15-7 - QI (Bahk Et Al) - Ulleung Basin
15-7 - QI (Bahk Et Al) - Ulleung Basin
15-7 - QI (Bahk Et Al) - Ulleung Basin
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Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
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Article history: Cyclic variations of density and gamma-ray logs achieved from the two drill sites of UBGH2-1_1 and
Available online xxx UBGH2-1_2 in the western slope of the Ulleung Basin were investigated to reveal their paleoceano-
graphic implications and establish cyclostratigraphy of the well logs. Integration of the core, log, and
Keywords: seismic data from the two sites indicates that the sediments of the drilled intervals mostly consist of
Paleoceanography hemipelagic muds, with a few sporadic mass transport deposits intercalated only in the downslope site
of UBGH2-1_1. Comparison with variations in sediment composition suggests that ratios of terrigeneous
Well logs
to biogenic materials which were modulated by orbital-scale climate changes should be responsible to
Ulleung Basin
East Sea
the well-log variations. The established cyclostratigraphy of the well logs based on correlation with
marine oxygen isotope records indicates such climatic modulation of the sedimentation in the western
slope of the Ulleung Basin has persisted at least since 2.6 Ma, consistent with the variation reported from
the Oki Ridge.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
1040-6182/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
2 J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
2. Geological and oceanographic settings was nearly isolated by a sea-level drop of more than 90 m during
the glacial maximum periods. During such periods, low-salinity
The East Sea (Japan Sea) is a semi-enclosed marginal sea that is surface water developed because of excess precipitation and
connected to the North Pacific and adjacent seas through four caused strong density stratification of the water column, resulting
shallow and narrow straits (water depths of 12e140 m; Fig. 1). The in euxinic deep water and low surface productivity (Tada et al.,
Tsushima Warm Current, a branch of the warm saline Kuroshio 1999). Together with the changes in oceanic circulations and sur-
Current, enters the East Sea through the Korea Strait and flows out face productivity, variations in influx of Asian aeolian dust to the
through the Tsugaru and Soya straits. A cold (<1 C), highly East Sea also have been suggested in both orbital and sub-orbital
oxygenated (5e6 ml/l) water mass that originates from winter timescales (Irino and Tada, 2002; Nagashima et al., 2007).
cooling of surface water in the northern part occurs below the The Ulleung Basin in the southwestern part of the East Sea was
water depths of 200e300 m (Kawamura and Wu, 1998; Kim et al., opened in the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene by crustal extension
2002). Significant changes in oceanographic conditions have been accompanied with southward movement of SW Japanese Islands
expected in response to the glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations (Tamaki et al., 1992; Yoon and Chough, 1995). At the end of the
which resulted in a sea-level drop of as much as about 120 m during Middle Miocene (11e12 Ma), basin closure was caused by the
the last glacial maximum. Tada et al. (1999) suggested that the northward collision of the Bonnic Arc with central Japan (Chough
modulation of the volume and character of the surface water inflow and Barg, 1987). The basin closure led to uplift of the southern
through the Korea Strait associated with glacio-eustatic sea level margin and basin-wide deposition of mass transport deposits
changes played a key role in the changes in deep-water ventilation (MTDs) which were evolved from frequent slope failures along the
and surface productivity. According to their hypothesis, the East Sea southern slope during the latest Neogene (Lee and Suk, 1988; Lee
Fig. 1. Bathymetric map of the Ulleung Basin (contours in meter), showing the locations of drill sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2. Also shown is the location of ODP Site 798 and
shallow sills and straits of the East Sea in the inset. Box in the inset indicates the location of the enlarged area. Modified from Lee et al. (2004).
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11 3
et al., 2001). Since the Pleistocene, the deeper parts of the basin 3. Material and methods
have been dominated by distal turbidites and hemipelagites as the
depocenter of the MTDs rapidly retreated to the southern margin 3.1. LWD and coring operations
(Lee and Suk, 1988; Lee et al., 2001).
