy and explain
procedure and purpose to the client.
8. Assess client’s abdomen to verify Absence of bowel sounds indicates reduced
presence of bowel sounds peristalsis.
9. Check mark on tube at the exit site Ensures that there is no migration of tube.
10. Don gloves.
11. Elevate client’s head of bed 30-45
degree angle or high fowlers.
12. Place towel under work area.
13. Insert syringe into NG tube to
validate gastric placement A “whoosh” sound will be heard if tube is
a. Auscultate “whoosh” of in the stomach.
injected air.
b. Check color and test ph of A Ph below 4 indicates tube is in stomach.
aspirate (once every 8 hours Litmus paper will turn from blue to red.
after first 24 hours of tube Feeding should be withheld if residual
placement) volume is greater than 1/2/ the amount of
c. Aspirate gastric contents to previously delivered feeding.
determine residual volume.
d. Return aspirated contents to
14. Pre flush prior to feeding if
15. Pinch tubing. Prevents air from entering the stomach.
16. Remove plunger from barrel of
syringe, and attach barrel to NG
17. Fill syringe with formula (If using
feeding bag, adjust drip rate to
infuse over 30 minutes. Usually
drop factor on feeding bags is 20
18. Hold container no more than 18
inches above client’s stomach.
19. Allow formula to infuse slowly
(between 20 and 35 minutes)
through the tubing. Clamp tubing or
continue to fill syringe before
syringe empties, do not allow
syringe to “run dry”.
20. Follow tube feeding with water Keeps tube patent.
flush in amount ordered (usually 30-
60 ml)
21. Reinsert anti reflux valve
22. Maintain head of bed elevation at
least 1-2 hours.
23. Return equipment to client’s
24. Give prescribed amount of water
between feedings, PO or per tube, if
tube feeding is sole source of
25. Provide oral hygiene. Promotes comfort and reduces risk of roal
26. Remove gloves and wash hands Reduces transmission of microorganisms
27. Determine client’s comfort level
28. Identify unexpected outcomes and
intervene as necessary
29. Record and report intervention and
client’s response.
College of Health
College Avenue, Tuguegarao City,3500
Main Campus: Dr. Matias P. Perez Sr. Bldg
Phone Fax # (078) 844 8981
A. Learning Objectives
Students will:
o Determine if the patient can tolerate feeding.
B. Equipment
o Tissues
o Plastic Disposable bag
o Bath towel or disposable pad
o Clean disposable glove
C. Procedure
1. Check physician’s order for the Ensures correct implementation of
removal of the nasogastric tube physician’s order.
2. Wash hands. Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
3. Prepare the materials needed for the Provides organized approach to task.
4. Check client’s identification band
and have client state his/her name.
Introduce self to the client.
5. Provide privacy and explain Facilitate cooperation.
procedure and purpose to the client.
6. Provide the patient 45-90 degrees or
sit patient upright for optimal neck
and stomach alignment.
7. Don gloves. Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
8. Check for the placement of the tube
by injecting a bolus of air and
auscultate for the “whoosh” sound
9. Administer at least 30 ml of water
for flushing and inject a bolus of air.
10. Instruct the client to do deep Prevents accidental aspiration of any gastric
breathing while you gently remove secretions in tube.
the tube.
11. Discard the materials used. Proper disposal deters spread
12. Perform oral hygiene Provides comfort
13. Remove gloves and wash hands Reduces transmission of microorganisms.
14. Determine client’s comfort level
15. Identify unexpected outcomes and
intervene as necessary
16. Record and report intervention and Measuring nasogastric drainage provides
client’s response. for accurate recording of output.
College of Health
College Avenue, Tuguegarao City,3500
Main Campus: Dr. Matias P. Perez Sr. Bldg
Phone Fax # (078) 844 8981
Colostomy is a surgical procedure that brings the end of the large intestine through the
abdominal wall. Stools moving through the intestine drain into a bag attached to the
The procedure is usually done after bowel resections or injuries and it may be temporary
or permanent.
A. Learning Objectives
Students will:
o Explain difference in color and consistency of drainage based on the location of a
bowel diversion
o Perform correct ostomy care including removal of drainage bag, assessment of
stoma, stoma care, and replacement of new drainage bag.
B. Equipment
o Colostomy irrigation kit
o Gauze 4x4 or stoma cover
o Tape if gauze is used
o Clean gloves
o Ostomy odor eliminator
o Bedpan, toilet, or basin
C. Procedure