Structural Hollow Sections (MSH) Circular - Square - Rectangular
Structural Hollow Sections (MSH) Circular - Square - Rectangular
Structural Hollow Sections (MSH) Circular - Square - Rectangular
1 Structural hollow
Technical Information
sections (MSH)
circular –
square –
Nominal dimensions,
Sectional properties, Materials
RL_6136_MSH-TI1_01-09_Engl 12.09.2003 18:02 Uhr Seite U3
Manufacturing processes 2
Application areas 4
Manufacturing processes
for hot-finished MSH sections 9
Dimensions and
static stress characteristics
– circular 10
– square 25
– rectangular 31
Tolerances according
to EN 10 210-2 42
Materials 44
1. Unalloyed and fine grain
structural steels
2. Special steels 45
2.1 High-strength MSH special
grades SG 40 and SG 50
2.2 Boron-alloyed special steel
SG 65 B 46
3. Other steel grades
3.1 Weathering structural steels
3.2 Quenched and tempered
fine grain structural steels
4. Application of MSH sections at
low temperatures
5. Conversion table for hardness
and tensile strength values 47
6. Frequently used conversion
The new European Standard EN 10 210 for hot-finished structural
Welded circular tubes in general structural steels
hollow sections has established itself in the meantime.
DIN 17120 for steel construction applications
All data on MSH* sections contained in this brochure are based on
this norm. In order to familiarize users with the new nomenclature,
they are listed in a table and collated with the former designations.
Besides the square and rectangular varieties, circular hollow sec- Seamless circular tubes in general structural
tions are included in EN 10 210 as well as in the MSH manufactur- DIN 17121 steels for steel construction applications
ing programme.
The size range of square and rectangular MSH sections reaches
from 40 x 40 mm up to 400 x 400 mm respectively from 50 x 30 mm
Welded circular tubes in fine grain structural
up to 500 x 300 mm. The newly included circular MSH sections are
DIN 17123 steels for steel construction applications
available in outside diameters of 21.3 to 711 mm.
The manufacturing programme, complete with sectional properties
and safe buckling load calculations, is also available as PC software
“MSH-STACOM” on CD-ROM (or as a Download from Seamless circular tubes in fine grain structural DIN 17124 steels for steel construction applications
The adjacent overview shows the German standards (technical
specifications and tolerances) which have been superseded by
EN 10 210.
DIN turns EN
DIN turns EN
Whilst the data and information contained in this brochure have been
compiled with utmost care and to the best of our knowledge, we cannot Hot-finished square and rectangular steel tubes
assume liability for their accuracy, especially with regard to possible DIN 59 410
printing errors.
* A product manufactured since the late 60s as Mannesmann structural hollow section
and marketed under the short designation MSH section.
Manufacturing processes
Seamless Push bench process Continuous rolling process
Continuously cast rounds are Initially, the continuously cast
MSH sections
heated in a rotary-hearth furnace rounds used as the starting material
to between 1,150 and 1,300°C, are heated to rolling temperature in
depending on the steel grade. In a a rotary-hearth furnace. They are
piercing press, the heated rounds then transferred to the pierce-roll-
are shaped into hollows. Follow- ing mill where they are shaped into
ing this, the outside diameter and hollows. This is achieved by means
wall thickness are reduced in a of two specially grooved work rolls
three-roll pierce rolling mill. A driven in the same direction of
mandrel bar is then inserted into rotation and inclined towards the
the resulting shell, and shell plus rolling stock axis.
Plug rolling process
As with the continuous rolling
process, the hollow is produced
by pierce-rolling. For elongation,
the hollow is subjected to two
passes in a two-high rolling mill,
whose rolls have a short plug
positioned in the groove centre.
During rolling, the plug is sup-
mandrel bar are pushed through This results in the rolling stock ported by a mandrel rod. After the
non-driven roller cages. This per- moving helically over a piercing second plug rolling pass, the
mits the wall thickness of the hol- mandrel. Without intermediate tubes are smooth-rolled, followed
low to be reduced whilst leaving reheating, the hollow is conveyed by reheating to the temperature
the inside diameter unchanged. In to the eight-stand two-high man- required for the subsequent size-
the detaching mill, the hollow is drel mill where a cylindrical bar rolling pass. The final rolling pass
expanded by cross rolling and or mandrel is inserted. These rolls takes place in three-high or four-
thus detached from the mandrel reduce the tube diameter and wall high rolling stands, depending on
bar. After reheating in a walking- thickness. The mandrel is then whether circular or square/rectan-
beam furnace, the hollows are removed and the tube reheated in gular MSH sections are to be pro-
transferred to the stretch-reducing a walking-beam furnace before it duced.
mill for the forming of the final enters the stretch-reducing mill,
tube shape. where it is given its final dimen-
sions and circular, square, or rec-
tangular shape.
MSH sections
Pierce and pilger rolling reheating, the thick-walled hol- High-frequency induction
process low body is rolled to its final welding process
The starting material for the tube shape on the pilger rolling The starting material for welded
manufacture of hollow sections stand. MSH sections is hot strip shaped
using the pierce and pilger roll- to an open pipe in the HFI weld-
ing process are gravity die-cast Pilger rolling involves recurring ing mill’s multi-stand forming
round ingots. After being heated forward and reverse rolling steps section. In the welding section,
to rolling temperature in a using asymmetrically shaped both edges of the open pipe are
rotary-hearth furnace, the ingots rolls which rotate in the opposite heated to welding temperature
over a narrow zone and then
welded together by means of
pressure rolls. The external weld
reinforcement generated by the
roll pressure is removed using
special grinders. Removal of the
internal reinforcement is unneces-
sary for most applications but can
be carried out on request. The
resulting mother pipe is induc-
tively heated to rolling tempera-
ture and subsequently shaped into
an MSH section on multi-roll
are pierced in a press. The result- direction to the material flow. stands.
ing shell with integral bottom is After pilger rolling, the tube is
then elongated in a piercing mill transferred to a sizing mill to