The presence of gas hydrates in the Ulleung Basin has been The UBGH2 consists of the first LWD phase and the second
suggested based on seismic indicators, such as bottom simulating coring phase (Ryu et al., 2012). The LWD was conducted using
reflectors (BSR), seismic chimneys, high amplitude reflections Schlumberger's GeoVision, TeleScope, EcoScope and SonicVision to
within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ), acoustic blanking, the termination depths of 281 and 380 m below seafloor (mbsf) at
enhanced reflections below the BSR, and seafloor gas-escape fea- Sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2 (Table 1). In Site UBGH2-1_1,
tures (Yoo et al., 2013 and references therein). During the UBGH2, coring was performed at three holes UBGH2-1_1B, UBGH2-1_1C,
Sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2 in the western lower slope of the and UBGH2-1_1D that are located approximately 10 m north from
basin were drilled to test enhanced dipping reflections below the the LWD hole UBGH2-1_1A (Table 1). To retrieve undisturbed core
BSR (Fig. 2; Ryu et al., 2012). In Site UBGH2-1_1, both LWD and sediments near the seafloor, coring tools were deployed from about
coring were conducted, while in Site UBGH2-1_2, 1.2 km apart from 2 m above the seafloor at the coring holes of UBGH2-1_1B and
the UBGH2-1_1 to the upslope, only LWD well logs were achieved UBGH2-1_1C, and then landed on the seafloor at the UBGH2-1_1D
(Fig. 2; Table 1). Unlike most other UBGH2 drill sites from the basin hole to continuously core from 2 to 216 mbsf (Ryu et al., 2012). The
plain, the recovered sediments from Site UBGH2-1_1 are generally coring was conducted using Fugro Hydraulic Piston Corer, Fugro
devoid of reworked sediments other than in a few limited intervals Corer, and Fugro Rotary Corer for non-pressurized cores and Fugro
of MTDs, making them feasible for further paleoceanographic Pressure Corer and Fugro Rotary Pressure Corer for pressurized
studies. In this paper, we focus on cyclostratigraphic and paleo- cores.
ceanographic implications of the well-log and core data from the
two sites. Gas hydrate occurrences in the cores from Site UBGH2- 3.2. LWD data and matching with seismic reflections
1_1 were already detailed in Bahk et al. (2013) and evaluation of
gas hydrate petroleum systems by integration of core, log and For characterization of changes in sediment porosity and
seismic data will be dealt with elsewhere. composition, we chose gamma-ray and density logs of the Eco-
Scope which were sampled at 6 in intervals. For the matching of the
depths between core and log data, the datum of LWD log depth was
Table 1 shifted from the rig floor to the seafloor, identifying the step
Summary of LWD and coring holes in the Sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2. changes in the gamma-ray logs indicating the seafloor. Comparison
Site Phase Hole Latitude Water TD (mbsf) of the LWD density logs and the core-derived densities in reference
Longitude depth (mbss) to the common datum of seafloor shows overall good correlations
UBGH2-1_1 LWD 36 150 04.400 N
UBGH2-1_1A 1534 281 in Site UBGH2-1_1 (Fig. 3).
130 030 56.500 E Multi-channel seismic data across the drill sites were acquired
Coring UBGH2_1_1B 36 150 04.800 N 1529 8 in 2005 by the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
130 030 56.500 E
(KIGAM) on the R/V Tamhae II as part of the exploration of gas
UBGH2-1_1C 36 150 04.800 N 1529 8
130 030 56.600 E
hydrate in the Ulleung Basin. A 240-channel (3000-m long)
UBGH2-1_1D 36 150 04.800 N 1529 216 streamer recorded shots from a 1035-in3 (2000 psi) six air-gun
130 030 56.500 E array. The hydrophone group interval and shot spacing were 12.5
UBGH2-1_2 LWD UBGH2_1_2A 36 150 04.400 N 1499 380 and 25 m, respectively, yielding 60-fold coverage. The sampling
130 030 10.300 E
interval and recording length are 1 ms and 7 s, respectively. Main
The water depths were measured with the length of seafloor touching drill pipe; frequency of the seismic data was set on 60 Hz, yielding 10 m
mbss ¼ meter below sea-surface; mbsf ¼ meter below seafloor; TD ¼ termination
vertical seismic resolution at 2500 m/s seismic velocity.
