Worksafe Bulletin: Carbon Monoxide Exposure During Film Shoots
Worksafe Bulletin: Carbon Monoxide Exposure During Film Shoots
Worksafe Bulletin: Carbon Monoxide Exposure During Film Shoots
WorkSafe Bulletin
Carbon monoxide exposure during film shoots
A film crew was conducting a film shoot in an underground parkade using several operating motor
vehicles, as well as theatrical fog. The parkade ventilation system was disabled for the shoot. One
worker felt ill and tried to exit the parkade. The worker was later found unconscious and was taken
to hospital by ambulance. The following day, two other workers reported to hospital with ongoing
symptoms related to carbon monoxide exposure. The affected workers reported that they experienced
symptoms that worsened progressively on the night of the film shoot. Their symptoms included
nausea, dizziness, and headache, and progressed to disorientation, fatigue, and loss of consciousness.
• Identify potential hazards (for example, hazardous • The hazards and symptoms of CO exposure
substances such as vehicle exhaust). • How to control their exposure
• Assess the risk posed by those hazards. Use well-maintained equipment
• Ensure that effective controls are in place to Maintain equipment, including vehicles and
ensure worker safety. Consider if risks could gas- or propane-powered generators, in safe
be controlled by elimination or substitution. operating condition. When using such equipment,
For example, in this case, is substituting do the following:
CO-producing equipment with electric
or cleaner-running equipment possible? • Regularly inspect equipment and take corrective
actions or make repairs if deficiencies are
• Ensure that qualified persons participate in this identified.
process. The services of professional consultants
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• Ensure that exhaust emissions are minimized, • Coordination of work activities among
particularly when the equipment is used indoors all employers, workers, and others at the
or in enclosed spaces. This typically requires workplace, including trades and sub-trades.
emissions testing.
• A supported and well-functioning joint health
• Keep records of equipment maintenance and safety committee. Keep in mind that the
and testing. Review these records before using work of the committee does not replace the duty
the equipment. of the employer, managers, and supervisors to
ensure the health and safety of workers under
Manage exposure their supervision.
Where internal combustion engines are operated
indoors or in enclosed spaces, do the following: For more information
• Conduct an assessment of the work area to WorkSafeBC resources
determine the potential for worker exposure
• Carbon monoxide page
to harmful air contaminants in the exhaust.
• Carbon monoxide in industry
• Regularly monitor the air for unsafe
concentrations of CO. Workers Compensation Act
Assessment and monitoring will typically require • Section 115, General duties of employers
the services of a qualified professional (i.e., an
• Section 117, General duties of supervisors
industrial hygienist or similar). The assessment
will determine the risk to workers and identify • Section 118, Coordination at multiple-employer
appropriate controls that must be implemented workplaces
to ensure worker health and safety. • Section 135, Educational leave
Where a risk of worker exposure to carbon • Section 136, Other employer obligations
monoxide has been identified, and in order to support committee
to meet ALARA requirements, implement an
exposure control plan (ECP). An ECP is an Occupational Health and Safety Regulation
employer-developed plan that sets out a detailed and Guidelines
approach to protecting workers from harmful • Section 3.5, General requirement
exposure to certain substances. By identifying the (for workplace inspections)
hazards, and by monitoring and controlling the
• Section 3.10, Reporting unsafe conditions
assessed risks, exposure can be minimized or even
eliminated. For more information on ECPs, see • Section 4.11, Startup
OHS Guideline G5.54-1. (of equipment, machinery or work processes)
• Section 5.53, Workplace monitoring
Ensure compliance, coordinate work
activities, and support the joint health • Section 5.54, Exposure control plan
and safety committee • Guideline G5.54-1, Exposure control plan
Finally, a safe film shoot depends on employers • Section 5.57 Designated substances
having effective systems in place to ensure the
following: • Section 5.73, Indoor operation
(of internal combustion engines)
• Compliance with the Act and the Regulation.
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