in which the wall thickness is receive its final outside diameter.
reduced and the integral bottom
penetrated. Without intermediate
Application areas
Steel construction
Supporting columns, main beams,
framework, and lattice girders for
the construction of industrial
buildings and halls, bridges,
boiler frames, pallet warehouses,
platforms, sport halls and exhibi-
tion stands as well as for kiosks,
greenhouses, and mine supports
Steel-glass facade in
Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Application areas
Fire fighting
Plough share
Application areas
Offshore installations and Miscellaneous
ship-building industry Scaffolding, containers; racks e.g.
Derricks, helicopter decks on for barrels, containers and pallets;
platforms, radar towers for ships, form panel framing, pylons and
deck superstructures, secondary pylon brackets, funfair rides, etc.
Materials handling
Booms for construction, mobile,
and harbour cranes; control arms
and booms for excavators and
other construction equipment;
crane tracks, conveyor subframes,
escalator supporting structures,
elevator frame structures
Crane detail
Deck superstructures
180 x 180
244.5 200 x 200 250 x 150
260 x 140
300 x 100 ●
High-frequency induction welding process
280 x 250 ●
368.0 300 x 300 350 x 250 ●
Pierce and pilger rolling process
Wall thickness T: 5.0–150 mm
400 x 200
406.4 350 x 300 ●
419.0 ● 350 x 350 400 x 300 ●
450 x 250
500 x 200 ●
440 x 350 ●
508.0 400 x 400 500 x 300
559.0 ●
circular, rectangular
610.0 ● and square MSH sections
660.0 ●
711.0 ● circular MSH sections
Note: Dimensions marked “ ●” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
48.3 2.9 3.25 4.14 10.7 1.61 4.43 5.99 21.4 8.86 0.152
3.2 3.56 4.53 11.6 1.60 4.80 6.52 23.2 9.59 0.152
3.6 3.97 5.06 12.7 1.59 5.26 7.21 25.4 10.5 0.152
4.0 4.37 5.57 13.8 1.57 5.70 7.87 27.5 11.4 0.152
4.5 4.86 6.19 15.0 1.56 6.21 8.66 30.0 12.4 0.152
5.0 5.34 6.80 16.2 1.54 6.69 9.42 32.3 13.4 0.152
5.6 5.90 7.51 17.4 1.52 7.21 10.3 34.8 14.4 0.152
6.3 6.53 8.31 18.7 1.50 7.76 11.2 37.5 15.5 0.152
7.1 7.21 9.19 20.1 1.48 8.31 12.2 40.2 16.6 0.152
8.0 7.95 10.1 21.4 1.45 8.85 13.2 42.7 17.7 0.152
8.8 8.57 10.9 22.4 1.43 9.26 14.0 44.7 18.5 0.152
10.0 9.45 12.0 23.6 1.40 9.76 15.0 47.1 19.5 0.152
11.0 10.1 12.9 24.4 1.37 10.1 15.7 48.7 20.2 0.152
12.5 11.0 14.1 25.3 1.34 10.5 16.7 50.5 20.9 0.152
51.0 ● 2.9 3.44 4.38 12.7 1.70 4.99 6.72 25.4 9.98 0.160
● 3.2 3.77 4.81 13.8 1.69 5.41 7.32 27.6 10.8 0.160
● 3.6 4.21 5.36 15.1 1.68 5.94 8.10 30.3 11.9 0.160
● 4.0 4.64 5.91 16.4 1.67 6.44 8.86 32.9 12.9 0.160
● 4.5 5.16 6.57 17.9 1.65 7.03 9.76 35.9 14.1 0.160
● 5.0 5.67 7.23 19.3 1.64 7.58 10.6 38.7 15.2 0.160
● 5.6 6.27 7.99 20.9 1.62 8.19 11.6 41.8 16.4 0.160
● 6.3 6.94 8.85 22.5 1.60 8.84 12.7 45.1 17.7 0.160
● 7.1 7.69 9.79 24.2 1.57 9.49 13.8 48.4 19.0 0.160
● 8.0 8.48 10.8 25.8 1.55 10.1 15.0 51.7 20.3 0.160
● 8.8 9.16 11.7 27.1 1.52 10.6 15.9 54.2 21.3 0.160
● 10.0 10.1 12.9 28.7 1.49 11.2 17.1 57.4 22.5 0.160
● 11.0 10.9 13.8 29.7 1.47 11.7 18.0 59.5 23.3 0.160
● 12.5 11.9 15.1 31.0 1.43 12.1 19.2 61.9 24.3 0.160
● 14.2 12.9 16.4 31.9 1.39 12.5 20.2 63.9 25.0 0.160
60.3 3.2 4.51 5.74 23.5 2.02 7.78 10.4 46.9 15.6 0.189
3.6 5.03 6.41 25.9 2.01 8.58 11.6 51.7 17.2 0.189
4.0 5.55 7.07 28.2 2.00 9.34 12.7 56.3 18.7 0.189
4.5 6.19 7.89 30.9 1.98 10.2 14.0 61.8 20.5 0.189
5.0 6.82 8.69 33.5 1.96 11.1 15.3 67.0 22.2 0.189
5.6 7.55 9.62 36.4 1.94 12.1 16.8 72.7 24.1 0.189
6.3 8.39 10.7 39.5 1.92 13.1 18.5 79.0 26.2 0.189
7.1 9.32 11.9 42.7 1.90 14.2 20.2 85.5 28.3 0.189
8.0 10.3 13.1 46.0 1.87 15.3 22.1 92.0 30.5 0.189
8.8 11.2 14.2 48.6 1.85 16.1 23.6 97.2 32.2 0.189
10.0 12.4 15.8 52.0 1.81 17.2 25.6 104 34.5 0.189
11.0 13.4 17.0 54.3 1.79 18.0 27.2 109 36.0 0.189
12.5 14.7 18.8 57.3 1.75 19.0 29.2 115 38.0 0.189
14.2 16.1 20.6 59.8 1.71 19.8 31.1 120 39.7 0.189
16.0 17.5 22.3 61.8 1.67 20.5 32.8 124 41.0 0.189
17.5 18.5 23.5 62.9 1.63 20.9 33.8 126 41.7 0.189
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
101.6 4.0 9.63 12.3 146 3.45 28.8 38.1 293 57.6 0.319
4.5 10.8 13.7 162 3.44 31.9 42.5 324 63.8 0.319
5.0 11.9 15.2 177 3.42 34.9 46.7 355 69.9 0.319
5.6 13.3 16.9 195 3.40 38.4 51.7 390 76.9 0.319
6.3 14.8 18.9 215 3.38 42.3 57.3 430 84.7 0.319
7.1 16.5 21.1 237 3.35 46.6 63.5 473 93.2 0.319
8.0 18.5 23.5 260 3.32 51.1 70.3 519 102 0.319
8.8 20.1 25.7 279 3.30 54.9 76.0 557 110 0.319
10.0 22.6 28.8 305 3.26 60.1 84.2 611 120 0.319
11.0 24.6 31.3 326 3.23 64.2 90.7 652 128 0.319
12.5 27.5 35.0 354 3.18 69.7 99.9 708 139 0.319
14.2 30.6 39.0 382 3.13 75.2 109 764 150 0.319
16.0 33.8 43.0 408 3.08 80.3 119 816 161 0.319
17.5 36.3 46.2 426 3.04 84.0 126 853 168 0.319
20.0 40.2 51.3 452 2.97 89.0 136 905 178 0.319
25.0 47.2 60.2 488 2.85 96.1 152 977 192 0.319
30.0 53.0 67.5 508 2.74 100 163 1020 200 0.319
114.3 4.0 10.9 13.9 211 3.90 36.9 48.7 422 73.9 0.359
4.5 12.2 15.5 234 3.89 41.0 54.3 469 82.0 0.359
5.0 13.5 17.2 257 3.87 45.0 59.8 514 89.9 0.359
5.6 15.0 19.1 283 3.85 49.6 66.2 566 99.1 0.359
6.3 16.8 21.4 313 3.82 54.7 73.6 625 109 0.359
7.1 18.8 23.9 345 3.80 60.4 81.7 690 121 0.359
8.0 21.0 26.7 379 3.77 66.4 90.6 759 133 0.359
8.8 22.9 29.2 409 3.74 71.5 98.2 817 143 0.359
10.0 25.7 32.8 450 3.70 78.7 109 899 157 0.359
11.0 28.0 35.7 482 3.67 84.3 118 963 169 0.359
12.5 31.4 40.0 526 3.63 92.0 130 1050 184 0.359
14.2 35.1 44.7 571 3.57 99.8 143 1140 200 0.359
16.0 38.8 49.4 613 3.52 107 156 1230 214 0.359
17.5 41.8 53.2 644 3.48 113 166 1290 225 0.359
20.0 46.5 59.3 688 3.41 120 181 1380 241 0.359
25.0 55.1 70.1 754 3.28 132 205 1510 264 0.359
30.0 62.4 79.5 795 3.16 139 222 1590 278 0.359
36.0 69.5 88.6 822 3.05 144 236 1640 288 0.359
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
152.4 ● 5.0 18.2 23.2 630 5.21 82.6 109 1260 165 0.479
● 5.6 20.3 25.8 697 5.19 91.4 121 1390 183 0.479
● 6.3 22.7 28.9 773 5.17 101 135 1550 203 0.479
● 7.1 25.4 32.4 857 5.14 113 150 1710 225 0.479
● 8.0 28.5 36.3 949 5.11 125 167 1900 249 0.479
● 8.8 31.2 39.7 1030 5.09 135 182 2050 270 0.479
● 10.0 35.1 44.7 1140 5.05 150 203 2280 299 0.479
● 11.0 38.4 48.9 1230 5.01 161 220 2460 322 0.479
● 12.5 43.1 54.9 1350 4.97 178 245 2710 356 0.479
● 14.2 48.4 61.7 1490 4.91 195 272 2970 390 0.479
● 16.0 53.8 68.6 1620 4.86 212 299 3230 424 0.479
● 17.5 58.2 74.2 1720 4.81 225 320 3430 450 0.479
● 20.0 65.3 83.2 1860 4.73 245 353 3730 489 0.479
● 25.0 78.5 100 2110 4.59 277 411 4220 553 0.479
● 30.0 90.6 115 2290 4.46 301 458 4580 601 0.479
● 36.0 103 132 2440 4.31 321 503 4890 641 0.479
● 40.0 111 141 2510 4.22 330 527 5030 660 0.479
● 45.0 119 152 2570 4.12 338 549 5150 675 0.479
● 50.0 126 161 2610 4.03 343 566 5220 685 0.479
159.0 5.0 19.0 24.2 718 5.45 90.3 119 1440 181 0.500
