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School of English and Liberal Studies

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School of English and

Liberal Studies

Course Code: COM101

Title: Communicating Across Contexts
Term: Winter 2022
Professor: Nic Labriola
Contact Info: niclabriola@senecacollege.ca
Virtual Office Hours: Please email for an appointment
Approved By: Amanda Nowensky
Chair of English and Liberal Studies
☐ In Person (IP)
☐ Online Asynchronous (OA)
☐ Online Synchronous and Asynchronous (OB) - COM111 must be OB

Comments: The course has been designed as a self-directed, asynchronous

learning experience. Students are able to complete the weekly
learning modules, readings and assignments at their own pace.

Welcome to COM 101! Please read carefully and join me in using this addendum to the
COM101 course outline. It is your guide to the course requirements and activities in my
class. Any future updates to this document will be indicated in Announcements. Use this
addendum weekly to help you prepare for classes and keep up to date with coursework.
Please also visit http://els.senecacollege.ca/school/els for key information from the School
of English & Liberal Studies at Newnham.
Texts & Materials
Students are required to use Seneca Libraries' APA Citation Guide, available here:

In this course, you will read materials from five genres: academic, persuasive, expository,
narrative, and multimodal. All reading materials will be available on our course website.

Genre Readings
Academic "Mindfulness and Student Success"

"Trump Decries Immigrants from Shithole Countries"


"Steve Jobs Knew How To Write an Email. Here's How he Did it"
Persuasive "Why Can't my new employees write?"
"Don't take a picture. It will last longer"
"Turtle Island"

"How a handful of companies control billions of minds"

Multimodal "Connected but Alone"
"I know you're sorry"

Academic Integrity & Copyright

Most of the materials posted in this course are protected by copyright. It is a violation
of Canada's Copyright Act and Seneca's Copyright Policy to share, post, and/or upload
course material in part or in whole without the permission of the copyright owner. This
includes posting materials to third-party file-sharing sites such as assignment-sharing
or homework help sites. Course material includes teaching material, assignment
questions, tests, and presentations created by faculty, other members of the Seneca
community, or other copyright owners.

It is also prohibited to reproduce or post to a third-party commercial website work that

is either your own work or the work of someone else, including (but not limited to)
assignments, tests, exams, group work projects, etc. This explicit or implied intent to
help others may constitute a violation of Seneca’s Academic Integrity Policy and
potentially involve such violations as cheating, plagiarism, contract cheating, etc.

These prohibitions remain in effect both during a student’s enrollment at the college as
well as withdrawal or graduation from Seneca.

Assignments Weight Details

Summary 10% Summary Paragraph - summarizing an article

Academic argument 15% Response essay - using readings from class
Transfer assignment(s) 30% Infographic based on a reading; Self-direct Blog assignment

Formative assessment 20% Discussion board, writing portfolio, emails

Final 25%
Final exam

Student/faculty consultation
You will communicate with one another and with your instructor through:
Discussion Boards
Blackboard:(Virtual Class/Tutorial, Office Hours)
Tentative Weekly Schedule –

Online Activities/
Week Topic Reading Assignment (%)
1 Intro to course & key "Trump decries Practice: Discussion
concepts immigrants..." Board, Portfolio,
Jan 10 - 14
"I am part of the Assignment

2 Summary Part 1 - Module 1: Summary Discussion Board:

Jan 17 - 21
Identifying main ideas "Steve Jobs knew Linkedin profile
Jan 21- last and using supporting how to write an email" Writing Portfolio:
day to drop a details Summary Practice
course without
receiving a
grade and with
a refund for
session 1 and
3 Paraphrasing; APA "Why can't my new Summary Assignment
Style Guide employees write?" 10% Due (Check
Jan 24 – 28 official due date on
Jan 26 - late blackboard)
tuition payment
for winter term
2022 with
financial penalty

Persuasion: Logic, Module 2: The Art of Writing Portfolio: What

4 Emotion, Credibility; Persuasion is an infographic?
Intro to Infographics "How a handful of Discussion Board:
Jan 31 - Feb 4
tech companies Examples of
control the minds..." persuasion
"Connected, but
Online Activities/
Week Topic Reading / Genre Assignment (%)
(Please indicate the
genre of your reading)
5 Multimodal Blogs: Infographic Infographic 10% Due
Feb 7 - 11 Communication; design and creation (Check official due
Feb 11 Social Media: date on blackboard)
Last day to
drop 7S1 Infographics
course(s) and
receive a
DNC(Did Not
6 APA Style, Module 3: Writing Portfolio -
Comparison Essays, Purpose/Audience/To Opinion of Brandon
Feb 14 - 18
Purpose/Audience/To ne Ambrosino's argument
ne "Don't take a picture,
it will last longer."

