Research On CREATE Law
Research On CREATE Law
Research On CREATE Law
The CREATE Act is the second package of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program that
reduces the corporate income tax (CIT) rate from 30% to 20%. The following are its
salient features:
1. CIT rate is reduced from 30% to 25% for large corporations, and 20% for small and
medium corporations with net taxable income not exceeding P5 million, and total assets
not exceeding P100 million (excluding land) effective July 1, 2020;
2. Minimum CIT (MCIT) rate is reduced from 2% to 1% effective July 1, 2020 to June
30, 2023;
3. Percentage Tax is reduced from 3% to 1% effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023;
5. Qualified export enterprises shall be entitled to four to seven years Income Tax
Holiday (ITH) to be followed by 10 years 5% Special CIT (SCIT) or enhanced
6. Qualified domestic market enterprises shall be entitled to four to seven years ITH to
be followed by five years enhanced deductions;
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued several revenue regulations to fully
implement the CREATE Law. For easy reference, here’s a summary list of revenue
issuances dated April 8, 2021:
a. RR No. 2-2021 which amends certain provisions of RR No. 2-98, as amended, to
implement the amendments introduced by the CREATE Act to the National Internal
Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended, relative to the Final Tax on certain passive
b. RR No. 3-2021 prescribes the rules and regulations to implement Section 3 of the
CREATE Act, amending Section 20 of NIRC of 1997;
c. RR No. 4-2021 implements the provisions on VAT and Percentage Tax under the
CREATE Act, which further amended the NIRC of 1997, as amended, as implemented by
RR No. 16-2005, as amended;
d. RR No. 5-2021 implements new Income Tax rates on the regular income of
corporations, on certain passive incomes, including additional allowable deductions from
Gross Income of persons engaged in business or practice of profession pursuant to the
CREATE Act, which further amended the NIRC of 1997.
To serve as a tax guide especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), here are
some of the most frequently asked questions on the CREATE Law:
1. Will small businesses benefit from CREATE law? How about one-person
Yes. Small corporations including one-person corporations with net taxable income not
exceeding P5 million and total assets not exceeding P100 million (excluding land) will
be subject to only 20% CIT effective July 1, 2020.
Yes. It’s applicable to all non-VAT registered taxpayers with annual gross sales of P3
million and below, effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023.
3. If you filed an annual income tax return before the issuance of revenue
regulations on CREATE law, can you amend it to apply the reduced CIT rate?
Yes. RMC 46-2021 allows amendment of filed tax returns on or before May 15, 2021
without penalty. Any excess payment due to the reduced tax rate may be carried over
as credit in the next period or may be filed for refund.
No. It’s only for domestic MSME corporations. Foreign corporations subject to the
regular rate will use 25% similar to other domestic corporations.
Yes. The income tax exemptions granted to non-stock and non-profit proprietary
educational institutions were not repealed. Non-profit and proprietary educational
institutions will be subject to a reduced special rate of 1% effective July 1, 2020 to June
30, 2023.
To know more about the CREATE law, you can watch the BIR’s free webinar on its
Facebook and YouTube channel. You may also join the Elite Taxpayer Circle and attend
the exclusive CREATE webinar for free which was organized by the Asian Consulting
Group. For inquiries, send an e-mail to or call +632 7622-7720.
This article reflects the personal opinion of the author and does not reflect the official
stand of the Management Association of the Philippines or MAP.
Raymond “Mon” A. Abrea is a member of the MAP Ease of Doing Business Committee,
the Founding Chair and Senior Tax Advisor of the Asian Consulting Group and the Co-
Chair of the Paying Taxes — EODB Task Force. He is Trustee of the Center for Strategic
Reforms of the Philippines — the advocacy partner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue,
Department of Trade and Industry, and Anti-Red Tape Authority on ease of doing
business and tax reform.
Republic Act (RA) No. 11534, otherwise known as the Corporate Recovery and Tax
Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act was created by the Philippine Congress in
response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a fiscal relief to domestic and foreign
corporations doing business in the Philippines. It seeks to amend several provisions in
the old Tax Code, with a central focus on lowering corporate income tax rates and
rationalizing fiscal incentives to better attract local and foreign investments in the
President Rodrigo Duterte signed CREATE into law on March 26, 2021, with a number of
vetoed provisions. It was published in the Business Mirror on March 27 and took effect
on April 11, 2021.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, CREATE Act was initially known as TRABAHO bill (or Tax
Reform for Attracting Better and Higher-quality Opportunities). When the bill failed to
pass Congress, it was renamed to CITIRA (or Corporate Income Tax and Incentives
Reform Act), which also failed to pass Congress because it was deemed as a non-
priority and non-urgent bill during the outbreak of COVID-19. The addition of COVID-19
related provisions propelled the passage of the bill into law.
Income Tax Holiday (ITH) granted for a period of 4 to 7 years, followed by the
Special Corporate Income Tax Rate of 5% on gross income earned (GIE), in lieu of
all national and local taxes, or enhanced deductions (ED) for 5 or 10 years (the
incentive period varies depending on which area the registered project or
activity will be located)
Duty exemption on importation of capital equipment, raw materials, spare parts,
or accessories
VAT exemption on importation and VAT zero-rating on local purchase (partly
vetoed by the President)
The Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP) shall define the coverage of the tiers
and provide the conditions for qualifying activities:
o For export enterprises:
Location/Industry Tiers Tier I Tier II Tier III
o For domestic market enterprises:
Location/Industry Tiers Tier I Tier II Tier III