5.6 21.2 27.0 795 5.43 100 132 1590 200 0.500
6.3 23.7 30.2 882 5.40 111 147 1760 222 0.500
7.1 26.6 33.9 979 5.38 123 164 1960 246 0.500
8.0 29.8 38.0 1080 5.35 136 183 2170 273 0.500
8.8 32.6 41.5 1180 5.32 148 199 2350 296 0.500
10.0 36.7 46.8 1300 5.28 164 222 2610 328 0.500
11.0 40.1 51.1 1410 5.25 177 241 2820 354 0.500
12.5 45.2 57.5 1550 5.20 196 269 3110 391 0.500
14.2 50.7 64.6 1710 5.14 215 299 3420 430 0.500
16.0 56.4 71.9 1860 5.09 234 329 3720 468 0.500
17.5 61.1 77.8 1980 5.04 249 352 3950 497 0.500
20.0 68.6 87.3 2150 4.97 271 389 4310 542 0.500
25.0 82.6 105 2440 4.82 307 454 4890 615 0.500
30.0 95.4 122 2670 4.68 335 508 5330 671 0.500
36.0 109 139 2860 4.53 359 560 5710 719 0.500
40.0 117 150 2950 4.44 371 588 5890 741 0.500
45.0 127 161 3030 4.33 381 615 6050 761 0.500
50.0 134 171 3080 4.24 387 636 6160 774 0.500
60.0 146 187 3130 4.09 393 660 6250 786 0.500
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
193.7 6.3 29.1 37.1 1630 6.63 168 221 3260 337 0.609
7.1 32.7 41.6 1810 6.60 187 247 3630 375 0.609
8.0 36.6 46.7 2020 6.57 208 276 4030 416 0.609
8.8 40.1 51.1 2190 6.54 226 301 4380 452 0.609
10.0 45.3 57.7 2440 6.50 252 338 4880 504 0.609
11.0 49.6 63.1 2640 6.47 273 368 5290 546 0.609
12.5 55.9 71.2 2930 6.42 303 411 5870 606 0.609
14.2 62.9 80.1 3250 6.37 335 458 6490 670 0.609
16.0 70.1 89.3 3550 6.31 367 507 7110 734 0.609
17.5 76.0 96.9 3800 6.26 392 545 7590 784 0.609
20.0 85.7 109 4170 6.18 431 606 8340 861 0.609
25.0 104 132 4820 6.03 497 717 9630 995 0.609
30.0 121 154 5340 5.88 552 813 10680 1100 0.609
36.0 140 178 5830 5.72 602 911 11670 1200 0.609
40.0 152 193 6090 5.62 629 966 12180 1260 0.609
45.0 165 210 6340 5.49 655 1030 12690 1310 0.609
50.0 177 226 6530 5.38 674 1070 13060 1350 0.609
60.0 198 252 6770 5.18 699 1140 13530 1400 0.609
219.1 7.1 37.1 47.3 2660 7.50 243 319 5320 486 0.688
8.0 41.6 53.1 2960 7.47 270 357 5920 540 0.688
8.8 45.6 58.1 3220 7.44 294 389 6440 588 0.688
10.0 51.6 65.7 3600 7.40 328 438 7200 657 0.688
11.0 56.5 71.9 3900 7.37 356 477 7810 713 0.688
12.5 63.7 81.1 4340 7.32 397 534 8690 793 0.688
14.2 71.8 91.4 4820 7.26 440 597 9640 880 0.688
16.0 80.1 102 5300 7.20 483 661 10590 967 0.688
17.5 87.0 111 5670 7.15 518 713 11350 1040 0.688
20.0 98.2 125 6260 7.07 572 795 12520 1140 0.688
25.0 120 152 7300 6.92 666 947 14600 1330 0.688
30.0 140 178 8170 6.77 745 1080 16330 1490 0.688
36.0 163 207 9010 6.60 823 1220 18030 1650 0.688
40.0 177 225 9470 6.49 865 1300 18950 1730 0.688
45.0 193 246 9950 6.36 908 1390 19900 1820 0.688
50.0 209 266 10320 6.23 942 1470 20650 1880 0.688
60.0 235 300 10840 6.01 989 1590 21680 1980 0.688
70.0 257 328 11120 5.82 1020 1670 22240 2030 0.688
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
298.5 ● 8.0 57.3 73.0 7710 10.3 516 675 15420 1030 0.938
● 8.8 62.9 80.1 8410 10.2 563 739 16820 1130 0.938
● 10.0 71.1 90.6 9440 10.2 633 833 18880 1270 0.938
● 11.0 78.0 99.4 10280 10.2 689 910 20560 1380 0.938
● 12.5 88.2 112 11510 10.1 771 1020 23010 1540 0.938
● 14.2 99.6 127 12850 10.1 861 1150 25690 1720 0.938
● 16.0 111 142 14210 10.0 952 1280 28420 1900 0.938
● 17.5 121 154 15310 9.95 1030 1380 30610 2050 0.938
● 20.0 137 175 17050 9.87 1140 1550 34110 2290 0.938
● 25.0 169 215 20250 9.71 1360 1880 40510 2710 0.938
● 30.0 199 253 23090 9.55 1550 2170 46180 3090 0.938
● 36.0 233 297 26050 9.37 1750 2500 52100 3490 0.938
● 40.0 255 325 27780 9.25 1860 2690 55570 3720 0.938
● 45.0 281 358 29690 9.10 1990 2920 59390 3980 0.938
● 50.0 306 390 31350 8.96 2100 3130 62700 4200 0.938
● 60.0 353 450 33990 8.69 2280 3480 67980 4550 0.938
● 70.0 394 502 35870 8.45 2400 3770 71750 4810 0.938
● 80.0 431 549 37170 8.23 2490 3990 74330 4980 0.938
● 90.0 463 590 38000 8.03 2550 4160 76010 5090 0.938
323.9 7.1 55.5 70.7 8870 11.2 548 713 17740 1100 1.02
8.0 62.3 79.4 9910 11.2 612 799 19820 1220 1.02
8.8 68.4 87.1 10820 11.1 668 874 21640 1340 1.02
10.0 77.4 98.6 12160 11.1 751 986 24320 1500 1.02
11.0 84.9 108 13250 11.1 818 1080 26500 1640 1.02
12.5 96.0 122 14850 11.0 917 1210 29690 1830 1.02
14.2 108 138 16600 11.0 1020 1360 33200 2050 1.02
16.0 121 155 18390 10.9 1140 1520 36780 2270 1.02
17.5 132 168 19830 10.9 1220 1640 39670 2450 1.02
20.0 150 191 22140 10.8 1370 1850 44280 2730 1.02
25.0 184 235 26400 10.6 1630 2240 52800 3260 1.02
30.0 217 277 30220 10.4 1870 2600 60440 3730 1.02
36.0 256 326 34260 10.3 2120 3000 68530 4230 1.02
40.0 280 357 36660 10.1 2260 3250 73310 4530 1.02
45.0 310 394 39340 9.99 2430 3530 78670 4860 1.02
50.0 338 430 41690 9.84 2570 3790 83380 5150 1.02
60.0 390 497 45540 9.57 2810 4250 91090 5620 1.02
70.0 438 558 48410 9.31 2990 4630 96830 5980 1.02
80.0 481 613 50490 9.08 3120 4930 101000 6230 1.02
90.0 519 661 51920 8.86 3210 5170 103800 6410 1.02
100 552 703 52870 8.67 3260 5350 105700 6530 1.02
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
406.4 8.8 86.3 110 21730 14.1 1070 1390 43460 2140 1.28
10.0 97.8 125 24480 14.0 1200 1570 48950 2410 1.28
11.0 107 137 26720 14.0 1320 1720 53450 2630 1.28
12.5 121 155 30030 13.9 1480 1940 60060 2960 1.28
14.2 137 175 33690 13.9 1660 2190 67370 3320 1.28
16.0 154 196 37450 13.8 1840 2440 74900 3690 1.28
17.5 168 214 40500 13.8 1990 2650 81010 3990 1.28
20.0 191 243 45430 13.7 2240 2990 90860 4470 1.28
25.0 235 300 54700 13.5 2690 3640 109400 5380 1.28
30.0 278 355 63220 13.3 3110 4260 126400 6220 1.28
36.0 329 419 72520 13.2 3570 4950 145000 7140 1.28
40.0 361 460 78190 13.0 3850 5390 156400 7700 1.28
45.0 401 511 84710 12.9 4170 5910 169400 8340 1.28
50.0 439 560 90640 12.7 4460 6390 181300 8920 1.28
60.0 513 653 100900 12.4 4960 7270 201700 9930 1.28
70.0 581 740 109200 12.1 5370 8040 218400 10750 1.28
80.0 644 820 115800 11.9 5700 8690 231600 11400 1.28
90.0 702 895 121000 11.6 5950 9250 242000 11910 1.28
100 756 963 125000 11.4 6150 9720 250000 12300 1.28
419.0 ● 11.0 111 141 29360 14.4 1400 1830 58720 2800 1.32
● 12.5 125 160 33000 14.4 1580 2070 66010 3150 1.32
● 14.2 142 181 37030 14.3 1770 2330 74070 3540 1.32
● 16.0 159 203 41190 14.3 1970 2600 82380 3930 1.32
● 17.5 173 221 44560 14.2 2130 2820 89130 4250 1.32
● 20.0 197 251 50010 14.1 2390 3190 100000 4770 1.32
● 25.0 243 309 60290 14.0 2880 3890 120600 5760 1.32
● 30.0 288 367 69760 13.8 3330 4550 139500 6660 1.32
● 36.0 340 433 80130 13.6 3820 5300 160300 7650 1.32
● 40.0 374 476 86470 13.5 4130 5770 172900 8250 1.32
● 45.0 415 529 93780 13.3 4480 6320 187600 8950 1.32
● 50.0 455 580 100500 13.2 4800 6850 200900 9590 1.32
● 60.0 531 677 112100 12.9 5350 7800 224100 10700 1.32
● 70.0 602 767 121600 12.6 5800 8640 243100 11600 1.32
● 80.0 669 852 129200 12.3 6170 9360 258400 12330 1.32
● 90.0 730 930 135300 12.1 6460 9980 270600 12910 1.32