7 Critical Analysis Module 4: Research, Essay Due 15%

APA and Plagiarism (Check official due
Feb 21 - 25
"Mindfulness and date on blackboard)
Feb 21 Student Success"
Family Day


Feb 28 - Mar 4
Study Week
Online Activities/
Week Topic Reading Assignment (%)
8 Narratives Part 1: Module 5: Storytelling Writing Portfolio -
Fables, Cultural "I want to tell you a Storytelling response
Mar 7 - 11 Practice, Memories, story" & "The danger
Fiction, Identity, of a single story"

9 Elements of Fiction; Module 6: Storytelling Discussion Board:

Native Identity and Culture Elements of Fiction
Mar 14 - 18 "Turtle Island" Writing Portfolio: Blog
"I know you're sorry" Proposal
"Where are the

10 Revising and Editing; Module 7: Revising Discussion Board/

Blog Writing and Editing Writing Portfolio
Mar 21 - 25 Blogs on Blogs Entries Due (Check
Blackboard for official
Due Date)

11 Transfer and Genre; Module 8: Genre and Polished Piece (Email)

Blogs and Emails Transfer Due (Check
Mar 28 - Apr 1
Blogs on Blogs Blackboard for official
Due Date)
Online Activities/
Week Topic Reading Assignment (%)
EXAM REVIEW 1 Various Exam Review
12 Discussion Board
Apr 4 - 8
Blog Post 20% Due
Apr 8 (Check Blackboard for
Last day to official Due Date)
drop 7S2
course(s) and
receive a
DNC (Did Not

13 EXAM REVIEW 2 Various Discussion Board

Apr 11 - 15
Apr 15


Apr 18 - 22

Apr 22:
Winter 2022
term ends
Apr 25:
Final grades
available on
student Centre.
Promotion Policy

Evaluation of Work

Evaluation is based on correct language usage, organization and mastery of the subject
at a post-secondary level. Students are expected to learn professional standards of
performance in the subject areas, and tests and assignments will be graded on that
To be successful in this subject, you must complete all course work as specified and
achieve an overall grade of D (50%) or more.

Grading Policy

Grade Range

A+ 90% to 100%

A 80% to 89%

B+ 75% to 79%

B 70% to 74%

C+ 65% to 69%

C 60% to 64%

D+ 55% to 59%

D 50% to 54%

F 0% to 49% (Not a Pass)


EXC Excellent

SAT Satisfactory

UNSAT Unsatisfactory

Missed Tests / Presentations / In-Class Assignments

Students who miss scheduled tests, presentations or in-class assignments will receive a
grade of zero. If there are valid reasons for missing the test, presentation or in-class
assignment, the student MUST:
a) Contact the professor or student advisor either by phone or by email prior to the start
time of the test, presentation or in-class assignment and b) By the next class, present
the professor with appropriate documentation. At the professor’s discretion, a make-up
test/in-class assignment or new date for the presentation may be granted.

Late Assignments

Any student in need of an extended deadline must negotiate a reasonable extension

with the faculty in advance of the published deadline. Only under extenuating
circumstances will late assignments be accepted without communication prior to the
deadline. Documentation of the extenuating circumstances must be provided by the
student upon request. At the discretion of the faculty, deductions may be applied for any
late assignment submissions. Student assessment policy is available at Student
Assessment Policy website.

Late assignments will result in a penalty of 5% per day to a maximum of five

consecutive days. Assignments will not be accepted after five consecutive days or as
otherwise indicated by your professor.

Attendance and Participation

Considerate classroom conduct, adequate class preparation, and constructive

participation will enhance your academic experience and that of your colleagues. In
particular, you are asked to be prompt, courteous, responsible and collaborative.
Consistent attendance is important for success in this subject.

