Activity 8 The Cell Cycle Answer Sheet Rev2021
Activity 8 The Cell Cycle Answer Sheet Rev2021
Activity 8 The Cell Cycle Answer Sheet Rev2021
I. Introduction
1. A large spherical nucleus, with the nuclear membrane intact, grainlike chromosomes
and one to two nucleoli. This is the stage of ____________.
2. A large, spherical nucleus with a nucleolus and nuclear membrane intact and with
thickened, more distinctly ribbonlike chromosomes. The chromosomes may look like a
dish of spaghetti. This is the stage of _______________.
3. A cell in which the chromosomes appear as a loose knot in the center of the cell. The
nuclear membrane, if still present, is indistinct. The nucleolus may start to fade. This is
the stage of ___________.
4. A cell in which the chromosomes are aligned in the equatorial plane of the cell. This is
the stage of ____________.
5. A cell in which the chromatids are moving to opposite poles of the cell. This is the
stage of ____________.
6. A cell in which the chromatids, though fairly distinct are close to the opposite poles of
the cell. A cell plate may be forming at the middle of the cell. This is the stage of
7. Look for two cells that appear to have finished dividing recently. These are the
daughter cells and the stage seen is the stage of _____________.
B. Computation of Mitotic Index:
Determine the mitotic index of Slide Images 1, 2, and 3. Show your calculations.
Mitotic Index: ________________
Slide Image 1:
Slide Image 2:
Slide Image 3:
1. Estimate the total number of cells in the field of view. Count all the cells in one
segment of the field, for example, one quadrant, then multiply this count by the
proportion of the total field not counted. For example, if you counted the cells in 1/4 of
the field, the total field would contain approximately 4 times this number of cells.
2. Count the number of cells in the recognizable stages of division and add these tallies
to the appropriate column in the worksheet. Estimate the number of interphase cells by
subtracting the number of cells in all other stages from the total number of cells in the
The duration of the cell cycle in a typical onion root tip is about 16 hours. We can
estimate the duration of time spent by an individual cell in each stage of mitosis by the
proportion of cells in that stage at the instant the tissue was fixed. Use the following
formula to calculate the duration of each stage, in minutes.
The number of cells in your field of view is ___________. Show your calculations below.
Calculate the duration of each stage (min./cell cycle) and enter this into the table below.
a. What stage of the cell cycle has the longest duration? Why?
b. Does your class data approximate the published values for the different stages? Why
or why not?
1. During what stage of the cell cycle is the nuclear material doubled?
Submission Note:
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Table of Contributions: Indicate the work contribution of the group members below.
Member with no participation will be graded zero (0).
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