● 100 787 1000 140000 11.8 6680 10510 280000 13370 1.32
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
559.0 ● 14.2 191 243 90230 19.3 3230 4220 180500 6460 1.76
● 16.0 214 273 100700 19.2 3600 4720 201400 7200 1.76
● 17.5 234 298 109200 19.2 3910 5130 218500 7820 1.76
● 20.0 266 339 123200 19.1 4410 5810 246300 8810 1.76
● 25.0 329 419 149800 18.9 5360 7130 299600 10720 1.76
● 30.0 391 499 175000 18.7 6260 8400 349900 12520 1.76
● 36.0 464 591 203200 18.5 7270 9860 406400 14540 1.76
● 40.0 512 652 220900 18.4 7900 10800 441800 15810 1.76
● 45.0 570 727 241800 18.2 8650 11920 483600 17300 1.76
● 50.0 628 800 261400 18.1 9350 13000 522900 18710 1.76
● 60.0 738 941 297000 17.8 10630 15010 594000 21250 1.76
● 70.0 844 1080 328000 17.5 11740 16850 656000 23470 1.76
● 80.0 945 1200 354900 17.2 12700 18530 709800 25400 1.76
● 90.0 1040 1330 378000 16.9 13530 20040 756100 27050 1.76
● 100 1130 1440 397800 16.6 14230 21400 795600 28460 1.76
610.0 ● 14.2 209 266 118000 21.1 3870 5040 236000 7740 1.92
● 16.0 234 299 131800 21.0 4320 5650 263600 8640 1.92
● 17.5 256 326 143100 21.0 4690 6150 286100 9380 1.92
● 20.0 291 371 161500 20.9 5290 6960 323000 10590 1.92
● 25.0 361 459 196900 20.7 6460 8560 393800 12910 1.92
● 30.0 429 547 230500 20.5 7560 10100 461000 15110 1.92
● 36.0 510 649 268400 20.3 8800 11880 536800 17600 1.92
● 40.0 562 716 292300 20.2 9580 13020 584700 19170 1.92
● 45.0 627 799 320700 20.0 10520 14400 641500 21030 1.92
● 50.0 691 880 347600 19.9 11400 15720 695100 22790 1.92
● 60.0 814 1040 396700 19.6 13010 18220 793400 26010 1.92
● 70.0 932 1190 440100 19.3 14430 20530 880300 28860 1.92
● 80.0 1050 1330 478400 19.0 15680 22640 956700 31370 1.92
● 90.0 1150 1470 511800 18.7 16780 24580 1024000 33560 1.92
● 100 1260 1600 540900 18.4 17740 26340 1082000 35470 1.92
660.0 ● 20.0 316 402 206100 22.6 6250 8190 412200 12490 2.07
● 25.0 392 499 251800 22.5 7630 10090 503500 15260 2.07
● 30.0 466 594 295200 22.3 8950 11920 590500 17890 2.07
● 36.0 554 706 344600 22.1 10440 14030 689300 20890 2.07
● 40.0 612 779 375900 22.0 11390 15400 751800 22780 2.07
● 45.0 683 869 413300 21.8 12520 17050 826500 25050 2.07
● 50.0 752 958 448700 21.6 13600 18650 897300 27190 2.07
● 60.0 888 1130 514000 21.3 15580 21670 1028000 31150 2.07
● 70.0 1020 1300 572500 21.0 17350 24480 1145000 34700 2.07
● 80.0 1140 1460 624600 20.7 18930 27080 1249000 37860 2.07
● 90.0 1270 1610 670800 20.4 20330 29480 1342000 40660 2.07
● 100 1380 1760 711600 20.1 21560 31690 1423000 43130 2.07
x x
Circular MSH sections D
Outside Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
diameter unit sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
length area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
D T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
711.0 ● 30.0 504 642 372800 24.1 10490 13920 745600 20970 2.23
● 36.0 599 763 436000 23.9 12270 16420 872000 24530 2.23
● 40.0 662 843 476200 23.8 13400 18030 952500 26790 2.23
● 45.0 739 942 524400 23.6 14750 19990 1049000 29500 2.23
● 50.0 815 1040 570300 23.4 16040 21890 1141000 32090 2.23
● 60.0 963 1230 655600 23.1 18440 25500 1311000 36880 2.23
● 70.0 1110 1410 732600 22.8 20610 28880 1465000 41220 2.23
● 80.0 1240 1590 802000 22.5 22560 32020 1604000 45120 2.23
● 90.0 1380 1760 864200 22.2 24310 34950 1728000 48620 2.23
● 100 1510 1920 919700 21.9 25870 37670 1839000 51740 2.23
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit length sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
BxB T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
40 x 40 2.9 3.31 4.21 9.54 1.50 4.77 5.81 15.3 6.93 0.153
3.2 3.61 4.60 10.2 1.49 5.11 6.28 16.5 7.42 0.152
3.6 4.01 5.10 11.1 1.47 5.54 6.88 18.1 8.01 0.151
4.0 4.39 5.59 11.8 1.45 5.91 7.44 19.5 8.54 0.150
4.5 4.85 6.17 12.7 1.43 6.33 8.08 21.1 9.11 0.148
5.0 5.28 6.73 13.4 1.41 6.68 8.66 22.5 9.60 0.147
5.6 5.78 7.37 14.1 1.38 7.03 9.28 24.0 10.1 0.146
6.3 6.33 8.07 14.7 1.35 7.34 9.90 25.4 10.5 0.144
7.1 6.91 8.80 15.1 1.31 7.57 10.5 26.5 10.8 0.142
50 x 50 2.9 4.22 5.37 19.7 1.91 7.87 9.43 31.2 11.5 0.193
3.2 4.62 5.88 21.2 1.90 8.49 10.2 33.8 12.4 0.192
3.6 5.14 6.54 23.2 1.88 9.27 11.3 37.2 13.5 0.191
4.0 5.64 7.19 25.0 1.86 9.99 12.3 40.4 14.5 0.190
4.5 6.26 7.97 27.0 1.84 10.8 13.4 44.1 15.6 0.188
5.0 6.85 8.73 28.9 1.82 11.6 14.5 47.6 16.7 0.187
5.6 7.54 9.61 30.8 1.79 12.3 15.7 51.3 17.8 0.186
6.3 8.31 10.6 32.8 1.76 13.1 17.0 55.2 18.8 0.184
7.1 9.14 11.6 34.5 1.72 13.8 18.3 58.9 19.8 0.182
8.0 10.0 12.8 36.0 1.68 14.4 19.5 62.3 20.6 0.179
60 x 60 2.9 5.13 6.53 35.2 2.32 11.7 13.9 55.3 17.2 0.233
3.2 5.62 7.16 38.2 2.31 12.7 15.2 60.2 18.6 0.232
3.6 6.27 7.98 41.9 2.29 14.0 16.8 66.5 20.4 0.231
4.0 6.90 8.79 45.4 2.27 15.1 18.3 72.5 22.0 0.230
4.5 7.67 9.77 49.5 2.25 16.5 20.1 79.7 24.0 0.228
5.0 8.42 10.7 53.3 2.23 17.8 21.9 86.4 25.7 0.227
5.6 9.30 11.8 57.4 2.20 19.1 23.9 93.9 27.6 0.226
6.3 10.3 13.1 61.6 2.17 20.5 26.0 102 29.6 0.224
7.1 11.4 14.5 65.8 2.13 21.9 28.2 110 31.6 0.222
8.0 12.5 16.0 69.7 2.09 23.2 30.4 118 33.4 0.219
8.8 13.5 17.2 72.5 2.05 24.2 32.2 124 34.6 0.217
10.0 14.9 18.9 75.5 2.00 25.2 34.4 131 36.0 0.214
11.0 15.9 20.3 77.1 1.95 25.7 35.9 136 36.7 0.212
12.5 17.3 22.1 78.0 1.88 26.0 37.5 139 37.0 0.208
70 x 70 3.2 6.63 8.44 62.3 2.72 17.8 21.0 97.6 26.1 0.272
3.6 7.40 9.42 68.6 2.70 19.6 23.3 108 28.7 0.271
4.0 8.15 10.4 74.7 2.68 21.3 25.5 118 31.2 0.270
4.5 9.08 11.6 81.8 2.66 23.4 28.2 130 34.1 0.268
5.0 9.99 12.7 88.5 2.64 25.3 30.8 142 36.8 0.267
5.6 11.1 14.1 95.9 2.61 27.4 33.7 155 39.8 0.266
6.3 12.3 15.6 104 2.58 29.7 36.9 169 42.9 0.264
7.1 13.6 17.3 112 2.54 32.0 40.3 185 46.1 0.262
8.0 15.0 19.2 120 2.50 34.2 43.8 200 49.2 0.259
8.8 16.3 20.7 126 2.46 35.9 46.6 212 51.6 0.257
10.0 18.0 22.9 133 2.41 38.0 50.3 227 54.4 0.254
11.0 19.4 24.7 138 2.36 39.3 53.0 238 56.2 0.252
12.5 21.3 27.1 142 2.29 40.6 56.3 249 58.0 0.248
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit length sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
BxB T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
110 x 110 4.0 13.2 16.8 313 4.32 56.8 66.5 485 83.7 0.430
4.5 14.7 18.8 346 4.29 62.9 73.9 539 92.4 0.428
5.0 16.3 20.7 378 4.27 68.8 81.2 592 101 0.427
5.6 18.1 23.0 415 4.24 75.5 89.7 653 110 0.426
6.3 20.2 25.7 456 4.21 83.0 99.3 722 121 0.424
7.1 22.5 28.7 500 4.18 91.0 110 798 133 0.422
8.0 25.1 32.0 547 4.14 99.4 121 878 144 0.419
8.8 27.3 34.8 585 4.10 106 131 946 154 0.417
10.0 30.6 38.9 637 4.05 116 144 1040 168 0.414
11.0 33.2 42.3 677 4.00 123 155 1110 178 0.412
12.5 37.0 47.1 728 3.93 132 169 1210 191 0.408
14.2 41.0 52.3 776 3.85 141 184 1310 203 0.403
120 x 120 4.5 16.1 20.6 455 4.70 75.8 88.8 707 112 0.468