Learning Centre

The Learning Centre offers academic support to all Seneca students in the form of one-
on-one tutoring, small group tutoring, and workshops and are located in the libraries of
the Newnham, Markham, York and King campuses. More information regarding learning
centre workshops and schedules, please visit Learning Centre website.
Dropping a Subject

There are two deadlines for dropping this subject. If you drop by Day 10 of the
semester, the subject will not appear on your transcript. If you drop by the last drop date
(see Student handbook), the subject will appear on your transcript with a grade of DNC.
To drop, please notify your professor, complete a “Timetable Change Form,” and
return it to Registration by the deadline. Discuss any possible negative consequences of
dropping the subject with the Coordinator/advisor.

Academic Regulations

It is your responsibility as a student of Seneca College to be aware of and abide

by the academic and behavioural policies outlined in the College Academic Policy
and the Student Handbook. Here are some key policies:
Academic Integrity

Seneca College takes Academic Integrity very seriously. Therefore, all assignments in
this course must be completed independently (unless otherwise stated), and with
integrity. Copying and pasting from any source without correct quoting, paraphrasing,
and citations will be considered plagiarism. This or any other contravention of Seneca's
Academic Integrity Policy, including cheating, sharing, collusion, using spinbots,
contract cheating, falsification, impersonation, or submitting a previously-submitted
assignment will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee. Please review the
Academic Integrity Policy.

To learn more about academic integrity and for resources to help you ensure academic
integrity in all your course work, see Seneca Libraries Guides.

Student Appeals

Students have the right to appeal academic decisions of the College. The procedures
for informal and formal appeals are outlined in Academic Policy. If a student disagrees
with the evaluation of an assignment or with a final grade, s/he must first discuss the
matter with the professor in an attempt to resolve the matter informally. If the matter is not
resolved, the student should discuss the problem with the Co-ordinator or the Chair.
Students must keep all assignments (including drafts and outlines) and exercises until
they receive their final grade. No appeal will be considered unless a complete file is
submitted at the time of the appeal.
For more information regarding appeal process, please read Academic Appeal Policy.
Changes to the appeal process due to Covid-19 can be found at Seneca Covid-19
website under the Student FAQs section.

Copyright means sole right to produce, reproduce and copy a work. In Canada, all
original creative works are automatically protected by copyright upon their creation and
protection applies whether or not a copyright symbol appears on the material. Only the
copyright owner or its authorized licensees have the right to decide when and how the
work is to be copied, altered or made available. Regardless of format, the use,
reproduction and distribution of copyright protected materials are subject to limits and
More copyright information is available at Seneca Copyright Policy website.
Fair dealing for copyright-protected work information is available at Seneca Fair Dealing
for Copyright Protected Work Policy website.
Online sessions may be recorded and made available to students registered in this
class for their reference.

Information Technology Acceptable Use

Official College E-mail is available to all employees and students. Faculty, staff and
students are required to use College-provided e-mail when corresponding electronically
about College-related matters.
For further information regarding the IT acceptable use policy, please refer to Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Policy

Student Conduct

It is the policy of Seneca College that all employees and students have a right to work
and study in an environment that asserts the personal worth and dignity of each
individual. For example, this includes interactions during Seneca related activities,
student group work and communications being held online or in-person. The Student
Conduct Office works with the Seneca community to address non-academic issues,
disruptive behaviours and reports of sexual violence. Examples of issues that may be
referred to this office for resolution include, but are not limited to: disturbing behaviour
that interrupt the educational process, harassment, abusive behaviour of any kind, and
dangerous conduct such as assault or fighting.

In addition to Seneca’s Student Code of Conduct Policy, students also have rights and
responsibilities under the laws of local, provincial and federal governments, other
Seneca policies and guidelines or regulations that may be administered by an academic
school or area within Seneca. Student are encouraged to familiarize themselves with
these policies.
More information and assistance are available through the Student Conduct Office ,
extension 22078 or via email at student.conduct@senecacollege.ca.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

The college will provide reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities in
order to promote academic success. If you require accommodation, contact the
Counselling and Accessibility Office by phone at your campus extension or email
at senecacnas@senecacollege.ca to schedule an appointment. Appointments can be
provided by phone, email or video chat.
• King Campus: 416.491.5050 ext. 55157
• Markham Campus: 416.491.5050 ext. 77508
• Newnham Campus: 416.491.5050 ext. 22900
• Seneca@York Campus: 416.491.5050 ext. 33150

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