Matching of well-log characteristics with seismic reflections
was performed by the following seismic-to-well tie procedures: (1)
calibrate the sonic and density log for valid reflectivity series; (2)
extract statistical wavelet; (3) construct synthetic seismogram from
Fig. 2. Seismic profile crossing the drill sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2 superimposed with LWD gamma-ray logs. BSR ¼ bottom simulating reflector, MTD ¼ mass transport
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
4 J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
Fig. 3. Summary of distributions of sedimentary facies, core and LWD log data from the Site UBGH2-1_1. From the left, each column represents the follows: 1) LWD log depth in
meters below the seafloor (mbsf), 2) borehole plan for the coring holes UBGH2-1_1C and UBGH2-1_1D (D ¼ drilling, H ¼ Fugro Hydraulic Piston Corer, C ¼ Fugro Corer, R ¼ Fugro
Rotary Pressure Corer, P ¼ Fugro Pressure Corer, T ¼ formation temperature), 3) core recovery (indicated in black), 4) mean grain size in reversed F scale, 5) sedimentary facies (for
facies codes in color, see Table 2; arrows on the left indicate locations of thin tephra layers), 6) gamma-ray log (GR) (API ¼ American Petroleum Institute gamma ray unit), 7) density
log (RHOB), 8) bulk density of cores from the gamma attenuation method (GRA) and the moisture and density measurements (MAD), 9) opal-A contents from XRD analysis, 10-13) Ti
intergrals, Br/Ti and Ca/Ti intergrals ratios from the XRF scan. Blue cross-hatching indicates intervals of mass transport deposits. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
the convolution of the well-log reflectivity series and initial grain density, bulk density, and porosity were conducted onboard
wavelet; (4) correlate the seismogram from well log to tie the following the methods of the ODP Technical Note 26 (Blum,
seismic data; (5) extract a new wavelet using the correlated well 1997).
logs; (6) repeat the log correlation until the correlation is greater Grain-size analysis was conducted onshore using a laser-
than 0.7 which is reliable ratio for most seismic data analysis pro- scattering particle analyzer (Microtrac S3500) for both MAD sam-
cedures (Hampson-Russell, 2007). The correlations for the UBGH2- ples and squeeze cakes remaining after onboard pore-water
1_1 and UBGH2-1_2 are high (0.762 and 0.745, respectively). extraction. Mineral compositions including opal-A were also
analyzed onshore for selected MAD samples by X-ray powder
3.3. Core data diffraction (XRD) and a computer software (SIROQUANT) based on
Rietveld quantification method. For the XRD analysis, the Philips
The retrieved cores were processed for bulk density mea- X'pert MPD diffractometer was used with Cu anode in conditions of
surements by a gamma attenuation method and X-ray imaging 40 kV and 20 mA. Concentration of selected elements, given in peak
using Geotek's MSCL-S and MSCL-XCT systems, respectively. The area integrals in X-ray spectra, were measured onshore using an
core sections subsequently split into working and archive halves ITRAX XRF core scanner with 2 cm step size, 10 s count times,
for visual core description, digital color imaging with Geotek's 30e40 kV and 38e50 mA X-ray on the archive half core sections.
MSCL-CIS, and moisture and density (MAD) sampling which were The original XRF scan data were filtered with 5-point moving
done normally twice per each 1.5-m-long subsection with vary- average after removing abnormal peaks due to the cracks of the
ing intervals. MAD measurements to determine moisture content, sediment surface.