5.0 17.8 22.7 498 4.68 83.0 97.6 777 122 0.467
5.6 19.9 25.3 547 4.65 91.2 108 858 134 0.466
6.3 22.2 28.2 603 4.62 100 120 950 147 0.464
7.1 24.7 31.5 663 4.59 110 133 1050 161 0.462
8.0 27.6 35.2 726 4.55 121 146 1160 176 0.459
8.8 30.1 38.3 779 4.51 130 158 1250 189 0.457
10.0 33.7 42.9 852 4.46 142 175 1380 206 0.454
11.0 36.6 46.7 908 4.41 151 188 1480 219 0.452
12.5 40.9 52.1 982 4.34 164 207 1620 236 0.448
14.2 45.5 57.9 1050 4.26 176 226 1760 253 0.443
16.0 50.1 63.8 1120 4.18 186 243 1890 267 0.439
130 x 130 ● 5.0 19.4 24.7 640 5.09 98.5 115 996 145 0.507
● 5.6 21.6 27.5 705 5.06 108 128 1100 159 0.506
● 6.3 24.1 30.7 778 5.03 120 142 1220 175 0.504
● 7.1 27.0 34.4 857 4.99 132 157 1350 193 0.502
● 8.0 30.1 38.4 941 4.95 145 174 1500 211 0.499
● 8.8 32.8 41.8 1010 4.92 156 189 1620 227 0.497
● 10.0 36.8 46.9 1110 4.86 171 209 1790 248 0.494
● 11.0 40.1 51.1 1190 4.82 182 225 1930 264 0.492
● 12.5 44.8 57.1 1290 4.75 198 248 2110 286 0.488
● 14.2 49.9 63.6 1390 4.67 214 272 2310 308 0.483
● 16.0 55.1 70.2 1480 4.59 228 294 2490 327 0.479
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit length sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
BxB T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
200 x 200 6.3 38.0 48.4 3010 7.89 301 350 4650 444 0.784
7.1 42.6 54.2 3350 7.85 335 391 5190 493 0.782
8.0 47.7 60.8 3710 7.81 371 436 5780 545 0.779
8.8 52.2 66.5 4020 7.78 402 474 6290 590 0.777
10.0 58.8 74.9 4470 7.72 447 531 7030 655 0.774
11.0 64.3 81.9 4830 7.68 483 577 7630 706 0.772
12.5 72.3 92.1 5340 7.61 534 643 8490 778 0.768
14.2 81.1 103 5870 7.54 587 714 9420 854 0.763
16.0 90.3 115 6390 7.46 639 785 10340 927 0.759
220 x 220 6.3 41.9 53.4 4050 8.71 368 427 6240 544 0.864
7.1 47.0 59.9 4500 8.67 409 477 6970 604 0.862
8.0 52.7 67.2 5000 8.63 455 532 7760 669 0.859
8.8 57.7 73.5 5430 8.59 494 580 8460 726 0.857
10.0 65.1 82.9 6050 8.54 550 650 9470 807 0.854
11.0 71.2 90.7 6550 8.50 595 707 10290 871 0.852
12.5 80.1 102 7250 8.43 659 789 11480 963 0.848
14.2 90.1 115 8010 8.35 728 879 12770 1060 0.843
16.0 100 128 8750 8.27 795 969 14050 1160 0.839
250 x 250 6.3 47.9 61.0 6010 9.93 481 556 9240 712 0.984
7.1 53.7 68.4 6700 9.90 536 622 10320 792 0.982
8.0 60.3 76.8 7450 9.86 596 694 11530 880 0.979
8.8 66.0 84.1 8110 9.82 649 758 12570 955 0.977
10.0 74.5 94.9 9060 9.77 724 851 14110 1060 0.974
11.0 81.5 104 9820 9.72 785 926 15350 1150 0.972
12.5 91.9 117 10920 9.66 873 1040 17160 1280 0.968
14.2 103 132 12090 9.58 967 1160 19140 1410 0.963
16.0 115 147 13270 9.50 1060 1280 21140 1550 0.959
17.5 125 159 14190 9.43 1130 1380 22730 1650 0.955
260 x 260 6.3 49.9 63.5 6790 10.3 522 603 10420 773 1.02
7.1 56.0 71.3 7570 10.3 582 674 11650 861 1.02
8.0 62.8 80.0 8420 10.3 648 753 13010 956 1.02
8.8 68.8 87.6 9160 10.2 705 822 14190 1040 1.02
10.0 77.7 98.9 10240 10.2 788 924 15930 1160 1.01
11.0 85.0 108 11110 10.1 855 1010 17350 1260 1.01
12.5 95.8 122 12360 10.1 951 1130 19410 1390 1.01
14.2 108 137 13710 9.99 1050 1260 21660 1540 1.00
16.0 120 153 15060 9.91 1160 1390 23940 1690 0.999
17.5 131 166 16120 9.84 1240 1500 25770 1800 0.995
300 x 300 6.3 57.8 73.6 10550 12.0 703 809 16140 1040 1.18
7.1 64.9 82.6 11780 11.9 785 906 18060 1160 1.18
8.0 72.8 92.8 13130 11.9 875 1010 20190 1290 1.18
8.8 79.8 102 14310 11.9 954 1110 22060 1410 1.18
10.0 90.2 115 16030 11.8 1070 1250 24810 1580 1.17
11.0 98.8 126 17420 11.8 1160 1360 27050 1710 1.17
12.5 112 142 19440 11.7 1300 1520 30330 1900 1.17
14.2 126 160 21640 11.6 1440 1710 33940 2110 1.16
16.0 141 179 23850 11.5 1590 1890 37620 2330 1.16
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second Radius of Elastic Plastic Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit length sectional moment gyration section section inertia modulus area per
area of area modulus modulus constant constant metre length
BxB T M A I i Wel Wpl It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
350 x 350 6.3 67.7 86.2 16920 14.0 967 1110 25820 1440 1.38
7.1 76.0 96.8 18920 14.0 1080 1240 28930 1600 1.38
8.0 85.4 109 21130 13.9 1210 1390 32380 1790 1.38
8.8 93.6 119 23060 13.9 1320 1520 35410 1950 1.38
10.0 106 135 25880 13.9 1480 1720 39890 2190 1.37
11.0 116 148 28180 13.8 1610 1870 43550 2380 1.37
12.5 131 167 31540 13.7 1800 2110 48930 2650 1.37
14.2 148 189 35210 13.7 2010 2360 54880 2960 1.36
16.0 166 211 38940 13.6 2230 2630 60990 3260 1.36
400 x 400 6.3 77.5 98.8 25460 16.1 1270 1460 38760 1890 1.58
7.1 87.2 111 28500 16.0 1420 1630 43470 2120 1.58
8.0 97.9 125 31860 16.0 1590 1830 48690 2360 1.58
8.8 107 137 34800 15.9 1740 2000 53290 2580 1.58
10.0 122 155 39130 15.9 1960 2260 60090 2900 1.57
11.0 133 170 42660 15.8 2130 2470 65670 3150 1.57
12.5 151 192 47840 15.8 2390 2780 73910 3530 1.57
14.2 170 217 53530 15.7 2680 3130 83030 3940 1.56
16.0 191 243 59340 15.6 2970 3480 92440 4360 1.56
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
50 x 30 2.9 3.31 4.21 13.2 5.80 1.77 1.17 5.29 3.87 6.70 4.63 13.2 6.37 0.153
3.2 3.61 4.60 14.2 6.20 1.76 1.16 5.68 4.13 7.25 5.00 14.2 6.80 0.152
3.6 4.01 5.10 15.4 6.67 1.74 1.14 6.16 4.45 7.94 5.46 15.4 7.31 0.151
4.0 4.39 5.59 16.5 7.08 1.72 1.13 6.60 4.72 8.59 5.88 16.6 7.77 0.150
4.5 4.85 6.17 17.7 7.53 1.69 1.10 7.07 5.02 9.34 6.37 17.9 8.26 0.148
5.0 5.28 6.73 18.7 7.89 1.67 1.08 7.49 5.26 10.0 6.80 19.0 8.67 0.147
5.6 5.78 7.37 19.7 8.23 1.64 1.06 7.89 5.48 10.8 7.25 20.1 9.05 0.146
6.3 6.33 8.07 20.6 8.50 1.60 1.03 8.26 5.66 11.5 7.68 21.1 9.36 0.144
7.1 6.91 8.80 21.3 8.66 1.56 0.99 8.54 5.78 12.2 8.06 21.8 9.56 0.142
60 x 40 2.9 4.22 5.37 25.8 13.5 2.19 1.59 8.59 6.77 10.6 7.96 28.4 10.9 0.193
3.2 4.62 5.88 27.8 14.6 2.18 1.57 9.27 7.29 11.5 8.64 30.8 11.7 0.192
3.6 5.14 6.54 30.4 15.9 2.16 1.56 10.1 7.93 12.7 9.50 33.8 12.8 0.191
4.0 5.64 7.19 32.8 17.0 2.14 1.54 10.9 8.52 13.8 10.3 36.7 13.7 0.190
4.5 6.26 7.97 35.6 18.4 2.11 1.52 11.9 9.18 15.2 11.3 40.0 14.8 0.188
5.0 6.85 8.73 38.1 19.5 2.09 1.50 12.7 9.77 16.4 12.2 43.0 15.7 0.187
5.6 7.54 9.61 40.7 20.7 2.06 1.47 13.6 10.4 17.8 13.1 46.2 16.7 0.186
6.3 8.31 10.6 43.4 21.9 2.02 1.44 14.5 11.0 19.2 14.2 49.5 17.6 0.184
7.1 9.14 11.6 45.9 22.9 1.98 1.40 15.3 11.5 20.7 15.2 52.7 18.5 0.182
8.0 10.0 12.8 47.9 23.7 1.94 1.36 16.0 11.9 22.1 16.1 55.4 19.2 0.179
70 x 40 2.9 4.67 5.95 37.8 15.5 2.52 1.62 10.8 7.77 13.4 9.04 35.4 12.9 0.213
3.2 5.12 6.52 40.9 16.7 2.50 1.60 11.7 8.37 14.6 9.82 38.4 13.9 0.212
3.6 5.70 7.26 44.8 18.3 2.48 1.59 12.8 9.13 16.2 10.8 42.2 15.2 0.211
4.0 6.27 7.99 48.5 19.6 2.46 1.57 13.9 9.82 17.6 11.8 45.8 16.3 0.210
4.5 6.97 8.87 52.8 21.2 2.44 1.55 15.1 10.6 19.4 12.9 50.0 17.6 0.208
5.0 7.64 9.73 56.8 22.6 2.41 1.52 16.2 11.3 21.0 13.9 53.9 18.8 0.207
5.6 8.42 10.7 61.0 24.1 2.38 1.50 17.4 12.0 22.9 15.1 58.1 20.0 0.206
6.3 9.30 11.8 65.4 25.5 2.35 1.47 18.7 12.8 24.8 16.3 62.4 21.2 0.204
7.1 10.3 13.1 69.6 26.8 2.31 1.43 19.9 13.4 26.9 17.5 66.6 22.4 0.202
8.0 11.3 14.4 73.4 27.9 2.26 1.39 21.0 14.0 28.9 18.6 70.4 23.3 0.199
8.8 12.1 15.4 75.9 28.6 2.22 1.36 21.7 14.3 30.4 19.5 72.9 23.9 0.197
10.0 13.3 16.9 78.5 29.0 2.15 1.31 22.4 14.5 32.3 20.5 75.3 24.3 0.194
70 x 50 ● 2.9 5.13 6.53 44.3 26.1 2.60 2.00 12.7 10.4 15.4 12.2 52.0 16.6 0.233
● 3.2 5.62 7.16 48.0 28.2 2.59 1.99 13.7 11.3 16.8 13.2 56.5 18.0 0.232
● 3.6 6.27 7.98 52.8 30.9 2.57 1.97 15.1 12.4 18.5 14.6 62.4 19.7 0.231
● 4.0 6.90 8.79 57.2 33.5 2.55 1.95 16.4 13.4 20.3 16.0 68.0 21.2 0.230
● 4.5 7.67 9.77 62.5 36.4 2.53 1.93 17.9 14.6 22.3 17.5 74.6 23.1 0.228
● 5.0 8.42 10.7 67.3 39.0 2.50 1.91 19.2 15.6 24.3 19.0 80.8 24.8 0.227
● 5.6 9.30 11.8 72.7 41.9 2.48 1.88 20.8 16.8 26.5 20.7 87.7 26.6 0.226
● 6.3 10.3 13.1 78.2 44.9 2.44 1.85 22.3 18.0 28.9 22.5 95.0 28.4 0.224
● 7.1 11.4 14.5 83.7 47.7 2.40 1.82 23.9 19.1 31.3 24.4 102 30.2 0.222
● 8.0 12.5 16.0 88.8 50.3 2.36 1.78 25.4 20.1 33.9 26.2 110 31.9 0.219
● 8.8 13.5 17.2 92.5 52.1 2.32 1.74 26.4 20.8 35.8 27.6 115 33.0 0.217
● 10.0 14.9 18.9 96.6 53.9 2.26 1.69 27.6 21.6 38.3 29.4 121 34.2 0.214
● 11.0 15.9 20.3 98.8 54.7 2.21 1.64 28.2 21.9 40.0 30.6 124 34.7 0.212
● 12.5 17.3 22.1 100 55.0 2.13 1.58 28.6 22.0 41.9 31.7 127 34.9 0.208
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
90 x 50 3.2 6.63 8.44 89.1 35.3 3.25 2.04 19.8 14.1 24.6 16.2 80.9 23.6 0.272
3.6 7.40 9.42 98.3 38.7 3.23 2.03 21.8 15.5 27.2 18.0 89.4 25.9 0.271
4.0 8.15 10.4 107 41.9 3.21 2.01 23.8 16.8 29.8 19.6 97.5 28.0 0.270
4.5 9.08 11.6 117 45.7 3.19 1.99 26.1 18.3 33.0 21.6 107 30.5 0.268
5.0 9.99 12.7 127 49.2 3.16 1.97 28.3 19.7 36.0 23.5 116 32.9 0.267
5.6 11.1 14.1 138 53.0 3.13 1.94 30.7 21.2 39.4 25.7 127 35.4 0.266
6.3 12.3 15.6 150 57.0 3.10 1.91 33.3 22.8 43.2 28.0 138 38.1 0.264
7.1 13.6 17.3 162 60.9 3.06 1.88 36.0 24.4 47.2 30.5 149 40.7 0.262
8.0 15.0 19.2 174 64.6 3.01 1.84 38.6 25.8 51.4 32.9 160 43.2 0.259
8.8 16.3 20.7 183 67.2 2.97 1.80 40.6 26.9 54.8 34.9 169 45.0 0.257
10.0 18.0 22.9 194 70.2 2.91 1.75 43.0 28.1 59.3 37.4 179 47.1 0.254
11.0 19.4 24.7 201 71.9 2.85 1.71 44.6 28.8 62.5 39.1 186 48.3 0.252
12.5 21.3 27.1 208 73.2 2.77 1.64 46.2 29.3 66.5 41.1 192 49.2 0.248
100 x 50 3.6 7.96 10.1 128 42.6 3.55 2.05 25.6 17.0 32.1 19.6 103 29.0 0.291
4.0 8.78 11.2 140 46.2 3.53 2.03 27.9 18.5 35.2 21.5 113 31.4 0.290
4.5 9.79 12.5 153 50.4 3.51 2.01 30.7 20.2 39.0 23.7 124 34.3 0.288
5.0 10.8 13.7 167 54.3 3.48 1.99 33.3 21.7 42.6 25.8 135 36.9 0.287
5.6 11.9 15.2 181 58.6 3.45 1.96 36.2 23.4 46.8 28.2 147 39.8 0.286
6.3 13.3 16.9 197 63.0 3.42 1.93 39.4 25.2 51.3 30.8 160 42.9 0.284
7.1 14.7 18.7 214 67.5 3.38 1.90 42.7 27.0 56.3 33.5 173 46.0 0.282
8.0 16.3 20.8 230 71.7 3.33 1.86 46.0 28.7 61.4 36.3 186 48.9 0.279
8.8 17.6 22.5 243 74.8 3.29 1.82 48.5 29.9 65.6 38.5 197 51.1 0.277
10.0 19.6 24.9 259 78.4 3.22 1.77 51.8 31.4 71.2 41.4 209 53.6 0.274
11.0 21.1 26.9 269 80.5 3.17 1.73 53.9 32.2 75.4 43.4 218 55.1 0.272
12.5 23.2 29.6 281 82.3 3.08 1.67 56.3 32.9 80.7 45.8 226 56.4 0.268
100 x 60 3.6 8.53 10.9 145 64.8 3.65 2.44 28.9 21.6 35.6 24.9 142 35.6 0.311
4.0 9.41 12.0 158 70.5 3.63 2.43 31.6 23.5 39.1 27.3 156 38.7 0.310
4.5 10.5 13.4 174 77.3 3.61 2.40 34.8 25.8 43.3 30.1 172 42.4 0.308
5.0 11.6 14.7 189 83.6 3.58 2.38 37.8 27.9 47.4 32.9 188 45.9 0.307
5.6 12.8 16.3 206 90.6 3.55 2.36 41.2 30.2 52.0 36.1 205 49.7 0.306
6.3 14.2 18.1 225 98.1 3.52 2.33 45.0 32.7 57.3 39.5 224 53.8 0.304
7.1 15.8 20.2 244 106 3.48 2.29 48.8 35.3 62.9 43.2 245 58.0 0.302
8.0 17.5 22.4 264 113 3.44 2.25 52.8 37.8 68.7 47.1 265 62.2 0.299
8.8 19.0 24.2 279 119 3.40 2.22 55.9 39.7 73.6 50.2 282 65.4 0.297
10.0 21.1 26.9 299 126 3.33 2.16 59.9 42.1 80.2 54.4 304 69.3 0.294
11.0 22.8 29.1 313 131 3.28 2.12 62.7 43.6 85.2 57.4 319 71.9 0.292
12.5 25.2 32.1 329 136 3.21 2.06 65.9 45.2 91.6 61.2 336 74.8 0.288
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
120 x 80 4.0 11.9 15.2 303 161 4.46 3.25 50.4 40.2 61.2 46.1 330 65.0 0.390
4.5 13.3 17.0 335 177 4.44 3.23 55.8 44.3 68.0 51.2 366 71.6 0.388
5.0 14.7 18.7 365 193 4.42 3.21 60.9 48.2 74.6 56.1 401 77.9 0.387
5.6 16.3 20.8 401 211 4.39 3.18 66.8 52.7 82.3 61.8 442 85.0 0.386
6.3 18.2 23.2 440 230 4.36 3.15 73.3 57.6 91.0 68.2 487 92.9 0.384
7.1 20.3 25.8 482 251 4.32 3.12 80.3 62.8 100 75.2 535 101 0.382
8.0 22.6 28.8 525 273 4.27 3.08 87.5 68.1 111 82.6 587 110 0.379
8.8 24.5 31.3 561 290 4.24 3.04 93.5 72.4 119 88.7 629 117 0.377
10.0 27.4 34.9 609 313 4.18 2.99 102 78.1 131 97.3 688 126 0.374
11.0 29.7 37.9 645 329 4.13 2.95 108 82.2 140 104 732 132 0.372
12.5 33.0 42.1 692 349 4.05 2.88 115 87.4 153 113 789 141 0.368
14.2 36.6 46.6 734 367 3.97 2.81 122 91.8 166 121 843 148 0.363
140 x 70 4.0 12.6 16.0 404 136 5.02 2.91 57.7 38.8 71.7 44.0 325 66.0 0.410
4.5 14.0 17.9 447 149 5.00 2.89 63.8 42.7 79.7 48.8 360 72.6 0.408
5.0 15.5 19.7 488 163 4.98 2.87 69.8 46.5 87.6 53.5 394 79.0 0.407
5.6 17.2 21.9 536 177 4.95 2.84 76.6 50.7 96.7 58.9 433 86.2 0.406
6.3 19.2 24.4 589 194 4.91 2.81 84.2 55.3 107 65.0 477 94.0 0.404
7.1 21.4 27.3 647 211 4.87 2.78 92.4 60.2 118 71.5 523 102 0.402
8.0 23.8 30.4 707 228 4.82 2.74 101 65.1 130 78.5 572 111 0.399
8.8 25.9 33.0 756 242 4.78 2.71 108 69.1 141 84.3 613 118 0.397
10.0 29.0 36.9 823 260 4.72 2.65 118 74.3 155 92.3 668 127 0.394
11.0 31.4 40.1 874 273 4.67 2.61 125 78.0 166 98.5 708 133 0.392
12.5 35.0 44.6 939 289 4.59 2.55 134 82.6 182 107 761 141 0.388
14.2 38.8 49.4 1000 302 4.50 2.47 143 86.4 197 114 809 148 0.383
140 x 80 4.0 13.2 16.8 441 184 5.12 3.31 62.9 46.0 77.1 52.2 411 76.5 0.430
4.5 14.7 18.8 488 203 5.10 3.29 69.7 50.7 85.8 58.0 456 84.4 0.428
5.0 16.3 20.7 534 221 5.08 3.27 76.3 55.3 94.3 63.6 499 91.9 0.427
5.6 18.1 23.0 587 242 5.05 3.24 83.8 60.5 104 70.2 550 101 0.426
6.3 20.2 25.7 646 265 5.01 3.21 92.3 66.2 115 77.5 607 110 0.424
7.1 22.5 28.7 709 289 4.97 3.17 101 72.3 128 85.5 668 120 0.422
8.0 25.1 32.0 776 314 4.93 3.14 111 78.5 141 94.1 733 130 0.419
8.8 27.3 34.8 832 335 4.89 3.10 119 83.6 152 101 787 139 0.417
10.0 30.6 38.9 908 362 4.83 3.05 130 90.5 168 111 862 150 0.414
11.0 33.2 42.3 965 382 4.78 3.01 138 95.4 180 119 919 159 0.412
12.5 37.0 47.1 1040 407 4.70 2.94 149 102 198 130 994 169 0.408
14.2 41.0 52.3 1110 430 4.62 2.87 159 107 215 140 1070 179 0.403
150 x 50 ● 4.0 11.9 15.2 394 67.4 5.09 2.11 52.5 27.0 68.2 30.7 192 48.4 0.390
● 4.5 13.3 17.0 436 73.8 5.07 2.08 58.1 29.5 75.8 33.9 211 52.9 0.388
● 5.0 14.7 18.7 476 79.7 5.04 2.06 63.4 31.9 83.2 37.0 230 57.2 0.387