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11 5
3.4. Stratigraphic correlation and constructing ageedepth relations UBGH2-1_2. Adjusting LWD log depths based on correlated
gamma-ray log variations between the sites indicates that in most
For stratigraphic correlation between the log data, we used parts of the correlated intervals, the gamma-ray log values are
AnalySeries which can interactively adjust depth scale of the logs nearly identical (Fig. 5). However, it is also obvious that in a few
based on tie points set up by graphic correlations (Pailard et al., narrow intervals of ~23e33, 70e71.5, 84e86.5, 91.6e95.5, and
1996). It also simultaneously provides correlation coefficients as a 131e132 mbsf in Site UBGH2-1_1, there are significant deviations in
measure of similarity between the adjusted logs. To construct the log values between the sites (Fig. 5).
ageedepth relations, tie points were set up between logs with
depth scale and time series logs or marine d18O records. Assuming 5. Sediment properties responsible to the well-log variations
constant sedimentation rate between the tie points (“Linage” op-
tion in AnalySeries), the original depth scale of a log was converted 5.1. Sedimentary facies
to age scale (Pailard et al., 1996).
The core sediments from Site UBGH2-1_1 mostly consist of
4. Cyclic variations in the well logs clayey silt with mean grain sizes from 7.8 to 5.64 (avg. 6.74) (Fig. 3),
except a few intercalated tepthra layers of pumice lapilli and ash.
In Site UBGH2-1_1, LWD gamma-ray and density logs show an They are classified into 4 sedimentary facies based on sedimentary
exponential increase from the seafloor to about 10 mbsf, reflecting structures observed from the digital color and X-ray images: bio-
consolidation of the surface water-rich sediments (Fig. 3). Below turbated mud (BM), crudely laminated mud (CLM), mud-clast mud
this depth, the two LWD logs generally exhibit a coherent cyclic (MCM) and obliquely layered mud (OLM) (Table 2). Other than the
variation to the termination depth with each other within ranges four primary facies, deformed sediments due to the flow-in phe-
from 17 to 119 API for gamma-ray log and from 1.1 to 1.8 g/cm3 for nomenon during the piston coring are observed in the lower parts
density log. Polynomial regression of the two log variables shows of some cores.
fairly high correlation (R2 ¼ 0.47) (Fig. 4A) and spectral analysis in
depth scale demonstrates coherent periodicity in length between
Table 2
the two logs which seems conspicuous at 64.1 m, 32.6 m, 16.8 m,
Summary of interpretations of sedimentary facies.
13.3 m, and 8.8 m (Fig. 4B).
In addition to the coherency within each site, the cyclic log Facies Color codesa Interpretation
variations are highly correlative between Sites UBGH2-1_1 and Bioturbated mud Hemipelagites formed under well-
(BM) oxygenated bottom water condition
(Bahk et al., 2000)
Crudely laminated Hemipelagites formed under poorly
mud (CLM) oxygenated bottom water condition
(Bahk et al., 2000)
Mud-clast mud Slide/slump or debris flow deposits
(MCM) (Tripsanas et al., 2008)
Color codes for sedimentary facies in the Fig. 3.
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
6 J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11 7
Fig. 7. Correlations between sediment compositions and density values from the Site UBGH2-1_1. (A) Ti intergrals and density (RHOB) log, (B) Br/Ti intergrals ratio and density
(RHOB) log, (C) Ca/Ti intergrals ratio and density (RHOB) log, (D) biogenic opal contents (Opal-A) and bulk density measured by the moisture and density method (MAD).
5.3. Correlations between sediment composition and log variations Regression of the Ti contents and the LWD density values shows
a positive correlation (R2 ¼ 0.50) between the two variables, sug-
Gamma-ray logs have been often used for estimation of sand to gesting the variations in the LWD density are generally related to
shale ratio in reservoir exploration on the assumption that gamma relative contribution of detrital particles over biogenic matters
ray is largely controlled by abundance of radioactive clays (Rider, (Fig. 7A). Regression of the elemental contents representative of
1995). Density logs also can be related to sand to mud ratio biogenic matters reveals that variations of Br/Ti ratio are highly
because in unconsolidated marine sediments like the drilled in- negatively correlated with the LWD density values (R2 ¼ 0.59)
terval of Site UBGH2-1_1, sandy sediments have lower porosity and while variations of Ca/Ti do not show significant correlations
higher density than muddy sediments (Kominz et al., 2011). The (Fig. 7B and C). Biogenic opal contents are highly variable between
cyclic variations in the LWD gamma-ray and density logs at Site 13.7% and 55.9% and demonstrate high negative correlations with
UBGH2-1_1, however, cannot be attributed to changes in sand to density values measured using MAD samples (Fig. 7D). The corre-
mud ratio because the recovered sediments are dominated by fine lations between the elemental compositions and density values
silt throughout the drilled interval with stable mean grain sizes suggest that variations in the ratio of detrital to biogenic inputs
mostly between 5.8 and 7.24 (Fig. 3). This implies that changes in which were associated with changes in fluxes of biogenic silica and
sediment compositions other than grain size should be responsible organic matters are mainly responsible to the LWD density varia-
to the cyclic variations in the LWD logs. tions. Negative correlation between biogenic opal and sediment
To determine the most likely compositional changes that are bulk density has been indicated in other drill sites in the East Sea
responsible to the LWD log variations, we examined elemental such as Sites UBGH2-2_1, UBGH2-6 and ODP 798 (deMenocal et al.,
compositions of Ti, Ca, and Br obtained by the XRF scan which have 1992; Bahk et al., 2013). As biogenic opal and organic matters are
been adopted as representatives of detrital particles (Ti), biogenic non-radioactive as well as low in density, variations in their con-
calcites (Ca), and marine organic matters (Br) (Croudace et al., tents may have caused coherent changes in both LWD gamma-ray
2006; Thomson et al., 2006; Ziegler et al., 2008, Fig. 3). As Si and density logs.
associated with biogenic silica cannot be differentiated from those
of silicate minerals by the XRF scan, we used opal-A contents from 6. Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of
XRD analysis instead (Fig. 3). SEM images of selected opal-A-rich the well-log variations
sediments from the UBGH2-1_1 revealed that they are dominated
by intact or broken diatom frustules (Bahk et al., 2013). The The East Sea is supposed to have received significant aeolian
measured XRF integrals of Br and Ca were divided by those of Ti to dust flux from the deserts and Loess Plateau in China. The present
normalize effects from changes in terrigeneous flux (Fig. 3). dust flux to the East Sea is estimated to be 0.7e4.3 g/cm2/ky, which
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
8 J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
Fig. 8. Graphic correlations between gamma-ray (GR) logs of the Sites UBGH2-1_2 and ODP 798 before (A) and after (B) depth-scale adjustment based on the tie points denoted by
blue dotted lines. Orange curves are filtered gamma-ray logs with a moving average width of 6 m to aid the graphic correlations. For the Site ODP 798, logs from the upper cased
hole above 90 mbsf were not used. Note that the horizontal axis scales of the gamma-ray logs were reversed. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
is more than 30 times greater than the flux to the central North East Sea suggest that they should be one of the primary control
Pacific (0.0013e0.0453 g/cm2/ky) (Suzuki and Tsunogai, 1987). The factors which were responsible for the variations in the LWD logs
past 530-ky sediment record from the northwest Pacific demon- from Sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2. deMenocal et al. (1992)
strates that variations in aeolian dust flux are highly correlative to also found a striking similarity between the variations of the
both marine d18O record and loess-soil stratigraphy in China, sug- gamma-ray log from Site ODP 798 in the Oki Ridge and the marine
gesting greater dust flux and source area aridity during glacial d18O record from the North Atlantic during 1.0e2.8 Ma. They