● 5.6 16.3 20.8 522 86.3 5.01 2.04 69.6 34.5 91.8 40.6 251 62.0 0.386
● 6.3 18.2 23.2 572 93.3 4.97 2.01 76.3 37.3 101 44.5 273 67.1 0.384
● 7.1 20.3 25.8 627 100 4.92 1.97 83.6 40.2 112 48.7 297 72.3 0.382
● 8.0 22.6 28.8 683 107 4.87 1.93 91.1 43.0 123 53.1 321 77.4 0.379
● 8.8 24.6 31.3 729 113 4.83 1.90 97.2 45.1 133 56.7 340 81.3 0.377
● 10.0 27.4 34.9 792 119 4.76 1.85 106 47.7 146 61.4 364 86.1 0.374
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
180 x 80 ● 4.5 17.6 22.4 911 254 6.38 3.37 101 63.6 127 71.6 641 110 0.508
● 5.0 19.4 24.7 1000 277 6.36 3.35 111 69.4 140 78.6 703 120 0.507
● 5.6 21.6 27.5 1100 304 6.33 3.32 122 76.0 155 86.8 774 132 0.506
● 6.3 24.1 30.7 1220 333 6.29 3.29 135 83.4 172 96.1 855 144 0.504
● 7.1 27.0 34.4 1340 365 6.25 3.26 149 91.2 191 106 943 158 0.502
● 8.0 30.1 38.4 1480 397 6.20 3.22 164 99.4 211 117 1040 172 0.499
● 8.8 32.8 41.8 1590 424 6.16 3.18 177 106 229 126 1110 184 0.497
● 10.0 36.8 46.9 1750 461 6.10 3.13 194 115 254 139 1220 199 0.494
● 11.0 40.1 51.1 1870 487 6.05 3.09 208 122 274 149 1310 211 0.492
● 12.5 44.8 57.1 2030 522 5.97 3.03 226 131 302 163 1420 227 0.488
180 x 100 5.0 21.0 26.7 1150 460 6.57 4.15 128 92.0 157 104 1040 154 0.547
5.6 23.4 29.8 1270 506 6.54 4.12 141 101 174 115 1150 169 0.546
6.3 26.1 33.3 1410 557 6.50 4.09 156 111 194 128 1280 186 0.544
7.1 29.2 37.2 1560 613 6.47 4.06 173 123 215 142 1410 205 0.542
8.0 32.6 41.6 1710 671 6.42 4.02 190 134 239 157 1560 224 0.539
8.8 35.6 45.4 1850 720 6.38 3.98 205 144 259 170 1690 240 0.537
10.0 40.0 50.9 2040 787 6.32 3.93 226 157 288 188 1860 263 0.534
11.0 43.5 55.5 2180 839 6.27 3.89 243 168 311 203 2000 280 0.532
12.5 48.7 62.1 2380 908 6.20 3.82 265 182 344 223 2190 303 0.528
14.2 54.4 69.3 2590 974 6.11 3.75 288 195 378 244 2390 326 0.523
16.0 60.1 76.6 2780 1030 6.02 3.67 309 207 411 264 2560 346 0.519
17.5 64.7 82.5 2910 1070 5.94 3.61 324 215 437 278 2690 359 0.515
200 x 100 6.3 28.1 35.8 1830 613 7.15 4.14 183 123 228 140 1470 208 0.584
7.1 31.4 40.0 2020 674 7.11 4.10 202 135 254 155 1630 229 0.582
8.0 35.1 44.8 2230 739 7.06 4.06 223 148 282 172 1800 251 0.579
8.8 38.4 48.9 2410 793 7.02 4.03 241 159 306 186 1950 270 0.577
10.0 43.1 54.9 2660 869 6.96 3.98 266 174 341 206 2160 295 0.574
11.0 47.0 59.9 2860 926 6.91 3.93 286 185 369 222 2320 315 0.572
12.5 52.7 67.1 3140 1000 6.84 3.87 314 201 408 245 2540 341 0.568
14.2 58.9 75.0 3420 1080 6.75 3.80 342 216 450 268 2770 368 0.563
16.0 65.2 83.0 3680 1150 6.66 3.72 368 229 491 290 2980 391 0.559
17.5 70.2 89.5 3870 1190 6.58 3.65 387 239 523 307 3140 407 0.555
200 x 120 6.3 30.1 38.3 2070 929 7.34 4.92 207 155 253 177 2030 255 0.624
7.1 33.7 42.9 2290 1030 7.30 4.89 229 171 281 197 2250 282 0.622
8.0 37.6 48.0 2530 1130 7.26 4.85 253 188 313 218 2490 310 0.619
8.8 41.1 52.4 2730 1220 7.22 4.82 273 203 340 237 2700 334 0.617
10.0 46.3 58.9 3030 1340 7.17 4.76 303 223 379 263 3000 367 0.614
11.0 50.4 64.3 3260 1430 7.12 4.72 326 239 410 284 3240 393 0.612
12.5 56.6 72.1 3580 1560 7.04 4.66 358 260 455 314 3570 428 0.608
14.2 63.3 80.7 3910 1690 6.96 4.58 391 282 503 346 3920 464 0.603
16.0 70.2 89.4 4220 1810 6.87 4.50 422 302 550 377 4250 497 0.599
17.5 75.7 96.5 4460 1900 6.80 4.44 446 317 586 400 4500 521 0.595
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
260 x 180 6.3 41.9 53.4 5170 2930 9.83 7.40 397 325 475 369 5810 524 0.864
7.1 47.0 59.9 5750 3250 9.80 7.37 442 362 531 412 6480 581 0.862
8.0 52.7 67.2 6390 3610 9.75 7.33 492 401 592 459 7220 644 0.859
8.8 57.7 73.5 6940 3910 9.72 7.30 534 435 645 500 7860 698 0.857
10.0 65.1 82.9 7740 4350 9.66 7.24 595 483 724 560 8800 775 0.854
11.0 71.2 90.7 8380 4700 9.62 7.20 645 522 787 608 9550 837 0.852
12.5 80.1 102 9300 5200 9.54 7.13 715 577 879 679 10640 924 0.848
14.2 90.1 115 10280 5720 9.46 7.06 791 635 980 755 11820 1020 0.843
16.0 100 128 11250 6230 9.38 6.98 865 692 1080 831 12990 1110 0.839
280 x 250 ● 6.3 50.8 64.8 7820 6580 11.0 10.1 559 526 650 602 10970 802 1.04
● 7.1 57.1 72.7 8720 7330 11.0 10.0 623 586 727 673 12270 893 1.04
● 8.0 64.0 81.6 9710 8160 10.9 10.0 694 653 813 752 13700 992 1.04
● 8.8 70.1 89.4 10570 8880 10.9 9.97 755 710 888 821 14950 1080 1.04
● 10.0 79.2 101 11830 9920 10.8 9.91 845 794 998 923 16780 1200 1.03
● 11.0 86.7 110 12840 10760 10.8 9.87 917 861 1090 1010 18280 1300 1.03
● 12.5 97.8 125 14290 11970 10.7 9.80 1020 958 1220 1130 20460 1450 1.03
● 14.2 110 140 15870 13280 10.6 9.73 1130 1060 1360 1260 22830 1600 1.02
● 16.0 123 157 17450 14580 10.6 9.65 1250 1170 1510 1390 25250 1760 1.02
300 x 100 ● 6.3 38.0 48.4 5110 890 10.3 4.29 341 178 439 199 2500 319 0.784
● 7.1 42.6 54.2 5680 981 10.2 4.25 379 196 490 221 2780 352 0.782
● 8.0 47.7 60.8 6310 1080 10.2 4.21 420 216 546 245 3070 387 0.779
● 8.8 52.2 66.5 6840 1160 10.1 4.18 456 232 594 266 3320 416 0.777
● 10.0 58.8 74.9 7610 1280 10.1 4.13 508 255 666 296 3680 458 0.774
● 11.0 64.3 81.9 8230 1360 10.0 4.08 549 273 723 320 3960 490 0.772
● 12.5 72.3 92.1 9100 1490 9.94 4.02 607 297 806 354 4350 534 0.768
● 14.2 81.1 103 10030 1610 9.85 3.94 669 321 896 390 4750 578 0.763
● 16.0 90.3 115 10930 1720 9.75 3.87 729 344 986 425 5140 619 0.759
300 x 150 ● 7.1 48.2 61.3 7210 2440 10.8 6.31 480 325 594 366 5800 554 0.882
● 8.0 54.0 68.8 8010 2700 10.8 6.27 534 360 663 407 6450 613 0.879
● 8.8 59.1 75.3 8710 2930 10.8 6.23 580 390 723 443 7020 664 0.877
● 10.0 66.7 84.9 9720 3250 10.7 6.18 648 433 811 496 7840 736 0.874
● 11.0 72.9 92.9 10530 3500 10.6 6.14 702 467 882 539 8500 793 0.872
● 12.5 82.1 105 11690 3860 10.6 6.07 779 514 986 600 9450 874 0.868
● 14.2 92.3 118 12930 4230 10.5 6.00 862 564 1100 666 10460 959 0.863
● 16.0 103 131 14160 4590 10.4 5.92 944 613 1210 732 11460 1040 0.859
● 17.5 111 142 15120 4870 10.3 5.86 1010 649 1300 785 12250 1100 0.855
300 x 200 6.3 47.9 61.0 7830 4190 11.3 8.29 522 419 624 472 8480 681 0.984
7.1 53.7 68.4 8730 4670 11.3 8.26 582 467 698 528 9470 757 0.982
8.0 60.3 76.8 9720 5180 11.3 8.22 648 518 779 589 10560 840 0.979
8.8 66.0 84.1 10570 5630 11.2 8.18 705 563 851 643 11510 912 0.977
10.0 74.5 94.9 11820 6280 11.2 8.13 788 628 956 721 12910 1020 0.974
11.0 81.5 104 12820 6800 11.1 8.09 855 680 1040 784 14040 1100 0.972
12.5 91.9 117 14270 7540 11.0 8.02 952 754 1170 877 15680 1220 0.968
14.2 103 132 15830 8330 11.0 7.95 1060 833 1300 978 17460 1340 0.963
16.0 115 147 17390 9110 10.9 7.87 1160 911 1440 1080 19250 1470 0.959
17.5 125 159 18620 9720 10.8 7.81 1240 972 1550 1160 20680 1570 0.955
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Note: The dimensions shown in grey fields are the most common and should be given preference.
For all other dimensions, minimum ordering quantities must be observed.
Dimensions marked “ ● ” are supplementary dimensions whose availability should be checked before ordering.
x x
Size Thickness Mass per Cross- Second moment Radius of Elastic section Plastic section Torsional Torsional Superficial
unit sectional of area* gyration* modulus* modulus* inertia modulus area per
length area constant constant metre length
HxB T M A Ixx* Iyy* ixx* iyy* Welxx* Welyy* Wplxx* Wplyy* It Ct As
mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
450 x 250 6.3 67.7 86.2 24070 9760 16.7 10.6 1070 781 1290 863 21630 1310 1.38
7.1 76.0 96.8 26920 10890 16.7 10.6 1200 871 1450 967 24220 1460 1.38
8.0 85.4 109 30080 12140 16.6 10.6 1340 971 1620 1080 27080 1630 1.38
8.8 93.6 119 32840 13230 16.6 10.5 1460 1060 1770 1180 29590 1770 1.38
10.0 106 135 36890 14820 16.5 10.5 1640 1190 2000 1330 33280 1990 1.37
11.0 116 148 40200 16110 16.5 10.4 1790 1290 2190 1450 36300 2160 1.37
12.5 131 167 45030 17970 16.4 10.4 2000 1440 2460 1630 40720 2410 1.37
14.2 148 189 50310 20000 16.3 10.3 2240 1600 2760 1830 45580 2680 1.36
16.0 166 211 55710 22040 16.2 10.2 2480 1760 3070 2030 50550 2950 1.36
500 x 200 ● 6.3 67.7 86.2 27240 6560 17.8 8.72 1090 656 1360 716 16920 1150 1.38
● 7.1 76.0 96.8 30470 7310 17.7 8.69 1220 731 1520 802 18920 1290 1.38
● 8.0 85.4 109 34050 8140 17.7 8.65 1360 814 1710 896 21120 1430 1.38
● 8.8 93.6 119 37170 8850 17.7 8.61 1490 885 1870 979 23050 1560 1.38
● 10.0 106 135 41760 9890 17.6 8.56 1670 989 2100 1100 25870 1740 1.37
● 11.0 116 148 45490 10730 17.5 8.52 1820 1070 2300 1200 28170 1880 1.37
● 12.5 131 167 50960 11940 17.5 8.45 2040 1190 2590 1350 31510 2100 1.37
● 14.2 148 189 56940 13240 17.4 8.38 2280 1320 2900 1510 35170 2320 1.36
● 16.0 166 211 63040 14540 17.3 8.30 2520 1450 3230 1670 38870 2550 1.36
500 x 300 7.1 87.2 111 39100 17870 18.8 12.7 1560 1190 1870 1320 38020 1970 1.58
8.0 97.9 125 43730 19950 18.7 12.6 1750 1330 2100 1480 42560 2200 1.58
8.8 107 137 47780 21770 18.7 12.6 1910 1450 2300 1620 46550 2400 1.58
10.0 122 155 53760 24440 18.6 12.6 2150 1630 2590 1830 52450 2700 1.57
11.0 133 170 58650 26610 18.6 12.5 2350 1770 2840 1990 57280 2930 1.57
12.5 151 192 65810 29780 18.5 12.5 2630 1990 3200 2240 64390 3280 1.57
14.2 170 217 73700 33240 18.4 12.4 2950 2220 3590 2520 72240 3660 1.56
16.0 191 243 81780 36770 18.3 12.3 3270 2450 4010 2800 80330 4040 1.56
*Axis designations in accordance with EN 10 210; in some design standards, these axes are designated y-y, z-z.
Tolerance on y
wall thickness T . . . . –10%
For seamless sections, local
deviations of –12.5% are
B or H
permissible. x x
Permissible out-of-
roundness O . . . . . . . . . 2% T
x2 x1
x2 x1
Out-of-roundness is calculated y
x 100 %
determined by the maximum side length
weight. The values of permissible concav-
ity or convexity apply independ-
ent of the tolerances on external
y C1 and C2 . . . . . . . . . max. 3 T
(wall thickness)
The distance between the inter-
section of the flat side and the
x x
MSH sections
1. Unalloyed and fine grain 355 minimum yield strength J2 minimum notched-bar
structural steels
(N/mm2) for impact energy: 27 J at –20°C
The use of specially killed steels and normalizing rolling are standard features in the
manufacture of MSH sections, which puts them in the highest quality class in terms
of open section standards.
The steel designations are new; 2. Special steels and SG 50 feature high yield tures. The steels contain sufficient
however, the mechanical and strength as well as good welding alloying additions to ensure a
technological properties have 2.1 High-strength MSH special and processing characteristics. fine grain microstructure. The
been retained. To facilitate com- grades SG 40 and SG 50 Compared with conventional nitrogen content (max. 0.020%)
prehension, the above table col- MSH sections in these steels are structural steels, SG 40 and SG 50 is combined in vanadium, nio-
lates and compares EN 10 210-1, used chiefly in vehicle and farm- permit the use of smaller MSH bium, and/or aluminium nitrides.
DIN 17 100, DIN 17 120 and ing equipment construction, and sections under identical load con- This ensures no free nitrogen is
DIN 17 121 standards for general in general mechanical engineer- ditions. This translates into fur- present in the metal. MSH sections
structural steels with EN 10 025. ing. ther considerable savings in in SG 40 and SG 50 comply with
The high-strength steels devel- weight and space requirements in EN 10 210 requirements. They
oped under the designation SG 40 the design of MSH section struc- are supplied with an acceptance
test certificate according to DIN 3. Other steel grades 4. Application of MSH sec-
50 049-3.1B (mill acceptance), MSH sections are available in a tions at low temperatures
which contains the results of all wide range of materials to match In welded structures, material
tests carried out on the delivered the most varied application and failure due to embrittlement must
products. processing requirements. be avoided by appropriate materi-
Preheating before welding may be als selection. Besides the steel
advantageous, but a post-weld 3.1 Weathering structural steels grade itself and the intended
heat treatment is generally not MSH sections in Mannesmann service temperature, major influ-
necessary. However, under special Acor weathering structural steels encing factors in this context
conditions, stress relieving after are supplied in accordance with include the wall thickness and
welding may be recommendable. the “Guidelines for the delivery, stress conditions. The table shows
Further information is included in processing, and use of weathering the maximum permissible wall
Data Sheet 044 R. structural steels” issued by the thickness of MSH sections as a
German Steel Construction Com- function of the service tempera-
2.2 Boron-alloyed special steel mittee (DASt Ri 007, May 1993). ture of welded structures under
SG 65 B Further information is contained high stresses, i.e. Ed ( Ed = 0.75
This steel grade which is supplied in Data Sheets 030 R and 031 R. x fy(t) + 100 N/mm2).
in the as-rolled condition can be We will be pleased to send you At lower levels of yield strength
subsequently heat treated to raise free copies of these or any other utilization, greater wall thick-
the yield strength to around 650 Data Sheets you may require. nesses can be used (cf. DASt
N/mm2. MSH sections in this Guideline 009: Recommendations
material are used in vehicle and 3.2 Quenched and tempered concerning materials selection for
farming equipment construction, fine grain structural steels welded steel structures, Septem-
and in general mechanical engi- in diverse grades. Further infor- ber 1998 (Draft), published by
neering. Further information is mation is contained in our 200 Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahl-
contained in Data Sheet 045 R. series Data Sheets. bau / German Steel Construction
Maximum permissible wall thickness t of MSH sections as a function of the steel grade for diverse service
temperatures T and high design stresses Ed
Test Minimum
0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
temperature average value
°C Joule Maximum permissible wall thickness t in mm
S 235 JRH 20 27 50 40 35 30 25 20
S 275 J0H 0 27 60 50 40 35 30 25
S 275 J2H -20 27 90 75 60 50 40 35
S 355 J0H 0 27 50 40 30 25 20 15
S 355 J2H -20 27 70 60 50 40 30 25
S 275 NH -20 40 100 90 75 60 50 40
S 275 NLH -50 27 100 100 100 90 75 60
S 355 NH -20 40 90 70 60 50 40 30
S 355 NLH -50 27 100 100 90 70 60 50
S 460 NH -20 40 70 60 45 40 30 25
S 460 NLH -50 27 100 85 70 60 45 40
5. Conversion table Tensile Vickers Brinell hardness Rockwell Tensile Vickers Brinell hardness Rockwell
for hardness (Vickers, Brinell, strength hardness hardness strength hardness hardness
Rockwell) and tensile strength
N/mm2 (F ≥ 98 N) [0.102 x F 2= 30 N 2] HRB HRC HRA N/mm2 (F ≥ 98 N) [0.102 x F 2= 30 N 2] HRB HRC HRA
values D mm D mm
The bracketed figures denote hardness values outside the range of definition of standardized hardness tests
which in practice are nevertheless frequently used as approximate values.
Supporting structure in
an indoor swimming pool
in Bregenz (Austria)
2. Recommendations for
static design
Recommendations for static
design have been made the sub-
ject of a whole series of Technical
Information publications (TIs),
see page 50. Of special interest in
the context of this brochure is
Technical Information 2, which
deals with the following topics:
• Hollow sections under com-
pressive and torsional stresses
• Flat structures from MSH 3. Tendering MSH sections 4. Available lengths Large MSH sections
sections Whether for tendering procedures When tendering MSH sections it
• Hollow sections exposed to or static design calculations – an must be considered that they are
moment loads (Vierendeel accurate product description is usually stocked in lengths of 12 to
girders) mandatory because it is the only 14 m. On request, certain sizes can
• Torsionally rigid framing way to ensure that no other than be manufactured in lengths of up to
corners made of rectangular the sections specified in the 16 m. For technical reasons, sec-
hollow sections stress-strain analysis are used for tions with wall thicknesses of
• Stiffened joint of rectangular a given project. Here is the cor- approximately 25 mm and greater
hollow sections and axially rect product designation: can only be produced in shorter
loaded members Hot-finished MSH sections lengths. Detailed information is
• Three-flange girder with three- according to EN 10 210. readily available on request.
dimensional joint If the standard grade S 355 J2H
• Joining hollow sections with according to EN 10 210-1 is used,
the aid of junction plates the material properties must be
verified by means of the obliga-
The behaviour of MSH sections is tory acceptance test certificate
verified in line with DIN 18 808 3.1 B.
and DIN ENV 1993-1-1 (Euro-
code 3) requirements. It goes For steel grade S 235 JRH, a 2.2
without saying that the latest mill certificate may suffice unless
safety and design concepts have the latest issue of the applicable
been employed throughout. technical rules (in Germany: Bau-
regelliste A) specifies other
– Hohlprofile unter Druck und Torsionsbeanspruchung
– Ebene Fachwerke aus MSH (auch Vierendeelträger)
– Biegesteife Rahmenecken aus Rechteckhohlprofilen
– Ausgesteifte Rechteckhohlprofilknoten
– Dreigurtbinder mit räumlichen Knoten
– Anschlüsse von Hohlprofilen über Knotenbleche
(nominal charge: A 20.00)
TI 3 Schweißen und Biegen von MSH-Profilen ●
– Wassergekühlte MSH-Profile
– Betonfüllung von Stützen aus MSH-Profilen
– Brandschutz-Bemessung von unbekleideten, betongefüllten
Hohlprofilstützen, Tabellen und Diagramme
(nominal charge: A 10.00)
Title Language
MSH reprints
– Manufacturing programme, TI 0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
section structures
(nominal charge: A 15.00)
8- Design guide for circular and rectangular hollow section welded ● ● ●
Title Language
MSH software
– PC program “MSH-STACOM” on CD-ROM ● ● ● ● ●
The software
Download at