times (Hovan et al., 1989). Aeolian dust flux record reconstructed ascribed the similarity to climatically-modulated variations in
from the ODP Site 797 in the Yamato Basin of the East Sea also aeolian dust and biogenic opal sedimentations in the East Sea. As
indicates higher values by a factor of 4 during glacial maximums of paleomagnetic or biostratigraphic datums are currently not avail-
MIS 2 and 6.2 (Irino and Tada, 2002). able from Site UBGH2-1_1, we tried graphic correlation with the
Biogenic opal contents of the late Quaternary sediments in the gamma-ray logs from Site ODP 798 to establish cyclostratigraphy
East Sea also exhibit orbital-scale cyclicity with higher values more for the LWD logs. For the graphic correlation, the ODP 798 gamma-
than a factor of 4 during interglacial maxima such as MIS 1 and 5.5 ray log between 94.7 and 291.8 mbsf, which was already fitted to
(Khim et al., 2007, 2008, 2012; Kido et al., 2007). The high biogenic about 1.0e2.6 Ma of the marine d18O record by deMenocal et al.
opal contents generally accompany higher organic carbon contents (1992), was compared to the lower part of LWD gamma-ray log
and have been attributed to enhanced surface productivity and/or from Site UBGH2-1_2, assuming the same climatic modulations of
increased abundance of large warm-water diatoms which were sedimentation have generally worked in the both sites (Fig. 8). The
associated with strong influx of the Tsushima Warm Current significant correlation coefficient of 0.44 between the graphically
through the Korea Strait during the sea-level high stands (Khim fitted gamma-ray logs demonstrates that this assumption is valid
et al., 2007, 2008, 2012; Kido et al., 2007). In contrast, the sedi- for a first approximation, though considerable unexplained vari-
ments during glacial maxima are generally characterized by mini- ance due to local differences in sedimentation also exists.
mal contents of both biogenic opal and organic carbon and have The gamma-ray log of the UBGH2-1_2 was converted to time
been attributed to reduced surface productivity during the sea- series by assigning ages to the tie points with the gamma-ray log of
level low stands due to the developed density stratification in the Site ODP 798 before 1.5 Ma and graphic tuning with the LR04 stack
water column (Khim et al., 2007, 2008, 2012; Kido et al., 2007). of global benthic d18O records after 1.5 Ma (deMenocal et al., 1992;
The orbital-scale cyclic variations of aeolian dust and biogenic Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) (Figs. 8 and 9). Because deMenocal et al.
opal contents revealed from the late Quaternary sediments in the (1992) deployed the marine d18O record from Site 607 in the North
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11 9
Fig. 9. Graphic correlations of gamma-ray logs from the Sites UBGH2-1_1, UBGH2-1_2, ODP 798, and LR04 stack of benthic d18O records (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) in age scale
since 2.6 Ma. Note that the horizontal axis scales of the logs and LR04 stack were reversed. Dotted black lines indicate graphic tie points between the logs (see also Figs. 5 and 8),
dotted red lines tie points with LR04 stack. Tie points in the logs of Sites UBGH2-1_1 and UBGH2-1_2 are available in the Table A.1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Atlantic to construct ageedepth relation of the gamma-ray log of data from Sites UBGH2-1_2 and UBGH2-1_1 can go back to 2.54 Ma
Site ODP 798, we refined it with LR04 stack instead for this study. at 293 mbsf and 2.12 Ma at 269 mbsf with significant confidence,
The correlation coefficients between the LR04 stack and time-series respectively. The ageedepth relations based on the tie points be-
gamma-ray logs of Sites ODP 798 and UBGH2-1_2 since 2.6 Ma are tween each log show nearly identical linear sedimentation rates of
0.42 and 0.36, respectively. The time-series gamma-ray log for Site 11.5 cm/ky for Sites ODP 798 and UBGH2-1_2 (Fig. 10). The linear
UBGH2-1_2 includes significant deviation from the LR04 stack in sedimentation rate of Site UBGH2-1_1 has a bit higher value of
the uppermost part from the seafloor to ~15 mbsf, which was 12.7 cm/ky, which is ascribed to more susceptibility of this site to
caused by exponential increase of gamma-ray log due to consoli- downslope transport of reworked materials. The time-series
dation, regardless of climatic modulation of sedimentation (Fig. 9). gamma-ray logs from the Oki Ridge and this study also demon-
If the uppermost part is excluded, the correlation coefficient in- strate that the orbital scale climatic modulation of hemipelagic
creases to 0.43. Finally, the LWD gamma-ray log from Site UBGH2- sedimentation in the East Sea had been persistent throughout the
1_1 was also converted to time series by assigning ages to the Pleistocene (Fig. 9).
graphic tie points with that from Site UBGH2-1_2, based on the In spite of the overall similarity, significant deviations remain in
established age-scale for Site UBGH2-1_2 (Figs. 5 and 9). The results shorter terms between the time-series gamma-ray logs and LR04
of the graphic correlations indicate that the LWD gamma-ray log stack of global benthic d18O records after graphic tuning (Fig. 9).
Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
10 J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11
Table A. 1
Depth and age of graphic tie points in the gamma-ray logs of the Sites UBGH2-1_1
and UBGH2-1_2 since 2.6 Ma. Tie points for the Site UBGH2-1_1 were set up based
on graphic correlation with the UBGH2-1_2 log and those for the Site UBGH2-1_2
were based on correlations with ODP 798 log before 1.5 Ma and with LR04 stack
after 1.5 Ma.
2-1_1 depth Age (ka) 2-1_1 depth Age (ka) 2-1_2 depth Age (ka)
(mbsf) (mbsf) (mbsf)
The LWD gamma-ray and density logs from Sites UBGH2-1_1 Acknowledgements
and UBGH2-1_2 in the western lower slope of the Ulleung Basin
show coherent cyclic variations throughout the entire drilled in- Samples and data for this study were acquired by onboard and
tervals. Distribution of sedimentary facies, inter-site log variations, post-cruise analyses of the 2nd Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Drilling
and comparison with seismic profile collectively indicate that the Expedition (UBGH2), which was funded by Ministry of Knowledge
sediments are pre-dominated by hemipelagic mud, intercalated Economy of Korea (MKE) under management of Gas Hydrate
with a few sporadic MTD units only in the downslope site of Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea. We
UBGH2-1_1. Correlations of variations in the sediment composi- greatly thank the onboard scientific party and technical staff of
tions and the LWD logs reveal that the cyclicity in the LWD logs UBGH2 for their support at sea. This research is a contribution of
mainly represents climatic modulations of the ratios of terrige- ‘Studies on Gas Hydrate Resource Assessment and Reservoir Char-
neous to biogenic material inputs in a way that higher aeolian dust acterization’ funded by Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Plan-
inputs and lower surface productivity prevailed during the glacial ning, Korea. This research is also a part of the project titled
maximums and vice versa during the interglacial maximums. Based ‘International Ocean Discovery Program’ funded by the Ministry of
on the paleoceanographic implications of the LWD log variations, Oceans and Fisheries, Korea.
the LWD gamma-ray log from Site UBGH2-1_2 which is devoid of
the MTDs was correlated with the LR04 stack of global benthic d18O References
records to establish the ageedepth relation. The correlation was
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Geology 162, 459e477.
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Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023
J.-J. Bahk et al. / Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1e11 11
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Please cite this article in press as: Bahk, J.-J., et al., Paleoceanographic implications and cyclostratigraphy of variations in well-log data from the
western slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, Quaternary International (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.023